May We Meet Again [randomname98766789 and sixlikesgore]

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Nothing had ever been normal about 23-year-old Bellamy Blake. His mother, Aurora Blake, was forced to keep her second pregnancy a secret. On the Ark, a strict one-child law was enforced. He was by his mother’s side when she gave birth and he even picked the name for his sister – Octavia – after the Roman emperor Augustus’ sister of the same name. Aurora made sure that her son knew that Octavia was his sister to protect and keep safe forever. That day was a catalyst of events that would lead Bellamy to the ground with a group of 100 teenage delinquents. He promised to keep Octavia safe, regardless of what happened, and he refused to break that promise. It was tough for his sister growing up. She was an illegal second child so her identity and existence must have remained unknown to anyone. If she was discovered, their mother would have been floated and Octavia would have been imprisoned and floated at 18. He loved reading stories to her and telling her about the Ark though she could never see it for herself. Their mother slept with an Ark Guard to find out about “surprise inspections” in advance and to get Bellamy a spot on the Guard.

When he was an Ark Guard Cadet on duty during the Unity Day Masquerade Party, he sought an opportunity to sneak Octavia out of their room for the first time ever. During the party, a solar flare alert was issued and it required an identification check. Though he tried to create a distraction, Commander Shumway sniffed out the lie and the attempt of Octavia’s escape was quickly thrashed. Their mother was executed, Octavia was sent into the Sky Box, and Bellamy lost his position as a Cadet. Instead, he was demoted to a janitor. A year passed without Bellamy seeing Octavia. It was pure torture on his soul. One day, the same man that caught his attempt to help Octavia escape offered him a deal. 100 delinquents were getting sent to Earth for a shot in the dark of saving the human race. His sister was on that drop ship. Bellamy could earn himself a spot by killing the Chancellor Thelonious Jaha. It was not something Bellamy accepted easily, but he had to keep his promise. Being given an Ark Guard uniform and a handgun, Bellamy shot the Chancellor and boarded the ship before anyone found out.

The group landed twenty miles West of their intended landing destination of Mount Weather. On the ground, Bellamy took charge. He was the oldest and everyone listened to him. His policy was nothing but “Whatever the hell you want”. At first, he clashed with a certain girl named Clarke Griffin. They went at it big time. Arguments and fights that got pretty nasty. Bellamy started to calm down when he realized that Clarke was not the enemy. They were not alone. One of their own was attacked with a spear and nearly died. The world was deadly too because there was an acid fog that appeared sporadically. Instead of working against Clarke, Bellamy worked with her though he did not exactly listen to everything Clarke said, he was more compromising. The young man was doing his best to prevent communication with the Ark. From forcing the delinquents to remove the wristbands to disposing of the radio that was inside of Raven Reyes’ drop pod, he did not want to face the Ark Council. Even when Raven informed him that Jaha was alive – it did not help. Bellamy still was worried sick because he knew that everyone might be forgiven for their crimes, but his was an exception.

Octavia went missing and was kidnapped by a Grounder that took an interest in her. Trying to get her back, they lost five of their own. The rescue attempt was successful though his sister took a strange attraction to her captor and that bothered Bellamy a great deal. He was trying to keep her protected and safe but she had made it quite difficult lately. That was not the newest development for Bellamy, though. It involved Clarke. When he took the time to get to know her, he found out that she was a nice girl. She was intelligent, kind, caring, and much more thoughtful than he could ever be. She was the most gorgeous girl here in camp and Bellamy was falling for her. However, he figured they got off to such a sour start that hopes of ever changing her opinion of him were slim to none. So he did not have to talk with the Ark, Bellamy was spending time guarding the Grounder while others talked to their parents or informed other adults of their child’s death. Audio and visual connection to the Ark had been established.

Clarke was talking to Chancellor Jaha and Marcus Kane about some emergency aid depot. They could find supplies and shelter there. The water was already freezing over outside in the camp and they would die of hypothermia before they starved. In the middle of an argument with Octavia about their captive, Clarke called his attention. For whatever reason, she wanted him to join her on the run to the supply depot. Yes. Anything to get out of this camp, yes. When Bellamy packed supplies for the day trip, he did some thinking. He was going to die soon. Jaha would have his head when they land. Octavia hated him now. Why was he here? Bellamy decided to take enough rations for a couple weeks along with a few extra blankets. His backpack was full. He figured Clarke would say nothing about it anyways. The male would help her on this run, but then he was going to leave the camp and never look back. Soon enough, the pair was ready to leave the camp. Walking beside the blonde after a couple minutes, Bellamy broke the silence. “You could have asked anyone in camp to join you. I know there certainly are others you like being around better than me. Is there something on your mind?”
"... should be able to find some leftover supplies in there."

