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Fx Any Lady Jace On the Prowl

Fx M or F

Lady Jace Beleren

Don't Feed the Pervert
Jul 2, 2014
United States, East Coast
In this thread, we will be getting straight to business. Things that are important about me: I enjoy long walks on the beach (Not really), I love the color purple, and I am a female willing to roleplay as both male and female in either MxF or FxF relationships.

This request thread will be, at the moment, rather empty. I have no specific plots in mind. However, I am more than willing to read over any idea you are willing to pass my way. I know that this is a request thread and that I should be requesting some kind of specifics. However, I am lacking in inspiration for any plots I find compelling. So, feel free to shoot a PM my way. However, I will be ignoring any PM that does not include the title "Hello Miss Jace" in order to prevent spam, and provide a little proof that you read this. Additionally, I do not RP over anything but this site and I do not RP non-original characters.

Currently, there are no particular plots of pairings that I am looking for. However, I am a switch with a preference of playing female doms and male submissive, though I am more than willing to switch that up. I RP in fantasy, sci-fi, and modern settings, all of which will be original. If you do not have any particular setting you want, simply suggest a genre and we can brainstorm something together.

Now for the part you all want, you filthy people. My Ons and Offs

Anal play, going both ways
Light to medium bondage, with occasional heavy depending on the plot
Light domination in a switch relationship or hard domination if the pairing calls for it
Pain - See Offs for more on limitations
The biggest turn on is, however, creativity. A good idea for a plot will get me in bed much faster than anal sex.

Watersports (This does not include situations where a character is being humiliated or in abandonment play. These uses of urination are acceptable.)
Mutilation or severe physical violence
Gaping and fisting
Race based fetish

Also included is my F-List

This will give a more detailed list of interests. If you do not see something that you are interested in, feel free to ask me about it. I am usually open to most things.

Finally, I will be including a sample post from one of my longer running RPs. It is well and above my average length, which is usually somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3 paragraphs. That being said, it will usually grow in most situations. So as long as your replies are full of thought and detail we should be compatible. The sample includes everything you could want. A bit of world building, a nice bit of detail, and a nice helping of smut. A return writing sample is certainly welcome if you have no public RPs.

Sample Post:

Lady Jace Beleren said:
Alice smiled at her mistress, confident that she was going to exceed expectations for the night. That is, until Calina was mentioned. She had recovered for the most part from what had occurred. However, thinking about how easily she had been pushed aside and how weak she was compared to these nobles. Yes, Calina and Serisia were an extreme exception, but she was still nothing but a weak little human. Her parents would not have even been able to give her the bone modifications required for space travel had the University not paid for it. She was as human as a human could be, surrounded by a galaxy of super-humans. It was a humbling feeling and, had she been the same girl she had been before their trip to the cabin, Alice would have been scared of every noble she saw. But, she was not. Instead, she held the memory of Serisia tied to the floor with genuine fear on her face. She used that memory to push that little spark of fear down and smother it again.

She reached for the small clasped bag next to her, a small item filled with every little thing she might need to attend to her Mistress' or her own appearance. From within she pulled a small cloth and wrapped a gloved hand gently around Serisia's wrist.

"My unfiltered opinion? I have to admit I am rather curious, Mistress. When I was a waitress, I saw nobility every day. But, they always acted how they wanted. Today, I get to see all of you in your territory, bound by rules. It is, honestly, a little scary. On the other hand, I know that no one will care about some little maid. They might look at me, make some offhanded comment about me, perhaps even speak to me, but tomorrow they will remember your dress and your words. I almost feel like I might even be a spy. Also, I get to see my mistress in an incredible dress. If only we were at the mansion right now..."

Alice's expression was becoming one of excitement as she began to gently wipe Serisia's fingers and palm clean, returning the shine. She was biting her lip gently as she worked, obviously thinking things that were rather unbecoming of a maid. Her affections had not waned any, the skintight nature of this dress was not helping the young girl's focus. After all, she was always hungry for even a glimpse of that lovely bronze skin and Serisia was so cruelly trotting her thigh out to be seen. They were all alone in this carriage after all, with no one intending to disturb them for some time. There would be no harm in tending to her Mistress in another way, was there? Of course, the possibility of causing the dress to be disrupted in any way was not an option, not to mention her own hair and makeup. Instead, Alice sat on the other side of the carriage, her heart beating just a bit faster. If only she was a noble as well, with the right to take what she wanted. Still, a bit of idle conversation was not so terrible either.

Twenty minutes later, they came to a halt and Alice was quick to move to the door, opening it for Serisia and stepping out. Despite the tone her Mistress had, Alice found a smile on her lips as she reached out and let her black gloved hand be encased in silver. Now was the time to be a servant again. She walked a step behind her Mistress, always close enough to be of help, but never in the way. Her eyes were turned down to the path to make sure she did not make eye contact with Serisia or any other nobles who could be around, though they were alone on the walk inside. Her hands were crossed in front of her, holding her bag. She was the perfect image of a subject, except for the curious wandering of her eyes, doing their best to look at curious plants and decorations without raising her chin too high. She, of course failed, eventually looking around openly. It was not until they reached the reporters that she remember herself, looking down at the path again.

