Hello there everyone. This is meant as to be my "main thread". There will be some sample plots later, but they are open for adjustment, or just bring in your own ideas.
The Quick Rules:
-You can write Quality AND Quantitty (and thats not a typo....)?
-You are not just a "passenger" in a story, but also thrive and push it ahead acitively?
-You like one of my sample plots and/or ideally have you very own ideas?
Then by all means - why are you still reading old man´s rant, indead of writing me a message?!
-My Kinks? Look here: https://www.f-list.net/c/alexdravyn
(note: this is by no means complete, if you have question to specific kinks, just ask)
-Creativity: NEEDED! Please do not simply react to my posts/replies. Be creativie, vivid, especially when writing hot, steamy sex scenes.
-Length: 2 to 3 good, quality paragraphs(and no, one sentence is not a paragraph...) would be cool. That being said, I certainly won´t complain if you write more
-Following the above, NO ONE LINERS! Also, please do not PM me with "Would you like to RP with me?" or "I like to RP with you." alone. Tell me why, which plot, and your own ideas. Or preferrably,if you want and can, simply write an intro post right away!
-Oh, and also, very very important to me: please thrive the story ahead, even if it´s just mainly smut/sex. I know, it can be sometimes a bit tricky, but in your reply, do not just repeat what I said, or only go to the point where I already was when closing my last post. That does not bring us anywhere.
- As of late, also know this: I do NOT think/like the classic "dom/sub" ways. People just aren´t like this. And even if you are shy/submissive from your point of view, that does not meant you´re lazy and do not do anything in the plot´s current situation.
Also, I like clever plot telling. Means, keep secrets. Write something without revealing every information at once. Giving the reader something to riddle about, wondering if there is more than it seems. Sure, most of the time, it will be an easygoing, direct telling roleplay, but every now and then, I´d like to have a little challenge.
-I mostly only RP over Threads or PM here on this forum.This is cause I do not like IM chatter too much, and don´t wanna keep a bazillion different messenger programs. Exception would be a voice chat based direct dialog roleplay(but even that only in very rare cases). Again, no Instant Messengers!
-Also, if my partner is playing the female role, while it´s not a must I absolutely LOVE when they dare something, and do not follow typical rolemodels. I mean - hey - why can´t a girl corrupt a guy for once?
More to come....
Sample Plots(can be adjust and/or mixed. Also, their order does NOT mean priority of interest):
The (very) Last Hope :
A different kind of Hero
can´t stop it! :
political busines
A special school
The brass teapot:
Hypnosis, or...a messed up mind:
Nerd vs ? :
Haunted Mansion/Haunted House:
Silence :
A monstrous dreamworld:
A (forbidden) motherly desire:
Something completely crazy(humour-wise):
The Unknown Twin:
The Hostage:
His last year:
The struggling succubus:
Stuff like that does not exist......does it? :
-The Runaway Princess:
-The Girls of Stepford:
The Quick Rules:
-You can write Quality AND Quantitty (and thats not a typo....)?
-You are not just a "passenger" in a story, but also thrive and push it ahead acitively?
-You like one of my sample plots and/or ideally have you very own ideas?
Then by all means - why are you still reading old man´s rant, indead of writing me a message?!
-My Kinks? Look here: https://www.f-list.net/c/alexdravyn
(note: this is by no means complete, if you have question to specific kinks, just ask)
-Creativity: NEEDED! Please do not simply react to my posts/replies. Be creativie, vivid, especially when writing hot, steamy sex scenes.
-Length: 2 to 3 good, quality paragraphs(and no, one sentence is not a paragraph...) would be cool. That being said, I certainly won´t complain if you write more
-Following the above, NO ONE LINERS! Also, please do not PM me with "Would you like to RP with me?" or "I like to RP with you." alone. Tell me why, which plot, and your own ideas. Or preferrably,if you want and can, simply write an intro post right away!
-Oh, and also, very very important to me: please thrive the story ahead, even if it´s just mainly smut/sex. I know, it can be sometimes a bit tricky, but in your reply, do not just repeat what I said, or only go to the point where I already was when closing my last post. That does not bring us anywhere.
