Zootopia: Blue Snow (N7Biotic x east)


Apr 14, 2017
The Void of Lost Time
Ever since she was just a little bunny, Judy Hopps wanted nothing more then to become a police officer. It was all she ever wanted to be. The idea of making the world a safer place and getting criminals off the streets made the fire within her burn even brighter. She didn't want to be a simple carrot farmer like her parents were, she wanted to be something more. However, it seemed nobody believed in her. Being so small and weak made everyone laugh when she told them what her goals were. She was bullied by predators, especially by a fox called Gideon Grey. He used the fact that she was a rabbit to push her down, claw her, and mock her about her dreams. Even her parents expressed doubt in her. Judy knew they didn't mean anything bad by it, but it hurt knowing that they were unconfident in her abilities. She had the speed and the intelligence to do it. Her size has never been a issue in her life, yet everyone doubted her purely because she was a bunny. Many people told her there was no rabbit that has ever become a police officer for good reason. Yet, despite all the times she got pushed down, Judy jumped back up, even more determined to prove everyone wrong. Judy was going to become a police officer and she knew just the place to go: Zootopia.

Zootopia was everything she ever dreamed of. The famous motto 'anyone can become anything' has been the inspiration that kept her going. Zootopia seemed to be the one place where she could pursue her dream without anyone ever pushing her down for what she was, however, this wasn't true. Police training was the hardest thing she's ever had to do. Every test and training session seemed to be made to make her fail. Many of her colleagues snickered behind her back when she ended up failing. Yet, she refused to fall. In the end, she ended up becoming the top of her graduating class, but the struggle didn't stop. It was only until she teamed up with a con artist to solve the once believed, unsolvable case missing otter, before anyone ever showed her respect and saw her as an equal. She was hesitant to team up with a criminal, especially one who was a fox given her past and the fear her family instilled into her about them, but Judy knew she couldn't solve the case on her own. However, not only was the case far bigger then they once thought, but she ended up making a friend.

Nick was extremely intelligent and charismatic. He was able to sweet talk his way out of anything, even when he talked to her. It was embarrassing to admit it, but even Judy fell victim to his tricks from time to time. Yet, she would call him her closest friend. When Nick agreed to join her as a police officer, Judy couldn't contain her excitement. There wasn't a single person she'd rather have for a partner. Nick knew the city like the back of his paw and had a way of talking to people. Judy was quick on her feet and her way of going out of her way to help others has earned them a few friends, even some in the mafia. They were the perfect team and quickly became best friends, spending plenty of time together in and out of work. While they never been assigned to any case that was nearly as big as the missing otter case, but they still managed to do an amazing job with whatever task they were given. Everyday seemed like a great day thanks to her fox friend even with her parents constantly fussing over her safety and her crappy little apartment, he still managed to make everyday a good day. He always had a way of making her smile and laugh, even his insult "dumb bunny" had become a term of endearment for them in which she would always reply, "clever fox" without fail. If there was anyone that she could go to for comfort or to have a shoulder to cry on, it would always be him.

In the darkness of her tiny apartment, her alarm rang to wake her up at her usual time: 6:00 am. She would wake up sooner if Nick didn't manage to convince her to sleep later. Before she'd even met him, she was awake at 4 am, 4:30 am at the latest if she had a particularly hard day previously. Judy nearly jumped up the instant her alarm went off, energy already flowing through her little body and eager to start her day. As she jumped out of bed, she nearly hit her foot against her desk finding that her bed and desk were mere inches apart. Her apartment was so small that even someone of her size had trouble moving around, but she made it work. Judy grew up with at least 20 different siblings so space wasn't too much of an issue for her. It was all she could afford. Even becoming a famous figure of the police force didn't mean she got much of a raise. In fact, she always found her finances to be extremely tight. Even now, she was barely making ends meet with a decent amount of food to last her till her next paycheck. Though, it wasn't uncommon that she would barely eat at all just to make it last. Nick offered her over and over again to buy lunch, but Judy rarely let him since she was sure he had issues of his own now that he went straight. While Judy tried to stay positive about things, it was hard sometimes, especially when she was always nervous about losing her one place that kept her in Zootopia.

