Quick and Dirty - F X M (Filling Soon)

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Skylding Heart

Born Member of the MC1R League
Apr 20, 2017
This time it's smut, though having a story to it is good. Quick and Dirty allows for a one-shot, as it were, or an option to move on to something more lasting.

I enjoy writing, which means I can get Tolkien-esque (descriptive) and lean towards a sizable paragraph or two, if not more. While I don't expect my collaborators to be prolific, writing more gives me more to latch onto, add more story/scene on to, and makes the game a lot more fun. One-liners are story/game-killers.

What does the above mean, it means I want to be a better writer, to be able to write sexual (and generic) scenes that are clear enough that the reader can see the scene in their mind's-eye. Note, that reader is only you. Yes, you. I only write in a select few formats, and here on Blue Moon, it's the PM system. I'm rather shy about my writing, so only a select few will ever see it.

What do I want?
I play one primary female, and maybe a secondary female as well - a good and intimate friend of hers.

Possible Settings:
Ancient Rome (forget accuracy here, she'll perform publicly)
Modern (including out in the restaurant, yes the character is THAT naughty)
Fantasy (oh, she'll be happy to take on knights errant, even monsters)

Possible Pairings:
The Usual Female -Male
Incest - Brother Sister (she can seduce him, or he her)
Older Man - Younger woman (let's face it, the seasoned man has more)
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