Seeking fandom or orginal based rps! [FxFuta] [wip]

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Feb 9, 2015
California, soon to be Oregon
Sorry for disappearing like I did, but real life called and now I'm back seeking new rps! This time Heroes of the Storm has been added to my list. As a huge fan of Blizzard I love the crossed over universe and what Blizz did with it. I however, plan on using ocs and not canon unless convinced to do so. Now, if you wish to play out canon that'd be cool. I have many plots playing out in my head but just msg me and I'll reply as fast as I can. As a side note I will be posting ideas and plots down as I go. But for now, hit me up with your ideas and lets see if we can make something work out!


I: I rp in threads only. I simply hate rping in pms and refuse to rp via instant messages. For instant messaging it limits how much I can type and restricts me in many ways, plus, it isn't easy for me to keep up with rps via instant messaging. As for pms, I like to keep my inbox open for requests not for rping.

II: I would prefer a minimum post of at least one or two GOOD paragraphs. I like to have a good lively rp going. Give me a one sentence reply and I will ask if you either fix your post or I will simply drop the rp. I like a good, well written rp. It keeps not only me entertained but you as my rp partner as well.

III: Proper grammar or at least as close as you can. It's not hard to use proper grammar nor is it hard to spell words. Specially when you have spell check for a reason. I know at times I don't use proper grammar, but I do my best. As my rp partner I expect for you to at least use good grammar the best you know how to. And please for the love of the gods use spell check if you must!

IV: No 1337 speech. Start using that crap in my rps and I will drop the rp with no hesitation. I cannot stand it nor will I rp with someone who cannot just spell the words out without resorting to using numbers!

V: Don't take control over my character unless I leave an opening for you to do so.

VI: No god-modding. I cannot stand when someone makes it to where they are immune to everything, just go with the flow and things will be fine.~

VII: I am only sub, I rarely will go dom but it all depends on the rp and how badly you can convince me to go dom. Please bare this in mind for I don't want people assuming I'll go dom for a rp. This is also here to let people know so that they don't get their hopes up and get disappointed and whatnot. ^^;;

I think I've set the rules down pretty well. Now I can and will change the rules as I see fit. ^^

Now for what I'm craving for atm. Lets get started with the list now, shall we?

Anime/Hentai based Cravings:

Soul Eater
Kannazuki no Miko
Fairy Tail
Dance in the Vampire Bund
Bible Black [Craving this one currently!]
Vampire Knight

Video Game based cravings:

Life is Strange
World of Warcraft
Corpse Party


Elf x Wolf [Can be anthro, werewolf, or shape shifter]
Elf x Mad Scientist [I expect to have experiments done on my little elf. Body altering is always loved here.~][Also craving this one badly!]
Werewolf x Vampire [This one can be done either way, or we could have one be half of each to add more flavor.♥]
Werewolf x Human [Human will be changed into a werewolf to make mating easier. Also craving this one.]
Demon/Devil x -Insert Race Here- [You are free to chose what race you would like to be, but must me talked over with me first.]
Anthro x Anthro
Elf x Werewolf

[Seeking massive corruption to all and any of my characters. Might play with male characters but will have to really be in the mood for it. But Futa is very much preferred.~]
RE: Seeking HotS based rps! [FxFuta] [wip]

~Plots and ideas~​

Well here's some plots/ideas I wish to post now. ^^;;

"Welcome to the new Swarm"

For this one I'm wanting my character to be corrupted by someone of the Zerg race, has to be a higher up though cause a minor one wouldn't do.~ The Zerg Queen or Zagaara might work for this, but if you can think of another higher up that'd be cool! ^^ As for my character, I will discuss what race I'll play. Might be something from the Warcraft universe. :"3

Soul Eater Plots:

OC x OC x Medusa [More can be added if needed.]

