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Dance of Dragons [randomname and celebstars]

Dec 22, 2014
United States
“You should not stay alone, Daenerys. We do not know how safe this city is.”

35-year-old Thoren Volleah cautioned the younger blonde woman. Having been by her side from the beginning, Thoren knew best for the Targaryen. Still recovering from his wounds, he had the scars to prove that he was here to protect the Mother of Dragons. Coming from small beginnings, Thoren was born into a poor family in Mereen. When he was only 17, his mother and father decided to sell him into slavery so they were given more food. After a couple years working for a Master, Thoren was thrown into the fighting pits where he became a legend and won an extraordinary amount of money for his Master that granted him freedom over a decade ago. Thoren spent his time as a lone wolf sellsword for the next few years until he finally settled down in Volantis. A few years ago, Magister Mopatis in Pentos offered him a place to stay in his mansion if he protected the two Targaryen siblings that were exiled and staying in the city.

With pleasure, Thoren took on the job and received no pay other than the food and shelter. Even after she was set to marry Khal Drogo, Thoren stayed to protect her and defend her. Thankfully, the violent Khal never laid a hand on Daenerys because he was killed in battle. The rest of the Dothraki, blaming this foreign woman for their defeat, decided to burn her alive. Thoren fought like hell but was eventually overcome by the numbers that he lacked. After receiving a few stab wounds and cuts, his body was marked even more than the first time. However, when Daenerys rose from the ashes, he had all but gave his life to her, giving his faith and protection to her without expecting anything in return.

Thoren was over six feet tall and had dark brown hair that was medium length and curly. His eyes were an icy blue with a masculine face and some scruffy facial hair forming. His body was muscular and tanned from years of fighting though he was still on the thinner side from the lack of food. He just had enough musculature to balance out body. There were countless scars on his chest and back but he had survived them all.

“You know I’m the best fighter in your ranks. Let me stay here with you. My highest desire is to protect you.”

Having just escorted Daenerys to the guest room, Thoren was not going to leave. Either he was standing outside or he was going to join her inside. If she accepted his request, then the male had a bright idea on where things would head but he had to fight just one battle at a time.
Daenerys was just beginning to fully recover from her ordeal. Suffering threats and hatred at the dothraki army she was forced to burn along with her eggs, doomed to perish and be killed. But as the flames took hold and burned brightly, what was to happen next shocked the army in to submission. Recognising her as someone they could follow, the hate stopped and the worship followed.

Weeks of walking through the desert nearly killed everyone, exhaustion, thirst and hunger played a part. Fights among the men were beginning to escalate but thankfully the city of Qarth was found and the group were taken in as guests. Daenerys was welcome as was her friend, adviser and protector Thoren. The group of men behind however were seen as savages and animals. It was only the Targaryen name which allowed them in.

Washed, clothed and fed, the eighteen year old light blonde haired girl was given a place to stay by a kind gentleman. Wanting nothing more than to just lay in bed, she was escorted by Thoren.

"I wouldn't have you stay outside. I hardly know this place. I don't trust it. I don't trust anyone, only you." Entering the guest room, she left the door open for him to enter. Taking in her surroundings, she headed out to the balcony and looked down.
Once Thoren was granted access into Daenerys’ private quarters, he stepped inside.

“Thank you. I feel much better knowing that I will be here in the flesh to protect you.”

That was all Thoren had known lately. She was not paying him a single coin for his services yet Thoren was willing to give his life for Dany. The male hoped he would soon do more than just protect her from her enemies. The male often dreamed about sleeping in the same bed as the blonde with her head on his chest as they slept. This could be the night where it happened. For the past few months, Thoren noticed how they took more glances at each other. Thoren always thought Dany saw him only as an advisor and protector, but when he nearly died while trying to prevent the Dothraki from burning her alive, there seemed to be a shift. Sure, she could not burn – but Thoren did not know it at the time. Because of that, he gave every last ounce of fight in him to help save her.

Following the woman out onto the balcony, he stood by her side as he enjoyed.

“Even if you had told me to not stay with you, I would have kept guard outside your door. This makes me much happier.” Chuckling quietly, Thoren casted a glance towards Dany. She was a beautiful woman both inside and outside. He hoped to explore her in a new light tonight. Besides, there was only one bed in this room. They might as well share it.

