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The Witcher and the Witch (Shadowkiller x Rose)

May 30, 2012
Rhode Island
George is a tall man of light skin, short brown hair and cat like ember eyes. He wore strange armor that had metal on his shoulders and chest but his arms and legs were protected by leather so he had much more range of movement then having full plated armor. On his back two swords were sheathed. One a normal long sword built to fight people in armor, the other a silver sword ment to help fight the mythical creatures that he hunts. George is a witcher a person that has trained and studied to fight every kind of mythical creature that walks the earth. But he does not do it for free. He must be paid to hunt down and kill monsters but he wont take any job if the risk is to high with to low of a pay. But today George was sought out by a lord that requested him to drive out a witch that taken shelter near the kingdom. Normally this wouldnt be a problem but the lords subjects put a collection together to get rid of the witch so he had to oblige them or risk having a revolt. George was the closest witcher and he took the job.

George walked down a path deep in a thick forest where the villagers have told them would lead him to the witches lair. As he walked along the path he would notice with his cat eyes of herbs and flowers that were picked that are used for potions. Soon he would see a clearing ahead and decided to stray off the path so he could hide his approach. He quietly reached the edge of the tree line and looked out to see if this was the witches lair.
The first thing that the man would have been met with was an undead beast, it looked like a large white shire as it came up, snorted and almost seemed to pick the man up, throwing him into the witches house. The site he met wasn’t what one would expect. A young woman looked to him, her breasts almost bursting out of her dress and her long red hair like a cloak. “A witch hunter?” she said “Now then, what do you want here, I don’t think I’ve been doing anything wrong” she said sweetly. Behind her was a small phoenix and on her shoulder sat a newly hatched ice dragon, it’s tail wrapped around her neck. “What’s your name? I apologise for Phantoms rough treatment but he thought it best you meet me before you decide whether to kill me or not” she smiled at him.

“My name is Lilith Grim, so what is your name?” she asked before putting a warm drink in front of him. “The woods can be quite sore on the legs” she said softly to him and smiled at him. “Well drink up, I specialise more in healing, charms and summonings not so much curses and that sort of thing” sh sat down with a drink exactly the same as his. “Now then, why did they send you here?”
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