age of discovery rp

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Mar 4, 2012
Age of Discovery Roleplay

so first off. This is not a straight up smut rp, it probably CAN have smut elements, but for now I kinda to tried it out as an actual roleplay game in which I get to DM.

The setting

Its been 20 years since the discovery of the New Continent, a lush tropical land of boundless riches and dangers too. The discorvery of these new lands has lead to several wars inland wars among the imperial nations as to whom holds claim over the new lands. 10 years of bitter wars, more fo the Imperial nations have worn down to a rather shakey truce.

Imperial Nationalities:

Ruled by the Anglian crown, they are a strong seafaring nation, decent military, decent wealth, industrializing, many enemies, tied government priorities.

Deeply militaristic, progressive, and aggressive. Well industrialized, the Duechers lack resources and have to depend on outside trade.

Ruled by the Francken Crown, the Francs a very wealthy, many resources, thriving agriculture, and industrial power. Strong military tradition, long time rivals of Duechers and Anglians, strong navy, little trade.

a confederderay of northern seafaring nations, shrewd and skilled in the ways of war, but even more skilled in mercantilism.

Rich, militaristic, religious, strong navy and large army, agriculture and mercantile economy.

Industrial, militarist, scientific, religious, while a big loser in the ten years war, the the new governement is slowly starting to recover itself, rebuilding its trade and navy. In need of allies.

old, Wealthy, militaristic, intellectual and stagnant. Ruled by and ancient and powerful family, no navy to speak of, but holds immense prestige.

The New World:

At the time of the first discovery of the new world, little has throughly studied or explored. The inhabitants seem great in numbers and ruled by three powerful states known as the Inland Kingdoms. Due to disputes over the succession, the inland kingdoms a currently embroiled in a massive civil war, leaving only the costal villages largely impacted.

Inland kingdoms:
Currently unknown

Outside factions:

The Kalmar league:
A trade company of immense prestige and wealth, they favor in the sale of exotic goods bartered from exotic places. Made up mostly of Nordians.

The Imperial Trust:
Another trade company, much large and ally to the Anglian Crown. Also serves as a banking interest as well as merchant company.

a Wealthy religious order, holds sway over the souls of the Castilians, Haspisans, and Francs.

Character castes:







Martial skills: know how to fight

Naturalist: be able to live off land

Engineer: now about machines and building

Mariner: know about sailing

Physician: know how to heal and treat yourself and other and make remedies

Scientist: know how the study and innovate a variety of new and valuable information and languages

Business: good with money, trade and credit

Agriculture: knowledge about high level botany and livestock.

Essentially I would like to create character making system where you pick your nationality, your caste, then your hereditary profession and skills. (you nationality and caste determines the conditions in which you are sent to the New World)

the idea is kind of a mix of Morrowind and Civilization.

you will have many NPCs to talk to make alliances with and broker deals. once on the New world, you pretty much are on your own, you cand get favors from your nation, but performing deeds that bring prestige, or seek help from the locals, or forge your own path.

again, this is mostly just a straight RP idea. let me know who is interested, or better yet, have ideas for developing it.

and an example intro:

Four Weeks at sea trapped down in the hold with 20 veteran Duescher soldiers and 80 Anglican sailors. the merchant sailor now turned privateer by the crowns commission. The Anglican crown was going to need all they could get sailor wise as the Iberian war had cost the Anglicans Navy greatly, as well as lead to several small Anglicans colonies being overrun Iberian forces. Rouke's Town was the bastion of Anglican control, and had been converted into a coastal fortress. and due to limited availability of shipments of arms, food resources and other materials, the crown could not support both the colonies AND the war at home. Hence the commission of the hastily thrown munitions factory and barracks.

yes they were to hold out and make arms for the arrival of future Anglican armies, how they were going to do that was up the reckoning. He had received a summons that Captain Taylor had a briefing for them before they're arrival at Rouke's Town.


example intro:
the bulk of the ship rocked and creaked in the strong but subtle night's breeze.

Sir Mathew Harland Bates instinctively reached out to steady his shifting oil lamp as the ship road over a particularly rough wave, all the while the young man kept his eyes train on the journal in his hand. he was an educated man, a botanist and cartographer at age 23, certainly hansom by any standard with blonde hair and devilish features. he turned over a fresh page where and artful hand had diligently sketched in fine detail and beautiful native girl from a newly discovered land. Mathew smiled at he took in the fine detail, long dark hair, exotic features and a shapely body, with skimpy clothing that barely covered her full curves... Mathew marveled at the picture with interest at he ogled the girl's bare thighs and cleavage. though he a bright and promising young man from a respectable and affluent family. he was lazy and cared little for his reputation in society. he was already an such embarrassment for being a gambler and womanizer, mostly womanizer, that his family demanded he start behaving like a proper gentleman of his status.

