FxF or FxM (only looking to write trans sub girls)

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Apr 7, 2017
I'm looking for something straightforward; simple and pretty much focused around sexual interaction, though a little story would be nice. I'd like a writer that has an interest in writing dominant men or women, whether you choose to write a single character or more would be up to you. My interest lies within writing trans women who are submissive only. Consensual or non-consensual works for me; if it is non-consensual I'd like a unique idea rather than the usual ones people present. I'm alright with most kinks and darker things do not bother me, though we should discuss kinks in further detail.

I'm not too bothered by spelling mistakes or non-native English long as what you're saying is comprehensible. Generally I write multiple replies a day, I will however settle for just one a day; anything more than a few days though without a reply and I'll lose interest. My replies are almost always one to three paragraphs. All I need is enough to reply to; not a novel, so no need to worry with me. All I use for face claims is real people (original characters).

Being allowed to write multiple women will make me much more interested. Things which would make me uninterested are underage sex, unrealistic body proportions; sizes and god modding, those are my biggest no's. Modern settings are currently my preference, I will write in other settings though should you prefer. Please contact me via private message. Thank you for taking an interest in my thread, have a good night!.​
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