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Gem Blow -- A Steven Universe Anthology (Noire & MellowYellow)


May 13, 2017
The skies above Beach City burned.

With the city vacated, there were almost no souls around to view it -- the refugee train miles down the road could only see the occasional cloudburst, molten metal streaking down through the clouds like God's own buckshot, landing throughout the city and the surrounding countryside.

The gem invasion had come with little to no fanfare, the Crystal Gem defenders defeated in an instant. But once Jasper's gem arm ship had been destroyed from within, the ship was coming down hard.

In another time, the entire arm might have swept down from the sky to land across the mountain, depositing the survivors all across Beach City's landscape.

This time, however, things were different.

A pink bubble landed some miles away, blown free of the wreckage with a young Crystal Gem and his guardians smashing down into the countryside, tearing through fields but coming out ultimately unharmed.

The last two remaining souls aboard the ship were just a little less lucky than that.


Lapis Lazuli had been blown free of the ship, wrapping herself up with all the water she could possibly produce or whip from the air and atmosphere, doing her best imitation of a bubble on the way down to earth's surface. She was fortunate, however, that she had been blown right off the coast of Beach City, meaning that when she was going in to land, it was to be skipped across the water until she slammed into another sandbar.

An island, some few miles south of Beach City and just off of the coast. Far enough away that she couldn't even see the city she had once called prison.

Lapis groaned, clutching at her head as she stared dazedly up at the sky. Her trim form was as battered as could be, and it was only by luck she had managed to survive at all -- especially as she had landed on her back. She had to reach back to feel if her gem had once again been cracked, but it was to her gratification that it was not.

She pulled herself to a sitting position, staring out with blank blue eyes at the island she'd managed to slam into.
Things had not quite gone to plan, and all things considered Jasper chose to blame Peridot.

Through some unknown means, the fusion had gotten out of her cell on the hand ship. And without her destabilizer to hand, the towering orange quartz had to take her on hand-to-hand. The battle had been frantic and even on both sides. But ultimately she got a lucky shot in and destroyed the power core, leaving the entire ship collapsing and exploding back down toward the planet. And the ensuing explosion had catapulted her across the sky.

Fortunately, Jasper was indestructible by most conventional definitions. Her towering frame slammed into a section of beach like a white-haired meteor, leaving a deep crater in the ground. Swathes of sand had been turne to glass from the heat of her entry, and aside from groaning in discomfort she was at least still in tact. Most importantly the gem that acted as her nose was in one piece.

"Stupid damn fusion..." With great effort, Jasper steadily clawed out of the crater she had landed in. Sections of her tight bodysuit had been damaged from both her earlier fight, and her brawl with the fusion. Sections of her beefy thighs were exposed, and it looked as if her giant orange bosom would explode out of her modest top with even a modest bit of pressure. "Agh.. oh for... where the hell even am I?!"
That voice.

It was impossible for Lapis not to recognize it. The voice that had been shouting at her for all that time that they'd been on the ship. The one that had thrown her around like a prisoner ever since she had returned to Homeworld. It was coming from several hillocks away, rough and scratchy, but far enough that Lapis was sure she hadn't been spotted yet.

As if on reflex, her wings sprouted from her back, catching the early morning sun and glittering in the light. But she didn't take off.

No, Lapis crouched thee in and amongst the sand dunes, pressing slender blue fingers down into the soft granules beneath her.

She'd caused all of this. She'd brought Jasper back here to Earth, had put Steven -- the only one who had been kind to her in... she didn't even know how long. Hundreds, thousands of years, enough to even leave a mark and a scar upon an immortal psyche. She ground her teeth. She had caused all this... and the Gems had made her do it, and that Quartz had dragged her here under orders of the Diamonds and--

She didn't know who to blame anymore. She didn't know who to hate most: herself, the Crystal Gems, the Diamonds, or Jasper.

They'd all put her right where she was, between a lost homeland and a lonely world she'd never believed in, a massive Gem graveyard she'd only been recently freed from.

She didn't know who to blame, as that anger she had pushed down for so long began to bubble up.

But she knew who was in range.

Jasper hardly could have known what hit her. Not as the water rushed up in a wave across the beach, a hand reaching out to grab Jasper by one of those thick legs of hers. It suddenly whipped her bulk out from underneath her, dragging her high into the sky before she was smashed right back down into that crater, shattering the glass that had been crafted on reentry. And then that watery hand did it again, even as Lapis herself came into view, watery wings beating against the air, an expression of tranquil fury writ plain on her face.
A lash of moving water caught her ankle abruptly, and as soon as Jasper noticed it she had already been hoisted up high and then slammed down hard enough to rattle the island beneath her. She grunted, her senses dizzied and disoriented from the hard impact, and before she knew it she had been slammed down again. The glass had shattered beneath her and been launched to the wind, a few stray shard cutting more sections of her uniform.

