Looking for Dominant Characters for Romance or Non-Con 1x1


Das Hoe
Jun 17, 2017
I've been a writer since the old days of AOL chat and have been roleplaying almost 20 years. I enjoy an extremely wide range of characters and themes, though the majority of my plots center around some type of power exchange. In my personal life, I have a strong interest in BSDM relationships and that tends to come out in my plots and character choices, but I try to keep my roleplays as varied as possible to avoid the rut of typical D/s interactions. I am willing to play tops and bottoms, but I tend to be slightly pickier about roleplays where I take the controlling role, as they take more energy without the right partner. When playing submissive roles I shy away from overly weak or helpless characters, but also enjoy working with my co-writer to see what they most enjoy. Ultimately I am extremely flexible and don't have a preference on gender pairings or ages, so long as everyone is over 18.

It is also important to note that while I enjoy BDSM themes, this does not exclude romance. Abuse and non-can can be fun, but it is absolutely possible for two characters to love and care for each other while also pushing each other to the limits. Consent, safewords, and negotiations can be sexy and exciting when done properly.

Plot is an absolute must. Smut is fun, but I need to be able to have some type of connections to the character and the setting to enjoy it. If everything stays in the bedroom I'm going to lose interest fast.

Post lengths and detail depend greatly on my partner. Obviously, longer posts will be a bit slower, but I love a challenge and working with someone that inspires me to add more thought to the story. I am also not opposed to short and fast posts as long as they don't degrade to something lazy and one dimensional.

Ultimately, feel free to ask me anything. If I'm not comfortable I will let you know, but I won't be offended. Hearing other people's interests is always exciting, even if I don't share them, and the majority of the time I'm able to find ways for both of us to have fun.

For contact off-site I can be reached via gmail and skype, and discord on occasion.

You can find my F-List Here

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I have included some characters and concepts that I have enjoyed that will give you an idea of my range. Many of these ideas are hap-hazard and need a lot of filling out, so please feel free to add your input or tweak them to fit your aesthetic. With a few specific exceptions, my plots are extremely gender-flexible and I am very open to non-binary or gender-queer pairings as well. One thing to note about the pre-conceived stories is that they are mainly for either submissive or sadomasochistic, however I do tend to make exceptions for people who are curious about what a healthy D/s relationship roleplay might look like. I have a lot of personal experience in the BDSM community and enjoy being able to play responsible and caring dominant characters, and take pleasure from more realistic interactions that include negotiations, safewords, and consent guidelines. If you are curious about experimenting with strong submissive roles and playing with the beneficial aspects of power exchange, feel free to ask me questions.

The following plots come mainly from successful roleplays, but I have quite a few more concepts if none of these sound right. Characters I would prefer are underlined. Some plots blur the line of D/s a little bit and most can be made either more extreme or less extreme given your tastes. Dark romances are a favorite, as are power struggles and masochism. I'm not a fan of major blood play or gore, but I'm also not afraid to take the story down a disturbing road if it suits your mood.


Mafia Tycoon and Loyal Bodyguard: For this plot I enjoy the idea of f//, but wouldn't mind playing my female character against a male. This is one of the only gender-dependent plots I have, mostly because I like the idea of an unstoppable beast of a woman being happily brought to her knees for the right person. The bodyguard character will have come from a traumatic childhood, pulled from the streets in her early teens as part of a sex trafficking and prostitution ring. Rather than letting the stress weaken her she became known for her fierce attitude and her animalistic rage, drawing the attention of sadists and power hungry clients who wanted the opportunity to claim a creature so untamable. Over time her fury became too much to safely contain and eventually the inevitable happened. She managed to break free and finally release her pent up hunger for violence on a client, quite literally ripping him apart before nearly taking out one of the guards who tried to subdue her. Realizing the woman had become too dangerous to risk keeping alive, her captors decided it was time to finally put her down.

