Seeking Spooky Themed RPs w/ Plots (MxF)

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Apr 14, 2017
The Void of Lost Time
Hello there! If you can't already tell, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! I love celebrating Halloween all month with horror movies and games, so I decided, why not add RPs to the list? The idea of horror themed RPs always sound fun to me, but during the month of October I get a massive craving for them! I would love to play around with many dark ideas and themes. As a horror fanatic, there's very little I'll say no to very little so don't be afraid to ask about really dark or messed up things cause chances are it won't bother me in the slightest. My F-list is in my signature if you're interested to see what my limits are. I tend to write 1-3 paragraphs, but I like to match my partner in length so if you write more or less I'm likely to write a similar amount. I'm willing to play many types of characters from human to non-human. If there's a certain appearance or behavior you're wanting for free to ask! All I ask from my partners in that they write a decent amount back, it doesn't have to be too much, but enough for me to work with or less I won't be able to write a decent response. I also ask that if you get busy/sick/etc. or just plain lose interest in our RP just let me know!

I have several plots in the taboo and supernatural section of my Request Thread down below if you want to see some more of my ideas that I have or you can come to me with your ideas. I'd love to see if we can make something together that'll be fun and enjoyable for us both! I will include some here that have horror or creepy things involved, but don't be afraid to check out my request thread to see what else is avaible!

If you're not interested in any of the plots I'm about to list, here are some things that I'm craving that could be included in any potential RPs:
  • Corruption
  • Werewolves
  • Shapeshifters
  • Incubus/Succubus
  • Vampires
  • Ghosts
  • Creepy Carnival/Freak Show
  • Stalking
  • Kidnapping
  • Obession
  • Master x Slave/Pet
  • Incest
  • Beasts
  • Grim Reaper/Reaper

This is only a fraction of some of the things I'm interested in. I will update with when I come up with more ideas. Don't be afraid to come and share some of your ideas or you're own cravings with me either. I'm pretty flexible so I'm always open to new ideas.

Here are a few horror movies, games, books, and TV shows, I'll be interested in trying if you wanted something based in a pre-made universe or fandom.
  • Beetlejuice
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Nightmare on Elm Street
  • The Labyrinth
  • Pan's Labyrinth
  • Saw
  • Silent Hill
  • Five Nights at Freddy's
  • Resident Evil
  • The Walking Dead
  • Cirque du Freak
  • Alien
  • Predator
  • The Purge
  • Candyman
  • 28 Days Later
  • Hostel
  • Friday the 13th
  • Halloween
  • The Thing
  • The Crazies

Note: I'm not typically good at canon characters and prefer to play OCs, but if there's a certain character you'd want to play with feel free to ask and I'll see if they're someone I can pull off well.

Anyway onto the plots!​

Note: These are all basic outlines and ideas to the plot. We can discuss more details such as characters, plot points, and plenty of other things to give the plot more meat and interesting from our combined ideas!

1.) Welcome to the Show

A young girl and her boyfriend visit a strange carnival that came to visit their small town deep within the dense woods, a event that never occurred in the town before. Out of curiosity, the two visit the carnival and at first glance the carnival seemed to have it all. Plenty of rides and games to enjoy, clowns, freak shows, tasty treats, everything a carnival needed to be to be a blast. However, as the night carried on and more people started to leave, something happened. The girl got separated from her boyfriend and the exit was no where in sight. No one was near to ask for directions and she wonders around for what seems like hours. However, suddenly, a figure appears, a member of the carnival she's seen before, but when she asks for directions, he gives her a grim warning: After midnight, she'll be trapped with them, unable to leave the carnival and forced to go wherever it goes. However, little did she know that her boyfriend was given an offer, but the very same figure. A promise of safety and a guide to take him back to the exit, but it came at a price: her freedom for his own. Needless to say, it was a price he was willing to pay.

Note: You'll have free range over what your character can be and his role in the carnival! You could be a freak, a jester, the person behind all the madness. It's all up to you!

2.)Your Mine Now

A young girl has always been a favorite among teachers. She was smart, beautiful, polite, and never seemed to get into trouble. If it hadn't been for her beauty and outstanding GPA, she may have been another piece of the background. It seemed that no one could ever hate her or at least never vocalized it. While she caught the eyes of some of her fellow male students, there was another pair of eyes that never seemed to be able to leave her: her own teacher's. Ever since first laying eyes on her, he knew he wanted her. He wanted her to be his and his alone. At first, he truly did try to ignore his forbidden desires for his favorite student, but he always found himself thinking of her. He wanted to have her, to ravage her, to make her his bride even, but it wouldn't be possible with the ways things were. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to have her. He didn't want anyone to taint her, to ruin how perfect she was. He put his plan into action. After calling her to stay after school, he planned to take her while no one was at school where no cameras could catch him doing so and leave no trace of his doings to her disappearance. She was going to be his wife, even if he had to teach her to love him.

Note: The relationship doesn't have to be a teacher and student. This could be done with many other pairings, including incest, so feel free to ask about it!

3.) For the Good of Our People

Vampires and Werewolves had been at war with one another for many countless years, but when their numbers start to fall at alarming rates from their own petty rivalry and the human hunters on the rise, there were many things to consider. It was decided among the leaders of both powerful and ancient clans that the two races must be united, but to seal the agreement, the eldest daughter and eldest son of both clans must be married to symbolize the union of the two races as well as become the unified leaders of the new ways of their kind. However, while they were plenty of people who agreed that this plan was for the best, there were plenty of others who were willing to kill to make sure the arrangement didn't go through.

4.) Rise to Power

News had spread quickly across the kingdom that the Princess was seeking a husband for the day she would become Queen. Her parents wanted her to marry quickly, knowing the King was growing rather old and with no male heirs, she needed to find a husband quickly. Out of love for their daughter, they allowed her to be able to chose who out of her many suitors she would like to wed. However, while she met many handsome and kind men, there was one in particular that caught her eye. A man with unrivaled charms and handsome features stole her heart within moments of sharing a gaze. Little did she suspect that this man she had fallen for so quickly wasn't human, but an incubus whose desire for power would drive him to do anything to get his claws on the crown itself.

Note: This can be done with a succubus and a male royal or a incubus and a female royal it's completely up to you!

5.) Race to the Throne

The time the Lord of the Underworld's reign was beginning to end and time for his heir to take his place was approaching rapidly. However, he had twin incubi sons, both who desperately want to have the throne in their claws. He decided to put his sons to the test and selected a young and innocent human girl to be their target. To win the throne, one of the two had to seduce the young girl without the use of his powers and corrupt her into becoming a succubus who would take his side as Queen of the Underworld along side the winner. They could use any method they please in order to win her hand as long as their ablities didn't directly affect her feelings towards them. Anything else, is fair game.

Note: This could be done as a group RP to play the roles of the incubus brothers or if you're willing to play both parts it can remain a two person RP. It's up to you!

6.) Don't Fear the Reaper

After a horrific car accident that left a young woman near death, one of the many reapers of this world visited her, awaiting her to die. While in her critical state, is she able to see and speak to him while being so close to the verge of death. Her fear of dying was too great. She would do anything if she could just have more time to live, even if it meant selling her soul to a reaper to become his servant.

These are all the plots I have in mind at the moment, but I do plan to update this thread with more plots later. Thank you for checking out my thread and I hope we can RP together real soon!
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