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My Idea for a RP World


Dec 6, 2016
I had an idea for a world for a RP, but while I do feel like sharing it, I don't actually have the desire to do a role play in it (which is why I'm posting in this forum). It just sounds like too much work to me. It's the kind of thing that I'd enjoy reading if someone else did it. EDIT: come to think of it, maybe I should have posted in the world building forum... Oh well...

Aaaaaaanyway, the idea is that a girl is transported to a different world. In this world, all girls' brains give off an energy when they orgasm and as a result, a whole slew of creatures have evolved to feed off that energy. Over millions of years, there's dozens of different creatures that have been perfected to coax out increasingly intense orgasms from girls in order to feed.

This girl who is transported there, of course, doesn't give off energy when she cums, so the creatures just rape her senseless much harder than others because they are trying to get a reaction to happen that just won't.

I especially like this idea because the creatures aren't mating with the girls, or raping them for their own pleasure. The goal is to make the girl feel the most intense pleasure possible.

What do you guys think?
Stuff like this:

Creatures perfected to cause the most intense orgasms imaginable.
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