The Rose and The Wolf (DeviantDesire x BoomBoom)


Jul 28, 2017
It had only been hours since Margaery had returned to high garden with her father after assuring the new king of Westeros that the Tyrells were not plotting against him and recognized him as the true and rightful King. They said the words that were required and put on the show for the benefit of King Stannis but while roses were beautiful and appeared delicate they too had their thorns. But the king was a man that believed in one's duty and so they had been afforded peace so long as they lived under his rule. Her father may even very well believe that they would live that way from now until his end or the end of time but though he was considered the head of their house, he was not there true leader for that was Margaerys grandmother Olenna.

Such a trip was weighing on the spirit and body but having been gone for such a time Margaery had got caught up on all of the news and gossip that had been happening in her home while she was away. There was no shortage of informants for the lady and she took in the news by casually visiting them as a friend and talking. Some did not know that the information was the reason she was there, instead thought that she was there as a kindness in friendship to see them. Others she could be more direct with.

One thing she found out was that Sansa Tyrell, her good-sister and wife to her brother Loras had had her moon blood while she was away which meant that her brother had yet to plant his seed in her correctly. One would think that if he wanted to stop humping her at all then he would do his duty with more positive results, but alas the girl was not pregnant yet and informants stated she could not be as Loras had not shared the room with the girl since then. She would have to have words with her brother, remind him what it meant to be a husband and to do your duty as one. Remind him that when he impregnated her then he need not worry about the deed for some time as it may be satisfying enough that she was with child.

Emotionally, at least.

But she would not seek out her brother in regards to this at this time, instead she made her way towards the victim of his misgivings in Sansa. Margaery felt for the poor girl, to be sure, she had been eager to marry a gallant knight, and though she had Margaery was certain that it wasn't living up the the expectations of the Starks eldest child. At least she had been saved from marrying the bastard Joffrey and was relatively safe in the castle at Highgarden. Relatively in the way that no place was ever truly safe, especially in the current political climate that Westeros had fallen into. There would be nothing to gain from harming the poor girl, and the marriage helped build a connection with the Starks in the North and the Tully in the Riverlands. For the time being it all but ensured that Reach would remain unmolested.

Such an important piece of the game should not have been left alone to wallow in the failure of child rearing. Should not be left unhappy and possibly feeling alone. She had no family here besides the ones that she married into, nobody to turn to or talk to. Margaery Tyrell was set the change that, to befriend the girl. There was much to gain and nothing to lose in such a friendship.

They Tyrell daughter made her way inside the castle, the motion of the movement pulled the fabrics of her dress back giving the impression that there was a wind on this hot dry day. Her dress was light and breezy, green in color with darker green flowers embroidered into the fabric. The hems were gold in color, and the dress had no sleeves to speak of. The cut if the neck went low, exposing the space between her breasts and going below them. Her slippers matched the color of the dress, she wore them as opposed to shoes as she was in the castle and would rather not here the clunking of wooden shoes nor the scuffing of leather and so she wore her fabric slippers that often times went inside of the mentioned wooden shoes.

The Tyrell approahed the door alone and smoothed her dress out taking a moment to ensure she had all of her breath standing straight and regal as would be expected of her. A smile came easily to her lips, it was a practiced motion and took no effort at all. Then she raised her delicate hand and knocked several times on the day and waiting for an answer.
Sansa Tyrell gazed out her from her ornate glass window over the walls, the maze of hedges, and the lush fields Highgarden overlooked. Evening falling over such a verdant land was a sight to behold, yet it brought Sansa little joy just now.

The events of just two days passed weighed on her mind, as she had mostly been left to her own devices to dwell on them since. Sansa had, once again, been the focus of a great drama in the castle. Upon changing her sheets, her servant girl had dutifully reported to Lord Tyrell--and the Queen of Thorns, who many believed was the true liege in Highgarden-- about Sansa's moonblood and thus her being without a child. Loras' failure thus far to impregnate Sansa was a growing concern to the Tyrell clan. Deepening the familial ties with the Starks in The North was of paramount importance, and Mace Tyrell grew more eager for this proof of the marriage's consummation with each word that came back of Robb winning another victory in and further securing his position as King in the North. This rather grotesque focus cast on something personal and private to her was not something Sansa had imagined when she dreamed of marrying a noble knight like Ser Loras.

