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Fx Male Cherubian's Carnal Concoctions


Aug 30, 2010

Cherubian promised to let me have her any way I wanted if I told you all how awesome she is, so: She is super awesome

I never fapped harder than when I roleplayed with Cherubian

I will see a sawhorse through different eyes now ...

Dear fellow denizens of Blue Moon, I need your help.

My mind is haunted with thought fragments of a decidedly erotic nature. Sensual story components that are just begging to be coalesced into something more coherent. A steamy and fantastic tale about the perilous adventures of a most alluring adventuress. A heart warming tale about an eerie lithe beauty being pounded relentlessly by an old pervert. Or several. A … I think you get the idea by now. And I would love to have a friendly partner in the endeavor to organize these stray puzzle pieces into an exciting story.

That partner can be you!

What sort of story?

Wow, I like your enthusiasm. Before we get to that I find it necessary to go over a technical but rather essential detail. I very much prefer to conduct these roleplays via some form of instant messengers. My current favorite is Discord, though if all it takes to get the roleplay of my dreams is to download another client then that shall not be an obstacle. I simply like the perks of quick paced responses and interaction that make it a lot easier to build mood and excitement and tension than when there are day long gaps after each post. The downside of this is that our schedules will have to align. During the week I am usually available starting around 8 pm, CEST (Central European Time). During the weekends I am more flexible.

If playing via instant messenger with me is not an option for you for some valid reason but you still like what you get to read in this thread a lot, go ahead and contact me still. It might take a bit more to convince me to try forum, PM, or another more persistent medium, but the chance is there.

What sort of story?

Still with me? Great!

First of all, which should not come as a surprise here on Blue Moon, I am looking for stories of an erotic nature with clearly adult content. However, that should not be the sole focus. I am loathe to give smut:story ratios as that to me views the two as separate entities. They are not, or rather should not be. For me the best way to present fornication related scenes is to embed them into a suitably titilating plot that builds tension and leads up to an exciting rutting. Constructing interesting circumstances and constellations can make all this so much more fun that a figleaf of an intro in the vein of 'I think you are hot, you think I am hot, we get naked and get to it' followed by an overlong drawn out but very detailed account of the mechanical execution. That does not mean all of the plot should solely serve to lead to the next intercourse, either. Providing a good, enthralling story around the carnal acts will lift the whole experience up another level or two. So in short: Plot is hot. Or should be.

In these stories I am looking to play a competent and powerful protagonist. I just can not find any appeal in enacting a helpless damsel in distress that has nothing better to do than swoon over the strappingly hand- and awesome male who deigns to rescue and aid her. Or alternatively be a helpless victim to suffer whatever sex laden fate the males that make up her distress have in mind for her. This does not mean I want to play an all time dominant goddess that shatters all opposition with a flick of her little finger. It should take two flicks at the very least. :) Joking aside, a well dosed level of opposition does enrich the story as long as it is not a railroad to her defeat and subsequent sexual use and an eventual bad end. I am a good end enthusiast. More on that later.

As you can already tell there is a heavy focus on the female protagonist, and consequently I am looking for a partner who is willing to take up the mantle of a GM. For me it is just more alluring to not know in advance around which other characters the story will center, as happens to be the case in classical one-on-one roleplays. Naturally there will be more prominent characters, and there will be planning at least of the initial stages of the plot, but I like to keep that option of freedom and not being tied to just a single male. Maybe you enjoy such uncertainty as much as I do?

Setting wise low magic fantasy just has to be my favorite. The works of Robert E. Howard about Conan the Barbarian are a good example of what I am looking for. A world based on our own antiquity – I prefer that period to the middle ages – with some supernatural touches that however are not as blatant or frequent as in your regular D&D setting. Users of magic should be rare and as a whole not powerful generalists. Overabundance of magic – or technology which can take the same role in a science fiction setting – in my experience just detracts the plot from the characters towards the gimmicky, the magic respectively gadgets at your disposal. Readily available magic also carries the risk of lazy storytelling by ad-libbing yet another spell or magical effect whenever you need a new plot device.

