seeking romance (mxf), fantasy preferred

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May 15, 2016
hi hi people,

I'm looking for some nice romantic RP, with feelings, of the good and the bad sort, and with some sex thrown in to spice things up of course ;)

About the writing

- Detailed, literate, with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. It doesn’t need to be 100% perfect all the time, but poor writing just turns me off completely.

- I write in 3rd person perspective only

- I RP in PMs or through emails

- For the length, I can do and expect in return anything from 1 paragraph to a full word page depending on the RP itself and my inspiration, though the average tends to be in the 1-3 paragraphs range. In all cases, i need your post to give me some substance to reply and react to, and i will provide the same.

- I will warn you in advance, i can sometimes get busy with life and take a long time to reply, so do not hesitate to message me if i haven’t replied in a while and/or if you are getting impatient. I will totally not resent you for that, and will in fact gladly welcome the reminder, and you won’t be thinking that i’ve abandoned the RP when i haven’t.

- I play females opposite (dominant) males, and am generally looking for a rather equilibrated relationship (in terms of power/control), in one way or another. I will not play opposite other female characters or futas. I will not play opposite submissive male characters (unless they turn dominant as the RP goes on).

- About fandoms: I prefer playing OCs or AUs for the freedom of it (and the potential for what-ifs and pure imagination), and you will have to be very convincing if you want me to play canon characters. But if you want to play a canon character yourself you are free to.

Fandoms I would be looking to RP in at the moment :
- Harry Potter
- Bleach
- Naruto
- Star Wars
- World of Warcraft
- DC / Marvel
- Devil May Cry

About the characters

I don't mind whether your character(s) is (are) warm and kind or cold and powerful, good or evil, assured or tortured, or anything else as long as he is (they are) well written, and that he (they) care for my character(s), one way or another. It can be deep romantic love, sweet or tragic, or a violent and angry attraction, full of passion and mixed feelings, or a more sick and twisted obsession, psychological and unsettling.

My own characters can be vicious and merciless, sinful and dangerous, jaded and depressed, loving and affectionate, apathetic and intelligent, childish and innocent, ethereal and graceful, kinky and slutty, regal and demanding, crazy and deranged, the sky is the limit, so don't hesitate to ask me if you prefer a certain type of personality ^^

I am open to any kind of characters and settings, ancient, modern or futuristic, with a preference for fantasy, science fiction and other mythical or magical subjects and the types of characters that come with these settings.

Random examples of character types:
- demons, angels and other deities and their spawns, invented or from existing religions
- mages, witches, warlocks, necromancers and other magic users
- Elves and any other races belonging to the usual high fantasy setting (Warcraft, LoTR, ...)
- Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, berserkers, nymphs, and the usual mythical humanoids
- anthros, humanoid dragons, minotaurs, naga, gorgons/medusas, sirens, lamias, and other humanoid yet animalistic creatures
- Cyborgs, aliens, slimes, golems, hybrids, mutants, and other artificially created or modified creatures/beings, be it in a biological or a mechanical way
- Chimeras and other beasts, humanized or not depending on the RP itself

For the (pseudo or not) realist lovers:
I dig humans too, thought the plot will have to be insanely fascinating to catch my attention.
Translation: no slice of life or "boring" (in my opinion) everyday stuff here.
- It can be dangerous science experiments,
- mob shenanigans,
- eccentric billionaires,
- people stranded on a desert island,
- people exploring ancient ruins in the jungle or the desert,
- heck, it can even be a quiet ranch setting i guess XD
- or a nightclub barmaid and regular client hitting it off,
- or a burglar and an interpol agent playing cat and mouse,
- or a setting that just completely goes awol into a zombie apocalypse,
- an alien invasion,
- or an atomic fallout, I just need some kind of spice to get me interested.

Pairings/plots ideas

- werewolf / vampire
Possible plot :
- The werewolf (YC) was betrayed and left for dead by someone who took control of his pack through dishonorable means. The vampire (MC) somehow finds him and patches him up out of curiosity, pity, or pure boredom, and they have to cohabitate at her place while staying out of the way while he searches for a way to reclaim his rightful place, perhaps with her help.
- Character A kidnaps character B for revenge, or to extract strategic information from character B, because werewolves and vampires are known for being long time enemies, but as the story goes on, with perhaps a few shenanigans happening along the way, they both end up growing to begrudgingly respect the other, or even like them, and their relationship dynamic changes into a more equilibrated one.