Childhood friends Jun Hibiki and Hana Shinozaki were new to the DWMA, the school for Meister's and their weapons. Jun's parents were both Meister's and she inherited her parents abilities as a Meister from them. While for Hana, her father was a Meister and her mother was his weapon. For Hana she could have gone either path, but her abilities as a weapon were stronger than that of a Meister and was trained as a weapon. Hana and Jun grew up together and made a vow to be partners when they enrolled at the DWMA. Their leader was Lord Death who ruled and was the founder of the school. The school was huge! And so was Death City. They walked onto the campus together as they held hands together as they made their way. Someone had been waiting for them to arrive as he waved his hand at them in greeting. A voice from above them could be heard as the one who called out to them, named Black Star was going on about how he was the biggest star the academy had to offer, causing the man who was waiting for Jun and Hana to arrive cover his face in shame. "Don't mine him... That's Black Star, one of your fellow students here and a real loud mouth." The man said as Black Star then began falling to the ground as he broke off the spike he had been standing on. A loud *THUD* was heard as he hit the ground hard with a girl falling down after him and landing on her feet. "Black Star how many times do I have to tell you about doing this every time we get someone new to the school?" The girl sighed as looked at the boy before turning to face the two newcomers. "I'm sorry about him. He is known for overdoing things from time to time but he's a really sweet boy. By the way my name is Tsubaki Nakatsukasa and I'm pleased to meet you two." Tsubaki said as she held her hand out to shake theirs. "Nice to meet you Tsubaki. I'm Jun Hibiki and this is my weapon and best friend Hana Shinkozaki." Jun said as she shook Tsubaki's hand. Hana bowed but didn't shake hands with Tsubaki. "Nice to meet you Tsubaki." Hana replied as Jun reached over and smacked the back on Hana's head. "Don't mind her. She's shy around others but always keeps a cool head." Jun apologized as Tsubaki giggled slightly before scooping Black Star off the ground. "We best get back to class or Professor Stein will have our heads. It was nice meeting you though Jun and Hana! We hope you both like it here at the academy!" Tsubaki said as she dragged Black Star back to the school as he began whining like normal. The man walked them through the school and showed them around. As they reached the nurses office he knocked on the door and a woman's voice called out for them to go ahead and enter. "This is our only school nurse we have on campus, her name is Medusa. She's only been working here for a few months but she's a damn good nurse. If you have any injuries she can fix you up in no time." He said as she smiled gently to them. The rest of the tour went well and afterwards they were led to where they would be staying, their new home. No one knew of what was to happen to the two girls after Medusa laid her eyes on them, but the events that would soon unfold would reveal everything in due time...

Maka x OC x Medusa [More characters can be added if desired.~]

Maka Albarn and her weapon Mai Kurosugawa were out roaming the streets in search of their target, a very powerful Kishin that Lord Death ordered them to personally kill. They had already acquired 89 souls and this Kishin would make it 90, meaning they'd only need 9 more and a witches soul in order to turn Mai into a death scythe. This Kishin however wasn't created by normal means, someone created her and the one behind it was still unknown. When they found it the Kishin was waiting for them, almost as if it knew they were coming after it. Turning into her weapon form, a double-edged scythe Mai was now resting in Maka's hands as they rushed into battle. The clanging sounds could be heard loudly as the Kishin's black sword collided with Maka's weapon, almost cracking it. "Maka be careful! Remember this isn't any normal Kishin!" Mai yelled as she could feel her hilt starting to crack more. Maka withdrew back as she looked down at Mai's weapon form, noticing the cracks in the hilt but there was some sort of black liquid covering the handle and was starting to seep into the cracks. "I don't know how much more of this I can take Maka!" Mai cried out as the pain was starting to get to her. "We need to retreat Mai!" Maka yelled as the Kishin started running towards them, both it's swords and claws ready to finish them off. It was fast. Too fast. Mai shifted out of her weapon form, threw Maka out of the way as she took the full force of the attack. "ARGH!" Mai yelled as her back was sliced up badly. As Mai fell she looked up to Maka as she could barely move. "Maka... R... Run...." Mai said as she began coughing up blood before she passed out. Maka wouldn't run though, it wasn't like her to leave a friend behind. Tossing the sword to the side the Kishin ran at Maka with both it's claws ready to tear into her. Maka did her best to fight against it but ended up failing as well. She was struck hard and fell to the ground hard as she began to loose consciousness. She tried to reach out to Mai but her partner was too far from her as her arm went limp and so did her body. They weren't dead but they were close. Someone had sent out the Kishin to fight them. But not to kill them, only bring them into a very critical condition resulting in a near death. Someone from the DWMA tipped one of the teachers off to what happened to Maka and Mai and the med team rushed to rescue them. Taking them back to the infirmary where they could get treated by the school nurse Medusa. Once left alone in the room with the school nurse no one knew what was to come. The black liquid was covering Mai's wounds and Maka was near death like her weapon. Only time would tell with what would happen to these two while under the care of Medusa.

