Shelter from the Rain [Ren Olvry & celebstars]

Ren Olvry

Dec 22, 2012
So far as the Ninetales was concerned, to some degree, this area of the forest not far outside the humans' city was his. He'd gone through the effort, largely cleared out the bugs and birds and the like, made it peaceful, almost perfectly so. He didn't doubt the humans themselves had noticed, but he liked to not concern himself with them, nor let them know too much about the fact that he was there. He'd seen those strange balls of his, and he wanted no part of it.

So when, it seemed, a human did enter that little territory of his, the golden-furred fox stalked ever so quietly and carefully after them, waiting for a point where they'd stop. At which point, he himself would wander out from hiding, keeping himself a bit low to the ground and ready to move at any time, keeping his eyes narrowed slightly on the human's hands, cautious of anything they might decide to bring out to use against him. She didn't smell to him like she had any pokemon with her, but all the same, he could never be too careful with these creatures.

With that in mind, his stalking paused a reasonable distance away from the human, starting to slowly circle around her, fully intend on driving her back where she came from... but that, he supposed, ultimately depended on her.
Serena was looking around. Her big blue eyes scanned the environment, she loved nature and being apart of it. Deciding to have a walk, she left her friends and Pokemon at the Pokemon centre. Being positive and having a good mind set, she believed it would be fine to go in to the wild as long as she stuck to the path.

Wearing thigh high stockings, a red skirt and black top, her long brown hair blew in a little bust of wind. Unaware the weather was taking a turn for the worse above her, the girl walked deeper in to the forest. Something that she noticed was that their was no other Pokemon around. Little did she know that they were driven out by a Ninetales who seemed to believe this was his land.
She'd not noticed yet, had she? Well, the Ninetales couldn't be terribly surprised; he knew well enough from experience that a human's senses weren't as good as his. They probably enjoyed the peace and quiet he'd left behind, no less... just like the rest did, all quite unaware that it was him that provided this area with such. Mostly, he preferred to keep it that way... but in this case, well, somehow, he was just getting a little tired of all these humans wandering along into the territory he'd claimed for himself. It was about time, perhaps, that they knew.

So, hopping out from his hiding after stalking along after this human for some time, confident that they'd gotten far enough away from the town that he'd not have anything to worry about, the golden-furred fox appeared fairly suddenly in Serena's path, his red eyes narrowed slightly toward the human. Keeping himself somewhat low to the ground and ready to move, he made a point of having his eyes flick occasionally to her hands, in case she brought anything out, just as well circling steadily around in some part so he was blocking her immediate path back toward the town. Let her try and bring out whatever pokemon she wanted; he was confident he could bring them down, finally persuade some of these humans to stop entering his territory. Though he couldn't shake the curious sense that he couldn't smell any pokemon immediately on her... just faint, lingering scents, as if they weren't even around.
Seeing Ninetales jump out in front of her, Serena was shocked and screamed out of fear. Her hand instantly went behind her to pull out a Pokemon but she gasped when she realised she left them all in town. Sweat formed on her forehead, nervous at being attacked by a wild animal. "Hey...don't worry, I won't hurt you, I promise..." She said. Both of her hand went in front of her, palms facing it, her body language was in a defensive position.

The fear in her eyes were genuine. A tear came across her cheek, falling down from her eye. Suddenly, a drop fell on her face. Looking up, she could see the heavens open and a flood of rain descend towards her. The weather became cold and unwelcome. Seeing this as a distraction, she ran in to the forest in a bid to get away.

A few minutes later, believing she had lost the Ninetales, Serena rested against a tree shivering.
As soon as the human screamed, the Ninetales' ears flicked back, the fox himself even taking a cautious step back at the sudden noise. Tilting his head in slight curiosity when she, after all, brought nothing out, even spoke to him, he rose up to his normal posture, some of his tails flicking a little in mild interest. So she was more worried than him, was she? In some sense, he almost felt as though that was how it should be but usually wasn't, but... never mind that. It wasn't really the time anyway, not with the weather suddenly deciding to take an ill turn.

And the human, it seemed, took their chance to run.

