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Dragons roar (naomi x jynmirmalmshodes)


Jul 27, 2017
On the steps of the fairy tail guild a lone mage sighed. He was dressed in purple robe that gently moved in the breeze. His two red eyes, red and irritable, stared off towards the horizon. By the day's end him and hopefully his friend would basically be calling that never ending expanse of future adventures home. That is, if his friend ever mustered the nerve to show up.

"Uh." He sighed, brushing strands of white hair out of his eyes. "It's so hot today. Why couldn't we have done this early and went off to make our names somewhere cooler." The young mage shook his head. That was an easy question to answer. The reason why he didn't tell the guild master, as well as the members he got along with earlier, was because he hadn't know quitting was really even an option till a few days ago.

"Come on, buddy." He mumbled as he fought to keep the guild master's lecture on his sudden departure out of his head. It was the old man's fault for not letting them do an S class mission anyways. "Let's get out of here."
She was the one he was waiting for, his buddy. She was his best friend, sister in arms, all that fancy stuff and titles. She was a jack of all trades, she knew a little bit of every magic, Caster type and Holder Type, but her true passions were Yagdo Rigora, Territory, and Memory Make. Those magics were something she learned from two of her very good friends, Minerva Orland and Rufus Lore. Her good friends belonged to a guild by the name of Sabertooth. They were a good challenge, difficult to beat, but she prevailed and she did it on her first try with both of them.... After studying as much as she could about them before hand to increase her chances of beating them. As trophy for her wins, they taught her their magics. Due to her great power, she was often referred to as a blonde version of Erza. She hated that. She hated being compared to Erza. Whispered behind her back, she was called a merciless Erza. When she finished a job, she left the people of the town she left in varying states. One was fear. Another was awe. Another was the fact that she was one to never ever cross in a bad way.

What got her so sore was that even with all the jobs she took, each job more dangerous than the next, multiple at once, given the time to do so, that she had been passed over yet again for S-class promotion. Her now former guild mates stayed away from her, giving her a solid few feet radius around her. Her rage was terrifying. Dark guilds feared her. But no more. No more not getting the ranking that they deserved, her and her best friend. They were very infrequently seen without each other, it was rare that they took jobs without each other, a few brave souls rumored that they were sleeping with each other, which of course was false. She had never been touched in that way. She had finally thrown in the towel, and left the guild. Suddenly, she appeared in front of her good friend using her Territory magic. She actually had a smile on her face, she was happy to see her friend, one could see it in her pale blue eyes. The clothes she wore looked causal and innocent enough, but were woven with Adamantine fibers, a material found in heavy armors.
Jynmi sighed as he leaned back to watch the sun continue on its journey without a care in the world just like the tortoise who raced against the hair. Damn thing probably forgot the race was even a thing and only one because nothing can distract a tortoise. Well.... except for danger or mates or the occasional carrot but other than that they weren't going to deviate from their path come hell or high water. Actually high water was another thing that could pull a turtle's attention away from its journey.

The mage shook his head. "I'm starting to internalize my babble." He stuck out his tongue and winced. "Can't let that become a thing again." He yawned. His plan was to lean back and maybe take a nap before his friend arrived, but before he was able to do that a spacial anomaly swirled in the air before him. On instinct he summed his little help 'Jack Lemon' who dropped from a nearby tree and took its rightful place between him and any number of dangers the world could throw at him.

Not that Jynmi was worried. He could recognize that magic anywhere as it belonged to his closest alley. "There-there." He said motioning with his hands for the three foot tall wooden figure to relax. Not that it could. He assumed someday he'd learn to make it look like there wasn't a literal hand up his partner's ass, but until then the best he could hope for was the thing not to spring in the direction of the nearest threat, or target, or whatever the situation deems the target in which Jack's tiny body is launched towards. "Oh never mind." He snapped his finger and the doll went limp.

"Buddy" the mage shouted as he jumped to his feet. "I'm happy to see you came. I was starting to worry a bit about you. Not much, I know you don't need anyone to worry for you, but enough." He moved closer and patted his friend on the shoulder. "So you ready to start?" He took a moment to look around for prying eyes before pulling out a paper and showing it to his partner. "I managed to snag this on way out." He offered the paper. "What do you think? It might not make us rich overnight but I think its a good place to start."
It was cute that her partner was able to snag a job and was worrying about money. Money never mattered to her. She came from an extremely wealthy family. And even without family money, she was still one of Fairy Tail's richest members, mainly from the zillions of jobs she took, but nobody knew that. She smiled, and spoke,"I'm ready to start, worry not!" She held the paper, reading down the details. Decent sized reward, so she was happy. Job seemed relatively straight forward, she liked that. She spoke,"The team of Jynmi and Malia will conquer what is before us, as we always have, even on our first job together."
"Yes, exactly." Jynmi raised a thumb in his partner's direction. "Then our names will be talked about far and wide as the best......." He paused and blinked. "The best.. Group? Couple...... Duo!" He nodded at that. "The best magical duo around, greater than the combined might of complete guilds." With that he stood a little straighter before turning his attention to their former home. "It's been fun though. I won't lay about that. Definitely going to miss the place." He shrugged before bowing his head quickly.

"Great! Now that that's settled I guess we better get started. The town's not going to get rid of the bandits itself. I hope." A frown crossed the pale mage's face like ice after being dropped into warm water. "Come to think of it that might actually happen. Strong mages are popping up all over the place and we don't want to lose to them right?" He patted his friend again on the shoulder. "So let's go with some gust!"

With that he snapped his fingers, causing the puppet to jump to its feet. Before starting towards the twon.
"Best is fine and all. Superiority is better." she replied, her voice smooth as silk. She had bigger ideas. They could form their own guild later on once they had the time. Not admit anybody with an Magic Power Finder Score (MPF) below 2500. Not admit anybody that couldn't lift below a certain weight or run a certain speed. Not that magic power and physical strength and speed was everything, but still, there were plenty of people in Fairy Tail she would not have admitted into the guild if she was running it. She spoke,"Yeah, Fairy Tail was fun, I'll give it that much." She paid attention to the job at hand, and she spoke,"Yeah, let's get going. Start off with a bang!" She was excited for this new adventure! Time to see what hell they could raise!
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