machina erotica
- Joined
- Dec 17, 2009
- Location
Lipstick (Intro)Basically I want to write about girls fucking girls, or women fucking women, or someone who happens to be female fucking someone else who looks mostly female (actual genitals can vary slightly). I'd be lying if I didn't admit first and foremost that I'm here looking for erotica. For me, this is a site where I can write the sexy, hence why all my threads focus on that. So that will definitely be the focus point. That doesn't necessarily mean there can't be some romance with setups like this, or even that there won't be plot. It's just that our chars will be fucking.
A lot.
A lot a lot.
So if writing out copious amounts of lesbian (or futa or NB) sex with plot and actual characters sounds entertaining... we'll probably get on quite fine.
Heels (Kinks et al)
First and foremost: I have a clothes fetish. This means I like it when girls get fucked while wearing clothing. Love it when there's some detail to clothing. Super love it when a girl is encouraged or made to dress sexy. Ultra love it when my partner picks out clothing and possibly even forces MC to wear it.
I'm also big into awakening/corruption plots. Basically take a girl that is perhaps sexually repressed or not that into it, and make her addicted. Lesbian conversion goes along with this as well, given the overall (so straight girls going lez are obviously a turn-on, as are virgins).
Other than that, I'm quite open when it comes to kinks. I'll likely agree to most that make sense for this. You can check my f-list; it's up to date.
I will ask about medium. This means thread, PM, Discord, email, or possibly others. Just lemme know where you wanna RP. My preference is the order above, but it's pretty slight: I won't force someone onto a thread if they'd rather do email, for example.
I'm fine playing either the more aggressive character or the more receptive one. These can also be one where both characters take turns fucking one another or leading the charge. The awakened char make need a few times, or maybe they were a super-horny repressed virgin.
I am what you could probably call "lit" when it comes to that. I love lots of detail. I almost "need" a few paras; though that depends on length. Just give me stuff to work with.
I generally prefer RL pics or description, depending on the plot. The more modern ones will prolly lean toward RL pics, but fantastical or sci-fi will lean toward description. I'll do drawn chars for some circumstances or if a partner's really into it, but I don't have much on hand (note: canonical chars don't really count here?)
I have plot ideas (they'll be below), but i love working out ideas with people.
Scissors (Plot Details)
Long Term Crush: she's had a crush on her for a while now .But she's nervous, and not sure why she's crushing on a girl. Circumstances put her into tight quarters, and things... happen.
College experimentation: she's known as being "the good girl." she swore that when she went away to college, she'd change that appeal, but, well, it didn't quite take. Then something happened: her boyfriend breaks up with her, someone mocks her, or she just gets roaring drunk. A known lesbian acquaintance is nearby, and they end up getting quite hot and heavy... and she really likes it...
Last Hurrah: same as above, but she's getting married, and she was always bicurious. What does she do when the fling is better than her fiance?
Cam Work: she's desperate for money. Really desperate. And she's heard that the best way to get money, besides doing weird shit, is to have another girl. Fortunately she's got a friend...
That Kinda Work: see something above, but with a different job: escort or dancer or something along those lines.
Cosplay Shipping: she's always shipped another female with her fave char. She dresses as said char for a con, and just so happens to run into someone else who ships the same. Eventually they get quite into their chars, and things go from there. (will likely involve two cosplayers continually rolling through various canon ships and fucking while pretending to be chars).
Shocking the family: she has a super-conservative or just uptight family. She's been away from college and gotten open minded .So she gets someone who's very out to pose as her girlfriend, and they, well, decide to really get together.
Arranged Marriage: she's royalty. and they've arranged a marriage without her knowing... and it turns out to be to another girl! She's trying to deal with this, potentially also with the various cultural... differences.
The Heat: she's an adventurer (or possibly schoolgirl or mage or whatever) from a certain race. Unfortunately for her, her race goes into a "heat." Normally she has ways of dealing with it ,but those ways aren't available... and her friend is. Things go from there, particularly as she starts to... bond.
Dragonrider: basically standard dragon and rider setup, but they're girls and they have to fuck. Not gonna lay too much here, as it's more fun to work it out.
Wrong Target: she put together a spell or a charm or a potion to woo someone. However, someone else got it instead, and she feels guilty. So it's time to fuck to get it to work out.
Lesbian Romantic Smut
Basically if it works along these lines, I'm prolly on board. Give me more or less some idea, and let's figure something out! I'm quite eager and very eager for these plots!
what happens when the last daughter of Krypton...
...gets a taste of the dark?

...gets a taste of the dark?
Her name is Kara Zor-El, last daughter of Krypton. Many years ago, she was sent from her dying homeworld to protect her then infant cousin, Kal-El, from the strange new world the baby would find himself in. However, a wormhole sent Kara spiraling out of space, and the teenage girl wound up on Earth several decades after her cousin, to find him an established hero, to find him... Superman.
Only a handful of years have passed. Kara, now in her late teens, decided to establish a superhero identity of her own. She dons her cousin's symbol, that of their house, and saves the day. In doing so, she's caught on camera, and quickly becomes a social media darling and a rising star among young superheros. People look up to her, and they love the cute, blonde haired, vivacious young woman. She acts like a mixture of a quirky camgirl and everyone's Midwestern sister.
Or maybe she is Dianna Prince, Wonder Woman, Amazonian princess now in the Realms of Men in order to protect them, using her Amazonian prowess and supernaturally bestowed gifts...
Or maybe she is Zatanna Zatara, Zatanna, who learned magic from her father. She is the beautiful stage magician who is sure to turn a few heads. Her magical abilities have always given her an edge before now.
Or maybe she is Shiera Hall, Hawkgirl, alien or ancient Egyptian priestess... or both. This beautiful winged angel is destined to become Carter's bride. Her fierce warrior abilities make her rough, make her the sort of woman who is not to be trifled with, and make her quite excellent to be exposed to the darker world.
Whoever she is, one day, she hears about a situation. Maybe a supervillain, or a club. She's told to leave it to others, but Kara's desperate to prove herself and she lunges in. Soon she finds turning... darker then she might have expected.
The OoC Explanation:
This started as a very specific thread request: black Supergirl, specifically the variation seen above, and I'll be likely using Enji Night's cosplay version of her, seen here. She'll be late teens (17-19), with the outline above, and likely a virgin. It's great if people are in the know about the whole "Queen of Spades" idea and what all that entails (I can share more info, but it's pretty easy to search).
But I'm also interested in playing with a few other heroines: Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Hawkgirl, or Batgirl. I also know a few Marvel Heroines, but I'm keeping this mostly DC for the time being.
I'll play this over thread, private convo, discord, or email.
I'm mainly interested in playing the heroine, though I might bend some if the idea is close enough.
This is definitely an interracial RP: Kara will be fucking black guys. A lot. Other kinks can be discussed (my primary one is clothes; see others). I will be quite insistent on marking Kara with the Queen of Spades tattoo at some point.
I'm "lit" when it comes to posting; probably gonna need a few paragraphs, definitely need description.
This Tumblr could give some ideas. (That tumblr died about two days after I found it. Here is the quite familiar "White Extinction" Tumblr if that interests you.
Potential Scenarios:
- Publicity Stunt: to help her image, someone suggests that she take a photoshoot for charity. What she doesn't realize is that a secret organization/villain has set things up so that the shoot will get much... darker than she expected.
- The Spade Club: is a strange place. Girls, particularly cute, young, white girls, have been disappearing. She goes under cover to investigate, as if they aren't likely to notice social media's darling new star.
- The Ebon Isle Resort: is gathering a reputation. Perhaps for girls disappearing. Perhaps as a place a superheroine can relax without her identity given way. What they don't realize is that it serves as a breeding ground for a new black god.
- New Nubian: the Nubian warriors are already strong, impressively, impossibly so. But they need more, and their desire to breed means they'll target the best for their next generation.
- Black Lex Luthor; he's already imposing, kind of hot. So what if in this AU he's a black man? And what if he decides the best way to bring the supers down is by targeting their secret identities?
- Solomon King: is a well known alias for various black near supermen in interracial fiction. He makes his appearance here as a nemesis for her. Some way or another, he gains the upper hand on her, and she finds herself in trouble.
- Voodoo King: or a witch doctor uses magic on the poor heroine, who doesn't realize it. Soon she's feeling his magical charms and simply can't quite resist.
- Demon Lord: perhaps he's an incubus, or some other demon. He knows his best way of entering is through his disciples.
- The Zulu Brotherhood: is a known group eager to corrupt and breed heroines. They'll get her.
- The Serum: is a mixture said to nullify super powers. Who better to test it on than her?
- Ebon Isle Fruit: is known to have certain... effects. It makes white women irresistibly aroused, increases their desire and their fertility. One bite, temporary, but addictive. And the more they eat, the more they want, and the more permanent the effects become. It may even remove powers..
Just smile...
The Promise
"It'll just be one little shoot. Maybe they take a few pictures, possibly some video. No big deal. Okay, yeah, you might have to get in something skimpy or flirt a bit. But c'mon, you're hot! That's nothing you can't handle. It'll only take an hour, two tops, and you'll get exactly what you wanted. That exposure, that money, giving that significant other the middle finger. Babe, you gotta do this. The first time is just the best. You're young; you're sexy; this is the time to do it!"
What this translates to
In case it wasn't entirely clear: I'd like to do a RP wherein an attractive woman signs up for what essentially amounts to a porn shoot (or a series of porno shoots). How she got there can be completely up to us: she needs money, wants to be seen, break into the business, show up an ex-lover, etc. But now she is, for the first time ever, going to be recorded. She probably thinks it's just for a few teasing photos, but the talent working with her is going to be coaxing/pressuring her into something more, until she's crying out in ecstasy and in deeper than she'd have imagined. She'll probably start somewhat reluctant, though she may have already signed on to this, but she won't end there for sure.
Obviously this could be a one-shot: female signs up; gets fucked; gets recorded, everyone leaves happy. I'd be fine with stretching it longer: the talent liked what they saw; she liked it; hell, even her lover liked it, whatever reason. That might depend on how well we get on.
Those fun details:
Bonus Points:
...for that camera...
...it'll all be over "soon."
The Promise
"It'll just be one little shoot. Maybe they take a few pictures, possibly some video. No big deal. Okay, yeah, you might have to get in something skimpy or flirt a bit. But c'mon, you're hot! That's nothing you can't handle. It'll only take an hour, two tops, and you'll get exactly what you wanted. That exposure, that money, giving that significant other the middle finger. Babe, you gotta do this. The first time is just the best. You're young; you're sexy; this is the time to do it!"
What this translates to
In case it wasn't entirely clear: I'd like to do a RP wherein an attractive woman signs up for what essentially amounts to a porn shoot (or a series of porno shoots). How she got there can be completely up to us: she needs money, wants to be seen, break into the business, show up an ex-lover, etc. But now she is, for the first time ever, going to be recorded. She probably thinks it's just for a few teasing photos, but the talent working with her is going to be coaxing/pressuring her into something more, until she's crying out in ecstasy and in deeper than she'd have imagined. She'll probably start somewhat reluctant, though she may have already signed on to this, but she won't end there for sure.
Obviously this could be a one-shot: female signs up; gets fucked; gets recorded, everyone leaves happy. I'd be fine with stretching it longer: the talent liked what they saw; she liked it; hell, even her lover liked it, whatever reason. That might depend on how well we get on.
Those fun details:
- I'm looking to play the female being recorded for the first time here. I might be talked into playing the partner for the right plot (This will be easier if I know you're a cool partner or if I'm playing a char I'm interested in playing).
- I'm good for threads, PM, or Discord
- I don't dig the whole "dom/sub" label for this (it's great for BDSM oriented stuff, and I'm not knocking it). So I got with "initiator" vs. "receiver." And I'm flexible on which I play, though agency is often nice.
- This will be smutty. Goal here is literally to get some vids fucking.
- Length wise, aim for at least a few paras, but not a novella. Just look at some of my threads to get an idea.