Then again, so many things had been different from what she had imagined. He seemed at times so... uncomfortable around her, from the very first time they spoke and onwards. That was quite apparent in their marriage bed, sure, but Sansa expected that to an extent. It was uncharted territory for her as well. But even when they would walk the gardens or take a meal together, there was a certain distance about her new husband. A coldness. Sansa was uncertain what being in love would be like, but she felt none of the passion her mother would describe when she asked her about it. She didn't even feel anything like the naive stirrings she would feel when she and Jeyne Poole would sneak out for some clandestine meeting with boys back in Winterfell. It felt at times as if Ser Loras saw her as a business partner more than a lover.

Other times-- most times, perhaps, and certainly now-- Sansa was sure it was some flaw of hers. That she was not enough of a Lady to please this exemplar of chivalric virtue. How could she ruin everything she ever wanted?

A rapping at her door surprised her. She had just sent her handmaidens away, it wouldn't be them. Perhaps because of her mood, or also because of her relative youth at eighteen years, she wasn't quite as skilled at composing herself with poise and grace as the woman waiting on the other side of the door was. Still, she did her best, arching her back slightly to fix her posture in the grey gown with white trimming she wore. It was a simpler garment than might befit her station; she was not expecting callers this evening really.

Opening the door startled Sansa a bit, and she knew her face betrayed that fact ever so slightly. The identity of her visitor was a surprise enough. The sheer sight of her was mostly what caught Sansa off guard. The Reach was beautiful, its castles were straight from chivalric tales, and its women--and Margaery chief among them-- were stunning. Sansa had seen as much at King's Landing, though the two hadn't properly met just yet.

Sansa returned the smile, though it came slightly less easy and graceful to her as it did to the Rose of Highgarden. Her slightly flustered demeanor might amuse Margaery, however. "Oh... Lady Margaery! Forgive my appearance, I heard about your return but did not think you would visit me so soon." She stepped aside to invite Margaery in. "How were your travels?"
As the door open Margaery stood as polite as could be, she noticed the young woman appeared to be dressed to stay in for the evening. Not that she looked drab, but that she was clothed in all that was needed and nothing more. If it bother Margaery at all, she did not let it show and her smile did not falter nor did she give off the appearance that she noticed the shock when Sansa had opened the door. She seen it, of course for she was alway watching and mindful of the reactions of those around her, but it would most like hurt the girl if she let it be known that her slip was noticed, and so the wolf might live a little easier in not making a fuss about it.

Margaery offered a quick curtsy to the girl who opened the door, the surprise unable to be hidden by her words either. "My Lady Sansa, it is my only regret that I wasn't able to visit you sooner but like a garden, courtly things also need to be tended to as often as not" she tone was sweet and affectionate as would be expected from a sister, a proper sister at any rate.

She moved to hug Sansa rather than to enter her room, hug her as a family member that had been gone away for far too long and we're making a reunion. If she let her she would whisper "I've always wanted a sister, of course, now I can thank the gods they have provided me with you" she laughed at that as she pulled away from the hug. "Our travels were long with little to note, which was grand. It means the people are happy and we as nobles can be happy as well' her arm would go to entwine with Sansa's if she allowed it.

"I was hoping that you might walk with me. The hour is getting late, but I assure you that no harm will befall you while in Highgarden" Margaery looked Sansa in the eyes, her smile appeared to hold will it no ill intent and she did not force the other girl along but she tried to ease her, guiding her away from her chambers easily. If she did not wish to come, she would not force her too.

"It will be worth it" she vowed excitement in her eyes "it will be only us" incase the wolf thought she had better change before going anywhere. Margaery radiated the excitement, nearly pulsing with it for the sake of Sansa agreeing to come with her.
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