Recently I have also become increasingly enamored with modern day super hero settings. Like with fantasy above I do prefer the lower end of the power spectrum here as well.

So what turns you on? Or off?

A decent summary of my preferences can be found here. There are, however, some aspects I would like to point out specifically that are of significant importance to me.

The first is nonconsensual sex. In short, I abhor it. The classical trope of the heroine getting defeated and subsequently raped is a no go for me, as is any scene where she helplessly and without any control over the situation has to participate in whatever carnal demands are made, for example via the use of mind control. This does not mean there should never be any form of defeat of hers, but there are other ways to resolve this than rape.

A fine line has to be drawn here, though, since I am a big fan of pseudo rapey action. Maybe 'empowered submission' is a better term to describe this. In essence it encompasses all scenes where by a conscious decision the female protagonist yields to the male(s) even though she would not have to, often giving the false impression that she is no longer in control of her fate. Like when she does not overwhelm the bandits that ambushed her immediately so they will lead her to their secret hideout. Or when she pretends a mind control attempt on her worked while it did not. Or when she lets herself be dragged into a dark alley by some lowly thug simply because she is in the mood for some rougher sex. Why should darker kinks be exclusive to the writers and not be shared with the characters? This fetish of mine is probably one of the reasons I so much prefer to play competent characters, ideally with an additional hidden supernatural edge. That can serve as the perfect enabler.

As a corollary to this – blame my inferiority complex – I am even uncomfortable with consensual scenes where the involved males are as or even more individually powerful than my character.

Second, there is nudity. I know there are writers out there who enjoy the elaborate garments a female can potentially wear during copulation, how they can enhance the act. I am not one of them. To me the idea of textiles clinging to my skin during copulation is oppressive and uncomfortable. As a rule of thumb during carnal acts, and that includes performing oral sex, our protagonist should, barring some minor accessories, be naked from elbow to knee at the very least.

This is not symmetrical, though. The thought of a male merely unlatching his pants and bringing out his tool to go down on the naked girl who is spreading her legs for him is quite exciting. So, none of the above restrictions apply to characters other than the protagonist. As to the why, all I can offer is the time worn 'that's how I roll'.

Tying into this, I am very partial to scenes involving exhibitionism, intentional or not. Not every erotic segment needs to end in penetration. Sometimes it can be just as enjoyable if the female heroines nude form is exposed in circumstances where this usually is not appropriate. Maybe she is also fondled and groped, but not more than that.

Thirdly, I have grown a bit worn out from all those strappingly muscular males with their rugged good looks trying to get into my character's pants. There maybe scenes where this is appropriate, but otherwise I am a great fan of imperfect, unattractive men – or nonhuman equivalents - making their advances. It makes sense that the rich older merchant has a physique showing his age and wealth with his youthful strength gone replaced by a visible gut. Just let him be like that.

And, lastly for now, in scenes involving multiple males that intend to fornicate with the female protagonist I am a big proponent of a serial approach, I.e the males taking turns with the female, sloppy seconds and dirty talk all inclusive. I find that more enjoyable and also more 'realistic' than them trying to occupy as many orifices of her as soon as possible. Triple penetration to me seems like an invention of the porn industry.

Do you have more specific examples of what you are looking for?

Sure I do. Allow me to list a few plot setups I do find intriguing but have not been able to enact properly yet. You may notice some recurring themes. They are probably intentional.

Our lovely heroine was hired to participate as one of the fighters in an an unarmed gladiatorial fight at a party. Once there she was offered a substantial raise if she were willing to fight in the nude. Not a shy person she again accepted, realizing that everyone expected her to lose and get fucked.

However she made short work of her opponent. So, in a desperate bid to satisfy his patron's appetites, the master of ceremonies offered her substantial additional pay ... if she were accepting a rematch, and willing to lose on purpose.