Where you would like to enter the story would be up to you. My idea for the pairing was that someone high up in the chain, either in the prostitution ring or just mafia/gang/underground, sees the potential in the tortured creature and saves her at the last moment, choosing to encourage the blood rage rather than contain it. She is taught weapons handling and hand to hand combat, trained into the perfect bodyguard and made loyal to a fault. The one human being alive that she respects is the one that saved her, and for them she would easily sacrifice her own life as many times over as needed. The woman is just as happy to bring her savior a cup of tea and rub their feet as she is to slowly break the kneecaps of anyone stupid enough to cross them. There isn't a thing she wouldn't do to show her devotion and nothing she craves more than being used by the object of her obsession, proving her loyalty as both a human shield and a worshipful sexual servant. This is definitely a pairing that could be either very sweet or very dark given the mood.


Neighbor vs Lonely Housewife: I get asked to play the girl next door often enough I'll just throw this one out there. Sometimes complex plots just aren't as fun as the basic interaction between two people who definitely shouldn't be together but absolutely can't help it. There are a few character variations that change the feel considerably, and I've played the role anywhere from spoiled and bored trophy wife who talks the next door neighbor into regular play dates, to the devoted but ignored housewife who finally gives in to the handsome neighbor and lives out her fantasy life at home while her husband pretends to work. The forbidden nature of the pairing makes for fun sneaking around and some high-stress situations, but is flexible enough to take it any direction we want.


Nobleman and Consort: This one tends to work better as a het couple, if only for historical reasons, and is the only fantasy/medieval concept on this list. I don't have much detail for the plot, but arranged marriages are a guilty pleasure and this is a fun twist on the concept. Your character would be a young man of some nobility, a strong warrior who has proven himself worthy of leadership. He manages to rise in the ranks quickly and is given an estate and lands to rule over. The position is a stressful one and not everyone is convinced he has the experience to rule, but the choice is made to thrust him into power.

His new estate comes with a perk: A consort chosen from the land he rules. The girl is little more than a milkmaid, chosen for her unique beauty rather than her intelligence or bloodline. Her job is simply to make him look good, to stand by his side and prove his wealth. The two of them are swept into their new roles with little instruction, expected to know how to act like a Lord and Lady with little more to go on then instinct.

The development of the characters would depend greatly on how you choose to portray the Nobleman. To have made it this far he would need to be driven, but how he handles the stress of leadership and the sudden addition of a woman to his bed is up to you. It would be easy to put a darker edge on it and have the nobleman take advantage of his position, but it could also have a sweeter element as the two help support eachother and learn to be confident in their new roles. The fun for me would be getting to play someone who has zero experience being an object of desire trying to learn how to both please the man she is supposed to be caring for, and present herself as a woman of nobility rather than a peasant. This particular plot also opens itself up well to the addition of more partners as his power and influence growns, which gives me the fun opportunity of playing multiple characters.


Murder and Obsessed Artist: This is definitely one of my darker plots and is completely non-dependant on gender.

The plot would require you to play some sort of violent person or creature, either a serial murder or something like a vampire or werewolf. My character is an artist who is obsessed with death who has almost completely cut themselves off from society to spend their time wandering the dangerous streets of the roughest cities after dark to obsessively look for hidden beauty in the gore left behind by murderous transients and illegal gang activity. Nothing delights them more than a fresh corpse to study, often spending hours choosing the angle and obsessing over even the smallest detail, just to go home and spend the rest of the night working to capture the feel of death and pain.

As time goes on they begin to realize that some of the bodies are too similar to be killed by separate people and patterns begin emerging. A serial killer is on the loose and they fall in love with the bloody remains, learning the routine enough to be able to guess the most likely places to find what they left behind. An obession begins to build, they find themselves staring for hours at the lifelike sketches of discarded bodies, wondering who the artist was who was able to instill the fear left on their faces.

There can be a lot of flexibility with the setting and style of murder in this roleplay. I don't have a particular character or in mind but I'd be happy to hash something out.


