Looking To Give Bestiality a Try


Oct 13, 2015
Hello all! So, as the title says I've been getting more and more curious about a bestiality themed roleplay lately. I'm thinking it might be a fun thing to try so I figured I'd throw something up here and see if there's anyone interested in coming up with a scenario with me. This probably wouldn't be anything crazy, maybe something as simple as a lonely housewife or horny teenager looking to the family pet for some help dealing with her needs. I'm open to any ideas you might have!

This is really meant to dip my toes in the water and try something new to see if I really enjoy it or not. I think it could be rather fun with the right partner. I'd like to mention I'm mainly focused on something involving a dog or other canine, so if that's something you're interested in feel free to shoot me a PM and we can talk about coming up with a plot for it.

For a possible idea, maybe we could play a couple who's sex life has gotten a little stale. Maybe my character is on your computer one day and happens to come across a folder full of porn, the kind involving women doing questionable things with their dogs. The images and videos actually turn her on, and she decides maybe this is something she could use to put the spark back in their relationship.

Or maybe something where my character is dog sitting for a friend or something along those lines and she catches the dog in a state of arousal? Maybe the sight makes her a little curious and she decides to get a closer look and things escalate from there?

Or if you've got your own idea I'd love to hear what you have in mind! I'm up for pretty much anything :)

Alright, I'll cut it off here. Apologies for the lack of depth here. Something more substantial will be coming soon assuming all goes well with this :)

Here's a link to my f-list if anyone's interested. If you're at all interested in setting something up feel free to send me a PM!
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