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All Hail the Bringer (MxF - fantasy setting, corruption/transformation/various)

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Nov 16, 2009
south of heaven, north of texas.
This is going to get a thread all its own because it's not an idea I want to play often. Right now, I intend to hopefully find someone to play it and see how it goes. In the end, my intention is to build a universe around this idea, so here's what I ask of whoever plays along.

- You must be okay with most if not all of the Favorites/Yes in my F-List.

- You must be open to celebrity/model face claims. You don't have to play the celeb/model, but pattern their appearance after them. Any requests for this involving anime drawings of characters will be rejected outright, no compromise.

- You must be open to creating and possibly playing multiple characters.

- I would like to play via PMs/GDocs/Email/Discord, and in third person. No threads or first person please.

Now onto the story. The character is one I'm slowly starting to flesh out. The tentative avatar for this character is Bray Wyatt, but he's known as The Bringer. Little is known about The Bringer except that he has been known to dramatically alter whatever place he's been spotted in. The time/universe we play this in is up for debate. It could be as much fun playing in a medieval/Game of Thrones like setting as it is modern times.

So what does he change? Everything. Human queens become serpent women concubines. Royal knights become dark demon hordes. The earth rots and buildings crumble at his touch. And he simply just walks and travels. I've based him on villains like Randall Flagg from The Dark Tower, the "charismatic demon" style of villain. That's not to say he's perfect, but he's certainly hard to knock off his stride.

I want you to play the people he's changed. Maybe you're the queen of a city he's strolled into and now you've turned into his puppet in which he'll rule your town through until he's changed everything about your homeland. Maybe you're the assassin sent to kill who know is a zealot who will happily kill in his name. Perhaps you're just a wanderer he's turned into a scout or a herald to signal his arrival.

I intend on only playing this idea with one person, so let's see how this goes.
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