Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe: Lust is in the Air (N7Biotic x how_is_you)


Apr 14, 2017
The Void of Lost Time
Making silent steps through the temple's ancient floors, Frost, searched high and low for the only person who she could never beat: her own sifu Sub-Zero. She had climbed the ranks, beaten every opponent that's crossed her, all except him. Just the thought of it made ice start to form on her gloves. Her old sifu may have brought her up from nothing, but she knew that she was the superior cyromancer and today, she was going to prove that today. If only the coward ever showed himself. She had no doubts that he knew she was here. Frost wanted him to know. Yet, the coward still refused to see her. Perhaps he has grown scared of her, after all, she has grown so much stronger since their last battle and this time, she'll make sure to rip his head clean off his shoulders. That thought alone made a wide grin grow from underneath her mask.

This temple was the very same that he once tutored her. A fitting place for his demise. All her tracking led her here. Why her sifu grew so sentimental all of a sudden was beyond her, but it would make his death all the more delicious. He may be of the last of their people along with herself, but that meant nothing to her now. Maybe it did at one point, but now all desire to keep their bloodline going has disappeared from her being. All she craved was the look of fear and defeat on his face as his blood stained these ancient temple floors and by the will of the ancient gods, she was going to get that satisfaction soon enough.
Sub Zero was kneeling in the ceremonial battleground of the Lin Kuei Temple, quietly meditating as he waited. He had sensed that something was coming for this world, that Earthrealm was somehow in danger, but as his premonitions of danger usually were, they were vague. Here he knelt, pondering on the dreams he had been plagued with the past few nights. Violet colors filled his vision, and slowly, a mystical green swirled through the violet, before becoming the main color itself, with swirls of violet instead. He assumed that the green was to signify one of the two sorcerers that plagued the reals, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, but he did not know which. If he were to be honest, he would feel that the pair of them would work together, but based off of his previous experiences with the Netherrealm sorcerer and the soul stealer, they were both too power hungry to share power with one another. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he continued pondering on the imagery, as the color shifted into a moving mass. He saw his own temple, some space station, and the entirety of the realms consumed by this mass, one by one. He didn't know what the space station meant...maybe that the power was as infinite as the heavens? He shook his head, standing from his meditation. Today, he had decided to wear his combat gear, a feeling deep in his gut telling him that he would need it today, be that for the encroaching power coming for the realms, or for some other reason.

He heard rushed footsteps approaching the door, turning around to face the large double doors. He had not sent for anyone, so he was also in the process of sinking down into a combat stance; wide base, his right arm hooked at the elbow and close to his body, while his left arm was outstretched, his fingers tensing and relaxing. A cool, gently swirling mist could be seen forming around his hands, a result of his cryomantic abilities focusing as he prepared for kombat.
He couldn't be far. She was nearing the place she's always seen her sifu meditating. If he wasn't there, then she'll destory the whole temple to find him. Sub Zero was here, there was no doubts in her mind. Her impatience and rage were starting to take over her actions. The once civil version of Frost faded quickly as memories of her training here began to return. Hours she spent, freezing herself nearly to death every day of her life, breaking soild blocks of ice with her bare hands, being slashed and stabbed with sharp ice shaped into swords and daggers. Every moment was painful, but the pain felt good. It made her feel alive. Almost as much as fighting did. Sub Zero would claim she'd go to far, but she called him weak. If you couldn't bring a enemy to their knees, begging for their life, you weren't someone worthy of her time. The more Sub Zero tried to tame her, the more wild she became. Like a abused and starved tiger, she lashed out at everyone in her path. Sonya was the only person, other then her own sifu, that could ever to beat her and she had fallen to her. Now, it was her sifu's time to fall. As she passed by a statue of a figure she had no knowledge of, she swiped her hand with a grunt to cause a blade of ice to slice right through the statue's stone, sending its upper half crashing down onto the temple's floors as she called out, "I'm coming for you sifu! Get ready to face your death!"

