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New Vegas (Firestarter09 & DonVoltonus)


Feb 26, 2017
A woman groaned as she began to wake, her eyes fluttered open as small amounts of pain, panged through out her body. "Woah there take it easy." A calm soothing voice said, the woman turned her head slightly to see a old bald man with a white mustache, wearing a field hand outfit. The woman eyes locked with this old man's, the woman noticed familiar bandages off on a tray, in panic the woman bang to quickly moved her hands to the top of her head, feeling that her cat ear's were still there. "Woah calm down now! I saw you were wearing bandage's there, thought you had an head injury, turns out you just have cat ear's. I then figured that you wore the bandage's to hide them, don't worry tell anyone." The man explained, the woman calmed down slightly, hand's moving away from her ears. "Now I had to preform some surgery, you had a bullet lodge in your skull, and well... heres a reflectron, tell me how I did?" The man handed said item to The woman, she began to look at her image, her hands rubbing her smooth youthful skin, as her slitted pupil's dialated, her amber eyes shined, as her semi short brown was a bit messy, she continued to check and when everything was in order, she handed the device back to the man.
After leading her through some tests to quote "Make sure she's isn't nuttier than a bighorner dropping.", her gave her some things she'd been found with. A vault suit, a 9mm pistol, and a switchblade, as well as some healing supplies and a pipboy, sending her out with the suggestion that she "Go see Sunny Smiles at the bar."
Lisa squinted her eyes the bright light almost blinded her as she left the docs house, once her eyes had adjusted she looked around at the surronding scenery. Taking not of the aimlessly wandering robot nearby, before she took any more steps, she made sure her bandages were fastend around her well, as well to make sure her tail was hidden from view, she saw the saloon off in the distance not to far from the docs hous, she began to make her way to the salon, she put a good amount of pace in her step. After walking for a minute or two she arrived at the door, opening it and heading in.
She would hear a loud bark, a large male dog growling at her. "Sit Chev." A good looking girl walked over, dressed in tight leather armor. "Don't worry, he wont bite unless you're a gecko."
Lisa eyed the woman, looking her up and down checking all her body, and to say Lisa wasn't all that enamored by her appearance. She was American in descent that was for sure, her face was nice to look at and her tied in a neat pony tail. "Oh that's reassuring, glad I'm not a gecko." Lisa said dryly. "So your the one who the doc suggested I go see." Lisa made a mental note that when she got back to primm, that she would ask one of the twins most likely Meena, to make some items to enhance the people of the Mojave. "Because you seem to be the only person here, capable." She glanced around the saloon not noticing anyone else. "at this town." Lisa stated to the woman, as she glanced down at the dog, Lisa cat instincts on the edge because of it.
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