Fx Any Soft Stroke's Full Fledged Female Request Thread [Magical Girls, Pokemon, Succubi and More!]

Soft Stroke

Jun 28, 2015
United States!
Soft Stroke's Full Fledged Female Request Thread~!

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"Hello everyone of Blue Moon, my name is Soft Stroke, and yes, the name means exactly what you think it does~!"​

Some quick information about me you see in most threads!
  1. I've been RPing for about 8+ years now, and writing is a personal passion of mine.
  2. I write everything from short stories to poetry and even am considering a novel.
  3. I, however, also just enjoy some simple, nice and fun erotic roleplays.
  4. I've met some of my best friends through ERPing, and as such I've continued to write for a long while! I love casual chat with my partners.
  5. I'm furry friendly, and Soft Stroke himself used to be an MLP OC before slowly evolving into the internet handle I use now!
  6. I am a HUGE anime fan, I have seen a lot of them and I read manga and light novels for fun! You'll notice many of my kinks and plot threads are very anime-inspired... and there is no coincidence there!
  7. And finally, of course, I'm now looking to write with you!
Now, let's set some idea of what I'm looking for! To frontend this: I am not interested in basic played-straight modern taboo pairings (ie. Boss x secretary, teacher x student). If you are open to short one liner RPs, I am not your partner. I can write small, one paragraph posts if I'm doing something rapid fire, but simple one-liners can drive me insane. I am looking to write smut-centered stories. I think plot and smut can coexist, but I tend to lean closer to 70/30 to 80/20 smut to plot. I desire a consistent partner open to medium to long length smut focused/inclusive RPs both in duration and post length. That's all! I'll also put down that I am open to play against a male/female/futa, and I'm furry friendly!

If you've read this far into my post, then thank you very much. I would appreciate it if you were to include your favorite color somewhere in a message to me, anywhere at all. It will help ensure me that you have taken the time to read all of this. Thank you again, and I hope that the rest of my RT interests you.

In my eyes, the Sub/Dom aspect is different from a Top/Bottom aspect. A Sub/Dom aspect relies directly upon BDSM elements, and involves elements of control. A Top/Bottom aspect relies only upon two people having sex. You can have a Top without having a Dom.

As of late, I've found myself willing to bend the direction in which I lean. Generally, I will lean towards a submissive, but I'm willing to go dominant. Therefore, you can say that I am a switch in both top/bottom and dom/sub situations. Depending on the idea, I'll determine what I feel the most like playing.

1. My post length will vary by partner. In more detail oriented RPs, I can break a page in Word at 12pt font single space. In smaller RPs or one-offs, I average closer to 2-3 paragraphs. I tend to mirror the post length of a partner as well. I'm not picky about post length as long as it's a quality post!

2.All I ask is just tell me when you're going to not be able to post. If I know that you're busy, I will wait as long as you need! And I'll do the same, of course!

3. I only use hand-drawn/anime reference images. I've never felt comfortable using a real person's face for any of my characters. I ask that you do the same, please.

4. I personally enjoy writing smut-focused stories. I find that characters can have fun having filthy and rough sex, while also developing romance with them. Most of my RP ideas tend to center around sex. Generally, I use story as a vehicle for smut and vice versa.

5. I’m not truly into 'modern' or 'taboo' RPs. RPs like office life, teacher x student, neighbor x neighbor, marriage, stuff like that generally doesn’t mingle well with me. Incest is not my forte. Anything to do with cheating and cuckholding I will never touch. I tend to fall into fantasy, modern fantasy, scifi, or a twist on 'modern' plots!

6. In general, I don't do fandom focused RPs. I haven't found many attempts where it worked out for the best. So unless an idea is very interesting, I won't touch them. Usually I'll take the general idea of a fandom and apply it to a more general idea (ie. an anime concept and make a plot off that).

7. All I ask grammar wise is you try! I have bad typing habits and make spelling mistakes all the time, everyone does. I just ask that you please try to minimize spelling errors. A partner that consistently makes the same errors over and over again is a red flag to me about their commitment to a story.

8. Once we begin an RP, I will be flexible. I am always willing to accommodate plot shifts, time skips, etc. However, this does not mean I am open to sudden changes without discussion. If we begin an RP and my partner suddenly introduces an element that I wasn't privy to, I will end the RP without discussion. (This is partially why my fandom focused RPs have never worked out).

9. If you ever have any questions, please ask me. I always prefer that we discuss something rather than let it die!

So! Now we're getting to the more important part of everything: what is it like to write with me? I can do several lengths of posts, but I will always, at minimum, write out two paragraphs. I don't need for us to have a set post length minimum that we always have to hit; I recognize some posts just don't lend themselves to that. I just ask that whatever length of post you give, you do so with intention behind it. I'm not a picky person when it comes to writing massive posts. In fact, I would rather prefer to just have some good fun when it comes down to us writing. And to prove this point, I'll throw out some examples of posts I've given in the past:

The following represent some smaller-length RP posts I've done in the past, and you're welcome to read into them! You'll also notice a trend of having a longer opening post for establishment, then tapering off into a normal post length, a small trend I do a lot!