- As of late, also know this: I do NOT think/like the classic "dom/sub" ways. People just aren´t like this. And even if you are shy/submissive from your point of view, that does not meant you´re lazy and do not do anything in the plot´s current situation.
Also, I like clever plot telling. Means, keep secrets. Write something without revealing every information at once. Giving the reader something to riddle about, wondering if there is more than it seems. Sure, most of the time, it will be an easygoing, direct telling roleplay, but every now and then, I´d like to have a little challenge.
-I mostly only RP over Threads or PM here on this forum.This is cause I do not like IM chatter too much, and don´t wanna keep a bazillion different messenger programs. Exception would be a voice chat based direct dialog roleplay(but even that only in very rare cases). Again, no Instant Messengers!
-Also, if my partner is playing the female role, while it´s not a must I absolutely LOVE when they dare something, and do not follow typical rolemodels. I mean - hey - why can´t a girl corrupt a guy for once?
More to come....
Sample Plots(can be adjust and/or mixed. Also, their order does NOT mean priority of interest):
The (very) Last Hope :
Based and inspired by Star Ocean The Last Hope, which I am currentyl replaying. In the not so distant future, Earth´s resources are depleted and it is really not a place you wanna live anymore. With the prospect in the stars, a combination of several governments and private companies put all their hopes into a newly developed Warp Engine, aiming to send people deeper into space than ever before - and hopefully saving mankind. Though, at the worldwide broadcasted ceremony, where several ships are meant to warp simultaneously - as a spectacular event - all of them explode. With dreams vanishing into the infinite void of the universe, one group builds a final ship, with a totally different kind of drive. Which requests a very "specific" kind of energy to run. Two (or more?) young people who weren´t really trained for this are assigned to be the crew. With a ship that requires them to do things they likely wouldn´t have expected, and an AI which obviously has more fun than it should making them so, will they be able to keep on their mission, while supplying the ship with .....energy?
Obviously, this one is meant to be a fun and smutty go. It can be one scene only, or an ongoing story. Nevertheless, my rules towards Quality AND Quantity still apply.
Obviously, this one is meant to be a fun and smutty go. It can be one scene only, or an ongoing story. Nevertheless, my rules towards Quality AND Quantity still apply.
A different kind of Hero
MC is a young man (age up for discussion), who is absolutely average. Well, he is smart, kind, and actually good looking. He even is well endowed. So, what makes him "average" then you ask? You see, although he is not particularly bad at things, he also does not excel in them. Wether it be sports, school/college/finances, and stuff like this. He also is always helpful, and a very good listener, being there for his friends, giving them advice when needed. This effectly gives him an aura of the perfect friend. "Friend" - nothing less, but also nothing more.
But one day, things take a verrrrry unexpected turn. Some friend of him has sex with him as MC is still a virgin (cause of the friend curse). At first, it´s only for "sympathy", even while it is not actually bad. But a bit later, this person finds out that she (or he?) suddenly can do something very/extremely good, she until now was crappy in, or could not do at all yet always wished to be able to. First being stunned, but shrugging it off as coincidence, eventually she finds out the cause: MC´s cum!!! Whenever someone (YC) has sex with him, and makes him cum, this suddenly awakens hidden potential in this person. And the more she does for him (MC), the more passionate and steamy the sex is, the greater the effect. But.....in any case, the effect is only temporary....
But one day, things take a verrrrry unexpected turn. Some friend of him has sex with him as MC is still a virgin (cause of the friend curse). At first, it´s only for "sympathy", even while it is not actually bad. But a bit later, this person finds out that she (or he?) suddenly can do something very/extremely good, she until now was crappy in, or could not do at all yet always wished to be able to. First being stunned, but shrugging it off as coincidence, eventually she finds out the cause: MC´s cum!!! Whenever someone (YC) has sex with him, and makes him cum, this suddenly awakens hidden potential in this person. And the more she does for him (MC), the more passionate and steamy the sex is, the greater the effect. But.....in any case, the effect is only temporary....
can´t stop it! :
In this scenario, YC does something involuntarily. Like thumbsucking even into adult age. Or YC has to count stuff with no end. In any case, it is so bad, that you go to a self-help group eventually (or get invited by a friend etc.). There, you meet somone, who has a problem too, and he helps you work on yours. With success. Though, now your mind forces you to do something else all the time. Even in the most impossible situations and places....This is naturally with some humour, and the plot aside the smut depends on our characters.
political busines
Ok, there are (federal) elections, and YC, let´s say mid to end 20 for example, is a candidate of her (political) party for the parliament. A list candidate only( no direct mandate), and not on top of the list either, so she has to do quite a rally to get enough attention, and convince enough people to vote for her party, so she eventually gets a seat.