Judy shook those thoughts away. She needed to get ready, it wouldn't be too terribly long before she and Nick would carpool, one of their solutions to help each other financially. She could already hear her noisey neighbors bickering loud enough for her to question if the walls were made of paper and cardboard. Without a shower or sink in her room, she often had to use the downstairs bathroom to brush her teeth and her landlord was nice enough to let her use her showers in the morning thanks to her work, but Judy made sure not to stay too long to keep herself from bothering the landlord. Drying and brushing her fur quickly and neatly, she quickly changed into her uniform. The skin tight uniform made it easy for Judy to move as freely as she needed to, but luckily a vest was given to her for some protection out in the field. She grabbed her handy dandy carrot pen and recorder, notebook, and pepper spray for protection, quickly ditching fox repellent when Nick came into her life. Before leaving the building, she grabbed her morning carrot fresh from the mircowave, shrunken and dry, but it was better then nothing. Then, she quickly made her way down the steps in order to meet Nick and head to work, though she expected to wait for some time knowing how early she rose and how much Nick loved to sleep in. Yet, she didn't mind waiting. It gave her plenty of time to think and prepare herself for the day.
"I make two hundred bucks a day fluff, seven days a week since I was twelve." Those words had been the start of something. Nick still wasn't entirely sure if that something was special or not, but it was certainly new in his life. Nick had once been a fox cub who wanted nothing more than to be part of a herd, that dream hadn't lasted long and he had learned the hard way that if you stick your neck out for anything you were bound to get your head chopped off. That was up until he met a rabbit who defied pretty much every expectation.

Sure her methods were more than a little illegal at the time. She had blindsided him pretty hard with that play about his taxes. He had only learned a few weeks after the fact that tax evasion was handled by the ZBI, and a little rabbit meter maid had no authority to do anything let alone send him to jail for five years. You think that would have enraged the fox a little more, but if anything it won the rabbit even more of his respect. That wasn't to say it was impossible for her to hurt him, in fact she already had once, and that had been nearly impossible to recover from, and yet she had helped to see him through the police academy, and go on the strait and narrow, for once the fox was part of the group and doing exactly what he wanted with his life.

Except there was a catch because going onto the strait and narrow meant sacrifices had to be made. As Nick woke up in his Rainforest Disctrict luxury apartment. He stretched out on the over sized bed. Where Judy's apartment was too small for her species size, Nick's was illustriously big. Having originally been designed for a species two class sizes above him, chief buffalo butt himself could walk through his door and find himself moderately comfortable. With no care in the world and a cash only business, two hundred bucks a day had been a slow day. Plus there were other things from less law abiding ventures, discount rugs, moving of stolen property, fixing up meetings for the mob. He had gotten so used too living a higher life standard, but as he walked naked into his living room scratching at the cream fur on his chest he knew this was impossible to last, and clear as day the pink letter sat under his front door.

See he had made enough money that in his life if he had wanted to stop the scams and stop working at one time he could have, he could have just moved to a smaller apartment and lived easy for a few good years, but he hadn't decided to live easy he had decided to go legit, and that meant back taxes. Coming clean to the IRS, he had seen what should have been a sizable life savings drained dry by vultures, and lost pretty much everything he had worked for over the years. All the money that would have made his life comfortable was gone, which meant it had only been a matter of time. He lifted the note, reading his eviction notice he had a week to move out.

Going from the kitchen to the bathroom he showered, and dried himself finally getting dressed in uniform. His breakfast was a quick sandwich with a slice of left over fish. Walking out of the door he was already trying to figure out where to move. The hard truth about Zootopia was that the living expenses in the city were too high, he mulled over the options as he walked down to the park garage. Stepping into his car.

Not unlike the apartment the younger version of Nick the arrogant one who would flaunt his money had bought a Chevrolet Cameowro. It was an older model from when he was a teen his second car, and he had managed to keep it in almost pristine condition. The car was his pride and joy, and thankfully it was already paid off and out of the reach of tax man. That let him give the car a hug as he got in and started to drive down the early morning streets At six o clock the sun was just starting to break over the early morning of the city, and as he crossed from the Rainforest district to the Savannah put down the windows so he could feel the morning breeze running through his fur as he reached Hopp's box of an apartment.

He had never been inside the building. It was a little too cramped for one person let alone two. He rubbed his muzzle for a moment thinking about if it was a good idea to send in an application to that place. When Hopp's got into his car he turned to her. "Hey officer toot toot, ready to make the world a better place for eight hours and then complain about back problems when you get old?"

