Sanguine Medley (F for F/Fu/M)


Mar 18, 2016
It's happening.....Can you feel it? I can feel it running through my veins and making my senses tingles. Goosebumps rising all over my body and that sharp gasp of air that leaves you when you know the moment is ripe. It's flooding through me like water cracking through a shoddy dam. I want the dam to break. To see it crumble to pieces and see the water rushing out and devouring everything in its path.

Hello all, I've decided to try and freshen up my request thread seeking either some more plot-heavy stories and a general update to my general smut stories. All of these can be discussed. As usual, I am a big fan of non-con/dub-con and most of these plot based ones are mostly fixed to one of the two. There are some con ones in the mix as well.

After my more general requests, quick pairings can be found for those who just want some quick or general fun. Please note I almost always want to play sub. If I do dom, it tends to be in F/F or Fu/F stories.

Without any further ado, here are my requests*

This is my quick-fix thread, so feel free to suggest any other short-term things you might have in mind.

If you're interested in any pairing below, feel free to message.

My F-list is at the bottom, but please be able to write at least 1-2 paragraphs per reply. Please note that I am a good little sub and only play as one (unless paired with other women). Feel free to message any suggestions you'd like to try with me as well. Most of the stuff I have below is non-con, but I do con as well! Just send me a suggestion and let's talk.

Below are my usual non con stories that I like as well as any other non con you may have in mind.

Master (Mistress) / Slave fun and etc
Kidnapped! **Craving**
Home Alone : A stalker? A break-in gone wrong?**Craving**
Forced into Slavery
Drunk and Lost. **Craving**
Camp Counselor Coerced

I love getting ideas from other people, as I'm usually better at helping flesh out plots.

If you have any other general ideas, let me know as well.

With all my love,

*Some ideas have been picked off from others who presented the idea. I just loved them so much.
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