During this election, there is an initiative, that for the first time on a nationwide scale, people can vote from the age of 16 years (and onwards, naturally). MC has rec ently just got 16 (up for debate) and thus is very interested in the whole process. He informs himself at most parties, and therefore gets to meet YC at some street stand too. As he has more questions than she can answer right away, they agree to a personal talk another day in her office. Now, she is totally worked up from all the rally´s stress, and you can clearly see this. On this day, when they meet, she is especially down, and then, MC, a fresh young enthuastic first time voter, who is also smart, kind and very empathic for her situation (and not to forget good looking....) somehow sparks something within her. Wether they just kiss, have sex, or have a date later is up for debate. She knows its wrong for some reasons. It could cost her career. And while age is just a number, they are still somewhat from different worlds. But doesn´t the heart wants, what it wants?
During this election, there is an initiative, that for the first time on a nationwide scale, people can vote from the age of 16 years (and onwards, naturally). MC has rec ently just got 16 (up for debate) and thus is very interested in the whole process. He informs himself at most parties, and therefore gets to meet YC at some street stand too. As he has more questions than she can answer right away, they agree to a personal talk another day in her office. Now, she is totally worked up from all the rally´s stress, and you can clearly see this. On this day, when they meet, she is especially down, and then, MC, a fresh young enthuastic first time voter, who is also smart, kind and very empathic for her situation (and not to forget good looking....) somehow sparks something within her. Wether they just kiss, have sex, or have a date later is up for debate. She knows its wrong for some reasons. It could cost her career. And while age is just a number, they are still somewhat from different worlds. But doesn´t the heart wants, what it wants?
A special school
Chance Meadows (name is a work -in-progress and subject to change...) is an elite school. Basically the majority the magority of young people, nationwide, who have success on their buisness life (independent from their specific profession, be it financial, or art) have been students there. It even does not cost a fortune, yet still not a lot of people pass the entry tests. What kind of tests, you ask? Well, this is unknown, cause as famous the school is, as silent they are about their methods. There are little to zero facts, yet lots of rumours. Will you still apply? And most importantly, will you make it?
The brass teapot:
Ok, YC gets a brass teapot, or any other object which seems nothing special at first. But then, by coincidence, you discover that this object can make any wish you have come true. The only catch is.....The object needs a very specific source of energy......which is sex. Whoever is asking a wish to it, has to have some sort of sex beforehand. If you simply want a cookie, it would likely be enough to flash your tits. If you want 100$, masturbating to yourself would do it. If you would ask for 1 Million $ though, or anything on that scale, well, you can imagine it. And the thing is, while not directly doing it with words, the object telepathically hints you on what to do for a sufficient amount of energy. Like, remember this hot, but poor Nerd you always ignored? Give him the best night of his life, and the batteries are full again. Or this hardcore religious girl next door? Well, seduce her, and it might do the trick.
This RP can go many ways, with obviously lots of smut, but also humour, romance and what not.
This RP can go many ways, with obviously lots of smut, but also humour, romance and what not.
Hypnosis, or...a messed up mind:
This is only a draft again, and can go a lot of ways. YC, somehow, maybe at a party, or as a dare, gets hypnothized, or any other form of mind controlled. At first, it seems like nothing happend at all. But then YC notices that when having sex, masturbating, or even kissing, all those sensations feel at least 10-times stronger. The catch is....YC can´t orgasm anymore, and even worse, the sexual sensations do not decrease over time, they build up until you feel like you´d go literally insane. Only MC can make you cum again....
This does not have to be full dub/non con, 100% smut based. It can even have some romance in it. As usual, send me your ideas.
This does not have to be full dub/non con, 100% smut based. It can even have some romance in it. As usual, send me your ideas.