Starting the car he watched her for a moment. "Are you happy in that shoe box you call a house? Cause... I kind of am getting kicked out of my place." He decided to just drop the hammer early rather than beat around the bush.
Judy's ears perked up as she looked up from the game on her phone to see Nick drive up at the usual pick up time. She could stop his car anywhere. The flashy style and the loud roar of its engine were too obvious who was the driver behind it. The only person she's seen with a car that could rival Nick's was Flash, surprising enough. Judy would have settled for something a bit more simple and humble, but she knew that was how Nick was. When he had something nice, he wanted the world to know it. She couldn't blame him though at lot of people with his background would. She was just happy he became a bit more modest about it since joining the force. A lot of his bad habits have gotten better, but she doubted they would go away anytime soon. The only thing that really mattered was that he was working towards changing himself for the better and that alone was impressive to Judy.

She hopped up off the apartment steps and put her phone away in her back pocket as she went to the passenger side of the car. With her usual smile, Judy greeted her fox friend as she hopped up into her seat. "Hello, Officer Wilde, nice to see that you're on time today." She teased him playfully as she pulled her seat belt on. His response brought a chuckle out of her. "You know it." She simply replied in her usual cheerful tone. Judy barely had enough time to say anything else when Nick dropped the bomb on her. Her ears flattened and her eyes widened in worry from the news. She's seen Nick's place and she knew it was only a matter of time before he had to leave, but she was a bit surprised it happened so quickly. She was sure he had at least another month left, but it seems she was wrong.

Her thoughts started to wonder while she was slient. Judy could make do with her tiny apartment, but a animal of Nick's size would find it extremely uncomfortable. She thought about offering him to live with her, but if he would be uncomfortable in a regular room, it'll be worse if they ended up trying to share. Hell, she's seen from her neighbors what happens when two people try to live in that space together and it's never a pretty sight. The last thing she wanted was her friendship with Nick to end over elbow room. She almost lost him once from her ignorance and it would destory her if she lost him for good. "You would hate it." She finally spoke, "I barely have any room to move and I have to use my land lord's shower...it's not a fun place." She tried to chuckle, deciding since Nick was in a serious scenario it wouldn't hurt to lighten the mood a tad.

Suddenly, a idea hit her after she went silent again. Her ears popped up and she looked towards Nick with a bit of excitement, "We should move in together! We can't really afford our homes with seperate checks, but maybe if we get a place together we can find a decent place and we can split the rent." Judy thought this was the perfect solution. They were already best friends and if they got a decent apartment the chances of them fighting would drop tremendously compared to how it would be at her apartment. Besides, she could barely pay rent at a low end apartment, but if Nick liked the idea it would be possible to find a somewhat nice place to stay. They could save more money on gas since they carpool together and he wouldn't have to drive so far to get her. They could just get ready and leave for work without having to make any more stops. Judy didn't have too much, so moving her things would be a breeze and she wouldn't take up too much space either. She wasn't too sure about Nick, but she was sure he wouldn't be too difficult to live with. Even if he was, she rather deal with it then live with the idea of her closest friend living on the streets and unable to keep his job. If that happened, he might look to crime again just so he could eat and that thought alone scared her. In the end, it seemed like the best solution to the problem.
Nick's plan had been more about getting an apartment in the same building. Sending the majority of his stuff into a storage box since he couldn't afford something nicer in this part of town. But if the two of them pulled their resources together there were a number of apartment buildings that would have been a lot easier to afford. He had a car, and the ZTA was an ever present force around the city for Judy so it wasn't like they wouldn't have a problem getting to work. The further they moved from the city center the less expensive it would be and the nicer the apartment would be. Though he was sure it would also spark some rumors. The two of them already spent an inordinately large amount of time together so much so that the precinct was already starting to think the two of them were dating.

As he pulled away from the street he mulled it over. The main issue was their habits living together. Judy had seen him eat, she knew his dietary requirements included things like fish and bugs. As he drove he knew that he wouldn't be able to hide a few parts of him that he had managed to so far. "You sure you want to live with a fox? I mean I wouldn't take any offense if you backed out of that offer now. For one you would end up having to put up with having meat in the fridge, bug meat, fish, poultry, I mean we share a microwave at work but this would be full time, and don't get me started on the smell, I go through a bottle of scent blocker a month and I still can't stop the musk from taking up my bed. You've been to my place you know how bad that can get?"

Oh and winter was coming. That was something he just didn't even want to envision. Male fox's could breed year round, but winter was the mating season, but that was something Judy could learn about from a book or highschool sex ed, it wasn't something he was going to bring up on the ride to work. Besides he hadn't seen a vixen in months. "I mean if your serious I can make a few phone calls at lunch and we can go check out some places after work today. I only got a week left so we gotta make this transition quick, otherwise I may end up being the first ever homeless police officer."

