The Dance of Dragons [randomname98766789 and Izzy325]

Dec 22, 2014
United States
For many years, the continent of Essos operated independently by region. Dothraki ran wild to the east, pillaging and killing at will. The Free Cities were each their own-city states, ruled by different government officials. Before the time of the Mad King, Essos saw the immigration of many Westerosi from the neighboring continent. Some did not agree with the current ruler and some did not wish to see the fate of a Targaryen ruler that planned to take the Iron Throne with his dragons. A few thousands of people leaving Westeros and journeying across the Narrow Sea turned into tens of thousands of people before it became hundreds of thousands of people. This worked wonders for Essos, making profit at a higher rate than ever before. Various nobility from Westeros banded together for a cause – uniting the continent of Essos. It had never been done and it was difficult, but an army was forged between the new citizens of Essos and other regions within Essos that agreed with the ideals of the new people. The biggest problem had been the Dothraki. This army traveled inland and fought the Dothraki, eliminating the savages during each battle. By the time war had ended, most of Essos had united.

Outliers existed like those cities of Slavers’ Bay and the remaining Dothraki Khalasars that survived. The majority of the continent had now joined together. Volantis was named the capitol city and a new stronghold was constructed to hold nobility. Volantis was the Essos version of King’s Landing. A King was even selected, and his name was Dallen Holt. Marrying into a nobility family that lived in Volantis, the King and his wife, Doreah, had two children: a son named Adario and a daughter named Meshaena. In the present, Adario was now 23 years old and his sister was 19. Another similarity from Westeros was the concept of arranged marriages. Being the son and daughter of the King and Queen, they were both set to marry someone for a political alliance one day. With the new nation, there had not been any need for that until now. Adario spent his life in Volantis, learning as many languages as he can while training in swordsmanship and archery. Adario Holt held a love of learning and hoped to become a great King one day since he was the sole heir to the crown. That day might come sooner than later.

The King Dallen Holt had fallen ill recently. He was growing older and his time was nearing an end. While he was still alive, Dallen decided it was time to find a match for his son and daughter. An interesting proposition had been suggested to the King. During Robert’s Rebellion in Westeros, all Targaryens were murdered except for two: Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen. They were siblings and they were exiled to Essos for their safety by Targaryen loyalists. They spent their lives living in Pentos. Viserys had visited Volantis to communicate with the King and a deal was made. The Targaryen name was still powerful, especially here in Essos. Adario would marry Daenerys and Meshaena would marry Viserys. Even though there was a King, he could not watch over the entire continent. Recently, the representative of Pentos had died and they were looking for a replacement. Each region did have a representative so they could communicate desires to the King. The King chose the replacements so after Viserys married the King’s daughter, he could take control of Pentos as well. Now, nobody knew the darker, sinister plan that Viserys had, not even his own sister, but Viserys presented the offer that could not be refused.

The Holt siblings were excited to hear the news. They both had been looking forward to a possible marriage one day. It was even better to know that it would join them with the Targaryen heritage. Adario was half-Westerosi and half-Essos. A child with a Targaryen would combine those two heritages with Valyrian descendance among others. The Targaryen siblings had set off for Volantis. The wedding was not happening yet, however. It was customary for the future bride and groom to meet with one another before the wedding to get acquainted and assure themselves that they both agreed to the marriage. The bride and groom would spend time together each day but traditionally they did not sleep in the same room until they were married. Preparations were being made in Volantis, awaiting their arrival. Adario was quite excited to meet his bride as they waited outside the stronghold gates. The castle built in Volantis for royalty was named the Eaghton Keep. It was constructed from the strongest materials that the world had to offer with steel and iron being used in every location. It was quite secure – it had to be because it was on the coast.

From the highest tower, the carriages being led by Essos soldiers was approaching the Keep. The Targaryens were inside and approaching the stronghold. Later that evening, the carriages stopped outside of the gates as they opened to accept the new guests. Adario was waiting beside his sister and their mother. Today had been a particularly bad day for the King so he did not meet anyone outside as he rested in his quarters. The carriages stopped and Adario held his breath, waiting to finally meet his bride for the first time. He knew nothing about her other than she was rumored to be very beautiful, more beautiful than any woman in either Westeros or Essos. Long, whitish-blondish hair, piercing eyes, full lips, and a beautiful smile were all rumored for the woman. If she was even as half as gorgeous as the rumors, then it would be an incredible sight. Nonetheless, Adario hoped to love her regardless of how she looked because he believed in the power of true love and did not want their arrangement to be anything less than magical.
Daenerys Targaryen grew up with a sheltered and sad life. From the moment the mad king was overthrown the young girl was moved from place to place. She was never allowed to be stationed anywhere for too long. In case any of her families enemies found where she was and attacked her. There were plenty of families in Westeros that would have been more than happy to have seen Daenerys' head chopped off...or worse. At least she had her brother Viserys with her to keep her company. Despite how Viserys would get when he was angry Dany loved him. She tried to forget all of the cruel and evil things he had done to her. She remembered how he grew bitter and resentful about with what he was denied that he felt was due to him. Which was to be the king of Westeros; his birthright. Dany could remember when she was younger her brother would tell her not to "wake the dragon" as he so put it. That somehow his anger was her fault. Despite all of those things, she remembered a time when she would crawl into his bed and he would tell her stories about Westeros and the seven kingdoms. Even then as children Viserys would promise to bring her there and give her the life that he believed had been stolen from her. Those were the memories she held onto when Viserys went on one of his rages.