Frost stepped into the open room, frost covering the floor to mark her foot steps as her hands began to mist and ice over as she readied for a fight. She grinned wickedly seeing her old teacher standing there, ready to fight her. A wickedly laughter left her lips as mist formed outside of her mask as though she were a dragon. "There you are. I was beginning to wonder if you ran away again. Ready to die my Master? You've been escaping me for much too long now." She laughed again, before taking up her own combat stance, holding her fist towards him at cheek level while her other fist lingered by her hip.
Frost, a protege of his, was the one coming for him in search of a fight. Kuai Liang didn't lower his guard for a moment, knowing that if he did that the subordinate would lunge for his throat, ice dagger in hand. He narrowed his eyes at her mocking of his previous attempts to avoid kombat with her; if he were honest, he wasn't seeking to fight her at this time, either. He had hoped to contain her spirit, but all that the training Sub Zero had put her through seemed to accomplish was fanning the flames, and now she resented her master. He watched her combat stance, noting the stark difference to the one that most Lin Kuei were trained to use, which was much similar to his own. Frost was...rebellious, it seemed, and the grandmaster took a breath, and let it out. Focusing, he swirled his arms, his ice magic coursing through his veins as he did so. He was clearly open for an attack, and he knew doubly so that Frost would leap at the opportunity to attack him. It only took him a moment or two to complete his short ritual, however, as in the next moment, a jet of cold magic flew from his outwardly burst palms. The magic was then converted into ice as cold and solid as glaciers, and it encased her entire lower body, trapping her legs in the combat stance that she had settled into.

Guessing that the subordinate would attempt to struggle, Sub Zero relaxed into a more neutral stance as he spoke. "You can try to struggle, but my ice magic will keep you there until I dispel it." He then turned away, kneeling down into the same position that he had been in when she had approached. "Something is coming for the realms, Frost. I do not need your murderous vengeance muddying the waters when the Lin Kuei need to defend themselves."
Frost prepared for his move. She knew him, knew most of his techniques. Finally, after all this time, she would finally destory him and she was going to enjoy each second of it. Then she saw it, the old fool opened himself to her. A wicked grin grew on her lips as she summoned a sharp knife made purely of her ice as she ran to strike it deep into his stomach, not wanting to kill him immediately, but make him suffer for all these years she's suffered trying to defeat him and gained the title she deserved. However, in her blind arrogance, Frost was shocked to see a jet of ice shoot towards her and by the time she saw it, it was too late. If she'd stayed her distance, it would of been easy to dodge, but being a mere few inches before him, the jet came too quickly and enveloped her legs before she could move. Being used to the cold, the thick ice's cold meant nothing to her, but even her powerful legs couldn't break through the thick ice. She swore violently. Why was he doing this? Never before did he try anything like this. Was he truly that scared of her. She struggled and tried to break the ice, but nothing seemed to work. Frost would have used her knife to free herself, but she wouldn't have nearly enough time to free herself without hurting her own legs before he got to him.

She grunted and swore as her master approached her, glaring at him with hatefilled eyes. Even as he spoke, she struggled to free herself. He even turned his back on her! Was he truly so arrogant and foolish? Frost slowly stopped struggling realizing it was useless, even with her powerful hands to try and break it, nothing worked. She huffed and growled like a wild tigeress at her master. "What are you going on about? Defend ourselves from what?" She growled, knowing the only way to free herself was to listen to him.
Sub Zero heard the sounds of struggle as Frost attempted time and time again to escape the situation that she had just been trapped in, but soon enough, the sounds stopped, and the young Lin Kuei finally questioned what it was he had been referring to. He focused his mind once more, trying to recall the dream he had been cursed with. "In the visions that I have been sent by the Elder Gods, there is violet, a brilliant, rich violent. Soon though, that color is met by and mixes with a thread of green, and that thread grows until the two colors are one and the same, a swirling mass of sickly green and rich violet." He sighed, opening his eyes once more. "I know the green refers to Shang Tsung or Quan Chi. I just cannot grasp what the violet is. Is it a force we know about? Something new?" He shook his head, standing once more and turning towards her.