Clarke's face remained in its indifferent stature, giving the screen in front of her a nod to confirm she understood Kane's instruction. This had been the first time they had any solid contact with the Ark since they had crashed their pod into the Earth's soil; and she was stuck talking to the two men who had sent them all down here. It was impossible for Clarke to wonder what the crowd was like outside their communication tent; many people were waiting to speak to their loved ones, to let them know they were still well and everything was as okay as it could be. But this was important - they needed more supplies if they were going to last out the Winter. Their camp had already gone through most of the material they had landed with, making tarps, reinforcing jackets, and patching any holes that required it. It left little to insulate clothes, or blankets, let alone the sleeping quarters they had set up. The twenty year old needed to push through this, no matter how loud the encircling bunch grew outside.

The connection to the Ark wasn't very strong, unfortunately, and after being told by their tech expert that the signal wouldn't last for long, Clarke passed the privacy of the tent off to the next person in hopes that at least some of their people on the ground could make contact with those above. Her mind was blaring too loudly to pay much attention to the crowd as she swept through their numbers, already making a checklist of the items she'd need to reach the supply depot. With recent events, however, Clarke knew she couldn't just take off by herself - and momentarily, she paused in her concentration on her mental list and pivoted her direction. Instead of heading to her tent, Clarke shifted to start walking towards what was left of their shuttle, knowing exactly who she needed at her side for this. A level head - someone who wasn't prepared to say anything Clarke wanted to hear, but what she needed to hear. Bellamy was the only one who had never stood his ground as profusely as he had against her, and there was nothing but admiration for him because of that from the young girl. The blond needed that strength right now - even if he didn't particularly want to lend it to her.

Since they had returned with the grounder, Clarke had tried her best to maintain a neutral stance on the situation, and keep her presence strictly to a medical degree. It was obvious that this man, this grounder, wasn't as big of a threat to them as any of the others they had encounter, but she could understand Bellamy's reaction. His sister was the last thing he had left - the moment she had went missing, there was a change in him that Clarke hadn't expected to witness. He stopped at nothing to get her back, and now he wanted to make any of the people associated suffer for it, in any way possible. He wasn't a monster, and Clarke knew this. As she climbed the ladder to the highest floor of the shuttle, the arguing became apparent between the female and male voices; siblings going back and forth about their prisoner. After examining Lincoln, knowing she'd have the time to do a once-over without prying eyes as Bellamy was caught up, Clarke approached the two, and cleared her throat. Before either of them could snap at her for the interruption, the blond made it obvious why she'd butt-in. And, much to her surprise, the twenty year old didn't have to use any persuading to get him to agree to accompany her.

Once they had regrouped back up with their packs, Clarke was almost at a loss for words. Their camp disappeared relatively quickly over her shoulder, and the farther they grew from it and more into a more private atmosphere, the more the medic found herself stumbling to think of something to say. They had typically butt-heads since they had arrived, both of them having a different idea on what to do or how to handle certain situations, and the last thing she wanted to do right now was start their journey off with the wrong foot. Before she could think of anything, however, Bellamy was already breaking the silence, causing her to cast a sudden glance his way. It definitely took her slightly off guard, and for a moment, it was obvious on her face before she pulled her features back into a tighter pose, eyes trailing to the ground in front of them. "You.. could say that." she started, a little unsure in her voice.

After a breath, her eyes lifted once more to the look at the taller dark haired man, and she shook her head in a confirming 'yes'. "Look, Bel.. it's not that I don't like being around you.." the blond began once more, her pace slowing slightly as her focus grew more on her words than her footwork. "This isn't anything like I've been through before. None of us could've expected any of what's happened since we got here. And no one on the Ark prepared us for this, not properly." Raising a sheepish hand, Clarke tucked a chunk of her hair behind her ear to see him better from the corner of her eye. "I don't know what's going to happen. Today, tomorrow.. All I know is that I.. I can't do this alone.." For a moment, after those words had slipped from Clarke's plump lips, her face slightly shifted into an expression of embarrassment, and she was quick to try and push past the information she had just wholeheartedly admitted out loud since they had arrived. Although, the double-meaning behind her words would most likely go unnoticed - at least, that's what the twenty year old was hoping. If he took that last sentence for how she had actually meant it, she could only imagine what kind of impression that would send.

