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Fx Any Looking for a big bad wolf (Updated 6/30/23)

Wanna roleplay with me!?

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Jul 20, 2011
Hey all been a while since I've been on BMR. I have a lot of time on my hands suddenly and been wanting to find some partners for a couple of role plays. I just wanted to start it by getting a couple of werewolf role plays going. After a while, I'll want some others but for now just strictly wolves. I have a couple of settings I wanted to try but if you have some, you're interested in let me know let's throw some ideas around :D

One big thing I do NOT do is face claims. I would much rather we described our characters in our intro, I do not like real life pictures of people and say "Oh this is my character" It's weird and it's just off to me. I rather describe them, the only other option is SOMETIMES I do anime characters, as a likeness, not this anime character is who I am playing! okay, I'm done on this subject now. lol

If the roleplay ever gets boring to you please just let me know we can either figure something out to spice it up or if we both agree to disagree, we can stop the roleplay too. Just don't disappear, please. I am a caring person and will worry about you.

If you are the type of roleplay where you can throw out multiple replies in a day? I will freaking love you FOREVER!!!!! haha. If you truly read all this add a number in front of the color, you'll have to find the other half of what the email subject should be. If you've read this whole thread you'll find it ;)

This will either be through BMR Thread, BMR messages, Emails, or Discord. Discord is a new thing for me but it's actually best because it is connected to my phone so immediate replies will be given when I am not working.

If you've read everything, send me an email with your favorite color.

Setting #1 (craving this)
Werewolf Mob Royalty

They are from two different packs that have come to an agreement after many many years to marry off their children to each other. He's his family's enforcer of laws, she's the spoiled brat of a huge family of all boys. How will they survive a marriage if they both hate each other's guts? Or do they really like each other and are putting up a front to follow in their family's footsteps with an attraction that's been harboring for years.

Two ways she can either be the alpha's only human-born daughter and the wolf she's marrying her will change her or she can already be a wolf with a bad attitude who feels entitled to everything.

Setting #2 (craving this)
Promised to another

Having about 3 months before she is to be married to another she decides it's her chance to go out and date just as long as she doesn't take it far and doesn't do things she shouldn't with another that's promised to her husband. She meets one suitor that's very mysterious and has been seeing him for quite a while. One night things go too far with the intense want they have for each other when he decides he wants to make her his mate along with letting her his human lover know he's a werewolf. What happens when he learns the woman he marked is promised to his brother, or when her father the Alpha finds out his once human daughter is a werewolf hurray but not by the husband he had chosen for her.

Setting # 3
Lone wolf

She's spent the last 5 years on her own, living among humans as if she was one herself. Freshly graduated college, she's interviewing for a position, the person interviewing her is a wolf too. Have her senses dulled being so long with humans, or does she become interested in this other wolf. Maybe he's a dominant wolf that went rogue, or maybe he is a wolf in a pack but is unsure how to bring her into the pack when getting to know her he sees she's been alone so long she's not willing to come in willingly. Will he bring her in against her will by using dominance against her or will she realize it's best?

Setting #4
The wolf that fell for a Human

They've been dating close to 2 years, she knows what he is what he can do they've always been so careful to be away from each other when he needed to change. He's starting to think he wants her as his mate for good, but she's human? Will they talk it out or will he change her against her will? How will they overcome the changes between them?

Setting # 5
The urge to breed

For the past 6 months, she's been dodging every attempt put on her to be mated, now her heat has come she's been staying in human form to try to quell her desires. Deciding one night to go to a bar and drink, there's a mysterious stranger that she can't stop watching all night. Deciding the attraction is too much she decides to leave, will he follow or will they run into each other on a different night. She wants pups now, how far is she willing to go?

Setting # 6
Growing up together

She grew up as the alpha's daughter, her best friends were a pair of brothers that were the Beta's sons. They are older, their hormones are raging, two brothers pitted against each other to get her attention, who will she choose, how will she choose, will she only keep one or the other on the sidelines for when she's bored with the other until she has to marry?
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