Mathew turned to next page to see a sketch of the same girl form before bending over of at the waist to fill a water jug, damn did the artist catch a great view... how the hell could anyone expect him to be a gentleman around such a delicious woman? he was already getting hard, imagining taking the women and in that position, a vulgar action to be sure, but the type he liked the most. damn, two months at sea without a woman, how did these sailors stand it?!

a snore from the end of the room broke his concentration on the picture. a shadowy figure curled up in a make-shift hammock snore loudly and stirred with the ship's rocking. Mathew rolled his eyes, Bernad Shuk. or "Benny" a he was called. a commoner and scallywag, but a former liaison to the late Doctor Rotheski. Benny was more rough and unkempt, dark hair, unshaven stubble and general cynicism. that at least Mathew like about him, he new his fellow nobles were the most cynical people alive, it was good to know that a squire and linguist like Benny could be just as cynical.

The cabin door open inviting the roar of the sea before closing base into relative silence. a tall elderly man in a sea captain's uniform march into he warm dry cabin to shed his coat. "still readying through Rotheski's journal are you?" Captain Taylor asked and she started to ring the sea from his coat.
"twelfth time through..." Mathew answered spending a few moments admiring another sketch that the girl was smiling in and knowingly poising for.

"not just ogling the pictures I hope. defeating the entire purpose of your father sending you here." Taylor said hanging up his coat to dry.

Mathew rolled his eyes. " Rotheski was quite the artist, you cannot blame me for appreciating the man's skill. nor the beauty of the women he choose to sketch."

"Just remember, you will be sketching maps, not girls, you will be traveling deep into the new continent and accessing what resources and what value can be found amount the land and its people... it is your duty to the crown."

"but... we might need a native guide for such an expedition."

"that's what Benny is..." Taylor growled gesturing to the sleeping man. "he knows the local language and he knows the village we will be porting at tomorrow and he was one of Rotheski's men."

"and then Rotheski disappeared how? again?"

Taylor sighed, "get some sleep, we will be docking in the morning... "


Mathew Tried to best to wipe the sleep out of his eyes as a man was noisily stomping and banging around the cabin, getting dressed and gathering up equipment. Mathew yawned. "the hell's going on?" he muttered.

"'what's going on?'" a gruff, man's voice that had not yet lost its youth mocked. "THIS is what's going on." A curtain way violently pulled aside flooding the cabin with agonizingly blinding light.

"dah! Damn! Close it! close it!" Mathew gestured violently as he tried to cover his eyes.

A heavy sack Hit him in the chest nearly knocking him off the bed. "get dressed, the captain's waiting..."


The smell of the sea was strong as was the tropical sun and dense moist air.

Captain Taylor, in spite of the heat remained fully and formally dressed at the dock sipping his morning tea as his sailor marched up and down the gangplanks, carrying bundles of woven cloth, and crates of salt and barrels of mead. Mathew exited that cabin still doing up this shirt as he made his way among the crew onto the dock. "Are we here already?" he asked looking taking in his surroundings.

the sun reflected hotly off the white sand of the beach only to be briefly cooled by the steaming and receding of the waves. further inland from the beach a densely green wall of tropical foliage. The doc was of modest build with large trunks of imperial timber. "Peter's Port" was encribed on the port's main wharf house, also to bearing a flag of the Crown, but also the insignia of the Imperial Commerce Trust.

Mathews Knit his brow as he finished doing up his suspenders. "I thought this port was owned solely by the Crown...."

"it is.... " Said Taylor as he raised his tea cup to his lips. "for now anyway... The trust has taken quite a bit of interest in this new land, there is high potential for valuable plants, animals and mineral wealth. This port was built initially as a landing point for ships further sailing up the coast, mapping the continuance. that was a year ago, since then their has been trade with the local natives of our own manufactured goods that their own. they have brought us man exotic fruits and plants of many powerful properties, for medicine and recreation. its only natural the Trust should take an interest." he sipped his tea again. "right now the Trust has taken a great interest in the economic potential and the resources of this land, and the trust will smile vary favorably to the Imperial nation that can best map out this new world...."

"and bleed this land dry just like we bled our own..." Spat Benny as he marched past the two gentlemen, tipping a leading mead barrel into a tin mug a taking a swig.

"a little early for that kind of beverage Mr Shuk?" Captain Talyor asked the scruffy young man who proceeded to pour the remainder of the mead on his arms and neck.

"unless you want to be eaten alive by skeeters capt'n, I suggest you follow suit... this land maybe be lush and beautiful, but I can name a number of common things here that could kill you are well."

"like the natives?" asked a tall, Teutonic, muscularly built man in full military uniform and mustache and blunderbuss in hand.