Abruptly clearing her throat, Clarke shifted the backpack on her shoulders more comfortably, and continued at a solid pace once more. "It looked like you could've used a break from Guard duty, but.. why did you agree so willingly?" she asked, glad to shift the direction of the conversation off her reasons, and onto his own. "I mean, my company can't be your first go-to for some 'R and R'." Not with their track-record of getting on each others case over one thing or another. It was never imaginable in the woman's mind that when she wasn't casting secret glances his way, he'd been doing the same to her when her attention was diverted. Bellamy didn't seem like he'd ever be interested in someone who was so bullheaded when it came to their disagreements.. a constant thought that held her back from ever approaching him in that manner. If she kept her fleeting feelings to herself, there was no way he could deny her that affection.​
Listening to everything Clarke said, there was one line that stuck out like a sore thumb. “I can’t do this alone.” There was a gift Bellamy had – a gift of easily reading other people. It was quite obvious to the young man that Clarke was worried about more than just surviving the day alone or just going to the emergency aid depot on her own. It sounded like there was something deeper there, but she was afraid to acknowledge it or express it right now. Bellamy could relate. If he had things his way, he would have slept with her in his arms on the first night of being on the ground. Unfortunately, things were off to a rocky start. Sure, they butted heads often and they argued but it was nothing that made Bellamy hate her. In fact, he admired how strong she was and how she tried to be a leader. It felt like sometimes she was meant for this and he was not. Bellamy had taken control from day one but he soon realized that this was not something he could do alone either. There were many meanings to thinking that as well. After Clarke finished talking, he noticed that her pace slowed down. Deciding to do the same, the dark-haired man tried to think of an appropriate response.

Bellamy Blake was never known to shy away from his opinions or beliefs. He generally said what he meant and meant what he said. It was unlike him to keep ideas and opinions to himself. As of right now, Bellamy thought this was the worst time for such a thing. Yes, he had a backpack full of supplies for at least a week. He was going to leave camp when he had a chance, but Clarke said one thing that made him believe this was not the right choice to make. Knowing that this might literally be life or death, Bellamy would have to press the blonde further for details. If he left without asking, then he might be throwing away a future with Clarke. If Bellamy found out that Clarke felt the same way he did, maybe there was another reason for him to fight things – to fight alongside Clarke instead of against her. Maybe all those emotional arguments were just coverups for how they really felt – they were just nervous about admitting it so they displaced their feelings into the opposite emotion.

Unsure of what came over him, Bellamy suddenly reached down and grabbed Clarke’s right hand. He stopped walking so that when Clarke moved for another step, she would have been pulled right back as well. Bellamy waited until she was calmed down and no longer moving – until her eyes were on him. At this moment, he dropped Clarke’s hand before starting deep into her pretty, deep blue eyes. God, they were irresistible. Bellamy did not know how a girl could look so amazing. Her smile, her laugh, and just everything about her was perfect. Chewing on his lower lip, Bellamy finally decided to say the things that he needed to say to Clarke.

“You are wrong. You are my first choice for anything, really. I know we argue and get into fights all the time but that doesn’t mean I think poorly of you. I think the opposite. You are easily the most beautiful girl in the world – present and past. I’ve never seen eyes like yours – I’ve never seen a smile like yours. But now – I am tired of just watching you smile because I want to be the reason you smile. I don’t know how you feel and I might be wrong here, but I can’t keep quiet about things anymore. You are not alone, Clarke. I don’t think you were talking only about today. I am here for you. I need you, too. I’ve tried to be the leader and it worked for a few days. I realized that it is not a job for one person. I need someone that thinks different – someone like you. I don’t just want you to be a leader with me. I want you to be mine, period.”

This might sound crazy considering that he had almost slept with the entire camp but he hoped Clarke knew he was sincere.