This is only a very short summary. In the end, depends on how you design YC. A happy family with two children, me being the younger brother, you the (5+years) older sister, live merrily in a nice suburban house with garden and pool. Until MC gets very sick, with the prospect of not getting too old, and no cure of any kind. Except for a very illegal med, which he has to take life-long though. It´s expensive, so parents take second jobs, and die otw to there in a car crash. Now, to further finance stuff, YC (older sister) first takes on modeling jobs, to her usual routine, and eventually porn. MC wants to contribute too, but is only 16. So, he fakes his ID, gets a "modeling" job too, and guess how this ends...What if, on his first ever scene he gets paired up with his sister,YC. How will this affect them?
Nerd vs ? :
Here, I would play a Nerd, or a very quiet, introverted person. MC is fully socially capable, he just rarely fraternizes, and such. YC could one day need something from him, and this is where things get rolling. I have a vague plot for this, depending what kind of personality YC is and what she might need from him. Trust me, it won´t be too cliché.
Haunted Mansion/Haunted House:
I have something specific in mind here, yet no spoilers! You´d have to be ok with mild supernatural aspects though.
This does not have to be incest, though it can be. Just something that is not commonly accepted, or could get one of them into trouble. Let your ideas flow ;-)
Silence :
MC is a young man, apparently 16-18ish, at least that is what he looks like. He was found some weeks ago, without any memory, and also no passports or other items to identify him. Furthermore, he has not talked a single word ever since, even while he seems to be physically perfectly healthy. He eats by himself, showers alone, yet other than that not really reacts to his surrounding, whether it be people talking to him or other stimuli. So, basically almost catatonic.
Therefore, he is currently in a stately facility for such cases.
Now, YC comes there for whatsoever reason. Maybe as a new full time worker, internship, or possibly even as a relative of someone who is working there. What does not seem to be much "action" at first, will slowly, yet shockingly develope into much, much more. As he is not who....or maybe even...what it seems.
An additional plus would be, but by no means a must, if for instance YC could be married, have children, or any other kind of extra taboo.
if you like this idea, please also tell me how you gonna approach at this in your reply.
Therefore, he is currently in a stately facility for such cases.
Now, YC comes there for whatsoever reason. Maybe as a new full time worker, internship, or possibly even as a relative of someone who is working there. What does not seem to be much "action" at first, will slowly, yet shockingly develope into much, much more. As he is not who....or maybe even...what it seems.
An additional plus would be, but by no means a must, if for instance YC could be married, have children, or any other kind of extra taboo.
if you like this idea, please also tell me how you gonna approach at this in your reply.
A monstrous dreamworld:
She (YC) has a sweet, kind boyfriend, and the two of them are so fluffy and romantic and perfect together that it almost hurts. He is pretty much vanilla, not just sex wise, and so she is too, or at least that is what she thinks.....
One night, when she is asleep (or is she?), in her dream she is walking around in an area so familar to her that she barely notices the difference. That is until a HUGE monster type creature appears, and literally gives her the choice to die or fuck. For the sake of the plot, she eventually does, yet it´s not that easy. What if she likes it? What if she slowly, more and more craves this kind of a fuck? How will it affect her real life. Not only that her boyfriend can´t give it to her physically, also he is so sweet and innocent that he even can´t imagine such things....
(note, no simple gross tentacle monsters, need something more creative)
One night, when she is asleep (or is she?), in her dream she is walking around in an area so familar to her that she barely notices the difference. That is until a HUGE monster type creature appears, and literally gives her the choice to die or fuck. For the sake of the plot, she eventually does, yet it´s not that easy. What if she likes it? What if she slowly, more and more craves this kind of a fuck? How will it affect her real life. Not only that her boyfriend can´t give it to her physically, also he is so sweet and innocent that he even can´t imagine such things....
(note, no simple gross tentacle monsters, need something more creative)
A (forbidden) motherly desire:
There is a woman, YC, most likely 35 to 40ish, who has been living all my characters life nextdoor to him(and his parents, naturally). She and my characters parents are best friends, and so YC has been a mother to MC as much as his real mother. Babysitting him when he was still very little, helping him in early High School, just being there for him whenever he needed him. Though, when he had just turned 16, YC noticed that while MC is not yet a full grown adult, and his natural kindness makes him even more alluring. YC may try to shrug it off at first, after all she has been like a second mom for him all the time, and the neighbourhood sees it like this too. But YC cant stop fantasizing of it. Will she eventually seduce him, and if so, how?