Safe Haven (Invi x Soft Stroke)
The True Soulmate [Soft Stroke x The Snuggubus]
Magic Has It's Uses ((Soft and Daleen))

These link to roleplays that were done on the BlueMoon roleplay forums, much longer in length as well.

The Musician's Overture [GGentleman x Soft Strokes]
Virtuality Captivity ~ [Soft Stroke & Kitten]

1. Femdom! Both on Male and Female characters!

2. Oral Sex; sloppy, passionate, rough, gentle, any form of oral. (Even up to Oral Fixation!)

3. Casual Sex (ie. being openly sexual with each other, having sex wherever without shame or thought, etc.)

4. Rough, Passionate Sex and Sexual Exhaustion (Fucking until neither party can move)

5. Tight Sensual Slutty Clothing!

6. Sexual Societies (Societies where sex is commonplace and even expected; ties into the Casual Sex aspect!)

7. Swimsuits!

8. Toys, Lots and lots of Toys

9. SQUIRTING, if I'm playing a female please expect this!

10. BDSM

11. Mind control/hypnosis

1. Gore and Amputation

2. Scat and/or Diapers

3. Watersports

4. Vore

5. Pregnancy

6. Cuckolding/Cheating

Given that you've read this far, you must be interested in hearing my plot ideas! I've organized these in no particular order. As a general note, if the plot doesn't mention MC/YC then either or works perfectly fine for me! Furthermore, FxAny means any gender pairing works, while FxF refers only to females. I also put the genre of the RP that it falls into within brackets as well!.I am open to discussing other plot ideas and none of these ideas are set in stone! I'm willing to add, subtract, modify, whatever to these plots if they interest you! Please feel free to add and subtract any of your own ideas to these, and reach out to me with any of them! With that said, let's get into it!

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A Different Kind of Magical Girl [FxAny] [Anime/Magical Girl]
This is an rather lewd take on the magical girl genre! My idea involves MC, a brand new up-and-coming magical girl, joining up with a small new team. While they welcome her, she has little to no combat ability. While this seems like a mistake at first, it quickly becomes apparently it's because her ability into to fight, but to support! Her magic allows her to boost the powers and strength of her fellow magical girls, giving them a massive edge in battle. The drawback, however, is it leaves the girls she buffs in a state of increased sensitivity, power and... dominance afterwards. This one would be primarily meant to be consentual, with MC becoming the center of her little magical girl group's attention as her abilities keep inadvertanly boosting their libido! All sorts of magical fun can happen when one decides to transform!​

An Unaware Assistant [FxAny] [Pokemon Anthro/Pokegirl]
I will preface this idea by saying that my exposure to Pokemon has been primarily through Legends: Arceus and Sw/Sh, but I have a fairly firm grasp on the fundamentals and a wide variety of pokemon! With that said, this idea doesn't involve a trainer, but the assistant to a professor. MC is the young, fresh-out-of-school assistant to a widely known pokemon professor who's been studying pokemon and their unique aspects long enough to gain some fame. While MC thinks at first it'll be a simple job, once she realizes that the professor is closer to most of her pokegirls than many, she gets wrapped up in helping care for and 'research' new pokemon that come in and out of the professor's door! Some temporary, some stay on as more assistants, romance, fun times, smut and very, very lewd encounters abound! Essentially, an assistant and professor have increasingly lewd encounters with pokegirls. Again, looking for this to be consentual just with kinky elements within! Just a note here that we would both play multiple characters so as to avoid a harem situation!​

A Pokemon Expedition [FxAny] [Pokemon Anthro/Pokegirl]
Following along with the vein of the last idea, this one involves MC wanting to, of course, be a powerful and well-known trainer! However, after meeting their first pokemon and realizing that they aren't exactly cut out for being a champion, they instead decide to go out and build a team to help her explore and find new pokemon habitats, regional variants and more! This one is a far looser idea that would be a mixture of a Slice of Life and adventure setting, involving MC going from place to place and meeting new pokegirls and getting into new lewd situations. I don't have as many ideas for this one, but it would allow us to include a wide variety of types and have an overarching goal to keep the story moving!​

Their Magical Encounters [FxAny] [Anime]
Magical creatures have always existed in a world parallel to our own. Donning human disguises, they travel to the human world to enjoy themselves, learn the culture, and have fun, before returning back home to their society. However, a select few humans, upon coming into contact with a magical creature, will awaken their magic, transforming their bodies and being filled with dangerous, unstable mana. Thus, the one who awoke them must form a pact with them, binding them together to stabilize their mana. Once a human has awoken, they are given the chance to see the other world, and attend none other than Imara's Academy for the Magically Awoken (IAMA), a college/university hybrid where anything is possible, all limits can be surpassed... and most of all, all kinds of fun and romantic things are afoot! IAMA is a flexible setting, allowing anywhere from sex and nudity being 100% allowed anywhere to a simple university setting of magi classes and cute couples. Beastkin, elves, dragons, monster girls, all of them go at IAMA, and each one of them has a human bound right to them...​

