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Mx Any Mister D's RP Search Thread (MxF pairings; NSFW)

Mr. Drake

May 16, 2017
US of A
Hello and Welcome!

Hi potential partners, my name is Mr. Drake (or you can just call me Ken). I honestly have no preference in one way or the other. This is my thread that will serve as what to expect from me, some information about myself and interests, and generally a looksie into me as a writer. I like to think of myself as a versatile partner both when it comes to my dedication to a story as well as my openness. I'm fairly friendly and I try and be very patient with my partners, too! I know we all have lives and all go through our whatever problems. I don't like to push excessively but just enough as a decent reminder when it's your turn to respond. As far as my kinks are concerned, they can range from the basics to some more kinky. If any interest you, feel free to mention them!

Some things to know about me
  • I tend to play males exclusively but I am not opposed to playing females if the right plot is presented
  • I do not have any preference of where we do it. We can do it in pms, threads, or even on google docs if you wish to
  • For my own preference, I would prefer that character images be that of real life celebrities (AKA RL face claims)
  • I love OOC talk and would love to be your friend if you'll have me.
  • I tend to write 2-3 paragraphs per response, but quality over quantity, though. <3
  • I love to dominate
My Kinks
This will be a list of kinks that I myself prefer.
  • Curvy bodies and features
  • toxicity
  • roughness
  • Playful abuse
  • Incest
  • Innocent girls on the cusp of being something naughty
  • Sexual tension
  • Celebrity Play (below will be a list of celebs I'd love to play against either as themselves or being used as face claims by my partner)

  • Teacher x Student
  • Step Family of some sort
  • C.E.O. x New Employee/Intern
  • Best friends turned lovers
  • Exes who find each other again
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RE: Mister D's Short Term Request (M for F; NSFW)

Daily bump. Always looking for more partners. <3
RE: Mister D's Short Term Request (M for F; NSFW)

As always, looking for more people to play with. Bump.
RE: Mister D's Short Term Request (M for F; NSFW)

Bump. Looking for a female to help me out with plot added.
RE: Mister D's Short Term Request (M for F; NSFW)

Still looking for someone for the Bella Thorne plot. <3
RE: Mister D's Short Term Request (M for F; NSFW)

Bump. Still looking for that Bella Thorne plot. c:
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