After a few moments her vision managed to focus enough to settle on the figure floating above her. It was small (most people were to Jasper) but the wings of moving water were pretty distinct. "Lazuli?!" Jasper growled in annoyance. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Yeah, sure, Lapis wasn't a soldier or anything, but... ugh, was she seriously still mad about being thrown in a cell? That was her own damn fault. The towering woman reached up with her meaty hands, thick fingers sinking into the watery tendril wrapped around her ankle. No good, she quickly realised. The gem was one of the strongest around, but strength didn't mean much when she couldn't get a grip on something!

So here she was, stuck in the ass end of nowhere, on her shitty home planet, unable to defend herself against a blue psycho.

'Damnit Peridot.'
"Jasper!" Lapis screamed, her voice laden with fury as she hoisted Jasper back into the air, spinning her around in the air once right before she was hurled right back into that pit of glass, dragging her bodily across its interior to introduce the woman to as much sharp glass as possible, ripping divot out of her uniform if not her hard light body.

Lapis floated down, her wings spreading wide to keep her aloft, just out of Jasper's reach.

"Do you like how this feels! To be held prisoner? To be pushed around!?" Lapis yelled. Jasper was tossed back up into the air, but the wateryear hand broke this titem. The fist clenched around her ankle was forming a whole new body, an extremely familiar one. One that was beefy, with a huge flowing waterfall for hair.

Jasper herself tossed the quartz back to the ground, a watery copy of the perfect soldier landing on top of her to hold her down by her hands and ankles.
Well that last swing did the trick alright. The damaged front of her uniform met one particularly jagged edge of glass, cutting the black and burgundy fabric wide open until the quartz' heavy bosom spilled out. Her tiger-striped breasts truly made for an impressive size, exceptionally large to be in proportion with her body. If she swung her chest hard enough she could likely kill somebody!

She hit the ground with a hard grunt, and before she knew it there was a perfect copy of herself pinning her to the ground. Jasper grunted against the new weight holding her down, to no avail. While it was the side size as her, it seemed impossibly dense. As if a small ocean was now positioned atop her.

Okay, this might be a problem.

Really, with how hectic this was, Jasper hadn't even noticed her wardrobe malfunction. "Hrr... You have got... some damn nerve," Jasper grunted, glaring toward the fae blue gem. "I'm doing my job! And if you had any sense, you'd be putting your energy on those rebels instead of me!"
And perhaps through it all, Lapis was surprised. Not at how Jasper had actually so far survived a pummeling that would have poofed any other type of gem Lapis could care to name. Not at how Jasper looked as the glass tore and shredded at her bodysuit, baring inch aafter inch of tiger-striped gold and red flesh.

No, she was perhaps surprised at her own brutality -- and how it felt so good to have finally been letting it out on someone who could take the blows. She hadn't even hurt Jasper so far, for all that she had thrown the other gem around like she was a ragdoll. None of this was doing anything but working out her frustration, and it wasn't even doing a great job of that.

"Your job? You... I was so afraid of you! And your job has gotten us stuck here on Earth again!," Lapis screamed. Not that there was any other world for her to go to just then. But...

Her eyes dragged down Jasper's body as she took calming breaths, the motion unnecessary but doing much to help steady her thoughts.

"... you were so cruel. How would you like it?" Lapis asked, her voice almost too quiet to hear.

And that was precisely when the Jasper copy began to tear at the real version's clothing, the watery form insufficient for such a task if Jasper hadn't already been down to tatters when she'd started, stripping off pieces of cloth that merely poofed out of existence, the layers of hard light taken straight off of the larger and more powerful gem.
She gave another grunt as her copy seemed to grow extra limbs, imperceptible digits of water tearing away the remnants of her torn uniform to show off her whole body. She was definitely a beefy gem, muscular from heat to heel, but her bust, hips, thighs and backside were the kind humans could only dream of seeing. All that tiger-patterned 'flesh' exposed to the aquatic gem.

Jasper growled, pushing against the watery clone of herself. "So what? You want an apology? A hug? Not gonna happen," the soldier replied. That was her to a T. Even in a situation like this she wasn't likely to change her ways, though she would admit that even her own checkered career had little to prepare her for this.

Not that she could do much anyway. Her clone was keeping her pinned, and every inch of her was exposed to Lapis' scrutiny. "Dunno what you're playing at now Lazuli, but you're wasting time. This won't solve anything!" She scowled, squirming just a little. Some distant, alien part of her mind registered that this whole situation was... oddly exciting. It was a notion that she was hastily trying to suppress.
"I want you to be quiet," Laps said, and finally the watery form of Jasper broke apart. A bubble of water wrapped itself around Jasper's head while watery chains wrapped themselves around Jasper's ankles and wrists, pinning her firmly against the ground, the water around her face doing much to distort anything the larger gem would have to say.

