Tiffy is horny come play with tiffy! M/F M/M F/F all good Toss in a futa

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tiffy collins

Jan 23, 2012
hello there My name is Tiffany. I am seeking new RP. I am not going to waste time talking about me. If you would like to know me better come ask me :) I am really very nice.

I wont waste time on Listing rules. Everyone lists the same rules anyways lol. All my ideas can be converted to M/M or F/F or kept as Straight. I am willing to tweak all of them as much as needed. So if you see one you like just contact me and lets Talk.

Please!!!!!!!!! PM me dont just message me here. But a bump is always nice Smile

The first few are non incest...with Incest Potential. After that it gets all incest Based.


1- She wants the boy!!

(A girl is threatened when her Best male Friend gets a GF)

this story is based on my real life. A Young boy and girl are best Friends. As kids he worships her and she enjoys his Attention and worship. Until one moves away. Now at 15 they have re met as there Parents became close again. The girl is stunning and wildly popular. He is some what nerdy. Neither stunning nor Popular. Despite that she and the boy make friends Instantly. It is almost as if near a decade had not passed. Only now the Boy has a GF and while he loves his Friend....He does not Worship her. He wont spend all his Time and effort on her.

She does not want to date him. But she cares for him a great deal. She likes him being devoted Only to her. And she is irritated that he is in love with anyone but her. And worse then that he gets that cute dorky grinning blush when he talks about his GF...and not her. Her desire to be the center of his universe again is stronger then her lack of Interest in Dating him.

Its not that she wants him....its just no one can have him. he must be devoted to her. His universe must revolve around her. She will tease and seduce him make him hunger for her. Make him unable to think of anyone but her. He in turn foolish male will not grasp what she is doing to him. He will talk about his Girl Friend. Try and make the girls friends. He will be unaware of there Mutual hatred of the other. The girls both pretend to like each other. But they cant stand the other girl. Neither will want the other to have there boy.

So you have the Best friend and the GF fighting over who owns the Boys heart and body.

simple but could be lots of fun lol. Want to explore it with me?


2- His own personal Genie

(Finding a teen girl with powers cursed into serving)

A teen boy from a poor Family finds an old Bottle (or trinket). (could also be an adult male in debt). While cleaning it a genie comes spilling out of it. Taking the shape of a 15 year old girl. She is actually a girl who was Cursed long ago and tied to the item. As he discovers who she is. And what she can do for him. He grows eager to use her Powers for his own gain. He will help his Family as well. She is eager to help him. It is better then being Trapped in the Bottle. She even goes to school with him. She increases his popularity. Gets him a date with the hottest girl in school. All while she is falling in love with him. But how long before she is tired of being used. She refuses to help him.

I think it would be neat, if they believe sex would strip away her powers. Making her mortal. This being a main reason he does not use her for sex. But uses her to get him other girls. Eventually it will be learned sex wont strip away her powers at all.


3- Daughter 2.0 (re touched)

(a new line of androids modeled after a 15 year old girl hit the market)

While not incest Based it could become Incest based very easy. As you will read we could easily have her Brothers or Dad or uncles buy this Android.

A large world wide Tech company known for making the first Android maid. As well as the first Fully automated Android sex bots. The company is now preparing to Roll out its newest Model. It would be an advanced prototype. The most human looking android ever built. It will be so real looking that they boast you wont be able to tell its not Human. The People demanded younger sexier and more options.

So the company picked my 15 year old girl as the Model. A real life Model who is athletic. They spent one year recording how my girl moves and reacts. The result is the Daughter bot 2.0 model. It is a perfect copy of my char in every way. Right down to the Color of her Vagina hair. They made the Droids with a full range of sensitive skin responses. Nipples harden when cold. She gets goose bumps she sweats. She is as real as any human being.

100 thousand are sold in the first day. Thousands more are given away for free as prizes for contests. The Model is sold as a replacement Daughter. Or as a maid or as a girl friend replacement. The Android was never meant to be used Sexually of course. However some one at the company slipped in the Prostitute Android's programming in the last minute. Now this hyper realistic Android 15 year old. Not only looks 100% human. They have fully realistic skin responses. And they come with a full range of sexual options as well. Its not long before people are undressing there new Android. They begin testing just how real she feels. Soon millions world wide are having sex with there new Daughter bots.

My Char is thrilled at first. She is a sort of celebrity known world wide. However as she comes to realize that there are hundreds of Thousands of Identical versions of her out there. And each and every one is programmed to have sex and love it. It seems like everyone she knows has had sex with a version of her body. There are dozens of her copies in her school every day. People grope her all day grabbing her breasts and ass and pussy thinking she is an android. And worse all these androids may look human but there not. So it is all 100% legal. There are no age of consent laws for an android. Pictures and videos of her with girls and guys....animals. All flood the net

At 15 she is a virgin and yet millions and growing have had sex with her.......


4- Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon.

(Witcher 3 Char Ciri)

This idea is best if you are aware of the witcher franchise mostly witcher 3....

The idea takes place after witcher 3. Cirilla is now 15 years old (thats about what she would be in the 3rd game). Cirilla could be free and on her own as a traveler or a witcher. Or the Empress of the worlds strongest Nation Nilfgard. Either way she is a head strong powerful young woman. But she also has a great deal of emotional vulnerability and empathy. She is Bisexual she is sexy independent capable but also soft and vulnerable. She has in the past been beaten and raped before. Her life has been one of Terrible suffering and massive pleasure.

Your main could be the Emperor who is her Father. Or Skjall the only true Friend she had in the game. We make it so he is alive.. Or you could play a non cannon char. You could be an old Friend or Foe who seeks Ciri out for some Purpose. A man or woman in Court. You could be a new person she meets in her Travels. I could play secondary chars as well. You can as well or you can stick to one.