- vampire / vampire
Possible plot :
- A powerful and ancient vampire (YC) stumbles onto a freshly turned one (MC) and ends up taking her in and teaching her about vampire stuff because if left alone she’d just cause troubles for everyone by doing stupid things. And he may or may not secretly enjoy annoying youngsters and making them do what he wants. (roles can be inverted)

- dragon (able to shift into humanoid form) / witch (or other magical being)
Possible plot :
- The witch (MC) tries to sneak in the dragon (YC)’s lair (can be a modern penthouse if we do this in a modern setting) to steal some valuable stuff, but he notices her, and she has to escape. Shenanigans ensue, where the witch keeps on trying to break in to steal the artifact she wants, while the dragons tries to trap her and catch her (and potentially fuck her XD), with each trying to outsmart the other to get what they want.

- android (could be a courtesan android, a soldier android, or just a worker/servant/caretaker android) / owner
Possible plots :
- Character A receives the latest model of multipurpose android (character B) from a relative, and thus proceeds to initiate the android to what it should do to help character A with his/her daily life
- Character A is the sole caretaker of an interplanetary trade station, so of course he/she would need at least one advanced android (character B) to help taking care of the station, track the people as well as the goods passing by, and making sure that no bandits or pirates try and take over the place.
- Character A lives in a dystopian future where modern society went to hell and crumbled completely, forcing the survivors to live a simpler live while vegetation took over most of the ancient cities. One day, character A stumbles upon an android (character B) from before civilization crumbled, in relatively good condition, and for some reason he/she decides to try and fix the android, for curiosity’s sake, for company, or to use it to defend/help him/her.

- alchemist / alchemical creation
Possible plots :
- a powerful alchemist (character A) is bored, ruling over his small plot of land or castle, out of the way or hidden from most people, so he/she decides to get creative and make himself/herself a custom made servant, using different magical creatures and transmuting them together to get the result he/she wants. The resulting chimera (character B) is bound to serve and entertain him/her, while providing some much needed company. If the alchemist sells his/her skills to high paying customers, they can even go on odd jobs and adventures together, one day investigating the sudden ghoul infestation in one location, and the next going on an expedition in the jungle to search for a powerful and ancient magical artifact the alchemist wants for himself/herself.

- scientist / genetically engineered creature
Possible plot :
- in a futuristic universe, where humans have advanced technology and have the means to travel through space and colonize it, character A (the scientist, human or alien) owns an entire wild planet that he/she shapes and play with however he/she wants, making experiments and creating new types of plants and animals, up to the day when he/she decides to take the next step and try his/her hand at intelligent, humanoid creatures. Character B happens to be his/her first success, and character A will teach character B about the universe they live in while forming character B to be his/her right hand, helping him/her taking care of the planet, create new life forms, and defend it against anyone stupid enough to try and land on it. Plot shenanigans could happen with various people crash landing on the planet or trying to attack it, with both character responding to it in their own way, together or not. We could also have alien delegations come in for one reason or another, and traders coming in to buy some of the unique organisms that character A makes.

- demigod(dess) or other immortal creature / explorer or archeologist
Possible plot :
- Character A is an explorer or archeologist trekking through the desert or jungle, where he/she finds some ancient ruins that he/she starts to investigate. He/she finds a sealed sarcophagus, and since he/she is conveniently definitely not as cautious as he/she should be, and far too curious, they decide to open the sarcophagus, only to find inside a very alive character B, who suddenly assaults them while insulting them in an ancient language. After a little bit of fighting around, character B notices that the world is noticeably different from when they got sealed in the sarcophagus, while character A still tries to understand how character B could even be alive considering how old the sarcophagus is. The two then try to communicate as best as they can (or B can use magic to learn A’s language for plot convenience), with A trying to gather info on who/what B is while B tries to gather info on the current state of the world, and they somehow develop a relationship while learning about each other. Option : They could be stuck in the jungle/desert for a while because B conveniently broke A’s radio or car or whatever.

Realistic plots:

- lost at sea
Character A and character B were on a cruise ship, but during a storm the ship capsized and now they’re stuck on a coast or island somewhere, with no signs of civilization in the vicinity. They’ll have to try and survive with what they find, and somehow get out of this, either by travelling through the jungle or following the shoreline in hopes of reaching a city if they’re on a coast, or by attracting the attention of a plane or ship if they’re on an island.

- private playtime
Character A is an eccentric billionnaire who likes enjoying himself/herself, and they go out one night to a club in a big city to seduce someone (character B) whom A will rope into coming with him/her to his/her private island, where the two could have some fun? Option : A could be a bit psycho on the side and trap B there to make B his/hers while promising to give B anything he/she might want, so long as B stays and plays nice.

So yeah, here are the ideas I had at the moment, but I'm open to other ideas if you have an interesting plot or pairing in mind ^^

PM me if you're interested ;)
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