- I can be on generally daily, but it'll depend: my schedule fluctuates. I'm usually good about keeping my partners in the loop.
- Kink wise: I HAVE A CLOTHES FETISH. THIS MEANS I LIKE HAVING CLOTHES DESCRIBED AND THE GIRLS BEING FORCED TO WEAR CLOTHING. I WILL BE INSISTENT ON THIS. Other than that, I'm fairly open to a lot of kinks. Do focus on pleasure above the rest; that's kinda what we're here for.
- Special Kink Note: I'm actually fine with some of the more extreme kinks? In particular, I do think this could be a lot of fun with bestiality, though I am by no means requiring that.
- I like to use RL pictures and have a few. Lemme know generally what you'd be looking for, or even provide pictures or suggestions (I love using celeb faces).
Bonus Points:
- If the girl is a virgin
- If the partner is black
- If the partner is female
- If the partner is older
- If you actually give me some plot and ideas and show that you've read this thread and maybe some sample threads in the PM.
- If the girl has pretty eyes
C'mon girls, you know you wanna....
join the club <3
C'mon ladies, you know you've thought about it. How kissing another girl must be, how much easier, how much better it would be. And you just know the sex has to be good, after all, they know exactly what to do, don't they? But perhaps you've always thought otherwise, or maybe you were just curious. Well, now it's the time to realize the truth, the fairer sex is the superior one after all.
join the club <3
Overarching idea
Basically, the idea is to play Lesbian Conversion Stories. Take girls that are either professed straight or possibly bicurious, and help them realize otherwise. This generally involves slowly "corrupting" a girl, or as many would put it 'awakening" them, making them realize that women are just ever so much better at this than men. By the time things are clear, they'll be glad to call themselves lesbians, and to forget about men entirely.
(Potential Gallery of Girls here; NSFW)
Basic Plots
The Isle of Lesbos is known as a paradise on earth. The climate is perfect, the location remote, and everything's established to cater to your every need. Of course, there is one small caveat: no men allowed. And there may just be a little something in the drinks to help... encourage people to think a little more sexually than they would otherwise.
Her husband, boyfriend, or SO really just wants her to make one video, Just One Video. Maybe as a present, maybe to spice up their marriage. But having sex with another man would be cheating, wouldn't it? So things are arranged for the vid to be with another woman, and she's more than happy to help the curious little thing.
The Amazonian Agency is well known for representing rising stars. The most famous supermodels and Instagram celebrities are starting to sign up. Of course, like the Amazons of old, those in charge have certain rules and regulations, but if you're desperate enough to follow, the rewards can be great.
Everyone knows what they say about Witches Covens. How it takes several to gather together to make energy. But the best energy comes from life, and the best life energy comes from sex. And of course there's no boys allowed in these covens.
The Queen of Hearts is the hottest new club in town. Celebrities, models, rich and famous, everyone who's everyone goes there. Oh, you do have to get this little marking, just a little kiss to get in. Of course, that does mean that you may be saying you're... available to the clientele. But that's alright now, isn't it?
It's something of a Showmance, really. An audience has noticed that a pair of girls has good chemistry and decides to amplify it. And of course she wants to stay on the project, right? So there may be ways of... encouraging the relationship.
Or perhaps we're looking for a Celebrity Scandal. Thanks to open minds, Hollywood is getting queerer and queerer. Perhaps a professed straight/bicurious celeb decides to "jump on the bandwagon" or "fake" something. Nothing like having Emma Watson, Selena Gomez, or Ariana Grande suddenly finding out how very much they'd rather be lesbian...
A secret organization known as the Queens of Hearts (yes, I am repetitive) has been working to all but buy various straight/bicurious girls and help convince them.
Perhaps it's through a Charity Challenge or Auction, where the girl is raising all that money for charity.
Reoccurring Motifs
Corruption/Awakening is going to be involved. The girls are initially going to be at least bicurious, if not outright straight, and probably uptight (virginal?). The idea is to make them quite into sex... particularly lesbian sex.
Orientation Play is obviously involved here. Again: straight/bicurious girls, essentially made into lesbians. Proceed from there.
Would love some form of Marking. I'd love to incorporate the tattoo to match the pic at the top of this thread, but that's really flexible. Just some outward sign that the girl is now more interested in
May be some NTR involved, if we have it so that the converting girl is in a relationship.
I also wouldn't object to Aphrodisiacs. I'm not a fan of illegal drugs or writing out drug use, but fictional drugs or those that get a girl horny or fertile are good to go.
I used to play this with various Celebrities, and I frequently prefer Real Life Pictures for characters. I'm leaning toward our creating our own characters, but I'd really like there to be photos (and I'm willing to take suggestions).
Final Details
I RP on this site, PM, or Discord.
I have a clothes fetish. Fuck the girl while she's wearing something; I'm happy. Make her wear something; I'm thrilled. Give links to clothing to really sex her up; you're my new favorite.
This is obviously a slightly dark RP; it's just a fantasy. If this isn't your thing; that's fine. Find someone who likes what you do.
I am fine with playing either the "straight/bicurious" girl, or the "lesbian dominatrix," whichever. I prefer probably the straight (though keep in mind, that said girl might end up essentially being a"switch" by the end anyway).
Please be somewhat literate; this thread should encourage that... I hope.
I currently have issues with my arm. It rendered me unable to post for a month, but now I can RP in short spurts. Sorry to past partners.
who wants to get some girls addicted?
They should not work together.
From the outside, nothing about them makes sense. They're opposites, perhaps in race or personality or temperament. Or perhaps they're from two different groups that simply do not cross for whatever reason. Hell, for that matter, to the outside world, it may even look as if they hate one another.
Yet the sex is incredible.
Oh, that's not the only thing keeping them together. There's genuine affection, relationships, gestures, the whole mess. But that doesn't change the fact that each rocks the other's world sexually. They cannot remember ever being more sexually fulfilled than they are with their lover. So who gives a fuck what everyone else said? Let their romance be weird: they're gonna love it.
Broad Details
(in convenient list form)
Plot Kernels
I am tempted to write out entire plotlines here that I'd be interested in, but I'd like for us to do that whole building a plot together business. So this is sort of my starting off some ideas.
Unwanted Bonding
Succubus Addiction
Hijacked Hacker
Renegade (Space?) Princess
Life Energy Charge
Cultural Exchange
For the Cameras
Legendary Dragon
My Dark Partner
Natural Magic
****that's the end of my ideas for the time being. If you have an idea that's in a similar vein: two characters in a semi-fantastical world who are thrust into a romance where they will likely have sex before feelings develop, feel free to shoot it my way. If it's good, I'll probably nibble or try to work something out****
Totally Called for Self-aggrandizing via unasked for compliments that were really given to me:
"Anyway, i know you consider your roles sub, but reallly I find you fun to write with because the girls are always very dynamic and creative, never passive. Sure things happen to them, generally, but you definitely steer the plot and give me a good inspiration for the next scene!"
"I'm enjoying the RP Smile
You have a great way with words! "
"I should be going to sleep now Smile. It's already very late but the game's been too tempting. "
"I love writing with you, it’s always a fun time. You always bring your character to life, keep the creative juices flowing and are just generally fun to write with."
(there will probly be more here; I don't even ask for these; they just kinda show up, though I do tell partners when I'm excited).
Feel free to send that PM!
From the outside, nothing about them makes sense. They're opposites, perhaps in race or personality or temperament. Or perhaps they're from two different groups that simply do not cross for whatever reason. Hell, for that matter, to the outside world, it may even look as if they hate one another.
Yet the sex is incredible.
Oh, that's not the only thing keeping them together. There's genuine affection, relationships, gestures, the whole mess. But that doesn't change the fact that each rocks the other's world sexually. They cannot remember ever being more sexually fulfilled than they are with their lover. So who gives a fuck what everyone else said? Let their romance be weird: they're gonna love it.
Broad Details
(in convenient list form)
- This thread is for plots that will likely branch into romance at some point, but will most likely not start there. There will, however, be a good deal of sex, and it should be a driving part of the RP.
- Plot to Smut; my goal here is erotica (likely with a touch of romance); the chars should be fucking a lot. So figure at least 60/40, probably higher. There should likely be some character interaction and a larger plot, but part of said plot involves our two chars being highly sexually compatible for reasons we decide.
- I play males, females, and those of other genders, against males, females, and those of other genders.
- I will also play all races, meaning both those we identify among humans, as well as various fantastical/sci fi creatures, including anthros.
- I prefer not to engage too much in the traditional dom/sub roles, though I can write either. I see them as aggressor (hereby designated A ) and the compliant (hereby designated C for compliant), meaning that one person will often start the sex more frequently than the other, though this will frequently change.
- M(A) x F(C); F(A) X F (C); NB (A) x NB (C); F(A) x NB (C); NB (A) x F (C); (basically everything but a male target to a female aggressor)
- I RP on Thread, PM, Discord, or Email (this is my order of preference if asked)
- Kinks: Corruption/Awakening (if you're curious, ask) and Clothes are the two big ones. Breeding/risk during sex is up there. Interracial in all ways. Basically, expect sex to change characters, and expect to describe clothes and be fucked while clothed.
- Lengthy/Literacy is flexible. But please be willing to get into descriptions. Look at my thread archive where I have RPs; that's how much I like for the most part. Here's a sample I fucking love (that also fits the theme of this thread).
- Frequency varies. Usually? I'm shooting out responses multiple times a day. It literally takes me 5 minutes to write posts. Even at my busiest, which won't happen until the school year starts, I can get on once a day, minimum. If I'm into the RP, I'll RP more... a lot more. If I'm not, I may post less. I have a wounded arm, so sometimes i may go quiet without saying much; I try to give people the heads up.
- PM Etiquette if you PM me with "I like this idea" and nothing more, I'll probably ignore you. If you don't give me some idea of interest, I may ignore you. If you're not too clear on gender, I may ignore you. I'm super clear here, so you could help make this go smoothly.
- Fantasy
- Modern Fantasy is a personal favorite of mine. Combine our world with elements of magic and the fantastic, and we're good. (The Dresden Files is a popular example here)
- Supernatural Fantasy is close behind; it's pretty much just modern fantasy but with more vampires and werewolves. (The Worlds of Shadow RPG series. Twilight's an example, though I seriously doubt anyone wants to RP there).
- Science Fantasy is amazing. This is where science fiction elements and fantasy elements combine to delights. Final Fantasy (the game series) is an example, as are a lot of anime and video games.
- Cyberpunk Fantasy would be fucking unreal. Combining elements of magic and fantastical creatures with hacking, lasers and shit? Sign me up! (Shadowrun would be the examples here).
- Steampunk Fantasy can be a lot of fun.
- (note the lack of "High Fantasy"? I've got a LOT of games with that right now, so it would take a bit to convince me, but I might do it with the right pairing/plot{)
- Science Fiction
- Cyberpunk can be fun in and of itself as well. Nothing like jacking people in and dealing with the gnitty gritty noire (Ghost in the Shell; Bladerunner)
- Space Operas are the classics. Spaceships, aliens, robots, all that jazz. (Star Wars)
- Superheroes can be fun to play with. Nothing like fucking when you're so strong you're fucking through walls, right? (DC, Marvel comics, etc.)
Plot Kernels
I am tempted to write out entire plotlines here that I'd be interested in, but I'd like for us to do that whole building a plot together business. So this is sort of my starting off some ideas.
Unwanted Bonding
Everyone knows about the Bond. You Bond with someone (or something), and they give you incredible magical/psionic/supernatural gifts. It's considered a great honor. Protagonist has been training for as long as they can remember, or dreaming of it, or studying for it. Finally they're bonded, only to find out there's a few side effects: increased sex drive for one, and the sex with they partner is said to be fantastic. Shame they're partnered with them.
Succubus Addiction
(Inspired by the Harmony Black series, which had this great idea and pretty much just used it for an unwanted drug addiction; fucking lack of imagination right there)
She got hit by a succubus, an evil succubus. Bitch put the whammy on her and now she craves that sweet demonic lust energies. Unfortunately, she's the hard-laced, no-nonsense type: a police officer or agent or hacker, etc. She isn't the type to usually sleep around. But she hears about this one succubus (maybe incubus, depending) who's willing to help. She enlists their help while also going about her job, keeping her new addiction under wraps.
