Samm's Hunt for a RP (F looking for M)


Apr 12, 2015
Hello and welcome to my request thread!

About Me:
I am a 20 year old college student who loves to write in her spare time. I've been writing for a few years and I like to think I'm improving with my writing. I love to write anything from fantasy and sci-fi roles to real-life roles. I love to read and movies are my life and I am just starting to write in fandoms so that would be fun too!

What I'm Looking For:
I'm looking for 18+ male characters to play against my 18+ female characters. I don't want it to be completely centered around smut. I want a story. I want to know how they got to this point in their relationship to each other. I want action and a storyline that will keep both of us at the edge of our seats. I don't keep track of how much I write exactly per post because it varies for me. I could write four or five paragraphs worth in one scene and two paragraphs in the next. I will never give one-liners. If you're not interested anymore or if you are too busy please just let me know and I'll do the same for you.

~Yes there can be smut of course and my f-list is in my signature!~

And now the fun stuff!


Game of Thrones
Harry Potter
-I love the idea of the Marauder time period
Sherlock BBC
-OC x Sherlock; OC x Mycroft; OC x Moriarty
-OC x Dean; OC x Lucifer; OC x Michael; OC x Crowley*
Percy Jackson
Literally anything Greek God related
-Persephone x Hades

- OC mortal x Poseidon
Criminal Minds
- Roommate x Reid; Roommate x Hodge
Greys Anatomy
- Patient x Doctor (?)
Marvel Universe
DC Universe

Some Random Pairings for you!
Secretary x CEO
Innocent x Not-so-Innocent

Werewolf x Hunter
Hunter x Supernatural Creature
Assassin x Assassin (working together or separate)
Apocalypse Survivors
Runaway x Drug/Mob/Gang leader

Plot Beginnings!

My character's mother was apart of a gang that your character's father ran. She was his "best man," best friend, and "general". My character's mother got out of the abusive relationsip that happened to leave her pregnant and so my character grew up in the house with your character and your father. Since they were the only kids they became best friends and did everything and anything together. When my character turned 10 (can change depending on how we want our story to go!) her mother passed away, she was killed in a shooting. Your character's father blamed himself and thought the right thing to do was send my character back to her real father's although he didn't want to, he didn't want the cops searching for my character since my character's father legally had custody since her mother was gone. She was sent away and hated her home life, some years passed and she grew up in a very unhappy household. Since she looked just like her mother, her father hated her and took out all his anger out on her, gaining her a few scars. When she was 16 she attempted to end things herself with a piece of glass, but her father found her before she passed out and saved her, leaving her with a nasty scar on her left wrist. Along with that she had scars from her father; one on her back from her shoulder blades to her left hip, one that stretches from under her left breast to her right hip, one that stretched over her right shoudler, and another that streched across her left thigh. One night she ran off from her home, sick of the abuse she received. She landed in the old streets she once knew from her childhood but would they remember her?
(For this I was thinking YC could be older, maybe a few years, no more than 5 years!)

The Princess and her Guard
So for this idea it takes place waaaaaay back in the day, I'm thinking around the 1550's with my character princess to the throne. Her father and mother ruled when she was younger and she was just like her father, similar looks, attitude, and personality. Her mother hated it. Her father has disappeared while out hunting and her mother took over all the power. (maybe could be the mothers doing)
Her mother was a bit power hungry and she never wanted to lose her power. She was power crazy. She kept her daughter, my character, away from the public even though they loved her. And her mother was trying to find her a husband, one that would basically do anything she said. My character was against it completely. Her father always promised her to have a choice.
My character was very likable with a bubbly personality. She got along with all of the maids, the guards, and the people. She loved to go into town and always snuck out to visit everyone. No one was happy under her mother's rule and everyone missed her father.
My character got very close with a guard, her guard. He had to go with her everywhere and they got along very well. They've known each other since they were kids so it only seemed natural to have him guard her. This would be the story of how they worked together against her mother, the queen, with action, adventure, mischief, and maybe even a little bit of romance!

Swimming in the Sea

So this is a role play idea I had while swimming actually.
I think this role-play would work back when kings and queens ruled and pirates ruled the seas. One of our characters would play the heir to a pirate ship. Their father being one of the most feared pirates.
The other character would be a mermaid/merman or we could include an aspect of Greek Gods- Poseidon and they could be humans with water abilities or his children type of thing.
The story would start with the pirate being kidnapped and thrown to sea to drown but they actually know how to swim and survive for a bit. Eventually they wander into the mer-people territory and they grow wary, beginning the start to an unlikely relationship between the two.
I'd love to try this out and see where it could go!

