Looking for partners FxM


Oct 29, 2014
I am going to make this post short and sweet. If you're interested please pm me, also I only roleplay through pm.

I can post anywhere from a few sentences to a few paragraphs. My grammar and spelling are good, but obviously not perfect, so I would like my partners english abilities to be the same level of skill. I don't mind shorter post because I feel like post shouldn't be any more or less then what feels comfortable, but I would like at least two sentences.

Honestly I don't have a lot, but I would like to keep situations realistic, which means if a character has been abused or raped, that there will be struggling. If your trying to rp a rape scene like they do in porn, then you need to go elsewhere because most girls don't start moaning 'yes fuck me!' To their rapist, that's just not how it works. Also expect the female character to be injured, girls don't walk away from rape without bruises, and men also receive injuries from raping someone, clawing would leave scratches, biting obviously causes wounds, kicking, etc all leave injuries which should be there.

I admittedly have some fairly firmly set characters personalities that I tend to use, I can use any of these personalities, so if you wish to dictate what kind of personality my girls have you are looking at the wrong partner. I won't force you too use a particular personality, so don't force me. I would however love to see some thought out personalities, what is you character afraid of, how often do they get mad, are they the kind of person who yells, cries, or throws things when they are mad? All of these things are important questions when you build a character, I don't want to roleplay with a character that it as plain and boring as a saltine cracker.

This last one is a bit odd, but despite being completely straight I love my girls to have red hair, I find it to be a massive turn on. Even some praise of the color of my girls hair is a turn on for me, again I don't know why, but it's been a big thing for me. If you don't like redheads that's okay, I can live with other colors, but honestly red hair would be awesome for my character if you let me use it.
I also enjoy having blind characters.

These are mine x your character
Mermaid x sailor
Student x teacher
Nurse/patient X doctor
Slave x master
Human x werewolf/vampire
Slayer x vampire

I'm open to suggestions of course.

Absolutely not:
Public humiliation
Most incest
I'll add to this later

Things I like:
Blind character
Age gaps
Deep penetration
Name calling (during the act)
And I will be adding more to this later

Plot ideas, ones in bold I am craving;
Playing a blind character, this is a big one for me and fits into any of the plots.
~Assassination failure~
Your character is an assassin who has been known to take rough jobs. YC is hired to take out a wealthy person, not looking much further into it aside from the hefty price tag YC signs up expecting an easy paycheck killing an old high society couple. Upon gaining entrance to the mansion he discovers his target is not what he imagined in the slightest. She’s a young freelance artist who was living below minimum wage and hellbent in pursuing her dreams, until her parents died and she inherited their fortune. She’s more confused and out of place in the high society environment she avoided growing up. YC ends up getting to know her out of curiosity for the person he was hired to kill and a relationship forms.

~The wisp~
(Fantasy medieval, prince/knight x beggar)
There was a wealthy kingdom once, however they engaged in a war with a neighboring kingdom and their riches have been spent into a war that shows no signs of stopping. A high ranking knight or the prince is fatally wounded and dies from his injuries, only to be brought back by a strange blind beggar woman who insist that he call her wisp and does not give him her name. He returns to his duties, but frequently visits the woman hoping to get her to reveal her name.

~A simple misunderstanding~
(2 SorcerersxHuman)
A mature sorcerer from another realm takes a day trip to earth to bring his brother, a less experienced sorcerer, back from the human realm he got himself stuck in. Everything went according to plan, except for a human woman who was pulled through the portal to their realm. She is feisty and stubborn, but with no magic or fighting capabilities she wouldn't last long on her own. Feeling responsible for her capture the sorcerers decide they will take her in, whether she likes it or not. Entranced by her 'earthly' beauty they begin trying to seduce her into being their bedroom partner, however she's having trouble settling and may have to have a bit of both in her life.

~Abusive family intervention~
A male professor notices that one of his students seems a bit odd; she is quiet, commonly wears hoodies, dislikes any sort of conflict, is often absent, and is extremely jumpy. However she is an all A student who works very hard in her classes. When she seems to have dissapeared for a few days and returns to class to find her grades rapidly dropping he expressed his concern and give her his number. Eventually he finds out about her past abusive father and that she has moved out to live on her own. He also realizes she is completely terrified of men having any sort of contact with her. His own feelings toward her have grown, but will he be able to peel back years of damage in order to take their relationship to the next level?

Anthropomorphic animals live alongside humans in a peaceful manner. Despite the peace there is still segregation in both sides and relationships are highly frowned upon. One day a young human girl moves into a mostly furry inhabited neighborhoo, one of her neighbors quickly becomes a good friend and they developed a secret romantic relationship.

This is a particular rp because I do like to rp both males and females, in this rp there would be more then one pairing so we could have more then one gender. However if you are uncomfortable playing more than one gender we can also stick to just one gender each.
When a cruise ship hits some bad weather it wasn't built to handle it sinks, however this doesn't normally happen it happened this time. A small group of survivors wash up on a deserted island and decide to work together to get off the island. However as time passes and they are no closer to leaving not only do they begin to get comfortable with their routine, but they also became comfortable building relationships with eachother.

~The common woman~
Medieval setting commoner X prince
A pampered prince is rather bored with palace life, he hunts on his free time, spare with the guards, and does other things to keep himself entertained, but as courting comes around he finds all the princesses to be dull. Unable to really pick a bride from the batch he continues to be bored with the woman he is presented with everyday. One day he goes out on a hunt, and is after a handsome kill, only to be surprised to find his hunt killed before he gets to it, baffled by the sight he becomes even more angered when a common woman turns out to be who killed his stag. She doesn't realize he is the prince and argues with him until she finally agrees that, because he took so much time trying to catch it, only to be beat to it, that she will keep the deer, but serve him dinner that day. While the prince knows that he has food at home she intrigues him and he accepts her offer. Over dinner he finds out he is quite fond of her and decided to continue to see her, however he vows to keep his identity secret from her.

~Zombie apocalypse~
They are both solo survivors. Neither one has been able to stick around a group for long for various reasons. One day they encounter each other when they both take cover from a violent storm in the same abandon house, chosen for its sturdiness. Blocked in by both zombies and the storm they end up socializing and by the end of the night decide to travel together.

~Sugar baby~
A young woman is in need of money to start selling her art pieces. She comes from a rather poor family and makes a quick decision to try out being someone's sugar baby. She isn't a slut or a whore, and he's mostly just looking for company but as things move forward they find themselves growing closer as real lovers.

A shy and unassuming boy is stuck in detention with a girl who is probably the socialite of the entire town. She's not only known for being social but also her crazy antics such as sneaking pools onto the schools roof, releasing animals into the building, and other things most would consider insane. They end up having surprisingly good chemistry and become friends, and more.
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