It seemed simple at first. A noble had hired her to steal a valuable item from his rival in the neighboring city. The old and overweight pervert's eyes were glued to her cleavage during most of their negotiations, but she did not mind that as long as the pay was good, and it was, so she accepted.

The mission itself turned out more difficult than expected. As if her target had been waiting for her. But our heroine is far more powerful than she appears, so she prevailed and pulled off the heist successfully.

The real surprise awaits her when she returns, eager for her reward. She was never expected to succeed. The two nobles are in fact good friends and kindred spirit perverts, and her slender busty self was intended as present from one of them to the other.

That plan has failed. But what happens now?

Adventuring has its perks, but also its drawbacks. Dangers everywhere, most uncomfortable lodging a vast majority of the time, and financial success is far from guaranteed. So when a rich old patron offers our protagonist a well paid permanent employment opportunity she is rather tempted to accept. She does not even mind that she has to pose as a dancer or courtesan to cover her true job as bodyguard, or so he says.

But is it truly her prodigious skillset he is after? Or do his main interests lie in her exotic and alluring looks and her impressive breast to waist ratio? Does he really need a bodyguard, or a showpiece? And what about all the other males she encounters during her stay in the vast metropolis?

Not to mention that the schemes her new employer is involved in can be every bit as dangerous as a remote ancient ruin in the middle of a hostile jungle.

This is the setup for my recently developed affection to super hero settings.

The protagonist is a regular 20 year old university student. Smart and slender, but sadly rather flat chested and of only average looks. She also shares this nice hobby here with us spending several nights a week on erotic role playing sites. Then the event happens and she obtains super powers. The package also includes a cup size increase by several letters and a subtle beautification of her facial features.

Once she has the hang on her super powers she also begins to realize that all those lewd fantasies she so far has only lived out virtually - because it just is too dangerous to go with a lecherous stranger – are now far less risky. Now if the guy goes too far, she has a very effective means to stop him.

With that epiphany behind her she begins to experiment whenever she feels like taking a break from coming to grips with her new life situation and her making up her mind about how to but her abilities to use. Will she become a hero? A villain? Will she try to stay in obscurity?

This would be inspired about the typical origin movies out there, with an erotic twist. The focus would be less on a clash between super powered individuals and more on our protagonist's interactions with the regular humans around her.

The setting for this would be an ancient metropolis resembling the Rome of antiquity.

Our heroine is the youngest daughter of a higher noble family. Prior to her birth, her mother like several other rich women fell for a charlatan alchemist who would - for a horrendous price - sell potions that supposedly greatly and permanently enhanced the unborn children's abilities when imbibed by the mother.

In all but one case the potion led to a monstrous miscarriage and the alchemist was hunted down and hanged. Her mother, finally aware of what she had done, with some discreet manipulation managed to keep her name out of this. To this day not even her husband knows. It certainly helped that her daughter turned out to be normal looking.

One of the side effects of the potion made itself manifest as all throughout puberty the girl would not have her time of the month. She was irrevocably sterile, although noone but the mother knew the true source of this, Which greatly diminished her value as bargaining material via marriage. Consequently she came to sort of an unspoken agreement with her father. She would have relative freedom to spend her time as she pleased, as long as she stayed out of his way and did not embarrass the family name.

Not sure what to do with her time she on a whim decided to get herself some martial training. That might come in handy against a mugging or a potential assassination attempt after all. Or she just consumed too much heroic fiction in her youth? Maybe on a hunch she purchased an old slave who turned out to be quite a capable teacher and helped her learn exactly the sort of combat arts that would assist her even in the palaces and courts where wearing armor and weaponry was simply not an option for her. Turns out the combination of her enhanced physique and an unexpected natural aptitude caused the training to bear bountiful fruit.

A pivotal event ends that blessed if monotonous life of hers. Her father finally does find a suitable marriage candidate for her. A rich old widower of an acquainted noble house, he is no longer interested in creating offspring. His former wife saw to that. He is, however, quite interested in pretty and most importantly legitimate arm candy. Expecting benefits from forging this sort of family ties her father agrees to the request from the old man.

