A Chaotic Crusader Warhammr 40k ( Sausage-sama and DuxT)

Saint Celestine

Feb 17, 2017
Ignatius Cardinal or Cardrim was a barren world, of little importance to anyone the last time it had been of any use was when Waaagh Rex! Had made this their base of operations before launching deeper incursion into Imperium terrority. That was over a decade ago, smalls camps and settlements had started to move back to the barren planet in hopes of finding minerals or wealth possibly left behind by the greenskins or Eldar that clashed on this world. But wherever man went chaos was sure to follow, especially on the far fringes of the empire Cardrim wasn’t even considered an imperium world but it was close enough to the border to be slightly important. Letting any chaos fester here would give them a launching platform for another invasion, no this had to be killed and put down fast.

“Canoness Superior, Canoness Superior I managed to find this creature when searching the nearby settlement, he claims he is a trader but I found a small shrine to the ruinous powers nearby his tent” a young sister of battle Anna Steinbaurer shouted excitedly dragging a skinny bald man in his fifties to her feet his hands in chains unsure what to do with him.

Canoness Superior Gale


The man
Canoness Superior Gale surveyed the barren, barely habitable landscape before her. Standing a head taller than the rest of the sisters in her company, the Canoness was imposing figure in her black armour, which would be shining and clean if dust and sand didn't keep blasting it all day. Her weapons were at her side, though she was ready to draw at a moments notice, years of training drilling into the woman the importance of being ready.

Once, back in her youth and days in the Imperial Guard, she might have hated this deployment. A barely populated waste of a world on the edge of imperial space, no incursion by the Xeno's and only a slight rumour of cults. Back then, this would have been a mind numbing, boring assignment. Now however she saw it for what it was, a reminder to the subjects of the imperium, no matter how far away, the Emperor's light was always there... and would tolerate no heresy.

Sister Anna arrived, dropping the wretch of a man before the Canoness. Her eyes turned to him, regarding him briefly before reaching for her hip. There she pulled out a small Hand Flamer, a soft blue hum of its ignition flame coming to light. She looked at the man and simply uttered one phrase. "Repent before the Emperor's Light."

She waited for no response, she simply squeezed the trigger, imitating the man in holy, cleansing fire. She did not get to where she was by showing mercy to a heretic or even a potential heretic. Letting the corpse burn she turns to Anna once more. "Show me this shrine. The area must be cleansed." Her order calm and voice level, no sign that she just killed a man, letting him burn alive.
The man looked terrified his eyes widening as Canoness Superior Gale pulled out her Hand flamer, “wait please I can” was all the man managed to spurt out before he was doused in the searing hot flames from her weapon his screams quickly dying as his skin melted in mere seconds, with Sister Anna watching the whole scene with fascination she thought her leader might want to interrogate the man or help him she was still new to these kind of missions, her only previous assignment being against Greenskins.

“Of course, follow me” Anna said snapping out of her trance watching the corpse of the man as the blue flames covering his body started to die down a little, leaving nothing but a smoking charred husk. She led Gale all out of the outpost they were currently at into the barren desert of the planet, eventually arriving at a small cave. “This wasn’t his home, we found his house at a nearby settlement but a map in his house led me here” she said leading Gale into the cave where there was a small shrine to the gods of Chaos. There was also a very rusty cage which contained a imprisoned Gretchen, badly wounded cuts all over the creatures body unconscious yet still alive thanks to its biology.

Gale followed her battle sister, sliding her flamer away and walking in a relaxed manner. She did not presume this threat to be too serious, it needed to be dealt with, but doubted she'd see much in the way of real combat. So, she remained unhurried as they headed for the cave, listening to Anna with slight nods.

Entering the cave she regarded it, frowning at the alter. Her hard gaze soon fell upon the wretched xeno in the cage, first thought to simply burn the creature. Instead, she stepped forward to the cave, slamming a gauntlet covered fist into the bars. Should the creature awake she glared down at the greenskin. "What have you seen..." Her tone low and threatening.
The creature remained still, its small chest slowly going up and down “I think the injuries are fairly grave my lady. No doubt that cultist was torturing the thing in dedication to the ruinous powers, here” Anna said bending down as she pulled a syringe from a pocket on her Armor. Injecting the Gretchen with a shot of adrenaline, its body shook as it opened its eyes slowly getting up.

Unlike most of its brethren Gretchen were rather cunning more so than their Ork counterparts, although not as physically inclined or with a hunger for battle some might even call them cowardly. “You will get nufin out of me humey” the Gretchen replied eyes full of hate at its new captor.
Gale regarded the creature with steady eyes as it spoke, her face impassive. She hadn't protested the use of the adrenaline by Sister Anna, and was happy to wait as the green skin's body lurched to life. She was less than happy by its defiance however and steadily moved her hands to each hip, in easy reach of her sword and flamer.

The Canoness looked at her companion, tilting her head. "What do you think Sister? Impaling or burning?" She spoke plenty loud enough and clear enough for the Gretchen to catch every word. Her threat was only a partial bluff, she would kill the green skin if it proved worthless to her, but wasn't so hasty as to murder it right away.
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