She got hit by a succubus, an evil succubus. Bitch put the whammy on her and now she craves that sweet demonic lust energies. Unfortunately, she's the hard-laced, no-nonsense type: a police officer or agent or hacker, etc. She isn't the type to usually sleep around. But she hears about this one succubus (maybe incubus, depending) who's willing to help. She enlists their help while also going about her job, keeping her new addiction under wraps.
Hijacked Hacker
They're the best at what they do, bar none. and what they do is hack into systems, sometimes for the right people, sometimes for money, or however wet set it up. Until one day, they hack into the wrong system and accidentally upload a virus directly into their brain. Or maybe a non-hacker hooks up and gets the personal virus. Either way, they need some the help of a cyber-investigator to track things down... and maybe help with the whole horny virus... thing.
Renegade (Space?) Princess
She's a princess, with all that entails. However, like most princesses, she's not a huge fan of actually being a princess. Worse, she's got loads of attention that she never cared for. And there's this great big universe out there. So she stows away on a ship, not realizing just what kind of ship she's stowing away on, who's crewing it. (or maybe that when she's off planet, she's got these... urges she can't quite explain.
Life Energy Charge
They get their charge from life energy. From living life, from getting psyched up, from simply being. Perhaps it's magic, perhaps it's superpowers, perhaps it's something else entirely. They get vamped up simply by being alive. And they really get a charge when their sexual energy is high. Somehow, they find out that another is the perfect charge for them.
Cultural Exchange
They are in a new land, a stranger, in fact. They might know of those people, but they've never actually been with those people before. Turns out: this culture is quite big on sex. And they don't want to be insulting, right? Hopefully they can find someone to help guide.
(this could also work in reverse, with the high-sexed person coming into a more sedate culture and being handled by their "host"
(this could also work in reverse, with the high-sexed person coming into a more sedate culture and being handled by their "host"
For the Cameras
They are a well known and influential member of society. Perhaps an elf, or the like. Unfortunately, so are they, and they are... not the sort who Protagonist would usually be seen with. But for good PR, Protagonist must do their best to keep up a relationship. And unfortunately, that means bribing with sexual favors... which Protagonist did not think would be this good.
(this is the idea my sample thread above is based off of, btw)
(this is the idea my sample thread above is based off of, btw)
Legendary Dragon
They are the legendary dragon (or really any fantastic beast). They have been known throughout the land as being quite powerful. So they are sought out by Protagonist. Perhaps Protagonist wants to learn from the dragon. Perhaps they need to get the dragon to leave an area alone. Or perhaps they are a sacrifice. Regardless, they now meet the legendary dragon... who is something of a legendary perv. Welcome to dragon culture?
My Dark Partner
Finally, they makes it on the force! Or maybe they's the loose cannon (not canon, learn the difference you ignorant slogs) who nobody wants to partner with. Point is, now they's got a new partner. Problem is that said partner happens to be from one of those races. You know the kind: the ones that are always horny and/or sexual? They have to stick together, but ugh, the sexual tension!
(this one is likely modern fantasy, possibly a world sort of like Bright; you know, that cheesy Will Smith fantasy movie that you know you secretly loved)
(this one is likely modern fantasy, possibly a world sort of like Bright; you know, that cheesy Will Smith fantasy movie that you know you secretly loved)
Natural Magic
Taken from a book series I'm reading (yes, I read). In there, natural mages are gifted in seeing and working magic. For whatever reason, Protagonist did not receive training in magic. But they ran into a natural mage, and said natural recognizes the potential. Even more interesting: they're magics link up, and it seems to give them both a particular... charge.
****that's the end of my ideas for the time being. If you have an idea that's in a similar vein: two characters in a semi-fantastical world who are thrust into a romance where they will likely have sex before feelings develop, feel free to shoot it my way. If it's good, I'll probably nibble or try to work something out****
Totally Called for Self-aggrandizing via unasked for compliments that were really given to me:
"Anyway, i know you consider your roles sub, but reallly I find you fun to write with because the girls are always very dynamic and creative, never passive. Sure things happen to them, generally, but you definitely steer the plot and give me a good inspiration for the next scene!"
"I'm enjoying the RP Smile
You have a great way with words! "
"I should be going to sleep now Smile. It's already very late but the game's been too tempting. "
"I love writing with you, it’s always a fun time. You always bring your character to life, keep the creative juices flowing and are just generally fun to write with."
(there will probly be more here; I don't even ask for these; they just kinda show up, though I do tell partners when I'm excited).
Feel free to send that PM!
Taking High Fantasy and Erotica and putting them together, as God(s) intended.
Thus the goal here is simple: to write erotica within the loose genre of "fantasy." For the most part, I'm going to be looking for high fantasy along the lines of Dungeons and Dragons or Lord of the Rings or [insert preferred fantasy genre not involving sexy horse lords here]. There will be magic, there will likely be fantastical races. There will probably not be nearly as much totally necessary bolding.
Broad Details
(in convenient list form)
*Note on Heterosexual Romances: since this has come up a surprising amount: I am not a huge fan of hetero romances. For me to be interested in a plot that involves het romance, there has to be some additional elements. See my plots, where, say, one partner is a dragon, or a strange immortal, or an orc (I'd love to do a Dany x Drogo style romance between an elf and an orc barbarian chief *drools*) [btw, ladies reading that: sound like fun? I will SO write that orc barbarian chief]. So if you're going to go I have this OC I've developed to fuck your OC then you'd better explain why the fuck I'd be interested in that. Because from my experience, a lot of male chars are self-inserts with 2-dimensional personalities. I'm okay with those in short, but romance? Probably not gonna happen.
*rant over*
1. The demon lord (or some other equally shady guy) cursed her with a curse of lust. Pure arousal will eat away at her until she slacks her lust using only people in the area of effect when the spell hit. Of course, the only male around was the lord, but the female's friend/companion was right there. Now she's cursed and needs to fuck, and she has a girlfriend who's willing enough to go along.
(really just variations where a heroine is cursed to fuck work...)
2. The dragon has been terrorizing the land for a while, doing dragon things. A brave warrior princess (or another princess) finds out and sets out to defeat him. Instead he offers a counter (or curses her): become his lover and he'll stop doing evil. So we have a potentially powerful heroine and a sneaky dragon who must regularly fuck.
3. For whatever reason, our heroine must fuck her way through a bestiary of monsters. Maybe it's a bet, maybe she's cursed, maybe that's just the way things are...
4. The Pact is an ancient ritual that is said to result in great levels of power. A female approaches the immortal and offers herself up in exchange. What she doesn't realize is that said immortal's payment is her body. A lot. And they'll only provide power and/or favor if they receive sex in return (at least a first...)
5. There's news of a cult around, one that may be sacrificing virgins or dealing in suspicious deeds. She decides to infiltrate for whatever reason, only to find that there's a lot of sex involved to keep her cover.
6. She's a heroine who must find a criminal or monster that's hidden in a certain land. To get into the land, she must pose as something less than she is, possibly something far less. Sex ensues or something.
7. Elves/Nekos/something have a cycle where they become quite heavily aroused, to the point of distraction. It turns out that one or more has been traveling with an adventuring party and wants to keep it from someone, so they approach someone else. Basically more sex shenanigans.
8.She wants to apprentice with someone known for being powerful. However, she soon finds out that said knowledge comes from an individual more than a little perverted.
9. She's a heroine who ventures throughout the land saving people. Unfortunately for her, she saves a particularly strange creature that's quite sexually clingy: a dryad, a succubus, etc. Said creature insists on sticking around their savior and rewarding them with lots of orgasms.
10. She's a princess. This is erotica. It's pretty obvious what happens from there (offered up for marriage and/or sex, pretty much)
11. It's called the Survivor's Curse. Those that managed to escape the (odd magical event/demon lord/horde) find themselves unable to help it. They're marked, and that mark lets anyone and everyone know that they're likely to go into heat at any and every time.
12. You know what sucks? Being a lesbian in a medieval fantasy world. Fortunately, she's got a plan: she just needs to set herself up as a damsel in distress in an area where there's a known (hot) female heroine. Then said heroine is honor bound to be with her for a while...
13. Let's sum this up: awkward situation resulting in copious amounts of sex with unusual partners.
Some Characters
(these are mostly female, which I think says far more than I care to admit about chars I have already in mind)
The Five are an adventuring group I came up with a while ago. we definitely do not need to RP with all of them, but they're already in place.
--Ravenna or Rave as she prefers to be called is the group's rogue. She's likely some form of catgirl, or perhaps a dhampyr, depending on whether or not a partner likes catgirls (or wants to fuck someone with vampire blood). Rave is practical, street-savvy, and slick, usually defying stereotypes. Among the Five, she's the de facto leader (and likely would be presented as such). She has bright red hair and isn't afraid of her body or her bisexuality. Lean and whiplike, with feline grace. In many ways she's the most professional of the group. However, catgirls sometimes have heat, or maybe there's something up with that part-vampire blood...
--Xanthe is essentially a necromancer or a practitioner of forbidden magics. Though she says otherwise, she's definitely a human girl (likely with a completely normal human name). Xanthe is highly intelligent, but often gets swept up in the macabre and the idea of darkness. She's essentially a very intelligent goth, with all the trappings: leather, piercings, pale skin, intricate tattoos. Like most of the Five, she's attractive, with a nice figure and the second biggest breasts of the group. Likely she'd have killed herself by now with her practices or desires were it not for the group. What's to say her magic doesn't backfire, or summon demons of some kind...
--Liliana or Lily as she prefers to be called is a bubbly cleric/disciple of a god of light. She's definitely of Fae blood, with brightly colored hair and an incredibly petite frame (possibly even childlike, depending on incarnation). She's eternally optimistic and bright, believing in the power of friendship and joy. Her body's the most underdeveloped and small, and she's certainly more cute than outright sexy. Still, she's the type who does anything for the sake of her friends. And sometimes gods of life have certain... requirements of those that use their magic.
--Cassalae or Cass is a half-elfin bard/ranger. She's fairly lean, but with a decent set of breasts and hips that have filled out considerably now that she's had a child. Her father was an island sailor, her mother an elf, making her a caramel skinned wet dream. For years she was a raucous party animal, drinking and celebrating and generally getting into trouble (much to the chagrin of the rest of the Five). More recently, she found a man who truly loves her and settled down, even having a child. The wildness is just under the surface, but she's essentially the group's MILF (though not quite as mature as one would normally expect someone possessing that title to be).
--Joy is anything but her namesake, though she is a powerful paladin. Her body is by far the most voluptuous of the group, with abundant breasts and impressively long legs. Her hair is golden blonde, her face looks sculpted, she's essentially a walking wet dream (so long as your wet dream includes abs). However, she's incredibly stern and lawful good to a fault. Law and order are all Joy believes in, with some leftover for her friends. She's also a virgin and believes that her powers are because of her virginity (whether or not this is true...)
Princess Evangeline is ye standard warrior princess. She's a striking beauty with red-gold hair. Quite fit, but fairly lean, she's been the essential tomboy for most of her life (possibly even with the short hair to match). Young and headstrong, she's the type to dive into trouble without thinking overmuch of the consequences...
Princess Rosamundwas literally raised to be a princess, and fits the role quite well. Demure, quiet, but with a strong will at her core. She may have some natural magical training. Life in court has left her incredibly soft, but it was a life paying attention and reading. She knows things and knows how to work with people.
Mirabelle is another feline-esque catgirl. She's much shyer than Rave above (perhaps related?) with either soft pink or possibly white hair. White coloring as well. There's some knowledge there at the core, and she has strong magic... but utterly fails at dealing with people. Like Rave, she goes into heat, but her way of getting attention is much less forward.