Unclasping the bag again, Alice pulled her Mistress' liquid metal cape out, the comparative dimensions of the items making little sense. She draped it over Serisia with all the care and affection of a good maid, clasping it quickly while still valuing the sensation of being pressed close to her love. Her own cape was produced in a similar fashion, though her own application was quite a bit less glamorous. Not that any additional glamour was needed. The wall of reporters all swooning over Serisia, the large doors that were opened and closed, only to be opened again. It was, to an extent, a bit comical. Nobles seemed to be filled with an infinite desire to be served, no matter how ridiculous.

Then, they were inside and the silence ruled. The whole of the building seemed almost devoid of life, with only silent statues that could possibly be Delestara servants. It seemed that the level of discipline here was a bit higher than Serisia's home. Or at least the desired effect was different. All of the Hizan maids were beautiful and shining, their appearance as important as their duty. It was a collection of lovely ladies there to greet their mistress and her guests. Here, they looked at the floor, showing no emotion. Yes, they were beautiful. A noble would settle for nothing less than the best, even in the faces of their servants, a fact that always made Alice feel self-conscious. Then, in the silence of the hall, a voice rang out to Serisia.

Alice's eyes moved to the voice and immediately she felt her cheeks warm. She was gorgeous, as beautiful as Serisia, though the thought felt like blasphemy. A tall woman with feline features was waiting for them. Serisia seemed to have some kind of history, but Alice was too entranced by the lack of coverage that her dress provided. She woman was nearly nude! Then, that slinky little tail moved toward the maid and her heart jumped into her throat. It pulled the dress in such a way that Alice could see the curves of the woman's ass, a sight so distracting that she did not even notice that extra limb until it touched her thigh, caressing so gently from her knee to the edge of her dress. The pit of Alice stomach throbbed, the heat of her body suddenly becoming a noticeable issue. The part of her mind that truly loved her mistress commented that it was strange for a noble to keep their home so warm. The part that loved beautiful women was screaming that the tail should not stop there. Then it was gone. Just as suddenly, Alice was separated from her Mistress, sent off to a section reserved for the servants, two large wooden doors slamming shut to give each party privacy.

The atmosphere was most certainly not what the maid was expecting from a room filled with servants. She had expected strict instruction or some kind of task. Instead, a wide variety of butlers and maids were relaxing on couches and chairs, sitting at small tables and enjoying drinks and food. The room was buzzing with conversation and, with exceptions, most of them seemed to be rather pleased. Just as it was at the mansion, it was a collection of lovely faces that made Alice feel so entirely inadequate. As she walked with the slow uncertainty of someone in unfamiliar social territory, her eyes wandered over each person she passed.

Some of them, like herself, were simply dressed in beautiful clothes. Alice could only think that they made her look shabby by comparison, something she had become accustomed to in her youth. Others, while still in lovely clothing, seemed to be on display for the others. One woman wore an open-backed dress that showed off a myriad of scars from her shoulder blades to her lower back. Another had a lovely hairstyle that covered half of her face while also concealing a brand on her cheek. One butler was missing a fingertip. Another wore robes that clearly showed the seam of his artificial arm. As much as this was a collection of beautiful dolls to be shown off, it was also an exhibition of who could be more cruel. In this room, though, those with visible injury were just as welcome as others, if not more.

Alice found herself sitting at a table in the corner, nursing a small glass of wine. She would simply bide her time watching, or so she had planned. A small clique of servants made their way over, purpose in their stride. The first, a tall blonde with her hair in a tight and orderly bun and a form fitting dress that showed an ample amount of cleavage, sat down heavily, her breasts threatening to bounce free. The second woman took the remaining chair. Her hair was a dark brown, similar to Alice's own when she did not possess her purple additions. She was dressed rather modestly in a high necked dress that accentuated her curves. The last, a man who was currently telling a servant to pull a chair over, wore loose robes ties at the waist. He was tall, even by the standards of the genetically modified, and his sandy blonde hair was styled in such a way that it looked wild, yet one could tell that an impossible amount of work went into that appearance. All of them made Alice feel like a plain little doll, a feeling she loathed. The blonde woman spoke first.

"My name is Adriana, serving House Bellento, this is Nixxy, House Vernest, and he is Caldus, House Rento. You looked so lonely, so we decided to come visit."

Her smile was warm enough that Alice did not question her intentions. For now, it seemed that the servants would simply relax for a while.

"My name is Alice, servant of House Hizan."

At the mention of House Hizan, Nixxy made a rather sour expression.

"Hizan? I heard that your Lady has been known to consort with that nasty grey skin Princess Jaina. My Lord says we would be better off just rid of them, don't you think?"

Alice, hearing not only her own Mistress besmirched, but an ill mention of the princess, found that her feelings toward one third of the party had gone into another direction quite quickly. However, she realized a moment later that this might be valuable information. First, if Nixxy was so willing to throw out distasteful comments, it was generally accepted that a servant would not like their employer. Second, this might be useful information. Anyone who did not like Serisia would be important. So, Alice sipped her wine and did her best to hide the anger in her eyes.