I rather want this to be romance based, meaning that YC doesnt have to go all out slutty in a seduction attempt. It is in my opinion much more interesting to see how she is as much twisted about her feelings, as he probably is too. And even moreso, as she blossoms up really through their secret affair(if they have one).
A possible twist could also be, but doesnt have to, that MC real parents died some years ago, and YC has been his official foster mom all those years.
Tell me how you wanna go at this, if you like the idea.
I rather want this to be romance based, meaning that YC doesnt have to go all out slutty in a seduction attempt. It is in my opinion much more interesting to see how she is as much twisted about her feelings, as he probably is too. And even moreso, as she blossoms up really through their secret affair(if they have one).
A possible twist could also be, but doesnt have to, that MC real parents died some years ago, and YC has been his official foster mom all those years.
Tell me how you wanna go at this, if you like the idea.
Something completely crazy(humour-wise):
Ok, here, I want some completely, upmost crazy story, with lots of lots of lots of humour(and possibly lots of sex too^^) in it. Means one or both of us lead a relatively normal life, and then something completely unexpected, very crazy thing happens(again, in a positive, very humorous way). This can be really anything, so I do not wanna give away too much in advance.
Note though, that if you wanna be the one inducing the crazy/impossible situation, do not tell me ahead of what you plan.
Also, as only limitation, the laws of physics still have to apply, and no magic(supernatural creatures, and alien are ok though, not tentacles plz)
Note though, that if you wanna be the one inducing the crazy/impossible situation, do not tell me ahead of what you plan.
Also, as only limitation, the laws of physics still have to apply, and no magic(supernatural creatures, and alien are ok though, not tentacles plz)
The Unknown Twin:
MC, a young male, is together with YC a young female. Both of them are normally rather shy, they still can socialize, so not extreme nerds. It ´s just a picture perfect cliché sweet fluffy butterflies romance between them. They like to hold hands, kiss, and look in-love all day long, eventually even annoying some people. They had sex already, but as being shy persons, especially YC, it was nothing too unusual, so, basically only in the bed etc. etc. Towards other people, they are also friendly and "normal".
BUT....one day, the (also female) twin of YC come home into town, maybe because she´s broke again, and wants to live with her sister. The twin of YC (which you would have to play too) is her complete opposite. She wears much more revealing clothes and sexy stuff, is very extroverted, likes to make people laugh, flirt with and seduce them even, just having a good time. When YC´s twin returns, she for some reason meets MC alone. MC prolly wonders a bit, but doesn´t get suspicious right away. YC ´s twin decides to pretend she is you for a while, and in the following days and weeks, MC gets completely confused by this all new exciting and daring side of his gf, just to be her old and cute self back again only minutes/hours later, and then change back again.
In want this RP to be funny with lots of humour etc.
BUT....one day, the (also female) twin of YC come home into town, maybe because she´s broke again, and wants to live with her sister. The twin of YC (which you would have to play too) is her complete opposite. She wears much more revealing clothes and sexy stuff, is very extroverted, likes to make people laugh, flirt with and seduce them even, just having a good time. When YC´s twin returns, she for some reason meets MC alone. MC prolly wonders a bit, but doesn´t get suspicious right away. YC ´s twin decides to pretend she is you for a while, and in the following days and weeks, MC gets completely confused by this all new exciting and daring side of his gf, just to be her old and cute self back again only minutes/hours later, and then change back again.
In want this RP to be funny with lots of humour etc.
The Hostage:
MC is a young guy, who on this specific day does something very average. Like going to a bank, a diner/something like Starbucks, his college/school etc. YC is a girl/woman who is for whatsoever reason in a very desperate situation. Not knowing any further, she does an irrational action out of her desperation, and takes hostages at where she is (and where MC happens to be aswell at that time). She eventually manages to flee from that place, but thinks it´s better to take one hostage with her, just for safte from police and FBI, and, you guessed right, that hostage is MC. YC initially threatens to immediately shoot/kill me if I do anything stupid(maybe I also need to wear handcuffs in the beginning etc.) but over the days and weeks, we somehow get closer in this most difficult situation, but don´t know how to deal with it, as she will still go to jail if catched, and he does not know if he should try to flee or not....