Ash is a dryad, a member of the forest folk. You know the ones: horny, insatiable lust, constantly fucking? Ash is above all that. She's cut her long, leafy hair short, and she has only fucked a few guys, mostly those that you probably wouldn't have expected. Basically she's an alt, hipster sort of dryad who's got some of the same issues (and all sorts of fun sexual additions), but an actual personality beyond "giggles and fucks."
Who is this Fate Person?
A thirty something professor who writes, a lot. Been on here for almost a decade.
Here's what some others have said:
"Anyway, i know you consider your roles sub, but reallly I find you fun to write with because the girls are always very dynamic and creative, never passive. Sure things happen to them, generally, but you definitely steer the plot and give me a good inspiration for the next scene!"
"I'm enjoying the RP Smile
You have a great way with words! "
"I should be going to sleep now Smile. It's already very late but the game's been too tempting. "
"I love writing with you, it’s always a fun time. You always bring your character to life, keep the creative juices flowing and are just generally fun to write with."
(there will probly be more here; I don't even ask for these; they just kinda show up, though I do tell partners when I'm excited).
Feel free to send that PM!
Thus the goal here is simple: to write erotica within the loose genre of "fantasy." For the most part, I'm going to be looking for high fantasy along the lines of Dungeons and Dragons or Lord of the Rings or [insert preferred fantasy genre not involving sexy horse lords here]. There will be magic, there will likely be fantastical races. There will probably not be nearly as much totally necessary bolding.
Broad Details
(in convenient list form)
- I play males, females, and those of other genders, against males, females, and those of other genders.
- I prefer not to engage too much in the traditional dom/sub roles, though I can write either. I see them as aggressor (hereby designated A ) and the target (hereby designated T for target), meaning that one person will often start the sex more frequently than the other, though this will frequently change.
- M(A) x F(T); F(A) X F (T); NB (A) x NB (T); F(A) x NB (T); NB (A) x F (T); (basically everything but a male target to a female aggressor)
- I RP on Discord, Thread, PM, or Email (this is my order of preference if asked)
- Plot to Smut; my plots are naturally smutty; the goal here is erotica; the chars should be fucking a lot. So figure at least 60/40, probably higher.
- Kinks: Corruption/Awakening (if you're curious, ask) and Clothes are the two big ones. Breeding/risk during sex is up there. Interracial in all ways. Basically, expect sex to change characters, and expect to describe clothes and be fucked while clothed.
- Lengthy/Literacy is flexible. But please be willing to get into descriptions. Look at my thread archive where I have RPs; that's how much I like for the most part.
- Frequency varies. I can get on once a day, minimum. If I'm into the RP, I'll RP more... a lot more. If I'm not, I may post less. I have a wounded arm, so sometimes i may go quiet without saying much; I try to give people the heads up (It's also finals right now, so heads up for that).
- PM Etiquette if you PM me with "I like this idea" and nothing more, I'll probably ignore you. If you don't give me some idea of interest, i may ignore you. If you're not too clear on gender, I may ignore you. I'm super clear here, so you could help make this go smoothly.
*Note on Heterosexual Romances: since this has come up a surprising amount: I am not a huge fan of hetero romances. For me to be interested in a plot that involves het romance, there has to be some additional elements. See my plots, where, say, one partner is a dragon, or a strange immortal, or an orc (I'd love to do a Dany x Drogo style romance between an elf and an orc barbarian chief *drools*) [btw, ladies reading that: sound like fun? I will SO write that orc barbarian chief]. So if you're going to go I have this OC I've developed to fuck your OC then you'd better explain why the fuck I'd be interested in that. Because from my experience, a lot of male chars are self-inserts with 2-dimensional personalities. I'm okay with those in short, but romance? Probably not gonna happen.
*rant over*
1. The demon lord (or some other equally shady guy) cursed her with a curse of lust. Pure arousal will eat away at her until she slacks her lust using only people in the area of effect when the spell hit. Of course, the only male around was the lord, but the female's friend/companion was right there. Now she's cursed and needs to fuck, and she has a girlfriend who's willing enough to go along.
(really just variations where a heroine is cursed to fuck work...)
2. The dragon has been terrorizing the land for a while, doing dragon things. A brave warrior princess (or another princess) finds out and sets out to defeat him. Instead he offers a counter (or curses her): become his lover and he'll stop doing evil. So we have a potentially powerful heroine and a sneaky dragon who must regularly fuck.
3. For whatever reason, our heroine must fuck her way through a bestiary of monsters. Maybe it's a bet, maybe she's cursed, maybe that's just the way things are...
4. The Pact is an ancient ritual that is said to result in great levels of power. A female approaches the immortal and offers herself up in exchange. What she doesn't realize is that said immortal's payment is her body. A lot. And they'll only provide power and/or favor if they receive sex in return (at least a first...)
5. There's news of a cult around, one that may be sacrificing virgins or dealing in suspicious deeds. She decides to infiltrate for whatever reason, only to find that there's a lot of sex involved to keep her cover.
6. She's a heroine who must find a criminal or monster that's hidden in a certain land. To get into the land, she must pose as something less than she is, possibly something far less. Sex ensues or something.
7. Elves/Nekos/something have a cycle where they become quite heavily aroused, to the point of distraction. It turns out that one or more has been traveling with an adventuring party and wants to keep it from someone, so they approach someone else. Basically more sex shenanigans.
8.She wants to apprentice with someone known for being powerful. However, she soon finds out that said knowledge comes from an individual more than a little perverted.
9. She's a heroine who ventures throughout the land saving people. Unfortunately for her, she saves a particularly strange creature that's quite sexually clingy: a dryad, a succubus, etc. Said creature insists on sticking around their savior and rewarding them with lots of orgasms.
10. She's a princess. This is erotica. It's pretty obvious what happens from there (offered up for marriage and/or sex, pretty much)
11. It's called the Survivor's Curse. Those that managed to escape the (odd magical event/demon lord/horde) find themselves unable to help it. They're marked, and that mark lets anyone and everyone know that they're likely to go into heat at any and every time.
12. You know what sucks? Being a lesbian in a medieval fantasy world. Fortunately, she's got a plan: she just needs to set herself up as a damsel in distress in an area where there's a known (hot) female heroine. Then said heroine is honor bound to be with her for a while...
13. Let's sum this up: awkward situation resulting in copious amounts of sex with unusual partners.
Some Characters
(these are mostly female, which I think says far more than I care to admit about chars I have already in mind)
The Five are an adventuring group I came up with a while ago. we definitely do not need to RP with all of them, but they're already in place.
--Ravenna or Rave as she prefers to be called is the group's rogue. She's likely some form of catgirl, or perhaps a dhampyr, depending on whether or not a partner likes catgirls (or wants to fuck someone with vampire blood). Rave is practical, street-savvy, and slick, usually defying stereotypes. Among the Five, she's the de facto leader (and likely would be presented as such). She has bright red hair and isn't afraid of her body or her bisexuality. Lean and whiplike, with feline grace. In many ways she's the most professional of the group. However, catgirls sometimes have heat, or maybe there's something up with that part-vampire blood...
--Xanthe is essentially a necromancer or a practitioner of forbidden magics. Though she says otherwise, she's definitely a human girl (likely with a completely normal human name). Xanthe is highly intelligent, but often gets swept up in the macabre and the idea of darkness. She's essentially a very intelligent goth, with all the trappings: leather, piercings, pale skin, intricate tattoos. Like most of the Five, she's attractive, with a nice figure and the second biggest breasts of the group. Likely she'd have killed herself by now with her practices or desires were it not for the group. What's to say her magic doesn't backfire, or summon demons of some kind...
--Liliana or Lily as she prefers to be called is a bubbly cleric/disciple of a god of light. She's definitely of Fae blood, with brightly colored hair and an incredibly petite frame (possibly even childlike, depending on incarnation). She's eternally optimistic and bright, believing in the power of friendship and joy. Her body's the most underdeveloped and small, and she's certainly more cute than outright sexy. Still, she's the type who does anything for the sake of her friends. And sometimes gods of life have certain... requirements of those that use their magic.
--Cassalae or Cass is a half-elfin bard/ranger. She's fairly lean, but with a decent set of breasts and hips that have filled out considerably now that she's had a child. Her father was an island sailor, her mother an elf, making her a caramel skinned wet dream. For years she was a raucous party animal, drinking and celebrating and generally getting into trouble (much to the chagrin of the rest of the Five). More recently, she found a man who truly loves her and settled down, even having a child. The wildness is just under the surface, but she's essentially the group's MILF (though not quite as mature as one would normally expect someone possessing that title to be).
--Joy is anything but her namesake, though she is a powerful paladin. Her body is by far the most voluptuous of the group, with abundant breasts and impressively long legs. Her hair is golden blonde, her face looks sculpted, she's essentially a walking wet dream (so long as your wet dream includes abs). However, she's incredibly stern and lawful good to a fault. Law and order are all Joy believes in, with some leftover for her friends. She's also a virgin and believes that her powers are because of her virginity (whether or not this is true...)
Princess Evangeline is ye standard warrior princess. She's a striking beauty with red-gold hair. Quite fit, but fairly lean, she's been the essential tomboy for most of her life (possibly even with the short hair to match). Young and headstrong, she's the type to dive into trouble without thinking overmuch of the consequences...
Princess Rosamundwas literally raised to be a princess, and fits the role quite well. Demure, quiet, but with a strong will at her core. She may have some natural magical training. Life in court has left her incredibly soft, but it was a life paying attention and reading. She knows things and knows how to work with people.
Mirabelle is another feline-esque catgirl. She's much shyer than Rave above (perhaps related?) with either soft pink or possibly white hair. White coloring as well. There's some knowledge there at the core, and she has strong magic... but utterly fails at dealing with people. Like Rave, she goes into heat, but her way of getting attention is much less forward.
Ash is a dryad, a member of the forest folk. You know the ones: horny, insatiable lust, constantly fucking? Ash is above all that. She's cut her long, leafy hair short, and she has only fucked a few guys, mostly those that you probably wouldn't have expected. Basically she's an alt, hipster sort of dryad who's got some of the same issues (and all sorts of fun sexual additions), but an actual personality beyond "giggles and fucks."
Who is this Fate Person?
A thirty something professor who writes, a lot. Been on here for almost a decade.
Here's what some others have said:
"Anyway, i know you consider your roles sub, but reallly I find you fun to write with because the girls are always very dynamic and creative, never passive. Sure things happen to them, generally, but you definitely steer the plot and give me a good inspiration for the next scene!"
"I'm enjoying the RP Smile
You have a great way with words! "
"I should be going to sleep now Smile. It's already very late but the game's been too tempting. "
"I love writing with you, it’s always a fun time. You always bring your character to life, keep the creative juices flowing and are just generally fun to write with."
(there will probly be more here; I don't even ask for these; they just kinda show up, though I do tell partners when I'm excited).
Feel free to send that PM!
That title's... wait, didn't this used to be one of those longer request threads with personality and a lot of different ideas?
Yes, dear reader and/or inner voice and/or blatant setup for this thread. I had another request thread here, a more generalized one (I got a specific one with a very detailed idea; just hit 'show threads" or wait till I link it somewhere). It's just below. There will be a sexy spoiler.
So what's this? This is because I wanna focus in on a certain aspect: corruption/awakening. Also clearly I am not out of puns on my name. But First!
Name: Fate
Age: Early Thirties
RP Experience: Getting up there. Hell, I've been here almost a decade (whoo)
Occupation: Educator. Why yes, I am keeping that slightly broad.
Purpose: To WRITE EROTICA. Emphasis on "erotic." I'm here to write sexy stories. With sexy people. Doing sexy things. Mostly having sex. Or foreplay. I'm perhaps a bit too into foreplay sort of things. It's sexy. It works.
So what are you looking for, generally?
I wanna focus on RPs wherein there's an element of corruption/awakening. Now, there's a difference here:
Corruption - sex is kinda bad and/or we're taking someone pure and making them kinda slutty. Goal is to debauch and maybe debase. Sorta darker flavor, but despite the "darkest" in my name, I'm not super into super dark (it's more that this is my darkest iteration, which is still just a kinda charcoal grey).