OC x OC x Medusa and other misc characters or ocs

A Meister with no weapon enrolls in the DWMA in hopes of becoming stronger when they find their own weapon. Shinohara Nakasugi is a skilled martial artist who comes from a family of Meisters. However, her father married his weapon who helped her mother to become one of Lord Death's Death Scythe. Shino however is not your normal Meister, she is BOTH Meister and Weapon. However she chooses the path of a Meister so that she can find her own weapon like her father. Being born both Meister and weapon she is able to fight to protect herself and her own weapon when she finds one, this is why she chose the life of a martial artist like the rest of her family. She enjoys fighting and also enjoys living a laid back life at times. Back at her previous schools she was always known for breaking the rules and getting into fights, that's why when she was sent to the DWMA she was not just sent there to find her own path, but to also learn that following the rules never hurt from time to time. After attending the academy for five months she finally gets called into Lord Death's room to introduce her to her weapon. A girl in glasses stands before her as Lord Death introduces her as Kurushima Nagisa, a Naginata. Kuru and Shino are tested to see if they are compatible, which they are and end up becoming partners. But there is a group of witches who seek out the destruction of the DWMA, a school nurse who's dark intents left unknown, and what's behind the black blood? No one knows, but the trip into the madness can either be pure pleasure, or pure horror to those infected...

Original Plots:

Elf x Mad Scientist #1

An elven warrior is sent to kill the mad scientist who betrayed the king's orders and is sent on what seems to be a wild goose chase to her. From what she was told, the woman defied the king and continued her research against his will and now she must stop the mad woman. However, lost in a forest that has been warped and mutated, she ends up finding a strange lake that calls to her and in many ways, seduces her. After bathing she falls unconscious. She had been watched the entire time and once unconscious she is then taken away and placed in a cage hidden deep in a lab. Unknowing of her own fate she wakes up and finds herself in a dimly lit room and is chained up inside of a cage with no armor on or anything to protect herself with. Who knows of what fate lies for her now. Only the one who kidnapped her does...

Elven Slave x Slave Trader/Mistress [either works for this.]

A once renowned elven princess is caught and captured from her gardens just outside her castle. Knocked out, bound and gagged she is dragged away to the slave house where others of her kind are being held and sold to the highest bidder. Not just elves are there, but other creatures too. However, rare as elves are, just about anyone with the right coin could buy one, but they weren't cheap. Specially for one of pure royal blood. She wakes up to hearing a woman's voice yelling out "SOLD!" several times when someone is sold. Her turn was coming up, she could just feel it and it scared her. She is unable to escape, despite the fact that she still tries to escape but finding it impossible to do so. Now it is her turn for she was called out and they explained her to the buyers. Now who she'd be sold off to, only the one who buys her will be the winner in this bidding battle over her royal body.

FoxwolfxWolf/fox/big cat (your choice)

It was morning when Susumi woke up. Stretching out and yawning loudly, she looked outside to see it was sunny out but the air felt damp. Sighing she thought to herself 'damnit why'd it have to choose today to be a bad day? I need more food before the storm settles in...' So shaking herself awake more she went outside into the chilly morning. Sniffing the air she could smell that the storm was still quiet a ways off so she had time to hunt for her meal and possibly being back some back up water. Unaware of the gleaming eyes that was way hint her intently, she went ahead and left her home in search for food...

Elf x Mad Scientist #2

Her head was throbbing and her arms stung. She was slowly waking up when she realized she was tied up. "What the hell?!" Her eyes were wide awake at this point now and she was furious. She could see a woman in the back just smiling at her. She glared in a defiant way and began to try to escape from her bindings. "Now now dear. It is useless to try to escape now. You're my new little experiment now, and trust me, we're going to have so much fun with your little body..." [I'm REALLY craving this one!]