“I assure you that you’d be the only one I care for. You already are. I just never thought this might be possible so I tried to get my mind off you – but I can’t. That is absolutely impossible. Clarke, you are the most perfect human I have ever met. I don’t ever want to be without you. I want us to interact in ways that we never have before. I don’t know how you feel, but if I don’t ask, I won’t ever know. You can slap me if you want. You can yell at me want. Or you can kiss me if you want. Any reaction is fine with me. I just have to get this off my chest. There have been so many horrible things happen already since we’ve been down on Earth. I don’t see why we can’t make something good happen.”

Clearly, Bellamy genuinely believed that there was something here for them – not just the entire camp, but for himself and Clarke. Anyone that knew Bellamy would know that this was nothing like him, but that just went to show how much he cared for Clarke. She was making him act in ways that he never had before. This was something new for Bellamy. Until Clarke, he never thought about settling down to just be with one girl but now he knew for a fact. He did not give a damn if it had only been a few weeks and they barely talked other than when they argued. He was falling for Clarke – her body, her soul, her heart – everything. Bellamy wanted to be hers and Bellamy wanted her to be his. It would all depend on how she reacted to this. He might turn from the camp and never look back or he might return with a new mindset and a new girlfriend.
After letting such a personal thought slip from her lips, the last thing Clarke had expected to happen was for Bellamy to react the way he had. When she'd continued her pace, she'd expected him to follow suit, and let her brush the topic off completely. But instead, he reached a hand out from his stand-still position, and grasped her own in his. Forcing her to stop, both from his lack of movement and the sudden grip on her hand, Clarke whirled around to face him with bewilderment displayed clearly on her face. There was a flinch with her hand, threatening to pull it from his grasp, but it was a natural reaction due to the shock of it - once she realized it was Bellamy's hand cradled over her own, she immediately stopped resisting, and inhaled a deep, shaky breath. Settling her eyes on his own just as his hand released hers back to her side, Clarke gave him a soft nod of assurance, intently waiting to hear what he'd gotten her direct attention in order to say.

Never, if someone had told Clarke that she'd be hearing the words that were coming out of Bellamy's mouth, would the blond have believed it for a second. A slightly dumbfounded look came across her face when he started to spill his feelings to her, causing her lips to part in slight shock from his admittance. It instantly threw her mind for a loop, causing it to go back and forth between the the times they'd spend arguing or bickering about something insanely stupid, simply because they didn't want to compromise and find a conjoined solution. Or was it because they were both hiding their feelings for each other, and that had a part in their slight headbutting? Among all he'd said, the most that stuck out to her ears were the words, 'You are not alone, Clarke.' Pair that with his confession of wanting her to be his, and the stupid smile that was pulling across Clarke's plump lips could only be self-described as dorky.

When it came to Bellamy's encounters around camp, Clarke wasn't one hundred percent bothered by it - the types of girls that pined for Bellamy's attention weren't the kinds of girls that you looked at for a future, so there hadn't been much jealousy behind those thoughts. But hearing him say that he'd only been trying to move on from his thoughts from her, unsuccessfully, made any bit of jealousy she might've harbored towards those situations completely disappear. And there wasn't a bone in Clarke's body that could feel an ounce of insincerity in his soul as he spoke these words; if anything, the only thing she could sense was his vulnerability from putting himself out there to her like this. It took a lot of courage to admit these things at face value, and it overwhelmed Clarke beyond words.

At first, her slightly frozen posture might've come off as negative - the way her eyes stared widely at him in almost disbelief, lips parted in a bit of a shocked gasp, hands motionless at her sides. Then, in a matter of seconds, her body was bolting from its position in front of him to close the distance between the two of them, her arms coming to securely wrap tightly around the taller man's neck, pulling herself against him in a tight hug. All the while, Bellamy's words echoed in her mind, over and over again; 'I don’t see why we can’t make something good happen..' Clarke had been so shut off from everything since her Father's death.. Who was to say she didn't deserve to start smiling because of someone again?

The hug lasted for what felt like hours; a brush of human contact that Clarke hadn't felt since the last hug she'd received from her mother. The endorphin's that had released in her system just from the hug alone was almost enough to make her lightheaded with happiness, and the smile that breached over her lips was probably the largest it'd been since they'd crashed. Only, as Clarke's blue eyes began to open within their hugged position, she caught a good glimpse of the size of Bellamy's backpack; it wasn't the usual scouting bags they'd fastened together for trips like this. And it had a lot more in it than Clarke had brought with her own. Momentarily, the look of happiness faltered, and she retreated from the hug to catch Bellamy's gaze, eyebrows instantly pulling together a little sternly. "Something's wrong.." she called him out, trailing it off to ease her tone from being as harsh as it originally would've come out. "Isn't it?"