“Can I get you anything right now, Dany?” He asked, using the affectionate nickname he had started using lately – she always seemed to enjoy it, so Thoren kept using it.
The city was nice, it looked grand, it was quite astonishing that it could be situated in a desert. "No thank you" was a reply after giving a small smile to the man who said he would have waited outside. Those big blue eyes looked up at the man as he was taller. "Why do you care for me so much? I am young enough to be your daughter, you could go and have your own life, have beautiful children. Instead you choose to waste your life on me."

"Besides, it seems they only have wine here, I have always hated it as my brother would drink much of it and make him turn nasty"

Dropping her gaze away from his face, she looked at his chest, his clothes and thought about him being hurt. A tear left her eye, "You don't have any wounds do you? Do you want me to look at any? Or maybe I can call someone?"
“You don’t need to call anyone, my Queen. Don’t cry. I am alright. I am healing now. It will take time.”

Thoren’s life was saved by some of the maidens around the fire that had medical knowledge. He was close to dying but they had saved him. He could tell that Dany must have still worried about it because of the way she was acting. Deciding to be bold, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling the woman into a hug.

“I care for you because I know you are special. I can see it in your eyes and I can hear it in your words. I want to be by your side as you take the Iron Throne. I want to help you, support you, and protect you. Plus, you are the most beautiful woman in all of Essos, Westeros, and the entire world. I consider myself fortunate that you allow me to protect you.”

After saying this, Thoren pulled back enough to just place one gentle hand onto her face, slowly stroking the soft skin with his thumb.

“There’s nothing to worry about, my Queen. I am not going anywhere. I am not hurt right now.”
"Well I can't help but worry about you all the time." Letting him pull her in to a hug, she embraced it, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head in to his chest. As he spoke, Dany felt motivated by his words, it lit the fire further which was already burning inside of her to rule and take back the kingdom which was rightfully hers.

"You are fortunate, remember that, I could have you cast out and never be by my side again." Pulling away she looked at him and smiled smugly, loving the power she had.

The feeling of his touch on her face, made her smile and lean in to his hand. "I'm glad." Leaning in, she tiptoed and kissed his cheek. Showing the man and her protector some affection for the first time.
Smiling, his confidence was slowly growing.

“Let’s be honest. We both know you could never send me away.” This time, there was a hint of seduction and charm in his voice. The space on his cheeks where Dany’s lips touched continued tingling. The smile was widening across his entire mouth now.

Keeping his arms around Dany’s waist, the warrior decided to press things further. “Even if you sent me away, you’d have to kill me before I left you alone. I care about you so much, Daenerys. I don’t just care about protecting your life. While that is clearly my priority, I want to see you happy. I feel proud that I’ve made you smile and laugh a few times. I hope I continue receiving chances to do that. You are easily the most beautiful girl this country has ever seen. I’m a lucky man. I can barely believe I’m by your side.”
"Well I wouldn't have to kill you, I now have my dragons to do it for me." Turning to look at them in their cages, she looked back at the man. "They may need a few years, but they will get their eventually."

Listening to him, the affection he had for her was clear. "You have my permission to do whatever you want right now." Being his ruler, his Queen, she thought she would include that role, allowing him to do what he most wanted to.
Thoren did not need to hear the order twice. Looking deep into his Queen’s eyes, the male suddenly leaned forward and kissed her. Both hands wrapped gently around her face, pulling her lips towards his. When they touched, Thoren felt chills run down his spine. It was something he craved to do for a long time – ever since they met.

Her word choice spoke volumes “do whatever you want”. Dany was used to having power, having control. But tonight, she was giving it up to Thoren. Hopefully, she could trust him enough to give up all control to him for the night. Thoren would never harm her. He only wants the best for her.

“I want you, my Queen. I want to make love to you – but not only that. I want you to be mine. I want to fall asleep every night with you in my arms. I want to wake up every morning with you still there. I want to show you there’s so much more to this life than you already know. I want to give you more than just the throne of Westeros. I want to give you everything.” He whispered, his words heartfelt and pure. It was clearly not just about wanting sex.
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