"She even went so far as to share a bed with her, from what I hear. I suspect that it might even be true that they eat people as well!"

This comment sparked a whole string of conversation, with each of the servants exchanging a few stories of their employers' habits. She also learned that Caldus had no ability to speak, his voice box removed for saying something out of turn. Instead, he used a small pad attached on his wrist, which he managed to work quite effectively to convey his thoughts and emotions at a reasonable speed, though always with some delay. It did, however, give him a rather expressive face. As they spoke, Alice found herself drinking her wine a bit faster and by the third glass she was feeling the effects, if only slightly. She had also noticed that Nixxy seemed to always return to the matter of Princess Jaina, almost too pressingly. She made a note to remember to mention this later. There was also a collection of less important information. Adriana had been a model before her employment, something Alice could have guessed without much effort, and was trotted out to events like this as a trophy. Caldus was from a line of servants that dated back longer than some noble lines and they were already genetically modified to be males and continue the family. Nixxy, despite her sour attitude toward the Haidan empire, was incredibly funny. Soon, the young maid was fast friends with each, at least for the night. Each was interesting in their own way. For now, with the wine making her face tingle, she found her eyes drifting over to Caldus over and over, meeting his own gaze on more than one occasion.

A few thoughts were filling Alice's head now. First, she had not touched a man since her departure from SU-6. Second, pairs, and the occasional trio, of servants were leaving the large room through a side door, only to return with their makeup slightly damaged or their outfit needing to be adjusted. Third, Caldus was extremely handsome. After drinking the rest of her glass, Alice moved her hand slowly over, nudging Caldus' as well. He seemed to be a master of non-vocal communication and when their eyes met this time, the look he returned brought back that feeling in her stomach. With a knowing giggle from Nixxy and Adriana, Caldus took her hand and pulled her toward the door.

He guided her down the hallway, picking the first room with the door slightly ajar. The room was lined with books and had a pair of chairs in the middle, similar to Serisia's own study. At the moment, though, Alice was rather unconcerned with decoration, or rather she had no time to be concerned. Caldus was aggressive pushing her against the book shelf and entwining his mouth with her own. His hands moved up and down her back, his wide palms covering so much of her small body that she felt like she was drowning in the sensation of being touched. He seemed practiced in this game, his fingers never going toward her hair.

Alice, not wanting to disappoint, gently pushed him back, not with enough force to deny him, but with enough to give her room to slide down to the floor. Her hands pulled at the tie on his robe, her arms bumping something hard as she finally freed the knot and pushed the fabric aside. What greeted her was, without a doubt, the largest piece of flesh she had ever seen. It seemed that his servant line was genetically altered for more than just to be male. To be honest, Alice was unsure if she would be capable of pleasuring him. Still, from the swollen member in front of her and the desperate expression on her voiceless partner, Alice realized something. Serisia had mentioned no female members of House Rento. Alice understood that desperation.

She opened her mouth as wide as she could, wrapping her lips around the needy tip in front of her. A sharp exhale from above told her that she could manage to at least please him. Her hands slid up his side, only for Caldus' own large hands to wrap around her gloved wrists and pull her arms above her head before pushing them against the book shelf. With her wrists restrained Caldus began to rock his hips slowly, the tip moving forward bit by bit. Alice made a few noises of protest as she felt her mouth become completely filled and her throat aching to accommodate even a bit more. Only half of the monstrous cock had been sheathed inside when he started to pump his hips back and forth, using Alice's small mouth as a toy. She felt her eyes water and her throat convulse in protest.

Caldus seemed not to even notice, his movements getting faster and faster, his breathing getting louder. He throbbed inside her mouth and she knew what to expect. A torrent of hot seed spilled into her throat. Her mouth was full of him and there was nowhere for it to go, leaving Alice with the choice of swallowing or drowning. She gulped it down as more and more came. Even as he pulled himself free, more dripped onto her tongue. She found herself leaning forward to even lap the last bit from the tip. Her jaw ached and her eyes were wet. However, between her legs was an incredible heat and a desire to see what that monster could make her feel like.

Instead, she was met with a ringing of a bell from the hall, an indication that dinner would soon be served. The maid's stomach sank and she heard only the sound of Caldus' wrist device whispering sorry as he quickly knotted his robe again. Alice was left on the floor, panting and full of lust. All she could think to do was open her bag, which had been discarded onto the floor beside her, and pull out the small cloth to dab at her eyes, lest her mascara be ruined.

Unfulfilled and with a bit of pain in her face, Alice made sure that she was presentable and made her way back toward the main ballroom, where she was to meet her Mistress before dinner. She was traveling along the wall, trying to spot her employer through the crowd when a hand cut off her path. Her eyes moved from that hand and along the attached arm to find a face, a familiar face. It was the face of Lord Astor Trentella himself, or as Alice had called him to her closest friends at the dinner she worked in, Lord Ass. Her stomach sank deeper than she ever thought possible, her now dry eyes filled with an urge to be wet all over again.

"I thought I knew that face. The little slut, Alice Fielding. Did you find someone to turn you into a kept whore instead of doing freelance?"
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