The Tides of Curiosity (Temptationist & Cosmos)


Aug 30, 2016
The sea was one of many secrets, it almost whispered to those who cared to listen. The wind also sang a tale, the two went hand in hand. They danced and even on the darkest days out at sea where the wind howled and the ocean screamed with each crash, their dance became something of passion or hatred. Though Bjorn always found himself in wonder by it when he really should feel fear towards Ægir and especially Odinn and their anger. Many Vikings feared the sea but that didn't mean they weren't willing to travel on it. They needed bigger and better things, they needed wealth and goods which weren't easy to access here in Norway. Which was why another trip was going to occur rather soon, they were leaving early but Bjorn was up even earlier. He needed this time by himself before saying his goodbyes and being crowded on a boat with the others. He sat quietly on a rock, watching the calm waves splash up onto the beach. His mind rather deep in thought, his finger running over the blade of his axe slowly, the metal cold from the cool crisp morning.
His blue eyes fixed on the sea, he knew there was a chance of not returning, there was always that chance of never coming home or coming home and finding everything different. He couldn't count how many times he had been on those boats, several since his father died and countless times before that. He believed in many things his father taught him, though he refused to acknowledge his father's insanity or obsession, or whatever it was that destroyed him; Bjorn wasn't going to let that happen to him or affect him and his choices.

Bjorn was having a hard time focusing on his family, he really wasn't being the best of husbands. He was rarely around and rarely paid much attention to Torvi. He supposed his father did the same but he definitely wasn't exactly like his father. He supposed he loved Torvi but there was something he was missing. A gap between them, he knew she wasn't happy with him. He had argued with her yet again the night before about his decisions. That and all his youngest son Refil did was cry which resulted in him leaving their bed before day break. He supposed he didn't want to leave on bad terms with her or the boys, he would suck it up and apologize but he knew that wasn't going to make Torvi truly happy. She never seemed to be happy no matter what he did for her she was always angry with everything he did nowadays.

Bjorn averted his eyes from the sea and to the sky, it was a grayish blue, clearly un-deciding if it wanted it to be a sunny day or a cloudy one. He was also undeciding with many things that clouded his mind, some things he refused to address at this moment in time and instead of forever wondering of the sea which he could do for hours, Bjorn stood up, cracked his knuckles, and gave one last look at shore. The water having a mysterious glow to it as dawn started to break.
Bjorn huffed, putting his axe back on his belt he started walking back. Though he didn't want too, he could stay longer if he truly wanted to watch the sun hit the peak of the mountain as it rouse but he already made his decision at this point. His strides careful and steady as he made his way through grass, the ground hard and cold. It never actually seemed to warm, not even in the summer. Summers were cool and winters were freezing. Another reason he was relieved to leave this place.

Upon returning home he had hopes that Torvi would of stayed in bed but as he approached the Hall, there she stood. She stood in a long thin gown, her arms wrapped around herself tightly, her blonde hair rustled against her forehead as the wind blew lightly through the village. Her green eyes piecing him with each step he took towards her. He stopped a few feet away, watching her for several moments.
"You left rather early." He could already hear the harshness in her voice starting to rise, not only was she mad at him for everything under the sun but Bjorn also believed she wanted to join him on this trip, which pissed her off even more but she had a duty at this point in time.
"I did and I'm sorry." She looked towards the rising sun, not replying to his answer right away. He wasn't sure if she knew what to say, she could start a fight but he surely rather she not. He didn't feel like yelling at his wife today.
"Well, you better get going, Bjorn." She refused to look at him and he felt something stab at his gut.
"I'm saying goodbye to the boys." Torvi's eyes shifted from the rising sun and back to him. He hadn't moved from his previous position, he stood still. It barely looked like he was breathing from what she could tell. The village was starting to stir and Bjorn finally moved from his still stance, walking onto the balcony and walking right past her. It was a few seconds until she followed after him, her whole body languages changed as she saw the children, almost like the tense situation didn't happen.
"They came and got your stuff some time ago, took them down to the boats." He just nodded, leaning down next to the boys who were playing, he looked up at her, watching her push her weight from one foot to the other.
"Will you come to the water to see us off?" His voice rather firm and serious, his face told a different story as he smiled and picked Refil up. The air was tense and he didn't wait for a reply. He soon had Erik up in his other arm and was walking outside. He could feel her eyes on him but he ignored it as he started walking down to the boats. Torvi followed the walk was rather silent aside from the chatter from the boys and Bjorn's small banter with the two.