The young heroine, however, is appalled by the thought of sharing a bed with the old and overweight man. And since she know her father won't be swayed she spontaneously decides to start her adventuring career by running away from home. Her escape is successful, and the training that originally served as a mere past time now bears bountiful fruit. Almost a decade passes, and her rather lucrative adventures have set her up nicely in a far away port city.

It is there that one sunny day by sheer coincidence she once again comes across her former husband to be.

She awakes.

She lies naked in a huge four poster bed, at the center of a bedroom of equally generous dimensions, only covered by a thin sheet. None of her belongings are in sight.

Where she is? How she got here? She has no clue. But she will find out.

For many years the Triad has ruled the underworld of the city of Gorank, center of civilization and debauchery settled at the Vilajet Sea. The three nobles of the city, both cunning and careful, grew rich and influential, and never could their involvement in any of their illicitc activities be proven.

Then disaster struck. A single adventurer - a woman even! - managed to deal a devastating blow to their operations, crippling them for months, likely even years. They knew not how she pulled it off, and the only blessing in this mayhem was that she, too, could not find evidence on their involvement that would hold in the corrupt courts. They would not let this slide, though. They want their revenge. Not to see her dead, but to see her degraded and humiliated before them. To feast their eyes on her svelte form bared nude solely for their viewing pleasure, to have her body at their command whenever one of them felt the urge to sate his needs. Only how to achieve this? The woman's abilities were still a mystery to them. A direct assault could backfire badly as it might finally allow her to tie them personally to the illicit activities.

So instead they try a far more devious approach. One of them invites her to stay at his palace. Officially as a reward for the great deeds she had done for the good people of the city by uprooting the criminal elements. She knows who is inviting her, but she hopes that that close to him she might finally find the missing proof. So she accepts.

Once in their domain they begin their scheme to corrupt her, to try to make her aware and accepting of her own carnal needs. They surround her by male servants only. They arrange for wardrobe malfunctions and to barge in on her in the most inopportune moments 'by pure coincidence'. They provide many other subtle little nudges to get her to first accept their request to refrain from using any clothing while in one of their estates, and eventually to become their obedient sex toy.

Most importantly, these are just examples. If you have a great idea of your own, plot twists and surprises to excite me with, I am all game. The classical wandering adventuress/mercenary for example can be played out in many entertaining forms. Don't be shy just because your idea is not listed here yet.

Awesome. I absolutely have to roleplay with you!

Great! Just PM me. :)
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This is the archive for plot suggestions of the past which, while still interesting, do not hold quite the appeal for me they once did.

As you may have guess by the title I am currently on the last leg of my playthrough of The Witcher 3, namely the Blood and Wine Expansion. The biggest gripe I have with the game is that I have to play a male protagonist. Yes, I understand, the main plot is sort of dependent on the protagonist being Geralt and noone else, but still ... that creates yet another itch that I would love to get scratched.

So what I would really love to do currently is to play a female witcher of some sort even if that means the canon has to be bent a bit to allow for it. And for that I need a generous individual portraying the world around her in an entertaining fashion. Speaking of canon, we do not have to follow the game - and in particular the main quest - too closely in that regard, it is more the general vibe - and the sexy figments that game planted into my imagination. Of course some of the games side quests do offer good inspiration for that.

So if you are up for seeing how for example a female witcher would handle a meeting with Dijkstra in his bath house ... just PM me.

He should be happy. The adventurer woman sitting across his desk had exceeded his expectations. Not only had she delivered the secret missive and returned with a reply, she also was able to unveil the identity of the rival who had secretly been sabotaging him. But even as he pushed the bag with the agreed upon sum and a well deserved bonus across the table to her his thoughts were somewhere else.