The Heist
My character, Elizabeth, grew up in a shitty family life. Her parents, Jessica and Dylan, were young 20 year old parents who barely knew how to hold their own relationship together. The one thing Lizzie always had throughout those years were her dancing. She was constantly practicing and doing steps around the house from the time she could walk. Elizabeth loved it and it was her little escape. After she was born they started to get along but as Elizabeth grew up, they only got worse. Her father would drink a lot, come home, get in a fight, and hit Elizabeth's mother. She didn't know that was wrong, she assumed it was normal, but then her mother finally left them. she was only 10 years old when she left and Elizabeth felt betrayed, felt abandoned. Now she was stuck with her abusive father and that he was.

As Elizabeth got older she looked exactly like her mother except for one aspect, her eyes. She had her fathers bright blue eyes and whenever he beat on her as soon as he saw her eyes he'd stop and cry. The beatings only got worse as she got older. She didn't know what else to do, she came home one day just a minute late and her father said so many hateful things to her and then cried as he always did once he looked her in the eye.

When Elizabeth turned 18 she created a plan, she needed to get out of that house. She stopped at a drugstore on her way home one night and picked up sleeping medicine. When she got home and got her father yet another beer she snuck the medicine in and gave it to him. Within the next half hour he was knocked out. This was her chance and she knew it, she packed duffle bag, took all the cash she could find and make her way out. She knew she could use her dancing to an advantage, even throughout all those years she continued to practice and perfect different styles.

She found a job as an exotic dancer/stripper and she slept upstairs from the club. She was more than just that, she put on a different act every night, accents and everything. It took her away from reality a little bit. She made enough to get through until your character and his/her crew came through. She played your character's guys easily, pickpocketing money and convincing them to give more than they usually would. Your character knew in an instant that she'd be the perfect distractions for your heists. She noticed you guys come back and she couldn't remember who she played as the night before so she kept making up names and stories, not that they paid attention to anything but what she was dressed in and that night she was in a matching black lacy bra and thong with red heels.

(The basic premise is you have a team that works together kind of like the show Leverage. You can expose people through hacking and such. You can take down large corporations that are hurting rather than helping. You'd see my character as a good aid to you and your team. The distraction to whatever they were doing to take them down. Would love to discuss ideas on this! )

The Hitmen
Scarlet Hunt. A 23 year old type of businesswomen. She made millions on her own and with a help of a few.... business partners. She held together one of the biggest hitmen organizations.
She was born to a young woman who decided she wasn't ready to be a mother and was given up for adoption. She was stuck in the system. She grew up being passed from one foster home to the other, never staying in one long enough. She was bullied by other kids and she had enough as she grew older.
She ran away frequently and one time when she was 11 she got stuck in a pickle. She stole from a convenience store and as she was running from the cops she ran into a large, scary man. He was tall about 6 foot and had a muscular body, his name was Cael. He had brown hair and a beard as he stared down at her. He noticed the cops and grabbed her, helping her hide. She was panicked but when she realized he was helping her she began to relax.
From that moment on her life was going to change. He was a hitman himself who worked for himself as there was no one to hand out hits, they fought against each other for them. He saw himself in Scarlet and decided to give her a better life.
At first he wasn't going to introduce her to the life he lived, just have her continue on normally, but as she got older he realized he wouldn't be able to protect her and she would have to learn on her own. So he taught her everything he knew. She learned to fight, shoot, kill when necessary. He trained her to be a mini him. Cael knew how bright he was and sent her to the best schools.
When she graduated she came to him with her idea first. An international hitman organization. She would have tabs on all of the hitmen around the world, she'd be the main form of contact and she would determine who would get hits where. There was no more fighting among the hitmen for everyone got their fair share.

And this is where our story would start.

I was thinking she'd be about 23 years old, living alone but still was near Cael.
There are a thousand story lines which could come from this. I was gearing more towards a romance/action type.
Some pairings we can use for this would be:
~Another hitman
~A cop trying to take down her organization
~A rival who's not involved and wants to steal her idea
~A friend from school who knows nothing of the life she leads

Well that's all I got for now please shoot me a PM if you're interested!!!
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