Awakening - involves taking that innocent and getting them sexified. However here, the sexuality is quite empowering and a little more positively slanted. Most of the lesbian RPs are gonna likely lean this way a bit. It's more likely to have lighter effects.
(Note: these do involve us writing *gasp* actual characters, to some degree. Expect roundness and dynamic characters).
You got one of those lists that everyone looks at to figure shit out?
Yes I do! And it's only mostly copy and pasted from the old thread!
What sort of plots do you have in mind?
The True Love Training Program - it's another world, or possibly just this one in the future. And in this world, if you want to marry and/or have sex with your "true love" you must first go through a rigorous training program. Said program will of course make your first time with your lover truly special, because of course you cannot be more than perfectly trained for the experience, now can you?
Dutiful Wife
They were high school sweethearts. Never with another, always together, they got married. She thinks she's been dedicated to him for all that time. But something happens...
--...and they get caught with drugs, so she has to go undercover for the cops in order to find out, with a particularly deviant dealer.
--...and the husband's boss decides he likes the pretty wife, so they makes a deal: promotion for a two week vacation with the missus.
--...and their low on money, but it turns out the wife had an admirer back in high school who's now rich. They'll pay for her to be their "girlfriend" for a while.
--...but she gets into an accident with someone with way more money than her. They're willing to forgive, if she's willing to work it off...
From Confident Agent to Pleasure Slave
It's here
The Sexual Diplomat
She's from a culture that's known for being... uptight. Perhaps elfish, perhaps some sort of alien, perhaps just outright human from a weird culture. She was selected as a diplomat to head to a new locale. Once there, she quickly discovers that the people are more... open. Part of her mission involves her getting to know the culture, so she slowly starts partaking in their culture and, well, a shitload of sex.
The Hidden Royal (inspired by this erotic story series, if you want some hot reading)
Due to some reason, the queen/princess has to hide. She has to get out of the capitol, or at least out of the castle. Maybe she even has a prince/king. They shuffle her off to a place no one will look; maybe a whorehouse, maybe just a village. There, she has to fit in, and according to her handler, that requires some sexy activity.
Her VR Experience
VR has advanced. Now there are devices that hook up and transport pleasure sensations directly into the person hooking up. She decides to do it, only to accidentally sign onto an erotic server. (Or maybe she's been on for a while and someone hacks her account). Soon she's engaging in sexy times, and she keeps winding up on the site, and it keeps getting... addicting (this one would allow for earlier sex).
Culture Studies
She's a dedicated student. She's desperate to learn about a particular culture, perhaps a primitive one. She gets an opportunity, perhaps studying under a professor. Turns out said culture is a little... erotic.
Succubus Infection (taken from the Harmony Black series of modern fantasy novels). She's an agent, probably of a semi-secret variety. Perhaps she's been working for some time, perhaps she's brand new. Regardless, she made the mistake of pissing off a succubus, or at least a demoness who had succubus powers. Unbeknownst to her, succubi have this tendency to... infect people with their lust. She knows that she needs her fix, but there are other succubi in the world. So she turns to one that's perhaps a little less "evil" to try and get her hit.
Oh, and she was probably straight before all this happened too...
Superheroine Sneak-In
She's heard about this strange locale. Supposedly a villain's there, or maybe there's some kinda crime ring. Being a superheroine, she has to intervene. Once there, she starts having to do bits and pieces to get closer, until she's finding herself too close and in too deep.
The Dungeon of No Return
It's a legendary dungeon, with a legendary treasure. She enters, seeking it for whatever reason. She has to get it, no matter what. Unfortunately for her, the dungeon's designed to make her all worked up...
Can we ask about plots that aren't on there?
Sure. But they'd better be related. If you ask me to play a MILF taking pity on her poor son or a RP where the divorcee neighbor is teaching children sex or the RP wherein my chars die from cumming... you may want to try someone else (I have gotten PMs about each of these).
Do you do fandoms?
Some? Most Disney. Final Fantasy (those are the two main ones). Really getting into DC comics. Read a bunch of Marvel too.
Anything else?
I either come off as a moody bitch or a delightful, eager partner. Depends on what we're getting into.
Here's some quotes from other people:
"Anyway, i know you consider your roles sub, but reallly I find you fun to write with because the girls are always very dynamic and creative, never passive. Sure things happen to them, generally, but you definitely steer the plot and give me a good inspiration for the next scene!"
"I'm enjoying the RP Smile
You have a great way with words! "
"I should be going to sleep now Smile. It's already very late but the game's been too tempting. "
"I love writing with you, it’s always a fun time. You always bring your character to life, keep the creative juices flowing and are just generally fun to write with."
(there will probly be more here; I don't even ask for these; they just kinda show up, though I do tell partners when I'm excited).
Yes, dear reader and/or inner voice and/or blatant setup for this thread. I had another request thread here, a more generalized one (I got a specific one with a very detailed idea; just hit 'show threads" or wait till I link it somewhere). It's just below. There will be a sexy spoiler.
So what's this? This is because I wanna focus in on a certain aspect: corruption/awakening. Also clearly I am not out of puns on my name. But First!
Name: Fate
Age: Early Thirties
RP Experience: Getting up there. Hell, I've been here almost a decade (whoo)
Occupation: Educator. Why yes, I am keeping that slightly broad.
Purpose: To WRITE EROTICA. Emphasis on "erotic." I'm here to write sexy stories. With sexy people. Doing sexy things. Mostly having sex. Or foreplay. I'm perhaps a bit too into foreplay sort of things. It's sexy. It works.
So what are you looking for, generally?
I wanna focus on RPs wherein there's an element of corruption/awakening. Now, there's a difference here:
Corruption - sex is kinda bad and/or we're taking someone pure and making them kinda slutty. Goal is to debauch and maybe debase. Sorta darker flavor, but despite the "darkest" in my name, I'm not super into super dark (it's more that this is my darkest iteration, which is still just a kinda charcoal grey).
Awakening - involves taking that innocent and getting them sexified. However here, the sexuality is quite empowering and a little more positively slanted. Most of the lesbian RPs are gonna likely lean this way a bit. It's more likely to have lighter effects.
(Note: these do involve us writing *gasp* actual characters, to some degree. Expect roundness and dynamic characters).
You got one of those lists that everyone looks at to figure shit out?
Yes I do! And it's only mostly copy and pasted from the old thread!
- Medium: I do Discord (really getting into it lately thanks some awesome partners), Thread, PM, or email (@ darkest0ffate@gmail.com ) based RPs (my slight order of preference). If you want to use Discord or email, please PM me here first. It helps me sort things more easily.
- Gender Combo: I do pretty well all gender combinations and orientations. So, like, come saying if you're gonna be writing a girl, a boy, a gender fluid creation, something with both, or an androgynous android. So, like, lemme know who's being what
Dom/Sub: *sigh* I can't do a RP with these sort of flavors without this. With this, think more "awakener" or "corruptor" and "awakened" or "corrupted." Characters that are awakening are gonna sometimes be initiating, especially if I'm writing them. Really, we should be working together with this. - Character Ages: I'm fairly flexible. I prefer younger girls, and I'll rarely do older female/younger male. I probably won't.
- Representation: my preference is toward using real life reps, to the extent I put together a pretty expansive gallery, though pictures do not replace description; they enhance. After that, I probably prefer just describing chars. I do like illustrated pictures for fan characters, but I'm not a big fan of doing it otherwise (I'm very picky when it comes to that, and it's easier just to say no than to spend the hours trying to sync up for one RP). Expect me to mention using pictures or to bug about how we're describing chars
- Plot to Smut Ratio: See, this gets tricky? I like sex. But I like sexy buildup times. For me, the foreplay is almost hotter than the action itself. Some of my favorite RPs, favorite stories? They don't have actual penetration or outright fucking for PAGES. But they're hot. Having girls worked to orgasm. Creaming clothes. Getting erotic changes. Making out sloppily. Learning to eat someone out. All that: it's sexy, and I want it. You want a percentage? no less than 60/40 favoring smut. Really, with these, the plot should be fueling the smut.
- Kinks: I have a clothes fetish: I like it when girls are fucked while still wearing something and/or when they're forced to dress up in sexy/sexualized clothing. If you insta-strip a char, I'll lose a lot of interest in the RP (I often end up dropping RPs for insta-stripping) I also do have a bit of a kink toward a "permanent consequence to fucking" (which sounds super fucking creepy). Basically threat of pregnancy or chars getting marked or something that makes them go "I have fucked and now I AM FOREVER CHANGED." (Hey, that sounds like the awakening/corruption thing) Outside of that, I'm pretty open to kinks. Most minor ones I can entertain. I can even handle several major ones. I'm not interested in scat, death, gore, or vore, nor violence for violence's sake. Also the word "cunt" throws me off for some reason. Here is my f-list, which is fairly up to date. Anything that's a "Maybe" essentially is "if it makes sense for the RP or my partner really wants it"
- That Last one Was Super Long, so here's a break
- That whole length/literacy thing: Look, the whole "lit" thing is mostly garbage. But I do need some description and at least a few paragraphs to get the juices flowing. Too few and I lose interest. Too many and I get tired and would rather write my own erotica.
- Regularity: I respond several times a day when I'm "on." I sometimes go "off," but I'm getting a lot better at letting partners know (particularly now, since I've opened up with some cool people on the site and have developed almost OoC friendships). If I love the idea, I can respond within minutes. I'm perfectly fine with daily posters, or even every few days, much longer... I'm currently wounded and getting back into things. I may be on; I may be in intense pain and just reading. Please take this into consideration.
- PM Etiquette: I don't do the silly phrases, but it's good if you show that you read this. At least let me know who's playing what role (again, I'm fine with playing around). The trick is that I do male and female, sub and dom, so I never know unless you let me know who's playing who. I've literally written a starter from the wrong side of the RP, and it sucked.
What sort of plots do you have in mind?
The True Love Training Program - it's another world, or possibly just this one in the future. And in this world, if you want to marry and/or have sex with your "true love" you must first go through a rigorous training program. Said program will of course make your first time with your lover truly special, because of course you cannot be more than perfectly trained for the experience, now can you?
Dutiful Wife
They were high school sweethearts. Never with another, always together, they got married. She thinks she's been dedicated to him for all that time. But something happens...
--...and they get caught with drugs, so she has to go undercover for the cops in order to find out, with a particularly deviant dealer.
--...and the husband's boss decides he likes the pretty wife, so they makes a deal: promotion for a two week vacation with the missus.
--...and their low on money, but it turns out the wife had an admirer back in high school who's now rich. They'll pay for her to be their "girlfriend" for a while.
--...but she gets into an accident with someone with way more money than her. They're willing to forgive, if she's willing to work it off...
From Confident Agent to Pleasure Slave
It's here
The Sexual Diplomat
She's from a culture that's known for being... uptight. Perhaps elfish, perhaps some sort of alien, perhaps just outright human from a weird culture. She was selected as a diplomat to head to a new locale. Once there, she quickly discovers that the people are more... open. Part of her mission involves her getting to know the culture, so she slowly starts partaking in their culture and, well, a shitload of sex.
The Hidden Royal (inspired by this erotic story series, if you want some hot reading)
Due to some reason, the queen/princess has to hide. She has to get out of the capitol, or at least out of the castle. Maybe she even has a prince/king. They shuffle her off to a place no one will look; maybe a whorehouse, maybe just a village. There, she has to fit in, and according to her handler, that requires some sexy activity.
Her VR Experience
VR has advanced. Now there are devices that hook up and transport pleasure sensations directly into the person hooking up. She decides to do it, only to accidentally sign onto an erotic server. (Or maybe she's been on for a while and someone hacks her account). Soon she's engaging in sexy times, and she keeps winding up on the site, and it keeps getting... addicting (this one would allow for earlier sex).
Culture Studies
She's a dedicated student. She's desperate to learn about a particular culture, perhaps a primitive one. She gets an opportunity, perhaps studying under a professor. Turns out said culture is a little... erotic.