Pet x Mistress

Bought from the black market she was being carried by many people since her cage was very heavy. She was a rare high elven princess and she had been stuck in this cage for over a week. Over a weeks worth of people bidding on her... A woman had finally won the bid and she was to be taken home to her now. She growled and hissed as the covers around her cage kept her sealed off from anyone being able to look inside. Her long ears had piercings on them, tiny little hoops at their tips. She had long black hair and glowing blue eyes, her eyes is what gave her away as being a high elf and what made these insane people capture her. With her being a princess she was also defiant to anyone that wasn't on her side. She wouldn't submit to just anyone, let alone the one who bought her... [REALLY craving this one right now as well. Would love to do this one! Hope someone can be dom enough to wanna break my character in fully. ;"3]

Elf x Mad Scientist #3

Himeko had been sitting inside her home when she realized she needed to get dinner to tonight. She got herself dressed and headed out to the market, she lived close by so she didn't have far to walk. She walked past a dark ally where someone had jumped out from behind her and covered her mouth with a cloth, causing her to pass out...

Elf x Were

Misato was outside her home tending to her garden, she was a elf of pure beauty and loved living by herself. She noticed she needed more water and grabbed her buckets before heading out to the river that was nearby. She didn't notice she was being followed as she made it to the river. She got her buckets filled and felt a little sleepy, so she laid down for a bit and fell asleep, unaware that the sun was going down...

Werevamp x Were or Werevamp

Susumi was out at her usual bar, Half Bloods, where she always felt very comfortable drinking at. She sat at the bar drinking a glass of blood as she looked around and saw a woman walk in and sat down at the table in the left corner. Her red eyes wondered over to the woman then turned back to her drink. Her pointy ears and red eyes showed she was a vampire, but she was free to walk in the daylight. Not many knew what her other half was due to this, which made her dark secret safe from others. She lived far away from others and enjoyed her solitude that way. She finished her drink and tipped the bartender and headed out, back to her home since the sun was starting to slowly go down. She didn't see the woman who walked in get up and start to follow her home...

Slave x Mistress

It was dark and there were loud voices to be heard as she heard people shouting out numbers. She still didn't know where she was or let alone remembered how she got there, just she was there now. Himeko slowly opened her eyes and tried to get up, but couldn't due to the chains around her nude body. "Nnn... Where am I? And where the hell is my cloths?! Why in the fuck am I chained?!" Started she felt the cage she was in move as the cover was removed, exposing her. Her tail wrapped around her porcelain skin as her ears twitched. She wasn't a normal girl which was probably why they took her, whoever they were. She was half elf and half wolf, she didn't have any fur except for her tail, but her long pointy ears gave away the elven in her. "Do I hear three thousand? Four thousand? Five?" The man with a mask was yelling out numbers as people were placing their bids on her. She was scared and couldn't do anything, let alone cover herself except for her lower region with her tail...

Werewolf futa x Elf or human [Yes I want there to be rape and lots of naughty stuff done to my character.~]

It was late and the almost full moon was high up and the air was cold. It was the middle of winter and Iris was cold, freezing but she knew she had to go hunting for food. She ends up leaving her warm home to find herself hunting more than what she had bargained for...

World of Warcraft Plots:

Night Elf huntressxNight Elf Druid

It was a normal hunting night for Himeko, she had her trusty wolves with her and all was going well. The twins, Dameon and Haji howled loudly at the moon, 'Silly canines' she thought as she restringed her bow to make sure the string wouldn't snap on her. After her bow was fixed up she hushed her wolves and stealthed into the trees to hide herself from the beast she was hunting. Little did she know the cat she was hunting was a Druid. Just then the cat prowled past the tree she was in, 'At last you show up!' She thought as she went to get her traps ready the beast looked up into the tree she was in and... Smirked? She didn't know if she was seeing things or not but the beast knew what she had in store for the huntress...

Blood Elf huntress x Night Elf or Draenei [your choice of class on either one you chose] or Succubus [This is a pet/mistress type rp by the way.]