He had a bet going with three other of the cities nobles. A drunken bragging bout one evening had turned into a competition about who would be able to acquire the most gorgeous, and even more importantly, most busty servant. The winner to be determined at an official competition three days from now. At first he had considered this an easy win, but so far his forays into the slave markets had been disappointingly fruitless. Losing the bet he had felt so confident about winning became a real possibility.

But wait. That adventuress, who was right now pocketing the coin pouch. He had noticed before, when he hired her. Even the leather armor she wore could not conceal how impressively bountiful her chest was. He'd have to check first to be sure, but she might actually qualify. If she was so inclined, she was anything but a servant. It is a long shot, but what other choice does he have?

Our heroine (NSFW) was born to one of the barbarian tribes that inhabit the vast forests and plains of the frozen north. Her birth, though, was shrouded in mystery, her mother found babbling incoherently in the woods, signs of recent rape evident on her and her mind gone. Shortly after giving birth her mother died.

As she grew up rumors about the nature of her father began to circulate, since the girl developed an astonishing physique. At the age of 16 she could easily best even the most seasoned warriors of the tribe in their spars as no one could match her speed and strength. This caused no small amount of unrest, since that strength of hers by tradition would make her a prime candidate for the office of chieftain and none of the proud men liked the idea of being ruled by a woman. So, with the argument that she is the spawn of some unnatural beast, she was exiled from the tribe.

Once the initial shock wore off she decided to make the best of her situation and wander the world, earning her living with her skill with the blade. Soon her travels brought her to the warm south with its mild climate and its gargantuan if debauched cities. On the road fate smiles upon her as she comes upon an older man beset by bandits, his guards already slain and he alive only because of the criminals sadistic playfulness. Those thugs are no match for her martial prowess, though, and she saves the old man, who turns out to be a noble of considerate wealth who as a reward for saving his life invites her to his home.

What she sees there is nothing like anything she ever experienced before. Instead of a struggle for survival there is a score of slaves tending to her every need, even attending her while bathing and getting dressed. Her sturdy but coarse garments are replaced by fine if somewhat scant silks. Her daily struggle is replaced by festivities and the offer for all kind of debauchery. With her impressive physique she does stand out, a stark contrast to the slender and lithe pleasure slaves, and as such piques the interest of a few men. Including her host, who has to reconcile his genuine gratefulness for his rescue with his deeply ingrained patriarchal world view.

And as is to be expected there are malicious conspiracies at work in a city as vast as this one, some attempting to topple her benefactor in a game of intrique and assassinations. But these assassins, in turn, are not prepared for the force of nature that is this new arrival. And so our heroine finds herself not only amidst luxury and orgies, but also an unexpected adventure.

Tales about the might of magic in the olden days still circulate in the populace, always in conjunction with warnings about the dark and dangerous nature of the arcane arts. Those are tales of ages past, though, since the few gifted that are born these days are a mere shadow of the heroes and villains of those stories.

But then there is our heroine. She is one of the gifted, and not only that, she was also blessed with prodigious intelligence and ambition. As soon as she learned about her nature she began to study with relentless fervor all there was about her art. Ruthlessly she not only absorbed the accepted canon from the few teachers she could find, she also tread the dark path of necromancy, the discipline of life and death, described in forbidden tomes she managed to unearth. With that knowledge she was able to alter her body in a way that would make it impervious to the ravages of time.

No longer in fear of old age she then could proceed with her studies in a far more patient, but also diligent way, a century of training letting her delve deeper into the mysteries than anyone else in a long time. During this she rediscovered the secret to animate the dead, and in secret she started to build her undead army.

Now war is wracking the continent. The two major powers are at each others throat, embroiled in a devastating conflict. Some of the smaller states at the perimeter have managed to keep their neutrality, and it is one of them she has set her sights on. Not much more than a city state at the southern tip of the landmass, grown wealthy by trade with both conflict parties, it seems ripe for the picking, to become her very own kingdom. So she sets her legions to march.
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Another Kind of Competiton and You Always Meet Twice have been added to the example plot section.
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