"I understand your lust for vengeance to a degree. I have already bored you with the story about Hanzo Hasashi." He then crossed his arms. "But I implore you to forget about it. It will consume you, as it had Hanzo all those years ago, before he returned to the land of humanity. You will be an easy target for various manipulative-" Before he could finish, a rumble ran its way through the ground, which confused the grandmaster, but he figured it was some sort of avalanche nearby. "-manipulative sorcerers to take advantage of it."
For a moment, Frost truly believed her master had become an old fool. Dreaming of colors and thinking it was a message from the elder gods themselves. It was a struggle not to laugh at the poor fool. Perhaps, she was truly doing him a favor of putting him out of his misery. Her sifu was once a wise man, but it was clear those days were gone. If he truly thought there was a message from the elder gods that were nothing more then colored smoke then he was a bigger fool then she expected. She struggled not to roll her eyes once he brought up the story he told her a million times over. He always said she was just like Hanzo, lustful for power and obsessed with vengeance. He may be right, but she wouldn't end up like Hanzo. No, Hanzo was weak while she was powerful. All but one enemy stood in her way and she intended to change that.

However, even with her legs entrapped in ice, Frost could feel the world rumble against her feet. Her entire body almost seemed to feel its strength. Frost turned her attention to the distance, unable to see the source of the rumbling. She suspected it to be an avalanche as well. It was a common occurrence for a temple in the mountains surrounded by ice and snow, but Frost noted it was larger then most of the avalanches that occured here. Her master quickly regained her attention, perhaps there was something in his words that had truth in them. "That's assuming those sorcerers could actually defeat me..." She grumbled at him, but sighed softly. "You have my attention..."
Kuai Liang smiled in an almost relieved manner when the subordinate stated that he had her attention. He looked around the particular room that they were in for a moment, the various ancient carvings of events to come from the wise sages of an era long passed something he wished he had. Foresight. If he had such a talent, he would have been able to do so much as grandmaster. He then turned his attention back to Frost, his expression resolute. "These carvings have demonstrated startling accuracy." He gestured up to one, the carving on the farthest left section of the particular wall. "The defeat of the Great Kung Lao at the hands of Goro." He moved over once more. "The rise of Shao Kahn as emperor of Outworld." He moved to the next. "Somehow, they even predicted the Cyber Initiative, its rise and fall at my hand." He then turned back towards her. "Every one of these events was at least somewhat significant in the history of the Lin Kuei, and each of these events I was alive for compelled me to act. Call it a foolish recklessness, but it has always been the same sensation; do something, and do not allow the Lin Kuei to sit idle."

He walked closer to her. "This has caused a similar stir in my emotions. I feel the Lin Kuei, more than defending itself needs to act on Earthrealm's behalf, as we had with the Shinnok invasion." Sub-Zero stumbled a bit as a second rumble ran its course, this one far more powerful than the last. Luckily, his training kicked in, and he stopped moving altogether, keeping his balance rather effortlessly. Once it stopped, he turned to Frost. "This may be the onset. The temple has never had avalanches of this magnitude."
When her master pointed out the ancient carvings along the temple walls had predicted every major event with complete accuracy, Frost began to wonder if he had a point. Frost wasn't a believer of coincidence when it came to these anicent walls. The fact they predicted everything so accurately, even things far into the future couldn't be brushed off as coincidence, but visions from the Elder Gods that were merely colored fog? Maybe it was her desire to be free from her icey prison, but she was starting to believe the man standing before her that something much bigger was at hand. While she will never be a fan of her master like she was when she was a foolish child, Frost wasn't stupid and she wasn't completely blind. A sigh left her lips, creating a slight icey fog form from her breath through her mask. He may be crazy for all she knew, but she was running out of things to counter him with. If this truly was a warning from the Elder Gods, it was not something to ignore.

The second avalanche stirred in Frost's core. It was much more powerful then the last in way that worried the hardened warrior. She may have wanted to destory her sifu, but she didn't hate her people, just wanted to prove she was worthy of being a grandmaster of cryomancy that she was denied so many times. However, when the second avalanche ended something was wrong, horribly so. A suffocating warmth shot into her chest as she saw a snaking purple haze before her, appearing seemingly from nowhere. Her whole body started to heat up as a strange new sensation shot through her, making Frost tense and close her eyes tightly. Her chest heaved trying to breathe. When she opened her eyes again, her icey blue eyes changed to purple for a moment before she started to look at her master with heat and lust burning in her eyes. "Master..." She whispered and grunted as though she was holding something back. "Something's wrong...".
Sub-Zero was watching his subordinate, and noticed these odd events take place, at least the ones he could see. He saw the brief purple flash in her eyes, and heard her warning that something was wrong, compelling the cryomancer to act. With an upheld hand, he closed it into a fist, and the ice surrounding her legs shattered painlessly, the shards tinkling to the floor before disappearing entirely, not into water, but as a cool mist that briefly covered the floor. With another movement, he moved to his apprentice's side, holding Frost to keep her from falling to the floor and end up with some sort of injury. He looked over her, looking for any cuts or scrapes on her body; those could be the reason, and despite his masterful control of his ice magic, an open wound would cause it to seep into her bloodstream, likely expanding beyond his control due to the intensity of the ice around her legs and freezing her heart still. Seeing her without such injuries, however, made him furrow his brow, and as a way to get more air into her lungs in case that was the issue, his fingers deftly moved from her body to the straps of her mask, unfastening them and pulling the material away from her mouth.