Succubus Infection (taken from the Harmony Black series of modern fantasy novels). She's an agent, probably of a semi-secret variety. Perhaps she's been working for some time, perhaps she's brand new. Regardless, she made the mistake of pissing off a succubus, or at least a demoness who had succubus powers. Unbeknownst to her, succubi have this tendency to... infect people with their lust. She knows that she needs her fix, but there are other succubi in the world. So she turns to one that's perhaps a little less "evil" to try and get her hit.
Oh, and she was probably straight before all this happened too...
Superheroine Sneak-In
She's heard about this strange locale. Supposedly a villain's there, or maybe there's some kinda crime ring. Being a superheroine, she has to intervene. Once there, she starts having to do bits and pieces to get closer, until she's finding herself too close and in too deep.
The Dungeon of No Return
It's a legendary dungeon, with a legendary treasure. She enters, seeking it for whatever reason. She has to get it, no matter what. Unfortunately for her, the dungeon's designed to make her all worked up...
Can we ask about plots that aren't on there?
Sure. But they'd better be related. If you ask me to play a MILF taking pity on her poor son or a RP where the divorcee neighbor is teaching children sex or the RP wherein my chars die from cumming... you may want to try someone else (I have gotten PMs about each of these).
Do you do fandoms?
Some? Most Disney. Final Fantasy (those are the two main ones). Really getting into DC comics. Read a bunch of Marvel too.
Anything else?
I either come off as a moody bitch or a delightful, eager partner. Depends on what we're getting into.
Here's some quotes from other people:
"Anyway, i know you consider your roles sub, but reallly I find you fun to write with because the girls are always very dynamic and creative, never passive. Sure things happen to them, generally, but you definitely steer the plot and give me a good inspiration for the next scene!"
"I'm enjoying the RP Smile
You have a great way with words! "
"I should be going to sleep now Smile. It's already very late but the game's been too tempting. "
"I love writing with you, it’s always a fun time. You always bring your character to life, keep the creative juices flowing and are just generally fun to write with."
(there will probly be more here; I don't even ask for these; they just kinda show up, though I do tell partners when I'm excited).
That title's pretty sexy, but what does it actually mean?
Well inner voice/fake person asking leading questions, it means that after a few RPs, I've decided that I'd like to try and do a few more romantically oriented RPs. The "darkest" part is a "clever" play on my handle (which is more set up because I go by "Fate" online and this is my "darkest" RPing; bam, easy explanation) as well as indicating some of the flavoring? I put a question mark there originally because I mistyped, but it's also there because while I do like some darker elements in my romance, I'm also fine with going fluffy. Fluffy does not mean not sexy: there should be lots of sex. Copious amounts of sex. I'm here to write sex.
I'm less looking for outright romance at the moment (though I wouldn't say no to a good lesbian or kinky one), and more interested in just something that's driven by what I refer to as "awakening/corrupting." See below
So the darkest thing is just a trap to get people intrigued?
Mostly, I mean, no. I mean I like sex.
What I mean is that while I'd like to try romances, I'd like there to still be some plots and to play around with the pairings. Unconventional pairings are more fun to play around with. you know, the sort that "no one expects" that often happen. If you look at my other request threads, you'll see that I'm big on "characters initially made to have sex despite sort of not wanting to but eventually growing to like it." I kind of want to keep some of that flavor, but mix in a little more romance and perhaps set up plots with a long-term romance in mind.
Really looking for less of the whole romance thing, as I said above, and more looking for RPs that kinda revolve around sex/smut.
Oh, and while I'm at it: I like writing characters and not empty sex vessels. I'm totally down with the sex vessel thing. Did it for years, still sometimes play games or vids with it. But I've found I get much more into the writing when the characters we're writing feel real. And I'm more likely to get enthusiastic if I'm attracted to both chars. Fortunately, I identify as demisexual, so if the chars are well written and in my pretty wide swing zone...
Can we get that in convenient list form?
That looks super familiar...
Because this is a copy-pasted thread from the old division, and most of this didn't change. And I want to waste my efforts making plots and smexy RPs, not retyping lists telling people "I LIKE DAH SEX WIF THE CLOTHES' for the umpteenth time.
Did you seriously just use "umpteenth" in an erotic RP request thread?
Yes I did, and spellcheck was fine with it.
What sort of plots do you have in mind?
Sexy ones.
Next question.
Okay, I have some loose ideas, some more developed than others. Some are sort of cribbed from my "dub-con" thread (which I am still running along with this, because that's not going to confuse the hell outta me). I'll give some of these FUN CREATIVE TITLES to try and remember.
I may be enjoying writing this request thread a little more than I should.
Are you actually going to give us those plots or...
(newer ones are near the top of the different genres)
*Note: some of these seem like pretty standard, modern stories. I'd love to take a standard plotline and mix it up some. Make the chars have super-powers or do it modern fantasy style or maybe add in some fantasy races. Not that I'm going to object to modern, but it'd be a nice twist.
*Other Note: Also craving some celeb action, like I do. I got several, and, yeah, they could/will be used for faces for OCs too.
Demon Blood Lets Demon Blood they (or maybe just she) are demon huntresses. For years they've held the demons at bay, fighting off the foul creatures. However, it's also known that they just happen to have demonic blood themselves. Which puts them in awkward positions from time to time when fighting, the sort that often end up with fucking. Oh, and they're all absurdly hot. So it's absurdly hot, obscenely durable, women getting fucked and/or fucking demons.
Succubus Infection (taken from the Harmony Black series of modern fantasy novels). She's an agent, probably of a semi-secret variety. Perhaps she's been working for some time, perhaps she's brand new. Regardless, she made the mistake of pissing off a succubus, or at least a demoness who had succubus powers. Unbeknownst to her, succubi have this tendency to... infect people with their lust. She knows that she needs her fix, but there are other succubi in the world. So she turns to one that's perhaps a little less "evil" to try and get her hit.
Oh, and she was probably straight before all this happened too...
What An Adult Star Does: she was a world famous, or at least national famous, child star. People knew her for her cute ways and her winning character(s) on a popular show/movie(s). Then she started to get older, and she started getting the other sort of fan. Now, she's approaching eighteen, and there's concern about phasing her out. To help her enter adulthood, it's decided to make this child star fully prepared for the adult world of acting... with intense adult films.
Crushed by a Potion: she finally just did it: made a love potion for her crush. She had it ready and brought it over to his house. Unfortunately for her, the crush isn't the one to drink it, but instead his sister/brother/father/family dog. And maybe she just happened to drink a potion to match, maybe even one to increase her lust?
The Perfect Honeymoon: there's a world famous resort: a pristine island tucked away from the rest of the world. Interestingly enough, they cater only to very specific clientele: newlyweds, with special preferential treatment given to newlyweds who saved themselves for that special night. Unbeknownst to the couple in question, the place is well known for corrupting/awakening the brides to their full sexuality, which probably means they're going to be at least a little unfaithful to that hubby they might have been saving themselves for.
Human Documentary: naturally aliens have been receiving transmissions of our culture for years. Radio shows, then television, even internet, it's all reached out there. So some people have even gotten interstellar fandoms now! Of course, there's one small problem: the aliens aren't great at determining what's real and what's not. So they might just think that pornographic films are documentaries, and that maybe they can recreate them, since all humans are like that (bonus points if they decide to kidnap their favorite starlet).
Her Only Weakness! She's a superpowered being, fairly new on the scene, or at least young. And she's been kicking ass right and left. However, a villain gets desperate, and decides to break that unwritten rule about having sex with superheroines. He tries blasting her with something that makes her unnaturally horny... and it seems to have lasting effects (whether instant or not is up to us). How does she deal with her newfound sex drive?
(a similar variation would involve a girl who finally, after years of waiting, gets superpowers. Small problem: her weakness is that she has an incredibly enhanced libido, and her powers seem to work toward getting her to fuck whenever possible).
The Dragon's Maiden: dragons exist. They were apparently around for a while, but have only recently become active (yes, I'm setting this up for modern fantasy, 'cuz that's my preference). Some people have heard rumors about dragons having maidens. Eventually, a girl ends up as one. Does she answer a Craiglist ad for one? Is she a mage who's desperate to get close to a dragon? Is she a huntress who tried to be among the few to kill a dragon and fail spectacularly? Is she an obsessive fangirl who tracks a dragon to their lair? So much fun to be had here.
Special Training is what happens when a girl finds out her guy is into some kinky shit and she's not sure. She'd heard a rumor that there's someone out there who can help with that, and she hooks up with them, not realizing just how much debauchery she's about to endure... and possibly come to enjoy.
The Orgasm Challenge is the hottest new online fad/phase. A girl volunteers to undergo stimulation for a set amount of time, the idea being that if they make it, then they can challenge someone else. If they don't, then they have to face the consequences. It's to support some charity or something, and despite some reservations, a girl signs up, not quite realizing just how far her partner is gonna go.
You can Fuck Who You Want Online, particularly with new technology. Something has come up that allows people to sync themselves into an online system for the most immersive experience possible. A horny virginal teenager with some fetishes signs on and eventually gets a partner to start helping her various avatar(s) through the kinkiest of scenarios, over and over and over again.
The Princess's Rebels so there's a rebellion, or maybe just a group of thieves or adventurers are traveling (and if that's confusing, just hold on a bit). The princess gets kidnapped, as princesses are wont to do, but someone had actually gone out of their way to hire the kidnappers. It turns out this just happened to be the princess herself, who wants out of the castle for whatever reason (possibly to hold a rebellion). Plot happens. And fucking.
You Rescued Me, Dammit so it's become a thing for maidens (again with the "m" word) to get captured by monsters/dragons/whatever. Knights or other heroes rescue them. Said maiden is then to become the knight/hero/lucky bastard's bride/property. This is literally the law of the land. They are obligated to fuck (because I'm fucking horny, that's why). And now they're stuck together. Plot happens. Also fucking.
Some Real Fucking Magic Yay, you've got magic! Turns out that sort of thing happens, so go you! Or more accurately go person who is not you because I don't like doing the whole "RP yourself" thing 'cuz while that's cool for some people I don't like it! But anyway, the magic comes with everything we'd want magic to come with: special powers, a whole magical world, and a side effect of being nearly constantly horny and needing to fuck, preferably something else magical. So now there's some magic thing going on. Plot happens. Also fucking. (all I'm getting with this one is requests that I'm really not into)
For the Good of Our Race they're the last of their race. They being either gender neutral or two people; you pick. Anyway, that's sort of a problem, as they're now endangered. And some entity, government, universe, gods, wants more of them around. So it's time to pair off. Congratulations: you must now mate with this other person until whichever one of you gets pregnant does that. Turns out they're so not your type. Turns out that they are scarily good at sex. Plot happens. Also fucking.
Under the Bed turns out monsters are real! Yay!? A dedicated daughter/aunt/babysitter (really fucking dedicated there)/young mother finds out that the child they've been caring for really does have a monster under the bed. Desperate, they make a plea for the child to be released. Monster's cool with it, with one small addendum: they get the older female for reasons. Plot happens. Also fucking.
Pirate Hostage there's a problem with pirates. They've been pillaging the area for a while. Either a daughter tries to strike a deal with a pirate and gets shanghaied, or she outright gets captured or volunteers, but now she's aboard the pirate's ship as part hostage, part incentive not to destroy her homeland.
My Girlfriend's a Camgirl so turns out it's a little tough to both be in the adult industry and keep a solid relationship, even if you're technically just camming for people. She's been doing it for a while, and she actually has a lot of fun. It lets her play around, flirt, maybe put on costumes. The problem is that she also wants a really sweet person to call her "girlfriend," and now she has to figure out how to balance the two out.
She's Too Kinky For You let's work out a semi-standard plot again. She's prim and proper, or maybe nerdy, or maybe even just alternative or something. Regardless, her biggest problem is that she's really into some kinkier sex things. I'd particularly prefer for her to be into dressing in costumes and getting fucked by different characters, possibly in fandoms, possibly just in general ideas. But she finally decides to see if she can't get a partner to help her out (bonus points if she's a virgin).