With everything that Daenerys had gone through she never allowed it to wrap who she was. A kind and loving soul who was amazed at the idea of one day being able to live freely with no constraints. All the silver-haired beauty wanted was freedom and perhaps a kingdom to rule. As she grew older she heard stories about the mad king and all of the corrupt things he had done. All of the people he had killed and families he tore about. Sometimes he did it for fun. She promised herself if she ever became anything more than the Princess of Dragonstone she would rule with kindness and fairness. She wanted to be different than the other ruling monarchs who used their power to inspire fear in their subjects. She was afraid Viserys would be the same way. She hoped he would change...maybe after he found someone to love and cherish him.

The young princess knew at some point she would have to be married off. If not for love more than likely for another man's army. She just had no idea when it would be happening. She knew she was of age to be married off. And suitors had been coming for her hand in marriage since she was born. Some of the families hated the Lannisters more than they hated the Targaryen's. Viserys came into her room one night as she prepared to ready herself for bed. "Dany...I've found you a husband. Someone to help me protect you from all of the enemies father acquired during his reign." Dany didn't know then about her brother's plot to take back the throne. All she knew at that moment was that she would be married soon. She would have a husband to love. Someone other than her brother to be around. Maybe she would even be allowed to roam the land. Finally, make friends and meet people from different backgrounds.

"We will be off tomorrow so I'll have one of the servants back your things." Viserys turned around towards the bedroom door almost giddy with excitement. "Oh, I'm giving you to Adario Holt...The Crowned Prince of Volantis. I'll see you in the morning." Viserys slipped off to celebrate leaving Dany to her thoughts. "I'm going to be someone's wife..." She whispered to herself before blowing out the candles in her bedroom. She allowed herself to drift off into sleep peacefully dreaming about what her new husband would look like and how he would be. She silently prayed to the Gods for a husband who was understanding, kind, and overall just loving. She needed something different in her life.

Dany woke up several hours later and got ready for her trip.It would take days before they reached their destination so Dany's life was packed away. She used to traveling so much from when she was a child. Her things were packed in the carriage and they were off. She looked out trying to savor as much of nature as she could. Her heart pounded in her chest as the days drew on. Finally, she could see the castle creep up behind some mountains as the carriage drew closer and closer. Finally the carriage pulled up to the front gate and Dany took a deep breathe before climbing out of the carriage after her brother.
Adario was an uncommon man. Most Lords or Princes or Kings preparing for marriage were worried about one thing: politics. Even though it was undeniably important, Adario sought other fantasies. Romance was a rarity that Adario hoped to find in the Targaryen. His mother and father had fallen in love from the beginning – it was beautiful to watch growing up. Even in the King’s last days, he found happiness because of his wife and children. It bemused Adario to see someone close to death being so happy. That was something Adario wanted – to be on his deathbed in the future with Daenerys in his life, in love, and growing old with him as their children started to grow into new roles. Plus, he had always fantasized about the idea of romance. He enjoyed reading fictional poems and stories created around a man and woman in love. It was a guilty pleasure of his. Not many males enjoyed this type of reading, but Adario was not like most males in a number of ways. Even while being a hardened warrior with a hard body, his heart was soft and big. It was not something one would expect from a warrior like himself.

Nervous when the carriage stopped, Adario found himself worried Daenerys might not find him appealing. Even though he was a confident man, he never cared about someone’s opinion as much as he cared about hers. It was ironic because they have never even met. Watching one of the servants walking around the carriage, Adario saw the brother of his bride being helped onto the ground. His heart was racing even faster. It almost felt like it might just jump out of his chest and leave his body entirely. Time passed slowly as Viserys reached into the carriage. At first, all Adario saw was her hand. Then, slowly but surely, the rest of his bride was revealed as she stepped out of the carriage and onto the ground. Almost immediately, Adario’s jaw dropped. Beautiful was an understatement. In fact, calling the woman beautiful sounded like a vile insult. Words alone could not describe how incredible she looked. Words alone could not describe how incredible he felt. Realizing that her brother was just gawking as his betrothed, Adario’s sister gave him a playful and gentle elbow in the ribcage to urge him forward so he did not make a fool of himself already.

“Go on, brother. Use your words. Gods help you.” She was teasing, of course. The younger sibling did adore her older brother. Their sibling relationship was quite the opposite of the sibling relationship between Daenerys and Viserys. There was nothing but love and adoration between them. They were both protective and playful, always making each other smile. Taking a deep breath, the male finally felt composed enough to march forward. He slowly made his way towards Dany when Viserys stepped into the background, allowing the bride and groom a chance to meet in open field. Looking deep into her eyes, Adario cleared his throat and politely reached down to touch her hand. His touch was feather-light despite his hands being so rough and hard. Delicately, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. “Greetings, my Princess. It is a pleasure to meet you, finally. I’ve heard nothing but incredible stories about you. Those stories do not do you justice. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. I am honored to call you mine.” With the best charming look on his face that he could muster, Adario offered her a smile.

He was not just spewing bullshit, though. She was truly that beautiful. Long, blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, full lips, and her skin looked so unblemished and so pale. Everyone here had this darker skin or a tan. Daenerys was rather pale and her skin looked so soft. It made the male intrigued in her even more. It was quite attractive. Plus, the dress she wore left much to the imagination but he could still inspect all of her assets quite easily. He could only hope that she felt similarly about him. This was a marriage that he wanted to work and he wanted them to both enjoy each other. After giving her a chance to respond, he eventually just reached out his arm towards the silver-haired woman, wanting her to take it. “If you’ll follow me, I can introduce you to my family and show you around. Our men will make sure that your brother and your caravan are looked after while you’re here with us.” The male commented, flashing Dany another sweet smile, hoping that the charm was working instead of making him look like a total imbecile. He was generally skilled with the ladies, but this was a different story.
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