Jennilyn's comic book themed request thread!! (FxF)


Apr 13, 2013

So, let's start with some introductions here. You can call me Jenny, or Celeste (I go by both names online!) and, to point out the obvious, I am here to write with people and hopefully make some new friends. This is my first, uh, big request thread I guess? So I'm a little nervous but it's going to be my main one from now on, and I'll try to be updating it a lot and make it prettier over time! So, here we go!

Things to know about me:

  • I'm super friendly! At least, I think I am. I feel like maybe I can go a bit overboard sometimes, but maybe it's not that big of a deal? Honestly though, please don't be afraid to message me, even if it's just to chat. I don't get nearly as much human interaction as I should, hah
  • I'm really not looking for anything MXF or FXM right now, and I'm very sorry if that's what you were looking for. For the moment I'd much rather stick to FXF, but maybe one day in the future that will change? If it does I will let all of you know here.
  • This thread, at least for now is going to be focused on comic book related themes and ideas, since that's basically the main thing I've been roleplaying. I actually have very few roleplays going on right now, but the few I do have are very, very good. But it never hurts to expand!
  • I currently have way too much free time on my hands, which means unless I'm busy or doing something at that exact moment, you may want to expect a reply fairly quickly. Also I'm not going to post anything a length requirement or anything, but all-in-all I do prefer meatier posts. I also tend to match whatever my partner puts out. So if you put out some insane 20 paragraph reply (Er, maybe doing this consistently isn't always the best idea though?) then I promise you I will do my absolute best to match it with you!
  • I'm fairly flexible on kinks? My F-list is in my signature and I encourage everyone to look at it. I'd also probably expect it to be updated fairly soon, since it honestly has been a while.
  • As for plot-smut ratio, I'm pretty flexible on that too. In an ideal world though, we'd be crafting a story where the sex would just be an extension of that. Hopefully that makes sense. I want people to challenge me, to help make me a better writer, to help me strive to craft better posts y'know? I don't want the roleplay to be 'hello' and then it's 80 posts of sex, haha. Let's have fun with it, let's do something different, let's explore what makes these characters tick! I promise, we'll have a ton of sex scenes as well!
  • Also, I'd rather not do something entirely focused on Dom/Sub. Let's push each other, let's explore and find what our characters like. I'm gonna need to expand on this in the future since I'm doing such a shit job... But hopefully someone will get what I mean!
  • Finally, would you like some examples of my posts? Then ask me! I don't have anything that stands out at all in the few threads I've done, which brings me to I prefer PM. If you really wanna do a thread or e-mail, I will, but I vastly prefer PM's. But as with everything, I'm pretty flexible.

What Jenny is looking to roleplay:

Well, I like superheroes! You're going to find I vastly prefer DC to Marvel, but hold a lot of love and respect with both companies. Oh, uh, also I'm super into romance. I love love. It doesn't have to be an easy love, or lovey dovey all the time but I enjoy when characters end up dating and stuff, and not all my roleplays have to focus on that, I'm just... Mentioning what I like.

You want to do Marvel? Sure, but you may have to accept that I'm not as familiar with the material as you are. If it's spider-character related then hell yeah, I'll know what I'm talking about. Spider-man and every variation, genderswap or clone of him is something I read on a weekly basis when the comic books release. I just love Spider-man, okay!? Other characters are fine too, I'm just not super well versed in what's going on with Marvel right now. Sorry, marvel fans!

You want to do DC? I'm probably down. DC books are what got me into comics in the first place. I got into it around the New 52 (Yeah, I know, please put your pitchforks down!) and I was essentially reading, well... All 52 titles. Since then I've gotten every DC book that is released and consider myself really well versed. I have also, indeed, gone back to read stories from pre-new 52 so you can all stop yelling now!

With that being said I know Harley Quinn is a popular choice, really I do, but you'll have to come to me with a really good plot to get me into that!

I'd also like to take a moment to mention the whole... Supervillain pwning a hero and taking them isn't my thing either, or any of that mind control stuff (as far as I'm concerned mind control = rape, which isn't my thing.) I'm not saying I hate having villains in a roleplay, I like the idea. It can even be an OC villain x Canon hero. There could even be interesting plots where a hero falls for a villain in their 'civilian' mode (like out of costume) and not knowing the villain they've been fighting is actually their new romantic interest. Intriguing right?

I WILL do OC x OC even set in the Marvel or DC universe, and I will also do OC's set in a universe we build together. Nothing as good as building your own universe. It's like we're God's, and everyone is our pawn...Muahaha!

Oh, also I'll play in the Arrowverse, DC movies (animated and live action) as well as the MCU, no problem.

But, Jenny, what about plots!?:
Well, I'm gonna list some characters I'd like to play or play against, and add plots at possibly a later date. It's like, 1 am right now and I've been writing this for almost an hour (Don't laugh at me!) and am getting really tired. I promise I'll update with plots as soon as I think of some, and that's assuming I don't even list a couple down below anyway.

Batgirl (Stephanie, Cass or Barbara; I like all three.)
Wonder Girl
Black Canary
Wonder Woman

Gwen Stacy
...What!? I said I like the spider-books!

Plots themselves (FINALLY!)

So these aren't like... SUPER fleshed out, but that's also because I'd rather talk to my partner as well, so if I leave it vaguer it leave more room for interpretation, right? Will also leave notes about each plot below them

Two batgirls!?:
Steph was glad to have been passed on the mantle of Batgirl. There was only one problem. The original Batgirl was back, she could walk again and she wanted her damn cowl back!

I like the idea of this, because it's a fun dynamic! One that also hasn't been done, since when Steph was Batgirl, Barbara couldn't walk and since Barbara's return in the New 52 Steph has only been Spoiler.

I talk too much; you don't talk at all.
Steph and Cass, I feel like there could be a lot of raw emotion in this one and I always kind of shipped these two, even with Dick getting in the middle.

Silk x Spider Gwen
Okay, so I don't really have a story for this one, but I feel like Silk definitely has some anxiety issues to work through, possibly panic attacks and...Well, Spider-Gwen is hot. Don't judge me!

Everything scares me!
Jessica Cruz X someone
Another character I'd like to play, because I really, really relate to Jessica. For those who don't know she's one of the current Green Lanterns on the Justice League, along with Simon Baz. Her book has been just fantastic and I guess I'm kind of craving something with her?

Well, there you have it. My request thread. Please, do message me! Even if it's just on ways to improve this or something. Plus I love chatting!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read!
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