Men Like Him
- Joined
- Dec 14, 2016
You've probably heard of men like him. They're not like what you think, though. Yeah they're often rich, but it's not the kind of tacky rich where you get to spy pictures of him in tabloids, or see breathless speculation about with whom he's cavorting on E!. Men like him are wealthy, vastly so, and money talks; money is power. Men like him can move vast sums of wealth with a few clicks of the mouse, a single phone call, and you can bet your ass that commands attention. Senators, Cabinet secretaries, even Presidents take his call directly; there's no having a secretary run interference when men like him come calling.
Many are rich, but not all. Some simply traffic in knowledge. The right secret, whispered into the right ear, can unlock doors that no amount of money can bludgeon open. Men like him are fixers, collecting facts and knowledge, dealing in the seedy underbelly of our world. Men like him have brought down corporate titans, political colossi. And nobody ever sees them do it.
And some men like him? They're ordinary. Fathers who kiss their wives and children on the way out the door to their boring eight-to-six jobs, men who sit frustrated in rush-hour traffic and have to deal with long lines at the supermarket. They're not powerful, not yet anyway, but within them they have the Nietzchean will to power. It only takes one moment to reveal it, to awaken it. And Lord have mercy on the Earth when you do.
Hi there! Thanks for having a look at my little post here. I'm new to Blue Moon, but not at all new to RPing; I've been around the block a time or two. As you can see, I like to play powerful men. Their power can take many forms, as the above little snippet alludes to. It might be supernatural, but it's often mundane. And maybe they haven't even claimed their rightful place on top of the world, yet.
So what about you? If you're interested in this sort of thing, I'd love to work something out together. I tend to enjoy plot-heavy smut; the point of the thing is the coming together of our characters in a vast spasm of sexual bliss. But along the way I'd like there to be a story, something to provide grounding for their passion. I'm a fan of taboo relationships; my characters are powerful men who take what they want; they are not bound by the norms and mores of conventional society. I'm looking for a partner who's interested in the same. I also want a partner who's able to contribute to the development of our storyline; I've found that I don't like it if I'm the one shouldering the entire burden. Come to me with some ideas as to what kind of character you'd like to play!
One thing especially interested in exploring the internal lives of our characters, and how they're being affected by their relationship. This goes for both the broader picture as well as in the moment-to-moment interactions. So my posting will typically zero in on that; and if you're someone who enjoys the same we should definitely see about getting something going.
A bit more about me: I prefer to play over messaging services like AIM, YIM, and Skype, but I can handle PMs as well. I tend to be a three paragraph type of guy, with longer posts as warranted (particularly for scene setting and transitions). I play straight male characters, and obviously given that I'm looking for smut-based RP that means you should be playing female characters. I tend to prefer graphic language, though I do think I've got a knack for making it at least a little bit poetic. I view role-playing as a collaboration; I'll come to the table with my own ideas and thoughts and ideas for my character, please do the same. If you're interested in playing together hit me up and let's see if we can work something out together!
Finally, I do like to play with willing partners; I'm not a fan of non-con or dub-con type plots. Sorry!
My kinks include:
- Age differences (typically with me playing the older partner)
- Taboo relationships (incest, cheating wives, friends' daughters...)
- Risk of being caught (goes hand in hand with the above)
- Modest dominance/submission. I lean dom but I do enjoy it when power switches hands throughout play.
I've also been interested lately in the idea of my character having a harem: several partners who all know about one another and more or less accept the situation. Though I recognize that's a bit one-sided of me!
I'm willing to blend this in with other plots; maybe a happy incestuous family or something.
Here are some specific pairings I enjoy:
Father/Daughter: I'm a fan of the taboo nature of the relationship. A man who realizes his forbidden hunger and eventually succumbs to it. I'd really love to explore how their newfound passion changes their relationship. What happens when it comes time to discipline her?
Friend's / Associate's / Rival's wife: I'm interested both in the sneaking around, as well as in the psychology of taking something from someone else. That's not to say the wife is an object of course; she has her own agency and objectives.
Many are rich, but not all. Some simply traffic in knowledge. The right secret, whispered into the right ear, can unlock doors that no amount of money can bludgeon open. Men like him are fixers, collecting facts and knowledge, dealing in the seedy underbelly of our world. Men like him have brought down corporate titans, political colossi. And nobody ever sees them do it.
And some men like him? They're ordinary. Fathers who kiss their wives and children on the way out the door to their boring eight-to-six jobs, men who sit frustrated in rush-hour traffic and have to deal with long lines at the supermarket. They're not powerful, not yet anyway, but within them they have the Nietzchean will to power. It only takes one moment to reveal it, to awaken it. And Lord have mercy on the Earth when you do.
Hi there! Thanks for having a look at my little post here. I'm new to Blue Moon, but not at all new to RPing; I've been around the block a time or two. As you can see, I like to play powerful men. Their power can take many forms, as the above little snippet alludes to. It might be supernatural, but it's often mundane. And maybe they haven't even claimed their rightful place on top of the world, yet.
So what about you? If you're interested in this sort of thing, I'd love to work something out together. I tend to enjoy plot-heavy smut; the point of the thing is the coming together of our characters in a vast spasm of sexual bliss. But along the way I'd like there to be a story, something to provide grounding for their passion. I'm a fan of taboo relationships; my characters are powerful men who take what they want; they are not bound by the norms and mores of conventional society. I'm looking for a partner who's interested in the same. I also want a partner who's able to contribute to the development of our storyline; I've found that I don't like it if I'm the one shouldering the entire burden. Come to me with some ideas as to what kind of character you'd like to play!
One thing especially interested in exploring the internal lives of our characters, and how they're being affected by their relationship. This goes for both the broader picture as well as in the moment-to-moment interactions. So my posting will typically zero in on that; and if you're someone who enjoys the same we should definitely see about getting something going.
A bit more about me: I prefer to play over messaging services like AIM, YIM, and Skype, but I can handle PMs as well. I tend to be a three paragraph type of guy, with longer posts as warranted (particularly for scene setting and transitions). I play straight male characters, and obviously given that I'm looking for smut-based RP that means you should be playing female characters. I tend to prefer graphic language, though I do think I've got a knack for making it at least a little bit poetic. I view role-playing as a collaboration; I'll come to the table with my own ideas and thoughts and ideas for my character, please do the same. If you're interested in playing together hit me up and let's see if we can work something out together!
Finally, I do like to play with willing partners; I'm not a fan of non-con or dub-con type plots. Sorry!
My kinks include:
- Age differences (typically with me playing the older partner)
- Taboo relationships (incest, cheating wives, friends' daughters...)
- Risk of being caught (goes hand in hand with the above)
- Modest dominance/submission. I lean dom but I do enjoy it when power switches hands throughout play.
I've also been interested lately in the idea of my character having a harem: several partners who all know about one another and more or less accept the situation. Though I recognize that's a bit one-sided of me!
Here are some specific pairings I enjoy:
Father/Daughter: I'm a fan of the taboo nature of the relationship. A man who realizes his forbidden hunger and eventually succumbs to it. I'd really love to explore how their newfound passion changes their relationship. What happens when it comes time to discipline her?
Friend's / Associate's / Rival's wife: I'm interested both in the sneaking around, as well as in the psychology of taking something from someone else. That's not to say the wife is an object of course; she has her own agency and objectives.