His last year:
MC gets a devastating message from his Doctor. And therefore decides to enjoy the remaining time, only doing stuff anymore HE wants. YC is a supernatural being(choose which) living among the human unknown for an eternity already, sometimes interested, amused, and sometimes bored by them. But as YC meets MC, they immediately like each other, and eventually developed a deep relationship. But what when she finds out about his illness, or if he tells her? How will YC deal with it, being very well able to not only cure him but also make him live with her for ever....
The struggling succubus:
YC is a succubus. You live among the human for who knows how long already. And actually you love it. Their food, their ways of entertainment. Maybe you even became a little nerd-ish. The problem is. You can not really control your powers. Like switching the light on and off. Thus, men(and maybe even women) who got close to you fall in love with you. And as it´s your nature, you sometimes have to reap some souls. But one day, you meet a very nice young guy. And actually fall in love with him, something unthinkable for a succubus. But how can you tell he loves you too, or is just charmed by your powers? And can you risk to get initmate with him if it possibly means "accidentally" reaping his soul?
Stuff like that does not exist......does it? :
My character is mostly an ordinary guy. You know, young, good looking, dealing with college stuff, nothing that would make his life exceptionally special. One day though, he see´s how a man he does not know threatens a girl. Naturally, he talks to this man, and asks him to peacefully retreat, but this man immediately gets very aggressive towards MC, and in the following short fight, MC kills him in self-defense. MC can´t trust his eyes though about what happens next, as the dead body of the man transforms into his true form....something not so human(look/species up to discuss). And not only that, the girl does too. She reveals that this man was the tyrant ruler of their tribe, and that they are from a different dimension. Naturally, she is grateful for freeing their tribe, and by killing him, MC automatically becomes their next king/ruler.
The general idea of this is, that supernatural stuff only happens in the media, right? But what if an average young guy is confronted with the truth it really exists?
Also, maybe this girl can´t go back to her dimension and thus has to stay with him. Her physical attributes could/should also play a role.
The general idea of this is, that supernatural stuff only happens in the media, right? But what if an average young guy is confronted with the truth it really exists?
Also, maybe this girl can´t go back to her dimension and thus has to stay with him. Her physical attributes could/should also play a role.
-The Runaway Princess:
Your character is a Princess(the age is up to you), who flees from your country for some reason. You go undercover with a fake ID at some US college(or EU university if you like more) and depending on your age you start as a student or teacher there. Now while you arent "snobby", it´s still harder to get along in the "real world" than you thought, and soon your sometimes, maybe a bit helpless behaviour makes my character curious about you. Will he find out who you are? Will you try to preven this? And what if the secret is unveiled? (should be on the light/humour/ side, not some heavy dark noncon blackmail)
-The Girls of Stepford:
It is one of those picture perfect sub-urban areas. Pretty houses, clean air, perfectly green lawns, nearly everyone knows everyone. The people who live there have a decent income, and so their children of course go to a nearby elite-college. So, this very children are expected to follow in their parent´s footsteps one day, lawyers, doctors, and what not. For them it´s BOREDOM on earth.
But one day, someone new moves there. A young man, in his early to mid twenties. Of course, he is warmly welcome. And especially the girls of Stepford have thrown an eye on him, as he is very attractive - and there is not much else to do in this boring suburb.
So, while it starts innocent at first, those well manored college girls literally make a competition of it, on who of them he likes most, who of them can seduce him first....and more. This ends up in a lot of bitching and competion, and naturally a lot of smut. But with a very humorous tone to it.
You´d naturally have to play at least two females, the more the merries, but thats up to you. Quality over Quantity.
But one day, someone new moves there. A young man, in his early to mid twenties. Of course, he is warmly welcome. And especially the girls of Stepford have thrown an eye on him, as he is very attractive - and there is not much else to do in this boring suburb.
So, while it starts innocent at first, those well manored college girls literally make a competition of it, on who of them he likes most, who of them can seduce him first....and more. This ends up in a lot of bitching and competion, and naturally a lot of smut. But with a very humorous tone to it.
You´d naturally have to play at least two females, the more the merries, but thats up to you. Quality over Quantity.