It had been a long day, too long. Himeko yawned and stretched out as she looked over to her cat Tosho and smiled. "Come here boy, we'll be finding a place to stay soon enough." She said softly to her pet as she reached her hand out to pet Tosho. As she petted Tosho she heard movement in the bushes, not really paying attention to it. Yawning she got up and headed towards the river that was nearby and began removing her cloths as she got into the water. But someone or something was watching her, waiting to make their move... [REALLY craving this one! o:]

The Blood Elf slave

Sesshi had be drug from her home in Silvermoon City by demons of Lord Illidan. She had been blindfolded and gagged so she couldn't scream to wake anyone up. It was hours before she was brought into Outlands and into Illidan's kingdom. There his whores who served him loyally where waiting for her as their queen had been the one who had ordered for her capture. "Lord Illidan said I could take a pet in for myself or one of my children. My daughter told me she wanted you. A former 'slave' to one of your Warlock friends." She said as she undid the blindfold...

Life is Strange based Plots:

Nineteen years had passed in Arcadia Bay since the storm hit, the town had finally been rebuilt and now it was time for Amber to return home, home where her parents had originally came from. The new Blackwell Academy was reopened with a new staff of teachers. The Vortex parties continued like normal and life for Arcadia Bay was slowly returning to normal. "Amber please stop spacing." Max said as she handed her a box to put into their new home. "Don't worry she might have had a vision like you used to." Chloe replied with a laugh as she nudged their daughter. "Don't worry I'm sure it's a hella lot better place than it was before the storm." Chloe finished as she took more boxes into their home. But will things for me be the same here or different...? Amber thought as she carried the box inside following her parents inside.

[So far my only plot based idea I have for this game, and yes I'm basing it off the choice you make to sacrifice Arcadia Bay for the sake of keeping Chloe, cause I'm a major sucker for the Max x Chloe pairing and seeing Chloe die for good just... Yeah didn't sit well in my stomach.]

So totally stole most of this from my old account/thread. xD
I believe it's been about a week since I last posted in here so I'm gonna throw some ideas I had out there this past week just growing in my head... And to anyone who knew me as Himeko, would know I'm a FNAF addict. Just finished The Twisted ones and I about died on the inside for what happened near the end of chapter 13. ;-; I mean... I love Scott and all, BUT COME ON DID YOU HAVE TO DO THAT?! Dx Sorry I am ranting. It's just saddening what happened, and I don't want to just "show" spoilers here in case of anyone being a FNAF fan like me and hasn't read/finished the book. I do highly recommend getting it, it's a great read or something great to listen to if you don't wish to buy the book, you can look it up on YouTube and it'll have all chapters read by MyLovelyShadow, I believe her name is. But anyways, enough with the ranting, time to get plottin'!


Your family just moved here, welcome to Hurricane! It's been years since the murders but now bodies are piling up and you as the new sheriff, must solve the mysteries before your own children become the next targets!

"Greetings Amile Afton." A voice rang over the intercom. Amile nods as she enters a underground base, her eyes being scanned for their retinal conformation that it was in fact her. As she descended down below she looked around the elevator and took note of her fathers work. This was the first time she had been down here since she was only six, and now, she was returning to continue to fathers work...

[These are NOT sexual rps for once from me, I want all my FNAF based rps to be non sexual please.]

Also, will add more FNAF plots when I come up with more, or hell, shoot me one of your ideas if you have any! I don't want them based off the games completely, mostly off the books. Sound good? ^^;;

Mad Scientist x Werewolf/elf or w/e plots:

My character is either a powerful werewolf or an elven princess or of some royalty. But you're character, is a mad scientist that was outcasted for their mad experiments on other people. Now my character could have been a result from one of your previous experiments and she goes back for revenge, or you capture her again. Your choice. This is completely up for grabs and I would love non-con used mostly in our rp until it ends up still being non-con but mostly con at that point.

A girl cast out of her village after being accused of her parents murder ends up seeking refuge either by herself or your character finds her, and her not knowing that the person who was bringing her in would be someone dangerous. Now if she is by herself, that leaves open room for you to do as you wish to my character, kidnap her, drug her first, whatever you see fit. Just don't god-mod please. ;"3

Life is Strange plots:

Life for Max and Chloe was different after everything had happened, the storm being prevented was one of them. For some odd reason when they found Nathan dead the storm, never came. Max had managed to not only save Chloe, but Arcadia Bay as well. Which for her was something. But life with Chloe and the drugs had changed her, hell after what Jefferson did in her many alternate realities, she was different. Changed. But no matter how hard she tried to resist the nightmares, she still came back to something horrible happening to both her and Chloe.

Will add more when I come up with more ideas.~
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