It would have still been easy to escape from all this -- to hide away in her gem. But Lapis knew she wasn't about to do that, to escape from Lapis' touch. Much like Fusion, that was a coward's move. And Jasper was many things, but a coward wasn't one of them. A bitch, a cruel monster, a violent brute, but not a coward. Lapis was counting on it.

Lapis landed on the beach, taking a few steps toward Jasper with her eyes freely raking over Jasper's body. Over her large breasts, her broad hips. Those thick thighs that only spread as the chains holding Jasper's ankles pulled firmly to either side.

The water bubble around Jasper's head burst, allowing her to hear Lapis.

"... I can't do anything to you like this. Pain won't do it. But I did learn something on Earth. Learn something from all these humans when I was here five thousand years ago," Lapis said. She held up both hands above her before slowly lowering them. With that motion came a cyan glow around her body, that dress falling away into mere motes of scattered light. She had small breasts, just this side of being flat-chested. Her frame was trim, and her hips were slender, giving her a very waifish figure that still loomed above Jasper with authority.

And then her form began to change. Not her height or weight, only... something between her slender thighs.

A cock jutted out proudly from her body, dark blue and ridged across its surface. Every chain dragged at Jasper's limbs, spreading the larger gem wide for Lapis.

Lapis, who was beginning to kneel down on her knees, pressing her hands firmly against Jasper's shoulders, staring down at her with cold fury.
In an instant her duplicate had broken apart, reshaping into a series of chains that pinned her to the bottom of the crater. Resisting was still no good, not with these restraints linking into the sea surrounding the island. Lapis had a whole ocean around them to use as a weapon, and that whole weight could shift to keep her pinned. Not that she wasn't still trying to pull against these liquid bindings.

The effort was certainly impressive, invulnerable muscles straining and curves swaying as she fought against the force holding her down. Quartzes were definitely not known for backing down, and she was the textbook perfect example of a quartz.

As Lapis shed her dress, it left Jasper looking wide eyed as she altered her body, generating a long and thick blue cock that seemed almost out of proportion with her fae proportions. Jasper examined it, and seemed to know exactly where this was going. Sex hadn't been much of a practiced thing by gems since Pink Diamond's shattering. Certainly wasn't something done between gems of different courts.

But then, Jasper realised, this dirty traitor didn't have any respect for convention.

She met Lapis' glare with one of her own. It was impressive, for a woman who was trussed up naked beneath her. "Heh." She grinned, flashing her sharpened incisors. "And here I was thinking you were a wimp."
"... I know that's what you thought of me," Lapis whispered. "That's why you beat on me, because you thought you could. But..." Lapis settled herself against Jasper, hands pressing down hard against impressive shoulders, pressing Jasper that much further down into the sand trap from which even a mighty quartz like her could not escape.

"Let's... let's see how you like it!"

Lapis pressed her feet into the sand, propping her body up just so as her hips flexed. She pressed that lengthy and solid cock straight between Jasper's spread thighs, forcing herself in inch after ribbed inch. Lapis was letting out a gasping sigh, perhaps as unprepared for the act of intrusion as Jasper would be for the act of being intruded upon. It came with a sort of power that swelled all the way up into Lapis' own gem,. a thrill of power and warmth that caused her to full-body shudder as she drew flush with Jasper's body.

It was an almost comical sight -- the waifish gem looming over the brute, pressing her small chest to Jasper's hard abdomen, pillowing her head to Jasper's chest as she took Jasper not as a soldier,, but as a woman.
"Ghh!" The sudden penetration definitely came as a new sensation to Jasper, the exceptional muscles of her synthetic pussy squeezing tight from all sides on Lapis' turgid blue length. To her own annoyance, this whole situation had left Jasper a good deal wetter than she would have liked (she partially blamed Lapis' water powers for that) and provided ample lubrication for Lapis' thick member.

A heated gasp left Jasper, before she clenched her teeth and felt her impressive muscles tensing against the chains of water that bound her. Quartz' were pack animals at the end of the day, and with all pack animals there were few things that had a stronger effect than displays of strength.

At this rate, Jasper knew deep down she wouldn't be able to hold out. Not with Lapis going to town on her bound form.

Worse than that however was the fact that it felt... good. The hot breaths between her expansive breasts, the surprising strength powering Lapis' lithe hips... By the Diamonds, every little rub of Lapis' exceptionally large cock sent new waves of pleasure radiating throughout Jasper's sturdy body.
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