"What's going on, Frost? Sickness?"
Feeling her master free her legs, Frost let out a soft gasp. Her legs were numb from the ice that kept them contained. She knew the dangers she could face if any of his ice magic ended up in a open wound, but strangely enough she didn't care. Her eyes were focused on her sifu in a way that she never looked at him before. Before, her eyes were full of hate and bloodlust, but now they were longing and lustful. Even as he caught her before falling, all Frost could think about were those strong arms wrapped around her. The very same arms she dreamed of ripping off, now wrapped around her in such a way that almost made her long for more. The angry and hatefilled Frost seemed to no longer exist for she stared upon her master shamelessly with eyes that wanted him. Frost didn't know what was wrong with her or what was causing her to feel these things, but whatever it was, it was getting stronger by the second.

Even with her legs stable and his arms free of her, Frost couldn't help by stare at his handsome features as he revealed his face from his mask in concern for her. The scars and details of battle that adorned his face only strengthened her desire. She was silent for a moment, before lowering her own mask to expose her beautiful and soft features, no longer tainted by her look of rage. "In a way...yes Master..." She whispered before she brought herself closer to him and kissed him deeply. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders as her body instinctively pushed up against him as her lips kissed his deeply and full of hunger.
Sub Zero was very confused when he saw her expression, her eyes, and sensed that she was not filled with hate towards him anymore. It was rather sudden, and to be honest, he doubted his speech on the history of the Lin Kuei and realm-threatening events had swayed her that much, no matter how much stock she seemed to hold on the sages' wisdom. Her eyes were examining him with a renewed awe that he did not expect, and then came the kiss. That was something he did not expect, and though he did sink into it for a second or two, a sound was released from the grandmaster's lips as he looked at her with the same intense confusion he had at the start of her release from his icy prison, and he pulled his mouth away from his apprentice's, his brow furrowed as he tried to figure out what the hell had gotten into her.

"Frost...are you sure you're okay? I haven't seen you...well...want me this much." His hands didn't leave their place holding her, and though he pulled away from the kiss, he didn't try to shrug away the hands around his shoulders. He had never had a family or wife, unlike Hanzo, so was certainly something new to him. Granted, in his younger years as grandmaster he used his position to get women in his bed, but now, he was older and wiser, and sex was certainly low on his list of priorities.
While Frost had little understanding of her sudden desire, there was little she could do to stop herself. Every attempt to restrain her hands and keep her lips from speaking lewd things ended in failure. Even as he spoke to her, Frost couldn't help looking over her master's form. His muscles so toned and strong. She's seen him without armor before. During her training when she was young, she remembered the rare occasion her sifu exposed his chest during their combat training. Before she grew to hate him, Frost would take a glance or two while he made another famous monologue, but never thought of doing anything lewd with him until now. It came out of no where so suddenly, Frost barely had time to think, but even as Sub-Zero expressed confusion and even concern for her, she couldn't help, but notice his hands never left her and he never made a move to get her hands off of her. That was enough for Frost to see that it wouldn't take much to get what she suddenly longed for. A man with no wife or children, who spent most of his later life focused on such serious things, giving himself so little time for pleasure wouldn't be much of a challenge to get him hot and bothered.