Sadist and Torture Specialist: Another dark one. While it doesn't rely on gender it does tend to be a good m// pairing and works a little better with a bit of an age gap, with the specialist being the older character. This plot is extremely loose and underdeveloped, but I'm drawn in by the idea of two people falling for each other over a shared love of torture. The context in my head involves some type of mafia group, but would also work in a gang or military setting. You would be playing a twisted sadist who is particulatly good at extracting information from captives for money. They have been working for this group for a while and have earned a reputation, but for the first time they have victims they just can't crack. Several members of a rival group have been captured, but no matter what they do they can't get them to give up information. Finally a specialist is brought in to try his skill against the captives.

The characters can either team up willingly, or they can begin hating each other and becoming competitive. Either way, I would love for the story to devolve to twisted and bloody sex scenes/power plays, and the kind of romance that should be behind bars. It would be fun for this to be something that involves a lot of sado-masochism that doesn't rely on the typical D/s roles, but as always I am flexible and would love to hear your ideas.


Wealthy Director and Futuristic Slave: The concept behind this one is also fairly simple and works with any gender pairing. The setting is sometime in the future (how far we can discuss) when consensual slavery has not only become acceptable but stylish. People who fall under financial distress have an option, desperate as it be, which was to hand over all legal and financial freedoms to a "Director" for a total of five years in exchange for a sum of money agreed on by both parties. The government quickly embraced the concept, as it took much of the financial burden of poverty off of them and back onto the citizens, so it didn't take long for these types of servitude to become legally binding. The desperate volunteers became known as Attendants, and it became fashionable for celebrities and political figures to keep them on staff as both a symbol both of wealth and generosity. Centers that dealt with pairing Directors and Assistants emphasized the mutual benefits of the arrangement and advertised the lifestyle as a type of charity.

Despite the positive press, the keeping of human slaves was still deeply controversial. While anyone was able to volunteer, the legal process of becoming an Attendant stripped away almost all human rights. Once the papers were signed there was no way to break the contract, and until their release at the end of 5 years they had no rights to access their own funds. It remained fashionable to treat the volunteers with respect, but there was nothing stopping the abuse of power.

I have a couple characters that would work for the setting, and yet again it can be tweaked to suit a lighter or darker theme. It's up to you if you want to turn it into a sweet romance between a rich member of society and their servant, or the twisted enslavement of a desperate slave willing to do whatever it takes to dig themselves out of poverty.


Student and Professor: This is another one that stems from a lot of requests. Students are a pretty common kink, but I don't feel comfortable playing characters under 18, so I prefer to keep the setting in college. The idea is simple and flexible. My character is a psychology student who is trying to write a paper for their final. They decide to write about BDSM, but find themselves struggling with the concepts. Out of frustration, they go to their professor to ask for advice.

I enjoy this plot, but I do have a stipulation. If you want to go dark, I'm alright playing someone who is being taken advantage of, but I would rather know in advance that we are going with a rougher theme. In the past when I have used this plot I've been startled by what people consider a healthy teaching relationship and find it disturbing when things like consent and aftercare aren't used by characters that are supposed to be experts in the community. For the sake of my sanity, give me a heads up if you plan on taking things "too far". If this doesn't make sense, feel free to ask questions and I'll explain myself a bit better.


Hardcore Sadist and Broken Soldier: I love this one as a twisted romance. It lends itself well to m// but military chicks are hot so I would hate to limit the possibilities. This is honestly less of a plot than a pairing. My character would be a military medic just back from service. They have a considerable amount of PTSD and guilt over the things they have seen and done overseas, and the one thing that gives them relief is masochism. It starts out as too many grueling trips to the gym a day, but soon the cravings become too strong to be soothed by sore muscles. Broken and desperate, they go looking for a sadist to help them pay for their sins and earn a night's rest.

You'll know by now that I am a sucker for romance, so keeping this a sweet story between two kinky people would make me happy, but I also would like for it to really include some brutal scenes. It's going to take a lot to break a seasoned Army vet, and they are going to crave being totally demolished by their Dom. Gratitude will be shown in in grateful and worshipful sex.


That's it. There are always more plots in my brain, but these are the ones that have been successful for me in the past. If there is something in particular you are craving, let me know, I'm always interested in plot concepts.
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