"Oh and the most dreadful thing ever." He added this time with a more playful grin as he turned towards her, pulling up to the ZPD parking lot he still kept one eye towards the road so that he didn't hit any of the parked cars. The meter maids would not be happy about that one. He gave a soft pur into his voice as he spoke the last detail. "If we live together, there's always a chance that... that you could fall for my irresistible charms." He parked the car and dramatically tossed a hand over his head. "Oh the shame, the corruptions! What would the family think Hopps? Their 41st daughter in the midst of the fox's den, watching HBO together and... sleeping in separate bedrooms oh the horror! The savagery of it all!"
Naturally, Judy had concerns living with Nick given their species. Rumors and whispering of others she could deal with since all there ever be are rumors and whispers, but there was the issue that she was prey and he was a predator. She's seen his diet and understandably wasn't too keen on it. Things like bugs didn't bother her and she knew he had a taste for sweet things like berries, but it was things like fish that bothered her. The smell alone was able to make her gag and want to run, but Judy was convinced that something could be done. They were smart people, so she was sure they could come up with some sort of solution for that problem. Sacrifices may need to be made or boundaries would need to be push into place , but they would cross that bride when it came. Nick's question made her think long and hard about it, no longer concerned with her usual need to get to work early, but instead focused on trying to help her friend in a way that could help her too.

Things such as mating urges didn't hit her until she allowed herself to think more about it. Her species didn't really have a certain season for mating. The heat of spring and summer made it more common for females to go into heat, but it wasn't much more of an increase then usual. Judy wouldn't say anything about it now due to her embarrassment, but she found herself in heat multiple times a month. Those days were the only reasons she would ever take off work in fear of causing a frenzy at work if she came in like that, especially since it would be nearly impossible for her to say no to anything willing to mate with her during these times. However, she had a special method that worked rather well at times that she was sure would help prolong any unwanted events to happen between them. While Judy was a bit worried about this, she was still determined to find a way to make this work. She was willing to do whatever it took to help keep her friend off the street, even if it wasn't in her own best interest.

Judy had listened to Nick the entire time and took all his words into thought, but she found herself laughing at the dramatic way Nick started acting and decided to play along to lighten the mood. She tossed a paw up against her head in a similar fashion Nick had as she place another paw upon her chest. "Oh, yes. How will I ever be able to resist your charms? I would be a disgrace! Disowned from my own family for falling for an evil creature such as a dreaded fox! My poor mother would cry endlessly over her daughter's sins and deviance." She paused dramatically before she finally started to laugh. While she was laughing, there was sadly some truth behind her dramatic acting. Her parents were deathly afraid of foxes despite meeting a few kind ones, they still remain fearful. If they found out she was ever dating a fox, she wasn't sure what they would do, but she knew it wouldn't be anything good.

"Seriously though..." Judy spoke up once her laughter had slowly died out. Her paws reached out to touch his tenderly and sweetly as she smiled at him. "I think we can make it work. Sure there will be some problems and things we have to adjust to, but...I think we've been through worse. Besides, if push comes to shove and it doesn't work out, we can suffer together in different boxes as neighbors." That last bit held a bit of humor within her that caused a slight chuckle to come out, but at the same time, she meant these words. She at least wanted to try to make things work with Nick. As close as they are, she was sure the task would be a challenge, but one they could manage to do. Judy took her paw off of his and took off her seat belt. "No then, we better get going! We're gonna be late if we wait too much longer." With that, she opened the car door and hopped out onto the concrete parking lot of the ZPD and walked with the usual bounce in her step.
The physical contact caused his breathing to spike for a moment. Nick was always a little uncomfortable when it came to being touched and so feeling her paw on him was something he should have wanted to pull away from, and yet he didn't. When it came to Judy he was never sure if she was just touching him because she was more touchy feely than the people in his life had been or if there was something else behind it. Watching her for a moment as she touched him this was something that he couldn't figure out for the life of him. Even worse was the moments she would act this way with others, setting off some inset jealousy that he had never really known or paid attention too before.