"I've fine master...just hot..." She spoke, using her truthful words to her advantage. Her body truly felt like it was on fire, even the ice that normally formed slightly around her body started to melt as the mist that escaped her every breath became steam. Without hesitating, Frost pulled off her gloves and started to make quick work of the armor that concealed her chest. Her body pushed up against his as her hands unlaced the strings that held part of her armor on, letting it fall off of her body to fall onto the floor. Her lips found his again, kissing him heatedly until she forced herself to pull away, lifting her undershirt up and off of her, exposing her heavy breasts to her master as her shirt joined the rest of her clothing. Her breasts heaved as her breath became heated, letting Sub-Zero gaze at her soft skin, little scars covering parts of her flat stomach and heavy tits from her battles with a seductive, yet wicked grin on her face.
Kuai Liang heard her response to his concern, that she felt 'hot,' and it was at this point, combined with the kiss before the statement, that the grandmaster knew exactly what was going on. Something had prompted an incredible arousal within her, an emotion which she likely never felt towards the one who had trained her as he had, before the hate it was simply a student obeying her teacher, and after the hate clouded her mind...well, it was unlikely that sex with her perceived enemy was on her mind at all. Sub-Zero didn't have all that much time to ponder on it, however, for as soon as his mind noticed the lack of an icy mist around her arms and the mist that was usually on her breath became steam, she had mashed her lips into his once more. On top of all of that, her assumption was more than correct, and he was returning the kiss just as eagerly as the first time before he had broken their contact, and this time, more of the kiss went by without any resistance. He held Frost's body close to his as her muscles pushed her torso up to meet his, and he felt her arms moving. While Kuai Liang wasn't all too sure what exactly it was her hands were doing, when she stopped moving her hands like she did, gently lowering back to the ground and breaking the kiss with him to lift the undershirt over her head, he figured it out rather quickly. His eyes couldn't help but roam over her newly nude torso, his mind racing with lust, confusion, and trepidation all at once as his manhood hardened in his own armor. The light scars on her skin was indicative that she had battled often to take over the Lin Kuei, and she was looking right at him with the oddest grin on her face, one that he had never expected to see before on Frost's lips...though that thought could go for the entirety of this new encounter between the two of them.

Sighing, finally giving in to his lust, he moved forward, guiding her hands to the belt of his armor, which would eliminate the knives and armor that covered his groin area. Once satisfied that she got the message, he moved his lips to her neck, then to her collarbone, until finally his mouth rested over one of her nipples, the grandmaster sucking on the nub like an infant as one of his hands moved to grope and caress her free breast. Heavy was definitely an apt descriptor for her bosom, as it was easily more than a handful for him to grope one of her tits. With his lips and tongue teasing her nipple, his left hand could only really hold that particular breast still, so that it didn't move and slip out of his mouth, which would likely cause his teeth to scrape over her nipple and cause an injury.
Frost knew this wasn't right. She hated Kuai Liang and shouldn't be so eager to stip and offer herself to him. No matter how much she tried to fight it, the sudden lustful thoughts took control of her. It was like she was a bitch in heat, willing to sleep with the person she hated most just to mate. Sex was never on her high list of priorities. Maybe when she was younger and more foolish, but not since she became a serious cryromancer. The fact she was craving it so intensely now wasn't her, but the more she tried to think about it, the more powerful the lustful thoughts became. Frost began to suspect that it was connected to her Master's vision and the more violent avalanches around the temple. Frost could barely think anymore as her Master returned her lustful kisses, feeling as though he was stealing her breath. She could feel him losing his will to fight her and wondered if he was affected by the same illness she was. There were so many questions, but her mouth was too busy moaning and kissing her Master while her thoughts wondered about more lewd things.

Seeing her Master remove his belt made Frost bite her lip, watching him with an intense gaze as she waited for his next move. A hot moan escaped her feeling his lips playing with her neck and collarbone, a feeling she hadn't felt in so many years it was though she was feeling it for the first time. Another, louder, hot moan pushed past her lips feeling his lips sucking on her nipple. "Oh...fuck." She moaned as her hand touched the back of Kuai Liang's head as her back arched up into him, pushing her nipple deeper into his mouth. As he played and sucked on her swollen tits, Frost closed her eyes and moaned, letting him do all he wanted. Her sex between her legs getting wetter by the second.
Maybe Kuai Liang's will did disintegrate too quickly, and maybe he was jumping into this sexual advance a tad bit too easily. In fact, even he himself had been expecting to put up a bit more resistance than he actually had. Maybe whatever had affected Frost had affected him as well, or maybe the years of repressing his sexual desires to efficiently run a clan such as this had finally caught up to him. Either was quite clear that Frost was wanting this to take place, and it wasn't like she was a repulsive woman in the appearance department, either. After all, it was doubtful that any Earthrealmer would be into Sheeva, for example, or Mileena...though that would likely not be the case until her mask was removed. Regardless, he continued to please his apprentice, working one her breast and nipple like he had done this a million times. When her back arched for him, his lips curled a bit into a grin of success before he continued his oral onslaught of her chest. Soon, his mouth switched sides, moving to the underutilized breast and repeating the motions from before. His hands, however, had different ideas.