The salty smell of the sea came back to him just as quickly as it left, the loud sound of the men and the people of the village could be heard the closer they got. The docks were crowded with men loading the boats, women saying goodbye, and children running around in the frenzy. Erik yelling something about getting down and Bjorn complied with a kiss to the boys blonde head and let him run after the other children. The loading and preparations were almost finished, Torvi still hadn't said anything to him, she smiled and lightly talked to some of the women. Bjorn was almost relieved to leave this place for a bit, see something new, let Torvi calm down.
"Be good for your mother." His voice was much smoother than before, easy and light. Refil said something in gibberish and Bjorn just smirked a little at his son before handing him to Torvi. Bjorn kissed Torvi, though there was no passion in it, just quick and simple.
"I will see you soon." She bit her lip at this and nodded, watching him for awhile.
"Safe travels Bjorn." Bjorn took in her and Refil features, his hand lingering on her arm for a moment. Looking at Erik as he ran with the other children, reminding himself not to forget their features, making sure to keep it locked in his mind in case he didn't return. He still felt frustration in anger towards her, but what was he so angry about? He knew she had the same thoughts, he felt he needed to depart with her for some time.

Bjorn was the last to jump into the ship, the men were excited and Bjorn let his troubles leave him the moment he touched the thick brown wood of the ships dock and smiled. The boat started to move and with each stroke of the oars, he felt his own excitement and thirst for this journey increase. Now Bjorn did find himself looking back once more, letting his gaze linger on the coast line for a couple seconds as it got smaller and smaller. His eyes fixed on the same spot for what seemed like hours, even days. The cold swept over the ocean like an icy iron grip, it was an unforgiving wind though they kept a good pace for some time out at sea.

• • • • •

The ship came to a slow, thud like stop as it came to the beach. It was much warmer here than at home and since they left he was sure that Kattegat got even colder. He leaned against the mass watching for a moment as the others climbed out of the ships and onto the beach, all working quick to start camp. Bjorn made the decision for them to mostly explore and keep a down low this go around, they needed to get a feel of the terrain and surroundings before they started anything. He listened to the dull noise around him, he stepped off the boat and into the water, it was cool but not freezing. He walked through the water slowly feeling the pull of the waves with each step. Bjorn just kept walking, onto the damp sandy beach and soon the dirt and grass. He was staring at the forest, he was going to take a walk by himself but he was interrupted by a voice.

"Commander, we decided to set camp among the trees but still have the water to our backs." Bjorn nodded at this, though you could tell he was focused on something else, vaguely listening to the other man's words.
"Check the perimeter, go far but not too far. Just enough so we know we are secluded." The fellow Viking seemed to agree with this notion and walked off. He wanted to see what there was in the wood, something was calling him. He swore he could hear it in the back of his mind, telling him to go to follow whatever it was that was calling him. So with that, he resumed his initial hike through the field and towards the wood.

There was so much green here, his hand touched the tall grass just to feel how different it was compared to the tall grass at home. It was softer and a richer color then back home. It was calming, there was nothing to worry about at this time, no one knew they were here, they were venturing, he was away from home and the earth around him was simply calming.
The shadow of the woods touched him first and the sun went out of view, the woods were thick and not just with pine trees but with an array of trees that they didn't have back home. He imagined that these trees were weak; just like the people. His hand slid across a tree as he past letting his fingers press into the hard bark for only a quick second. His breath steady and careful as he continued through the trees, making sure to keep himself light and quiet with each step. He wanted to keep himself hidden from everything, from the people, from the trees, the animals, even the sun.
Bjorn was considering on turning back after awhile, he had found nothing so far and he was pretty far away from the camp but he had this itch to just go a few more steps forward. Which he did, he was brought to a halt at the sound of a voice though. It was very faint, almost like a whisper but he knew it was a women. He should just leave, if she saw him it could mean trouble. He's have to kill her or take her back to their camp, but curiosity gripped onto his heart firmly and he kept walking towards the voice. It was some kind of melody he could barely understand, he could make out a few words here and there but other then that it was just a toon. Now that didn't interfere with the beauty of the voice. He paused considering on turning back right now, his fingers tapped lightly on the axe that was at his belt. His mind said no but his feet wouldn't stop and soon she came into view. She was young, blonde and very attractive. Her voice matched her looks, she was beautiful. For a moment this reminded him of the stories about the Hulder creatures. They would lure men in with their voice and looks, kind of what this girl did to him. When he was young he had told himself that no creature would distract like this women was doing now. Most men would of attack her already but he stood silently. Watching her, he did step forward and with this step came a crack of a branch. He cursed himself for not being more aware of his surroundings, for letting this young woman cloud his thoughts so quickly like that.

Bjorn refused to move at this point because he knew he was going to be seen, though he was undeciding on what his next move was. He was sure any woman would scream and run at the look of him. A 6'1", tattooed brute standing in the forest, the horrors that would race through her mind about the savages that came from the sea. This undeciding thought had him stuck, so he didn't move. His heart raced and he could hear his own thoughts screaming at him to do more than just stand there like that, Bjorn kept his stance and waited for a reaction.
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