What was more when that contact broke and she oh so cheerily declared that it was time to go to work his muzzle hung open for a long moment trying to figure out what just happened, and as she hopped out of the car, his green eyes followed, watching the sway of her tail and hips. Maybe he was less worried about her falling for his charms than him falling for hers. He let out a sigh as he opened the door and followed her out of his car. Making sure that it was locked as he scrambled after her. Trying his best to play off the fact that he had just stumbled for a moment. He walked up beside Hopps as they walked the stairs up to the grand entrance of precinct one. He jokingly chuckled as he opened the door for Hopps. "You know Carrots I always figured i'd end up here sooner or later, just didn't think I'd be the one wearing blue."

In the back of his mind he was already ticking off a list of places that the two could apply for rent. He supposed that the closer to their work the better, but the truth was that they worked in the most expensive part of the city. Walking out to the bullpen he became more silent as they went on, trying to think of properties that would take a fox, and still be affordable of course if Hopps was with him that became a bit easier. He pulled himself up to the chair the two of them shared and sat down his tail flicking softly against her ankles as it swayed happily from side to side all too willing to give away his new found good mood. All around him things were a constant motion of activity. Paw wrestling between larger mammals. They were the smallest in the precinct which just made the room echo all the louder to him. He didn't mind, and in truth he was pretty sure Hopps could take most of the larger guys in a match. A paper airplane had been folded and was currently in flight.

"Ten Hut!"

It never stopped being surprising just how fast the room went from a mass of chaos to the finest force of officers. Bogo's tromendous foot falls echoed as he entered the bullpen. Gazing out over the cops. No one spoke as the paper airplane somehow managed to land right between the buffalo's horns impailing it's self on the left one and becoming stuck over top of the police chiefs head. Nick's eyes darted around the room to see Wolford, a large artic wolf trying his best to look both professional and like he wasn't going to shit himself in fear.

Nick had to suppress a laugh and hold his paw to his muzzle for a moment the paper plane seemed to flop when Bogo moved his head to put on his reading glasses but the cop either hadn't noticed or just didn't care. He was certain it was the former of the two options. "Mayoral elections are upon us. Remember that we at the ZPD do not support candidates. What you do on your own time I don't care, but at work politics stay out of the conversation. New Media guidelines have been drafted by precinct Mammal Resources."

Nick noticed that the first hand out was dropped firmly in front of Judy. "I suggest you all take a minute to read them. After that assignments are the same for those who have yet to finish their cases, with the exception of Higgens, Snarlove, and Trunkaby, you are on rally duty. Hopps and Wilde I have a new case for you my office after briefing."
Sometimes, Judy wondered if she would ever get her dream job. Between everyone around her pushing her down and being stuck as a meter maid because of what she was, Judy began to doubt that she would ever become a full fledged cop. It was funny in a way. She was given an impossible case with the only evidence being a photo from the last time the otter was seen without access to any resources due to her still being considered a meter maid. Judy never imagined herself actually needed to team up with a fox, the very same species that bullied her as a child and who her parents feared greatly, but she was happy that she did. Nick may have been a con artist, a thief, a tax evader, and possibly the most arrogant person she's ever met, but as time went on she saw a lot of good in him too. Life wasn't kind to him and even she at one point hurt him like others had, but he was clever, funny, charming, loyal, and well...her best friend. Without him, she wouldn't be here today. A chuckle escaped her hearing his comment as they stepped through the station's doors. "Well, I should be grateful for that. I couldn't ask for a better partner." Judy smiled at him with her usual sweet smile.

Stepping into the bullpen always seemed a bit intimidating due to their size. The other officers were much larger and stronger then they were, but it just made them all the more impressive that they sloved one of the toughest and most deadly cases Zootopia has ever had before. She remembered her first time arriving being a bit overwhelming, but her excitement overpowered her nervousness as she was just happy to have made it that far. The noise hurt Judy's ears a bit given how sensitive they were, but as time went on, it became more bareable as she grew use it. Judy hopped and climbed into her chair with a happy and excited demure as she always had when she arrived to work.

She giggled a little feeling something tickle her ankles. When she looked down to see what caused it, a soft smile grew on her face. Nick's tail flicking against her was a good sign. She learned quickly that Nick barely moved his tail unless he was in a very good mood. After all he's been through, nothing made Judy happier then to see her closest friend be happy. Out of everyone in this room, Nick deserved happiness more then any of them for all the years he's suffered for what he was. Her bright purple eyes lingered on Nick for a moment longer then she normally stared. Judy always thought she had it rough for being a bunny, but Nick was the one who really had a tough life. From a small fox kit, life had treated him badly from the moment he tried to join the Junior Ranger Scouts. To see him turn away from a life of crime to one of law always put a smile on Judy's face. Most people who went down his path never returned or bettered themselves. The fact that he joined the force for her has never left her. He was such a wonderful friend and partner. Judy was lucky to have him by her side.