Their Monstrous Encounters [FxAny] [Monster Girl]
A decade ago, a dimension of Monster Girls came into contact with the modern day. Through that merger, technology and magic diffused across both sides, and portals were erected in most major cities to allow for passage between the two. Now, with the contact beginning to rapidly change the world, MC has been spending many hours online chatting with YC, one of the girls in this dimension. During a vacation, YC offers MC the chance to spend time with her on the Monster Girl side of the portal. Thus, human and Monster Girl meet, and a potential love between them blooms. This plot is heavily inspired by Monster Musume, so for those of you who have seen that show, I'd be happy to discuss this in even more further detail with you!​

The New Succubus [FxF] [Succubus/Monster Girl]
While I tend not to do purely picture-insipred plots, one recent succubus design I saw gave me an idea. MC, a summoner attempting to prove herself as a worthwhile Mage, attempts to summon a powerful demon above her level to make into her familiar. When the succubus is summoned, not only is she near an Elder Succubus in power, but she turns the familiar spell back onto the summoner and enslaves her instead! The succubus decides they want to stay on this side of the world for awhile, and essentially moves in and begins to take over MC's life. While the succubus is demanding, horny and forceful, she secretly wishes to see her familiar become far more powerful and grow to become something more than what she already is. This is a very ecchi-inspired plot that has chances for both large amounts of horny succubus sex and relationship building with both them and other side characters!​

The Succubi's Gambit [FxAny] [Succubus/Monster Girl]
Generally, the image of a succubus is that of a horny, lewd creature that continuously sleeps around again and again in order to satiate an eternal lust. However, while satisfying that lust is a powerful part of their being, many succubi are actually chasing one thing: a soulmate. When a succubus finds a soulmate, their eternal lust is quelled, and in turn they devote themselves to ensuring said human they've mated with will be forever happy with them. When the human's lifespan runs out, the human has a choice to then be turned into a succubus themselves and live out the rest of their days in bliss with their mate. However, less than 1% of all succubi manage to find their soulmate, as there are thousands of them, and billions of humans. So, what happens when a succubus manages to find said mate? In this plot I would be looking to play the human that said succubus mates with!​

The Vampiric Ascension [FxF] [Anime]
This idea is one that is a bit of a twist on the modern vampire story. The concept here relies upon YC, a young, inexperienced vampire, having been slumbering for decades while recovering their energy from some big fight or situation. When she awakes, she finds that her old mansion has been moved into by a young woman, MC, who has inherited the house and is looking to start up a new life. Desperate for blood and needing sustience, the young vampire bites the human and makes her into a servant... but the guilt causes their roles to be somewhat reversed! Promising to make up for what she did, the vampire begs her to let her stay and feed, and in exchange she'll do whatever she wants! After forging and agreement and building a little friendship, other vampires and magical creatures the vampire knew when she was younger start showing up, making it all the more chaotic! This is meant to be a rather fun and lighthearted vampire story with kinky vampire sex, with potential for other magical creatures abounding!​

The Dragon Tamer [FxAny] [Anime]
Dragons. Powerful. Fierce. Terrifying. Creatures that can destroy entire armies and castles without a second thought. They are, however, vulnerable creatures, capable of feeling pain, agony, and of course, dying. One dragon manages to find themselves in a magical trap designed for them, resigning themselves to their fate. A passing adventurer, however, makes the choice to free them, doing a good deed for another that, even if terrifying, doesn't deserve to die alone. The next day, said adventurer finds that dragon at their inn, transformed to look far more human, and pledges themselves to serve the human until their lifespan has ended, as a form of gratitude towards them. The plot is inspired by Kobayshi-San's Maid Dragon, set in a fantasy world more akin to that of a typical isekai. Here, I'm also looking to play the adventurer!​

A Starship Voyage [FxAny] [Sci-fi]
The idea for this plot revolves around one woman, a powerful captain that aims to make herself a name in the galaxy at large. Her mother is none other than one of the most famous space pirates in the last three decades, and now she has a legacy to live up to. She, however, is able to do little more than simply pilot a ship, and after crashing into a spaceport attempting to flee from her pursuers, she meets none other than a mechanic that agrees to fix her ship and, eventually, to come with her. Thus, the two set out for the stars, and more than likely, set out to begin to build up a crew that will carry them into stardom! The plot essentially would follow this group of outlaws building up (either as a harem or as a set of interconnected couples) that begin to make a name for themselves as smugglers, traders and lovers. This idea was inspired mostly by Firefly after a recent watch.​

...As well as any ideas that you might have! I'm always open to looking for many fun situations to get up to.

Please message me if you have any interest in my ideas. Thank you for taking your time to read this far, and have a wonderful day.



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