Staring after for a moment, the Ninetales uselessly shook himself off before darting off in that direction, his nose still barely able to pick up Serena's scent through the rain. As soon as he found her, he gave a slight, harmless tug to her skirt, looking off elsewhere for a moment before looking back to her, as if he wanted her to follow. Something likely furthered by another small tug to her skirt if she didn't get up and start to follow, a short ways off toward the cave he called his 'home', in a sense, large enough that it would easily fit the both of them and provide plenty of shelter from the rain.
Sitting on her firm tight ass, Serena hugged her body, arms wrapped around her chest, clothes soaking wet. The tree she was up against did it's very best in trying to keep her dry and offer shelter. Shivering and feeling very cold, there was a rustling in the bushes. Turning her gaze towards the noise, she saw the Ninetales and it was coming towards her.

Flinching, believing she was going to be attacked, Serena closed her eyes and braced herself. What happened next was unexpected. Feeling his teeth tug on her skirt, she pushed it away, only for him to do it again. Noticing a constant head turn, she took it as a sign and slowly stood up.

Serena was now heading in a direction, she learned that it was trying to help her. Holding a arm above her head she was trying to shield herself from the blistering rain.
Finally, the human was following... he wished, for times like this, that he somehow had a better means of communication, but what little he did have would just have to do. With that, he made sure to stay close, enough at least that she'd be able to easily make out his golden-furred tails even within the cover of rain, keeping Serena's relative pace all the while. After a short time, even with both sufficiently drenched, he managed to lead the way to his cave all the same, the smooth rocks providing perfect shelter from the rain's downpour... even if the fox himself still had to shake himself off, scattering water a bit further throughout the entrance and away from his own fur now completely stuck to him.

Now that he was in shelter, though, he allowed himself a long, leisurely stretch, bits of steam soon seeming to wisp up from him. For that matter, the cave itself would seem a decent bit warmer than the rainy chill outside, brought on by little but the heat purely radiating from the fire-type's form that was steadily drying himself off. Intent, it seemed, on getting her dry as well -- something the layer of clothing, he knew, wouldn't help with -- he moved over to give another little tug, a bit harder this time, at Serena's skirt before backing off just slightly, lowering himself to a seat and curiously looking up to her as his tails flicked along in interest behind him.
Entering the cave, Serena was grateful to have some shelter. The entrance over hung the opening, allowing the water to fall outside on to the grass. It was almost like a little waterfall and as the rain got heavier, it acted as a barricade, giving them privacy. Holding herself tightly, hands under her arms, she scanned the open space and could see markings on the walls. They were well faded but looked really old. They became more distinct the further she went in. Turning a corner, they looked like ancient drawings, becoming more details the deeper she walked.

A warmth soon came over the girl, turning to where the heat was coming from, there was steam coming out of the walls. Going over to investigate, she reached a hand out to touch the grey rock. "Oh my god, its so warm.." Resting her back against it she closed her eyes.

Suddenly, there was this tugging on her. Just like outside. Looking down, the Pokemon was pulling on her skirt. "What? What is it?...Hey!" When he stopped, she observed it sitting down. "Oh...the clothes?" Thinking nothing of it, she pulled her skirt down along with her knee high socks. Pulling the top over her head, the girl stood in her underwear. She placed the clothes on a rock and the steam was visible as it started to dry her belongings.
Warm, of course... it was his home, after all. Tempered, to some degree, by the fox himself, though he'd not cared to do much; mainly, it was just the mere fact that he slept here and spent a decent bit of time in the confined space otherwise that his body's natural heat had lingered, to some degree, especially, like now, while he himself was there heating the area up so he could dry. Stepping back slightly when Serena started to move, though, he idly watched as she discarded her clothing -- well, most of it -- before approaching again.

More so than the rock face, she'd be able to clearly enough feel the Ninetales' own warmth when he came near... quite near. Innocently enough, he settled to a seat quite close by, enough so that his fuzzy chest, with only a bit of the rain's moisture left already, pressed a little against her chest, one of his paws coming to rest gently on her thigh and his chin on her shoulder. Seemingly nowhere near as wary of her as he was when they'd first spotted each other just earlier, he seemed fairly content to stay close, offering her his warmth just as well as his soft golden fur. Ultimately, he made a point to seem quite harmless -- they'd be sharing the cave until, at the very least, the rain stopped, he was certain -- though, after a moment, he offered the woman's shoulder a small, soft lick, hoping to try and make her less wary around him for while they'd be staying here.
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