"ah, Sargent Reynolds," Taylor smiled as the tall solider started to readjust the straps to his pack. "Glad you could make it. you've haven't met Sargent Reynolds have you Mr Bates? He is a former grenadier in the Royal Redguard's division. a stnad up soldier, but unfamilar with the ways and customs of these lands I am afriad. Mr Shuk, I trust you cand bring him up to speed."

Benny shrugged and nodded. Mathews was looking down the dock at the natives exchanging crates and barrels with the sailors. The majority old and wizened men, tanned by the unyielding sun. "Taylor.... what would you estimate the average age of natives in this village?"

Taylor shrugged. "mostly between 18 and 29, though they are rumored to live well into their 90s, why do you ask?"

"Because there seem to be only old men, handing the goods..."

"that's becasue the YOUNG men are further inland fighting a war among the inland kingdoms. this has been going on for two years now... in that respect their problems are not all that different that the Imperial Nations. And you Reynolds, I recommend you keep your weapon stowed and let me do the talking... no sense starting a war with the Inland Kingdoms on their own land..."

"Do you speak any of the local tongue, Mr Shuk?" Asked Mathews curiously.

"Enough to get by, but you won't have to worry about this particular Village. with the international trading, Dr Rotheski's influence, and general exposure to our tongue, most of the natives can speak the language of the crown... "

Mathew took a moment to ponder this...

"I understand I was to have a scribe accompanying me..."

Taylor blinked. "oh yes, Mr Sneibbs. he is still below deck, I will fetch him..."
Taylor set his tea down on the post and started to make his way up the gang planks. Mathew smiled as he

watched him leave and turned his attention back to the two hardened men before him. "Now Mr Shuk, I take it you know this particular village well, would you mind showing me around."

Benny looked to where Captain Taylor has disappeared below deck then hesitantly looked back to Mathews. "Suppose... but for what purpose?"

"I believe we need to higher a native guide. a native speaker. you admit your command of their language is limited."

"yes..." Said Benny cautiously, not breaking his eyes from the slightly taller nobleman.

"and a native guide would be a GREAT help in learning more about the land and how their adapt to its perils, and could even educate out dear Sgt Reynolds." he said patting Reynolds on his rock hard shoulder.

"Oooookay...." Said Benny taking a puff from his hand-rolled cigarette. "but only becasue you are right...."


the people of the village were still within the basic levels of technological development, sporting simple, easy to repair and modify, light timber huts. Benny was right about one particular detail too, much to mathew's pleasure. most of the natives walking around were young women, young beautiful exotic women...

beautiful and scantily clad with only the bare functional essentials for dress, with little to no effort attempted to even hide their lush feminine shape, their smooth tanned skin, smooth bare this, full hips, bare pinched waists, long black hair, deep brown eyes and ample busts. most clad in simple loin cloths or thongs and small low cut tops. So deliciously in contrast to the women back home.

Mathew smiled and looked around like an eager school boy. the trio of foreign men were their fair share of stares and smiles from passing girls, after all two years deprived of male attention and touch left many of the young women in want. not the mention some of the local fruit not only was a decent food for consumption, but also provoked the physical desire of those who consumed it, and it was a decent crop this year. not to mention these strange foreign men were not all that bad looking.

One Particularly shapely girl with a woven tray, walked by them making an all too deliberate attempt to rub past Benny. " Oh I a- am so sorry..." she said, obviously testing her mastery of Imperial tongue and flashing a cute smile. at the three men and Benny. "would you like to try one?" she offered, raising the tray so it was level with her breasts. the tray held four exotic looking fruits.

"oh why thank you..." Benny said loud enough to make Reynolds and Mathews start paying attention. he took one of the fruit and smelled it, he fished a multi-tool knife from his pack, snapped over the main blade and cut a piece free and ate it. "uhmmmn! very good, very sweet, how much?"

the Native girl's eyes widened, "oh, un, its for you, a gift." she said gesturing for him to keep the fruit.

Benny smiled "we in that case, I have a gift for you..." he folded up the knife and handed it to the girl. she Blushed in amazement, looking up a Benny to confirm her was serious, then gladly excepted it. she smiled at Benny warmly as she started to turn, all too obviously slipping the multi-tool into her cleavage as she walked away, deliberately swaying her hips as she did.

Both Reynolds and Mathews stare open mouthed as she walked away, Benny took a bite of the fruit causally and looked at the two. "we are probably the first young men they have seen in a two years since the war. get used to it. these people at very hospitable." he tossed the fruit in the air and into the air for Reynolds to catch.

Mathews shook head out of the trance, three whole months at sea without womanly company, and here nearly nothing but women. his member was already rock-hard from the image for that girl sliding the tool between her breasts.

"you too here, try to arrange and barter for provision until captain Taylor comes back, I will find us a Guide in the meantime."

"I don't think-" benny started, but it was too late, Mathews was already on the hunt, leaving them in the middle of the village, as he looked for the perfect girl to satisfy his needs....
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