Bet You Can't Fuck Her we've all seen the same story: guy (or girl) gets challenged to fuck someone who's considered unfuckable for whatever reason. They're the poor one, or they're a precious virgin, or they're the snarky rebel. They take the bet or money and don't tell, instead wooing. But what if someone was upfront? Went up to them and said "hey, if we fuck, people will pay me stupid amounts of money, and I'll split it with you." Plot happens. Also fucking. {this one isn't working out great for me right now}
Yes, I am Totally Gay Now college is very liberating, right? A girl from a relatively conservative family goes off to college and meets several people she likes, gets acquainted, has fun. She mentions in a letter/Skype/call/email that she's got a friend who has a girlfriend or something. Her family now thinks she's gay. So she gets super frustrated and says she is. Cue some situation where now she has to be gay in public. this is a super well thought out plot. Plot happens. Also fucking.
Dude, Your Aunt is, Like, Super Hawt so the aunt happens to be hawt. Turns out that, yes, they are the mother's kid sister, but the "kid" is very much emphasized: they're right around your (METAPHORICAL YOUR) age. This sometimes leads to fun and awkward. It really gets awkward when a blind date/computer program system sets you two up on a date. Being amiable, you roll with it. Fucking happens. Also plot.
(also this could possibly work with, I dunno, a cousin or something? Aunt seems to make sense. I guess it might work with an uncle too? Maybe? I could probably be convinced. HOT INCEST, YO)
That red probably means something.
Really wanna get hot girls fucked.
Wow, big surprise, much confusion.
What about some looser ideas?
So these are sort of loose, dangling ideas that, hey, maybe could help us figure out a plot? I dunno?
--Y'know that Fairy Tail anime/manga? Yeah, read it, watched some. Love the world; but hate some/most of the characters(FUCK YOU NATSU AND YOUR GARY-STU BULLSHIT). I'd love to play chars in that world though.
--Also Final Fantasy. Pick one. I prefer the ones from X and under myself. Because I have good taste.
--I love Harry Potter. I'd probably RP in that world. I also love RPing as/with Hermione Granger. A plot involving her would have to be pretty fucking stupid before I'd say no. I got a lot of Hermione based RPs based on this one line, weirdly enough.
--I do anthros. It kind of plays well into this. I just couldn't think of many plots involving them. I am not, however, very interested in female anthro x male human. If you know these terms, great. If not, perhaps look at my other plots. Or keep scrolling.
--I kinda want to give monster girls a try, though I'm not even going to pretend to be an expert on them.
--Kinda loosely maybe craving something Victorian or Steampunk, but I can't come up with an immediate plot.
... so those are almost entirely fantasy based RPs and some fantasy based fandoms. I do RP in, like, modern normal stuff. I just couldn't figure out some romances, so I'll spin some loose ideas:
--I'm an academic, so I work at colleges/universities. I'd love to do something set at college, probably?
--I'm down with incest? That sounds somewhat creepy put here. I am fine with incest as a fetish to be used to somehow create darker romances, particularly with "step" families. There, that kinda works.
Do you perhaps have preestablished characters, maybe rescued from another dead thread?
Why yes, I do. A while back I wrote an erotic story about an all female group of adventurers called "The Five," where I fleshed out several characters that fit some of my personal favorite character archetypes to play (and most of these give an idea of the kinds of chars you're most likely to see me play, btw). I liked the chars enough to have salvaged them, and I like to use them in different scenarios. Feel free to offer DM style plays or standard "fantasy erotica plots" with the Five. I'll probably say yes.
The Five
--Ravenna or Rave as she prefers to be called is the group's rogue. She's likely some form of catgirl, or perhaps a dhampyr, depending on whether or not a partner likes catgirls (or wants to fuck someone with vampire blood). Rave is practical, street-savvy, and slick. She has bright red hair and isn't afraid of her body or her bisexuality. Lean and whiplike, with feline grace. In many ways she's the most professional of the group. However, catgirls sometimes have heat, or maybe there's something up with that part-vampire blood...
--Xanthe is essentially a necromancer or a practitioner of forbidden magics. Though she says otherwise, she's definitely a human girl (likely with a completely normal human name). Xanthe is highly intelligent, but often gets swept up in the macabre and the idea of darkness. She's essentially a very intelligent goth, with all the trappings: leather, piercings, pale skin, intricate tattoos. Like most of the Five, she's attractive, with a nice figure and the second biggest breasts of the group. Likely she'd have killed herself by now with her practices or desires were it not for the group. What's to say her magic doesn't backfire, or summon demons of some kind...
--Liliana or Lily as she prefers to be called is a bubbly cleric/disciple of a god of light. She's definitely of Fae blood, with brightly colored hair and an incredibly petite frame (possibly even childlike, depending on incarnation). She's eternally optimistic and bright, believing in the power of friendship and joy. Her body's the most underdeveloped and small, and she's certainly more cute than outright sexy. Still, she's the type who does anything for the sake of her friends. And sometimes gods of life have certain... requirements of those that use their magic.
--Cassalae or Cass is a half-elfin bard/ranger. She's fairly lean, but with a decent set of breasts and hips that have filled out considerably now that she's had a child. Her father was an island sailor, her mother an elf, making her a caramel skinned wet dream. For years she was a raucous party animal, drinking and celebrating and generally getting into trouble (much to the chagrin of the rest of the Five). More recently, she found a man who truly loves her and settled down, even having a child. The wildness is just under the surface, but she's essentially the group's MILF (though not quite as mature as one would normally expect someone possessing that title to be).
--Joy is anything but her namesake, though she is a powerful paladin. Her body is by far the most voluptuous of the group, with abundant breasts and impressively long legs. Her hair is golden blonde, her face looks sculpted, she's essentially a walking wet dream (so long as your wet dream includes abs). However, she's incredibly stern and lawful good to a fault. Law and order are all Joy believes in, with some leftover for her friends. She's also a virgin and believes that her powers are because of her virginity (whether or not this is true...)
And there's all sorts of troubles to put them in. As you see, nearly every one has a sexual "in" that allows for different stories. At least one is bisexual (and possibly randy) in a group of hot women. Maybe they have to escort someone. Or perhaps they run afoul of monsters. There's always the traditional "fuck-dungeon." I have a brilliant idea for an orc chieftain that I'd love to work out. Also there's likely a demon or demoness that would serve as a reoccurring villain. It's quite possible that I'll have a thread dedicated to their adventures soon, but for now, I'm just tossing this out to see if I get any bites.
Anything else?
I like RPing? And sex? Seriously, I'm trying to loosen up a little, show some more personality here, and be a little less stiff in the PMs. I'm mostly succeeding? Feel free to PM if something here caught interest or you've got a plot that sounds along this flavor and you're like "this cool person sounds like they would be fun to write with." Just, please, Have some idea with your PM? Seriously, work with me in those PMs; show me that you're gonna be interesting to write with. Or something.
*mic drop*
Well inner voice/fake person asking leading questions, it means that after a few RPs, I've decided that I'd like to try and do a few more romantically oriented RPs. The "darkest" part is a "clever" play on my handle (which is more set up because I go by "Fate" online and this is my "darkest" RPing; bam, easy explanation) as well as indicating some of the flavoring? I put a question mark there originally because I mistyped,
I'm less looking for outright romance at the moment (though I wouldn't say no to a good lesbian or kinky one), and more interested in just something that's driven by what I refer to as "awakening/corrupting." See below
So the darkest thing is just a trap to get people intrigued?
Mostly, I mean, no. I mean I like sex.
Really looking for less of the whole romance thing, as I said above, and more looking for RPs that kinda revolve around sex/smut.
Oh, and while I'm at it: I like writing characters and not empty sex vessels. I'm totally down with the sex vessel thing. Did it for years, still sometimes play games or vids with it. But I've found I get much more into the writing when the characters we're writing feel real. And I'm more likely to get enthusiastic if I'm attracted to both chars. Fortunately, I identify as demisexual, so if the chars are well written and in my pretty wide swing zone...
Can we get that in convenient list form?
- Medium: I do Thread, PM, or email (@ darkest0ffate@gmail.com ) based RPs (my slight order of preference). You likely won't get me on messenger. You'd have to be super sexy.
- Gender Combo: I do pretty well all gender combinations and orientations. So, like, come saying if you're gonna be writing a girl, a boy, a gender fluid creation, something with both, or an androgynous android. The last would be really cool/weird, as I don't have any sci-fi plots
Dom/Sub: Omigod am I growing weary of this. Look, for me, RPs aren't about dominance and submission. I realize that's a very real kink and a very real lifestyle and, yes, I've RP'd scenarios that fall into that (and gotten compliments. I still have the one telling me I write a good dom). But for me, personally, I think of it more often in terms of "initiator" versus "the initiated." It's about who's starting the fucking more often than anything else. In that respect, I'm also fairly flexible. I honestly don't think I'd be interested in the traditional dom/sub relationship, though sometimes I would say some chars are more in control. We're probably going to trade off on who's fucking who anyway. - Character Ages: I'm fairly flexible. I prefer younger girls, and I'll rarely do older female/younger male.
- Representation: my preference is toward using real life reps, to the extent I put together a pretty expansive gallery, though pictures do not replace description; they enhance. After that, I probably prefer just describing chars. I do like illustrated pictures for fan characters, but I'm not a big fan of doing it otherwise (I'm very picky when it comes to that, and it's easier just to say no than to spend the hours trying to sync up for one RP). Expect me to mention using pictures or to bug about how we're describing chars
- Plot to Smut Ratio: See, this gets tricky? I like sex. But I like sexy buildup times. I want some arousing element present in a lot. Expect my chars to go down on or finger yours way before we get to fucking. If I was going to set some stats, then probably around 70/30 to 60/40 in favor of smut. This changes some with the overall flavor/genre. I'm a little more interested in playing out relationships than plots, but I'm fine with sort of combining the two. I also go through phases where it's all "Fate want sex", and I'm in one right now.
- Kinks: I have a clothes fetish: I like it when girls are fucked while still wearing something and/or when they're forced to dress up in sexy/sexualized clothing. If you insta-strip a char, I'll lose a lot of interest in the RP. I really like "corruption" elements, though I prefer to phrase it more as "awakening." Basically taking someone who's either virginal or vanilla and showing them the whole new world of fucking. I also do have a bit of a kink toward a "permanent consequence to fucking" (which sounds super fucking creepy). Basically threat of pregnancy or chars getting marked or something that makes them go "I have fucked and now I AM FOREVER CHANGED." Outside of that, I'm pretty open to kinks. Most minor ones I can entertain. I can even handle several major ones. I'm not interested in scat, death, gore, or vore, nor violence for violence's sake. Also the word "cunt" throws me off for some reason. Here is my f-list, which is fairly up to date. Anything that's a "Maybe" essentially is "if it makes sense for the RP or my partner really wants it"
- That Last one Was Super Long, so here's a break
- That whole length/literacy thing: Look, the whole "lit" thing is mostly garbage. But I do need some description and at least a few paragraphs to get the juices flowing. Too few and I lose interest. Too many and I get tired and would rather write my own erotica.
- Regularity: I respond several times a day when I'm "on." I sometimes go "off," but I'm getting a lot better at letting partners know (particularly now, since I've opened up with some cool people on the site and have developed almost OoC friendships). If I love the idea, I can respond within minutes. I'm perfectly fine with daily posters, or even every few days, much longer... I'm currently wounded and getting back into things. I may be on; I may be in intense pain and just reading. Please take this into consideration.
- PM Etiquette: I don't do the silly phrases, but it's good if you show that you read this. At least let me know who's playing what role (again, I'm fine with playing around). The trick is that I do male and female, sub and dom, so I never know unless you let me know who's playing who. I've literally written a starter from the wrong side of the RP, and it sucked.
That looks super familiar...