However, Chief Bogo's booming voice made her ears twitch and stand up more alert as she tore her eyes away from Nick to give the Chief her full attention. Despite the room falling deathly silent from his arrival, the fact the once airborne paper plane ended up between his horn made it difficult for her to keep a straight face. She could hear Nick beside her trying to hide his own urge to laugh which only made it harder on her. She had to cover her muzzle for a moment as she fought a laugh back and played it off as a cough as she lower her paws and folded them neatly on the table before her.

Her eyes shifted to the piece of paper that the Chief passed onto her, but before she could read too much of its contents, his next words caught her attention. Excitement grew in her. They hadn't had a case since the street racing ring, so she was more then happy to hop onto this one as quickly as she could. Once he was done briefing the bullpen, Judy turned to Nick, folding the paper up into a small square and putting it into her pocket for reading later when she got home. "Looks like we got another one finally. I wonder what it could be this time." She smiled, hopping down from her chair and landing on her feet as the other, much larger, animals started to clear the room now that their duties were assigned.
The moment that Bogo left the room Nick had a laughing fit. As soon as he was sure that the bufulo could no longer hear him he started to wheeze in his chair because he couldn't hold it in any more. This was probably the greatest thing anyone had ever witnessed. It gave him a new found sense of life that Bogo had just walked away without ever noticing that paper plane. He turned to Judy and brushed his paw along his eyes trying not to die from his own sheer enjoyment of this situation.

"I wonder how much property damage we can get away with this time? I mean I still don't think we topped the train but we did destroy the cruiser in that one drag race... Which is why I will be driving from now on." And not without good reason, they had wrecked a cruiser in a high speed pursuit, and uncovered one of the largest car chop shops that the city had ever seen, and it had all started with Flash, and a small bag of drugs. He had never seen the sloth move so fast in his life, which was funny considering they had both been on the track and field team in highschool. Of course he knew their desk duty had to end eventually, and as he got to his feet and rubbed the back of his neck he felt over joyed to get things moving again.

He took a look over the media guidelines but shrugged. "Figures. Every election year the cops always want to stay out of it. I mean it makes sense, city pays our check so we stay out of the way of the city. Still you should at the least expect to get hit by a camera at some point carrots."

Walking out of the hallway, he crossed from the bullpen to the break room. Bogo would need some time to set up his office. He paused for a moment wondering what the assignment could be. Taking a moment to jump up a few step ladders and get on the counter he managed to pour himself a cup of coffee from the much too large coffee maker. "This building makes me feel like I'm a mouse or something."

"You want some? how do you take your coffee carrots?"
Judy smiled and let out a cute little chuckle from Nick finally letting out the laugh he's been trying to keep down. She had to admit the sight was funny and she herself started to giggle a little at it, but she patiently waited for Nick to have his laugh before they had to get back to work. Seeing Nick so full of overwhelming laughter warmed her heart. He was always cracking jokes and such, but its been so long since she's watched him laugh like that and it was always a pleasant sight to see. She had turned her attention to the flyer that Cheif Bogo handed her when her ear turned towards Nick as she heard him finally speak. When he brought up the cruiser, Judy sighed and looked at him with a bit of a smile. "Well if someone didn't try to take control over the wheel then maybe we wouldn't have crashed." She teased playfully. Though it was true they caused a lot of property damage and will always be frowned on for it and given extra work, they would never be truly punished since they cracked several major cases in the past year, but it didn't stop the two from teasing one another for whose fault it was.

She sighed softly seeing what the flyer was about as she walked beside Nick. "It'll be a miracle if I don't." She chuckled softly, but got serious again. "Election times are tough, especially on cops. Hopefully there won't be any riots or protests, but I think we'll be just fine." She smiled sweetly as she jumped up the steps and onto the counter were a massive coffee maker laid waiting with freshly brewed coffee. The whole station seemed to be much too big for them, mostly due to the police being primarily handled by massive animals, so it was tough getting around sometimes, but Nick and her seemed to be doing just fine adapting. "You're telling me." She commented, pointing out the fact that even if her ears pointed straight up, he was taller then her. "It's almost like the police never had a bunny and fox cop before." She joked. "Thanks, I could use some. Two sugars for me please. Gotta keep my energy up!"
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