Instead of one of the hands holding the spare breast still, he moved both hands southward on his body, pulling down his trousers with a bit of effort and pushing them off of his body, revealing pale skin that seemed almost blue from the cold magics he had flowing through his blood. Pushing the pants down also revealed one more thing about him: he was packing eight inches below the waist, and that manhood was as solid as the ice he had conjured to hold Frost in place. He moved one hand to the shaft, stroking it slowly as he paid such eager attention to her breasts; it was clear that was his favorite part of a woman's body,
A series of soft moans kept pushing through her lips with each pleasurable suck and lick Sub-Zero made on her. A steamed breath escaping her from every gasp she made. When he switched from one breast to another, her previously untouched nipple screamed out in pleasure. Frost's mind was blank, nothing but lustful mist invaded her. Even as she closed her eyes she could see the purple mist that controlled her. Yet, there was a part of her that genuinely enjoyed this. Her master was surprisingly skilled at this and knew excatly what to do to make her moan for him. She knew that Kuai Liang fooled around when he was younger. Who didn't at a young age? However, she didn't expect that he would make her feel so good without doing much. She wanted more of him. Frost wanted to touch every inch of him, taste him, and feel him inside of her. The warm feeling of his body and her own was unlike anything she's felt in so long and gods she wanted it to stay forever. It was nice not being cold for once.

A soft gasp escaped Frost once she saw what his hands were doing. Her eyes couldn't tear away from him as she bit her lip, excited to see what was underneath his armor. Another gasp escaped her seeing how big he was. Frost was no virgin by any means. In her youth, she's seen a lot of manhood, but nothing like his. Nothing as long and thick as his before. Already, Frost could feel the urge to get down on her knees and taste him starting to arise, but she knew what he was looking at. Tasting him will have to wait a moment. She grabbed her tits and squeezed them for his viewing pleasure. Pushing them together, kneading them, even digging her nails into her own flesh. She lifted a breast up and lowered her head to lick her own nipple for him before running her hands down her body to remove her own trousers.
Sub Zero watched with intent as she teased him a bit by toying with her breasts. The nails sinking into the soft flesh was an interesting addition, and it showed that she could get a tad aggressive when she wanted sex. He watched her toy with her breasts for as long as she toyed with them, and them a grin slowly spread across his face as her hands trailed southward to remove the clothes hiding her legs. He felt his manhood throb heartily at the sight, and felt his hand speeding up in its thrusts as more and more of her skin was exposed to his eyes. However, much like how his gazes at her body didn't escape her gaze, the previous hunger towards his cock didn't go unnoticed either, and he smiled, standing and walking closer to her. He stopped stroking himself, letting his cock hang free right over her. "I saw that hunger. Go ahead and indulge."
She loved watching her master stroke himself to her. A man usually so serious and stoic exposing himself to her and pleasing himself to the sight of her. She bit her lip, feeling hunger burning inside of her. Desire building up inside that made her want to take him right then and there, but she used her discipline to control the only part of herself that kept her from doing so. However, a gril grew on her face by his words. "Don't mind if I do master." She smiled, stepping closer to him and getting down on her knees. She looked up at Sub Zero with lust burning in her eyes. Her warm hand wrapping around his length. His large cock throbbing in her hand as her hand replaced his own in stroking him, feeling every throb and twitch it made. Her lips parted as she started to play with his tip. Teasing it with her fingers before stroking him all the way down to his base.

Her lips came closer to his tip, looking up at him as her tongue pushed out and started to lick his tip. Her tongue ran down his shaft, getting his length wet with her tongue, moaning softly as she tasted him on her warm tongue. When she returned to his tip, her free hand reached and started to play with his balls, squeezing and playing with them as her lips touched his tip. She kissed it and parted her lips to finally push him inside and sucking on it while her other hand started to stroke him again.
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