Because this is a copy-pasted thread from the old division, and most of this didn't change. And I want to waste my efforts making plots and smexy RPs, not retyping lists telling people "I LIKE DAH SEX WIF THE CLOTHES' for the umpteenth time.
Did you seriously just use "umpteenth" in an erotic RP request thread?
Yes I did, and spellcheck was fine with it.
What sort of plots do you have in mind?
Sexy ones.
Next question.
Okay, I have some loose ideas, some more developed than others. Some are sort of cribbed from my "dub-con" thread (which I am still running along with this, because that's not going to confuse the hell outta me). I'll give some of these FUN CREATIVE TITLES to try and remember.
I may be enjoying writing this request thread a little more than I should.
Are you actually going to give us those plots or...
(newer ones are near the top of the different genres)
*Note: some of these seem like pretty standard, modern stories. I'd love to take a standard plotline and mix it up some. Make the chars have super-powers or do it modern fantasy style or maybe add in some fantasy races. Not that I'm going to object to modern, but it'd be a nice twist.
*Other Note: Also craving some celeb action, like I do. I got several, and, yeah, they could/will be used for faces for OCs too.
Demon Blood Lets Demon Blood they (or maybe just she) are demon huntresses. For years they've held the demons at bay, fighting off the foul creatures. However, it's also known that they just happen to have demonic blood themselves. Which puts them in awkward positions from time to time when fighting, the sort that often end up with fucking. Oh, and they're all absurdly hot. So it's absurdly hot, obscenely durable, women getting fucked and/or fucking demons.
Succubus Infection (taken from the Harmony Black series of modern fantasy novels). She's an agent, probably of a semi-secret variety. Perhaps she's been working for some time, perhaps she's brand new. Regardless, she made the mistake of pissing off a succubus, or at least a demoness who had succubus powers. Unbeknownst to her, succubi have this tendency to... infect people with their lust. She knows that she needs her fix, but there are other succubi in the world. So she turns to one that's perhaps a little less "evil" to try and get her hit.
Oh, and she was probably straight before all this happened too...
What An Adult Star Does: she was a world famous, or at least national famous, child star. People knew her for her cute ways and her winning character(s) on a popular show/movie(s). Then she started to get older, and she started getting the other sort of fan. Now, she's approaching eighteen, and there's concern about phasing her out. To help her enter adulthood, it's decided to make this child star fully prepared for the adult world of acting... with intense adult films.
Crushed by a Potion: she finally just did it: made a love potion for her crush. She had it ready and brought it over to his house. Unfortunately for her, the crush isn't the one to drink it, but instead his sister/brother/father/family dog. And maybe she just happened to drink a potion to match, maybe even one to increase her lust?
The Perfect Honeymoon: there's a world famous resort: a pristine island tucked away from the rest of the world. Interestingly enough, they cater only to very specific clientele: newlyweds, with special preferential treatment given to newlyweds who saved themselves for that special night. Unbeknownst to the couple in question, the place is well known for corrupting/awakening the brides to their full sexuality, which probably means they're going to be at least a little unfaithful to that hubby they might have been saving themselves for.
Human Documentary: naturally aliens have been receiving transmissions of our culture for years. Radio shows, then television, even internet, it's all reached out there. So some people have even gotten interstellar fandoms now! Of course, there's one small problem: the aliens aren't great at determining what's real and what's not. So they might just think that pornographic films are documentaries, and that maybe they can recreate them, since all humans are like that (bonus points if they decide to kidnap their favorite starlet).
Her Only Weakness! She's a superpowered being, fairly new on the scene, or at least young. And she's been kicking ass right and left. However, a villain gets desperate, and decides to break that unwritten rule about having sex with superheroines. He tries blasting her with something that makes her unnaturally horny... and it seems to have lasting effects (whether instant or not is up to us). How does she deal with her newfound sex drive?
(a similar variation would involve a girl who finally, after years of waiting, gets superpowers. Small problem: her weakness is that she has an incredibly enhanced libido, and her powers seem to work toward getting her to fuck whenever possible).
The Dragon's Maiden: dragons exist. They were apparently around for a while, but have only recently become active (yes, I'm setting this up for modern fantasy, 'cuz that's my preference). Some people have heard rumors about dragons having maidens. Eventually, a girl ends up as one. Does she answer a Craiglist ad for one? Is she a mage who's desperate to get close to a dragon? Is she a huntress who tried to be among the few to kill a dragon and fail spectacularly? Is she an obsessive fangirl who tracks a dragon to their lair? So much fun to be had here.
Special Training is what happens when a girl finds out her guy is into some kinky shit and she's not sure. She'd heard a rumor that there's someone out there who can help with that, and she hooks up with them, not realizing just how much debauchery she's about to endure... and possibly come to enjoy.
The Orgasm Challenge is the hottest new online fad/phase. A girl volunteers to undergo stimulation for a set amount of time, the idea being that if they make it, then they can challenge someone else. If they don't, then they have to face the consequences. It's to support some charity or something, and despite some reservations, a girl signs up, not quite realizing just how far her partner is gonna go.
You can Fuck Who You Want Online, particularly with new technology. Something has come up that allows people to sync themselves into an online system for the most immersive experience possible. A horny virginal teenager with some fetishes signs on and eventually gets a partner to start helping her various avatar(s) through the kinkiest of scenarios, over and over and over again.
You Rescued Me, Dammit so it's become a thing for maidens (again with the "m" word) to get captured by monsters/dragons/whatever. Knights or other heroes rescue them. Said maiden is then to become the knight/hero/lucky bastard's bride/property. This is literally the law of the land. They are obligated to fuck (because I'm fucking horny, that's why). And now they're stuck together. Plot happens. Also fucking.
Under the Bed turns out monsters are real! Yay!? A dedicated daughter/aunt/babysitter (really fucking dedicated there)/young mother finds out that the child they've been caring for really does have a monster under the bed. Desperate, they make a plea for the child to be released. Monster's cool with it, with one small addendum: they get the older female for reasons. Plot happens. Also fucking.
Bet You Can't Fuck Her we've all seen the same story: guy (or girl) gets challenged to fuck someone who's considered unfuckable for whatever reason. They're the poor one, or they're a precious virgin, or they're the snarky rebel. They take the bet or money and don't tell, instead wooing. But what if someone was upfront? Went up to them and said "hey, if we fuck, people will pay me stupid amounts of money, and I'll split it with you." Plot happens. Also fucking. {this one isn't working out great for me right now}
Yes, I am Totally Gay Now college is very liberating, right? A girl from a relatively conservative family goes off to college and meets several people she likes, gets acquainted, has fun. She mentions in a letter/Skype/call/email that she's got a friend who has a girlfriend or something. Her family now thinks she's gay. So she gets super frustrated and says she is. Cue some situation where now she has to be gay in public. this is a super well thought out plot. Plot happens. Also fucking.
(also this could possibly work with, I dunno, a cousin or something? Aunt seems to make sense. I guess it might work with an uncle too? Maybe? I could probably be convinced. HOT INCEST, YO)
That red probably means something.
Really wanna get hot girls fucked.
Wow, big surprise, much confusion.
What about some looser ideas?
So these are sort of loose, dangling ideas that, hey, maybe could help us figure out a plot? I dunno?
--Y'know that Fairy Tail anime/manga? Yeah, read it, watched some. Love the world; but hate some/most of the characters
--Also Final Fantasy. Pick one. I prefer the ones from X and under myself. Because I have good taste.
--I love Harry Potter.
--I do anthros. It kind of plays well into this. I just couldn't think of many plots involving them. I am not, however, very interested in female anthro x male human. If you know these terms, great. If not, perhaps look at my other plots. Or keep scrolling.
--I kinda want to give monster girls a try, though I'm not even going to pretend to be an expert on them.
--Kinda loosely maybe craving something Victorian or Steampunk, but I can't come up with an immediate plot.
... so those are almost entirely fantasy based RPs and some fantasy based fandoms. I do RP in, like, modern normal stuff. I just couldn't figure out some romances, so I'll spin some loose ideas:
--I'm an academic, so I work at colleges/universities. I'd love to do something set at college, probably?
--I'm down with incest? That sounds somewhat creepy put here. I am fine with incest as a fetish to be used to somehow create darker romances, particularly with "step" families. There, that kinda works.
Do you perhaps have preestablished characters, maybe rescued from another dead thread?
Why yes, I do. A while back I wrote an erotic story about an all female group of adventurers called "The Five," where I fleshed out several characters that fit some of my personal favorite character archetypes to play (and most of these give an idea of the kinds of chars you're most likely to see me play, btw). I liked the chars enough to have salvaged them, and I like to use them in different scenarios. Feel free to offer DM style plays or standard "fantasy erotica plots" with the Five. I'll probably say yes.
The Five
--Ravenna or Rave as she prefers to be called is the group's rogue. She's likely some form of catgirl, or perhaps a dhampyr, depending on whether or not a partner likes catgirls (or wants to fuck someone with vampire blood). Rave is practical, street-savvy, and slick. She has bright red hair and isn't afraid of her body or her bisexuality. Lean and whiplike, with feline grace. In many ways she's the most professional of the group. However, catgirls sometimes have heat, or maybe there's something up with that part-vampire blood...
--Xanthe is essentially a necromancer or a practitioner of forbidden magics. Though she says otherwise, she's definitely a human girl (likely with a completely normal human name). Xanthe is highly intelligent, but often gets swept up in the macabre and the idea of darkness. She's essentially a very intelligent goth, with all the trappings: leather, piercings, pale skin, intricate tattoos. Like most of the Five, she's attractive, with a nice figure and the second biggest breasts of the group. Likely she'd have killed herself by now with her practices or desires were it not for the group. What's to say her magic doesn't backfire, or summon demons of some kind...
--Liliana or Lily as she prefers to be called is a bubbly cleric/disciple of a god of light. She's definitely of Fae blood, with brightly colored hair and an incredibly petite frame (possibly even childlike, depending on incarnation). She's eternally optimistic and bright, believing in the power of friendship and joy. Her body's the most underdeveloped and small, and she's certainly more cute than outright sexy. Still, she's the type who does anything for the sake of her friends. And sometimes gods of life have certain... requirements of those that use their magic.
--Cassalae or Cass is a half-elfin bard/ranger. She's fairly lean, but with a decent set of breasts and hips that have filled out considerably now that she's had a child. Her father was an island sailor, her mother an elf, making her a caramel skinned wet dream. For years she was a raucous party animal, drinking and celebrating and generally getting into trouble (much to the chagrin of the rest of the Five). More recently, she found a man who truly loves her and settled down, even having a child. The wildness is just under the surface, but she's essentially the group's MILF (though not quite as mature as one would normally expect someone possessing that title to be).
--Joy is anything but her namesake, though she is a powerful paladin. Her body is by far the most voluptuous of the group, with abundant breasts and impressively long legs. Her hair is golden blonde, her face looks sculpted, she's essentially a walking wet dream (so long as your wet dream includes abs). However, she's incredibly stern and lawful good to a fault. Law and order are all Joy believes in, with some leftover for her friends. She's also a virgin and believes that her powers are because of her virginity (whether or not this is true...)
And there's all sorts of troubles to put them in. As you see, nearly every one has a sexual "in" that allows for different stories. At least one is bisexual (and possibly randy) in a group of hot women. Maybe they have to escort someone. Or perhaps they run afoul of monsters. There's always the traditional "fuck-dungeon." I have a brilliant idea for an orc chieftain that I'd love to work out. Also there's likely a demon or demoness that would serve as a reoccurring villain. It's quite possible that I'll have a thread dedicated to their adventures soon, but for now, I'm just tossing this out to see if I get any bites.
Anything else?
I like RPing? And sex? Seriously, I'm trying to loosen up a little, show some more personality here, and be a little less stiff in the PMs. I'm mostly succeeding? Feel free to PM if something here caught interest or you've got a plot that sounds along this flavor and you're like "this cool person sounds like they would be fun to write with." Just, please, Have some idea with your PM? Seriously, work with me in those PMs; show me that you're gonna be interesting to write with. Or something.
*mic drop*
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