Glancing between them, Clarke reached to take his hand, her eyes slowly coming to lock with his own again. "You're not just telling me all this because it's been dying to get out.. You're telling me this because it's your last chance to." Swallowing thickly, she gestured to his bag with a nod of her head, indicating that she'd seen the size of it in comparison. ".. are you leaving?" As Clarke asked this last question, her voice dropped, eyes filled with concern. "You can't. You can't say those things to me and then leave."
When Clarke closed the distance for a hug, Bellamy returned the gesture. Physical contact like this was not something he experienced often. Sure, he hugged his sister often but that was different. Whenever he indulged himself in a one-night stand, there was no cuddling or hugging or intimacy like this. As ironic as it sounded, even Bellamy craved this particular genre of human contact. More importantly, he craved it with Clarke Griffin. Everything was going well until she slowly pulled away from him. Damn. She was too smart for her own good. Clarke could see anything coming from a mile away.

“Yes, you’re right, Clarke. I can’t even face Jaha on the radio. I know I can’t face him or anyone when they land on Earth. You and the others might be forgiven for your crimes but there’s no chance in hell I will. Now, even Octavia hates me. She’s the only reason I came down here. I tried to keep her safe but she doesn’t even speak to me anymore and I can’t control anything she does. I’ve done all I can for her. Maybe she’ll be safer now and happier now without me.” It was logical to Bellamy, but there was one giant wrench in his plans.

“But, there’s you. I don’t know how else to tell you this other than that I’ve fallen for you and I’ve fallen hard. I think about leaving and I think that’s best, but I can’t quite do it because it means I won’t be around you or see you again. So yes, I am saying this because it is my last chance. I wanted to see how you’d react. I didn’t expect this, honestly. I expected you to slap me or something else. You’re also right about saying that I can’t say these things to you and then just leave. I planned on leaving unless I found a reason to say. You’re the only reason I need, Princess. I don’t know what will happen when the Ark gets here. I don’t know what will happen to me, specifically. The only thing that I do know is that I want to attack whatever problems it brings. I want to be by your side and I want you to be by my side. We should finish this bullshit line of thinking that we have to do things on our own. We don’t.”

Pausing, he approached Clarke again and squeezed her hands, even pressing a kiss to each of her palms. “You have me, Clarke. You’ll always have me. If you don’t want me to leave, then I will stay. If I stay at the camp, though, I want to give us a real shot. I don’t care what the others might think. I don’t care about any of that. I want to be with you at the end of every day when you’re falling asleep so your head is on my chest. I want to wake up every morning and see your beautiful face before I start my day. I never considered myself to be this kind of man, to want anything like this, but you’ve changed me in so many ways. Even if we don’t always agree, I know that our passion is strong and our bond is even stronger. I can’t continue living life and pretending like I don’t care about you. I don’t hate you. I don’t even feel neutral about you. I see a future with you, Clarke. I don’t care if that sounds stupid. I just know that I’ve never felt this way before. I want nothing more than to be your boyfriend, to be the one you grow old with. I truly believe we can make something great happen here in our lives but that’s only possible together.”

Bellamy Blake was not known for being sensitive, emotional, or a gentleman. Right now, he was showcasing all three aspects and more. This truly spoke volumes about his feelings for Clarke since he would never, ever say these things to anyone else. Clarke was his entire universe and she did not even know it. If she wanted him to stay and if she wanted to give their relationship a shot, then Bellamy would be more than happy. If she did not feel particularly happy about him, then Bellamy figured he was better off leaving and being alone. Honestly, if he could not be with Clarke here after this admission, it might just be too painful. Again, Bellamy never gets this way about girls so Clarke must be pretty damn special.

“God, I just want to kiss you right now. I want to kiss you until I can’t fucking breathe, Clarke.” He whispered, slowly inching towards her. If she was open to receive his kiss, then Bellamy would not waste another second, but he was going to make sure. Judging by her reaction so far, Bellamy had no reason to believe she was upset about anything he said so that was excellent. Maybe she felt the same way – that was something Bellamy feared would not happen.
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