One piece OC rp

It was a dark rainy night three figures were on a small ship that was docking at a town on an island. Yamashura hopped off the boat as water rained down on his black and neon green hair. Yamashura was 21 and had a pale complexion and a toned figure. He wore a short sleeve black shirt and black pants with a pair of shoes. He also had a katana on his waist. hasho followed he had short black hair and was also pale complected with a toned figure. He was 19 and wore a white short sleeve shirt with black pants. He also had two karambit knives and a pair of short sword katanas. izabari followed up the rear he had black hair that was billed back in a short ponytail. Izabari had like the other three a pale complexion and a a toned figure. He was 24 and wore black pants with a pair of shoes and white bandages wrapped on his palms and forearms. As they made their way down the gloomy streets the three located a tavern and eagerly entered to escape the rain. Shaking the rain off the three sat at the bar and ordered some drinks.
Sim was laid over the bar sipping his drink and sighing. What a place to get laid over for repairs. Not a girl in sight and the whole place felt like it was having a wake. The 27 year old Lieutenant Commander, still dressed in his white navy uniform with his collar up, had been in the navy for more than a decade and seen a lot of places, interesting places, dangerous places, boring places, nothing quite like this though. It's like all life went out of the town whenever it rained. it rained, A LOT. Well, in another week they would be gone at least
He lifted his head off the bar to take another drink. Then he saw the new comers. "Hey, this is a weapons free port. Go turn your gear in at the navy office and then you can come get a drink."
Yamashura looked over at the marine who addressed them and laughed. "Heh go fuck yourself were not turning in our gear" Yamashura said as he grabbed a glass of alcohol and began to take a sip. "Hasho, Izabari get a load of this guy" Yamashura continued laughing all the while. Yamashura, Hasho and izabari all looked at the owner of the pub behind the bar "three of your finest cut steaks please." Yamashura saidtaking another sip of his beer.
He sighed and stood up. Adjusting his hat he stepped behind them and put his hands on the shoulders of two. The barkeeper looked bervous and retreated into the back. "Look guys. I'm sure none of us want any trouble. All you need to do is leave them with us while your hear and pick them up befote you leave. Its not like you'll need them anyway. This little chat of ours is the most excoting thing that ever happens in this town. So just give them to me, and I'll take them in for you."
As the marine walked behind Yamashura and hasho and placed his hands on the two men's shoulders his hand instantly fell through Yamashura's. Yamashura's shoulder and top of his arm turned into neon green dust. "Just let me and my friends finish our meal then we will be out of here" Yamashura said as he chewed into his steak. Izabari tensed up as the marine made to put his hand on the two. "Relax izabari I got this" Yamashura said. Hasho meanwhile looked over his shoulder at the marine while drinking his beer. "Ya gonna move that hand off me" hasho said
Yamashura sighed and stood up. "Shall we take this outside" Yamashura said smiling as he turned and began to walk outside. Hasho and izabari both stood up and followed Yamashura. As the three walked into the the road the citizens of the town were all scurrying off the streets and into the buildings peering through the windows. The moonlight peaked through the clouds as the sky began to to clear from the storm that had just ended. "I'm a civilized man your uh some what civilized man ... I think" Yamashura said looking in the direction of the marine. Yamashura pulled out his blade "this is one of the 21 great swords I will not part with it easily " Yamashura said as clouds of neon green dust smoked up from his body and the blade of the sword turned a shade of green. Hasho pulled one of his karambits out of the holster on the back of his waist and took a Silat style fighting stance. Meanwhile Izabari transformed into his true gargoyle form his skin rather tough in this form. He flapped his wings keeping himself off the ground while his legs and arms hanged straight down.
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