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RE: A Good Man And A Strong Woman (Dany x Jon) randomname and Lovely

The Lords in the North were against this. They reminded him of how past men of house Stark had been lured South and ambushed by their enemies. Jon thought about this but decided to go to Dragonstone anyways. He hoped to make an alliance out of this. Besides, if they were going to defeat the Night King, Jon would need as many fighters as he could. It did not hurt that Daenerys was rumored to have three fully grown dragons. Those could have been a big help. Before leaving, he left Winterfell at the hands of his half-sister, Sansa Stark.

Once he did that, Jon left with Ser Davos and half a dozen other Stark bannermen volunteers on a row boat. They reached dragonstone and were greeted by Tyrion Lannister, Missandei, and various Dothraki warriors. Their weapons were seized as was their boat before being led to the castle. This place was huge and Jon was rather impressed. During the walk, Jon got to see the dragons up close as the swooped down just barely missing him and Ser Davos. They all hit the deck and Jon realized that the rumors were true. There were truly dragons here. He saw all three circling the castle.

Entering the Throne room, he waited for the introductions before he locked eyes with the Queen. “The pleasure is all mine, Your Grace.” Jon responded before politely bowing his head and offering her one of his signature charming smiles. Jon was curious as to why she wanted him here and he just hoped this was not a trap.
RE: A Good Man And A Strong Woman (Dany x Jon) randomname and Lovely

Marriage? This was not exactly what Jon expected. In fact, he expected that she would have asked him to swear loyalty to her as the Queen. Instead, she asked to marry him and join their Houses through this method. Thinking about it for a moment, he looked to Ser Davos and then back to Daenerys.

“This is something I should probably discuss among the other Lords in the North, but we don’t have that luxury. I know they will follow me with whatever choice I make. Many are wary of you because of your family’s history, especially the Mad King. I know I can convince them otherwise. I will agree to these terms. I will marry you, your Grace. I am beyond honored you would ask. I have heard many great stories about you. I have heard many stories about your beauty and they do not do you proper justice. You are easily the most beautiful Lady I have ever seen. I admire you for many reasons. I do believe you will make an excellent Queen in the Realm.”
RE: A Good Man And A Strong Woman (Dany x Jon) randomname and Lovely

“I believe it should be done as soon as possible. I believe it will prove to our people that we are united. I feel they would be more inclined to follow us if we’re already married than if we’re only betrothed. Of course, if you think we best wait until after the war, then try and convince me otherwise. Either way, I’d like to spend the day getting to know you and planning with you. There is not much time for either of us to waste. We must get started today, but I also feel there’s room for getting to know each other as well.”

When Jon said that, he just patiently stood his ground and waited for his future Queen to answer. This would be something drastic that he was unsure of how to expect the other Lords to react, but he would soon find out. Regardless, Jon also agreed this was their best option.
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