This idea is not as defined as some others. Want to make it more defined with me???


5- The phone call at the party.

(Boy gets an Offer to cheat at a party)

I have a simular M/M Version of this idea out there. In this version a couple of Teens at a party have a fight. The BF is annoyed that his GF reffuses to suck him off. And not just that day. She wont do it ever because she finds it nasty. After the girls storms off leaving the party. He gets a call from a blocked number. An offer to meet in the Garage in 20 minutes. If you come you will get your cock sucked. The voice is muffled and impossuble to tell who it is.

So who is it? The head cheerleader. Maybe a girl he knew for years but never paid any attention to. Perhaps his Best Friends GF. Or maybe his GFs best friend/sister. Options are unlimited come find out?


6- First Daughter.

(a Made up presidents Teen daughter)

For this idea I would play the daughter or Daughters of the US president. This idea could go a large number of ways. I would love if my main was seduced or fell in love with some one. Could be alot of options from the Grounds keeper to the Vice President. Maybe an estranged Family member she did not even know she had. This could lead to Black mail or scandal. She could be the one doing the black mail. Or the one being black mailed. If it were the VP she could destroy him. But seems like she would be the one being used.

if you want to explore this Idea with me lets play :)


7- Teen Terminator.

(An idea very lightly based on Sarah connor chronicles).

An advanced Infiltration and combat Terminator was sent back in time. In the body of a 15 year old heart stopping Girl. She could be on an Assasination mission or a protection mission. This could involve John Connor himself. Maybe she has to infiltrate a High school to protect/Kill one or several people. I would love the idea of a teen boy having sex with an Advanced terminator. Maybe so Advanced that she is swept away by the pleasures of sex.

Anouther angle is she could end up damaged by the time travel process. Maybe she was shot just as she was flung into time. Now she is unable to remember who she is or what her mission is. The options are endless. I would love to play this out with you.


Fully incest Ideas


1- Family fun reality show

(a modern Reality show about a real family down on there luck)

This idea centers on a fairly normal Family. We can decide how many M/F/ages latter. For whatever reason they find them self broke, Evicted and on the streets. They find a recruitment add for a modern day family Reality internet show. They live in a Special home, Cameras will be spread all around the house. It operate's like any modern reality shows. The pay is high plus free Housing food and clothes. As long as the family stays popular and high ratings. At first the deal is on the level. They just have to act like a normal Family. The Camera's wont film them in bed or showering. However as Ratings stumble and fear of the streets grows. One member will agree to added filming. Now Cameras record them in the shower and in there bedroom. Nothing at all sexual, other then Nudity. There Popularity and Salary skyrocket. On set there getting added perks due to being the shows Star. How long before more and more agree to these Terms. And then agree to new terms. For example Cameras recording the Parents fucking. Teen kids Masterbating. The popularity is growing millions are watching them. And the Fans want MORE.....

So the Show is internet based and Pay to log in. The laws being far more Lax on the internet. They can have 15 year old's naked masterbation even sex. We have an average family, Desperate to avoid the streets. Slowly being corrupted by Ratings and Popularity. Money and power come hand in hand. Weekly challenges with Prizes like King/queen for a day. Rigged so the most Popular win the rewards. There good people seduced down a road of slow corruption.

come be corrupted with me Daddy???


2- mind swap

(a healthy mind from a broken body into a damaged Body.)

A strange story I admit. But I got the idea in a dream and it seems like fun. In this story 2 Girls, one being 15 are in a car crash. One of the girls bodies are wrecked she is dying fast. The other girl is mostly fine other then some bruises. However she suffered massive brain damage and will also die. The doctors are rushed and know they cant save either without taking a huge risk. They use a new Tech to transfer the identity of the first into the fully working body of the second. Its the only way to save One of them at least.

So in short the mind and identity of one person trapped in a dying body. They are transfered to the brain damaged other body. But now they have a healthy functioning body. This could now go in any number of ways. Just a few options....

1- Mom into Daughters body. Her Husband now having to deal with his wife in the body of his 15 year old daughter. He is also grieving the loss of that Daughter. And yet seeing her every day. This is a mine field of delightful options.

2- Daughter into Moms body. Like the first idea. Only now her daddy needs to get used to the fact that his Wife's body is inhabited by his teen daughter. She looks and smells and feels just like his wife but...she is not his wife. And he is having to mourn his wife as he deals with his daughter in this new body.

In one and 2 we could give my Teen girl a teen BF to really complicate matters.....

3- older brothers GF into younger sisters body. Or...vice verse. Either are interesting in there own different ways.

These are just 3 options of hundreds of Options. Care to explore with me Please???


3- Car crash took her memories.

(A teen has no idea who she is and is vulnerable to Incest for the first time)

A 14 year old girl lives off the grid in a small commune with her Family. While she is attractive she has no experience at all with boys. Her Brothers have often tried to get with her. Mostly because she is the only teen girl in 100 miles. She has always refused them because incest is wrong. (This could include her daddy wanting a bit of her body as well)

One day driving into town with her mom. The car crashes and the mom is dead instantly. My char the daughter gets away with a few bruises only. However she also suffered 100% memory loss. Rushed to a hospital she has no ID. Her family is off the grid there are no records of her. One year latter she has been adopted. She has no memory before the crash. And she now attends a normal school.

So options are open here....You could be her Brother who tracked her down. Then enrolled in school to get into her life. Maybe you end up dating her and she has no idea who you are. Yet she finds herself oddly drawn towards you. You could be her Daddy or uncle or older brother who adopted her. Again she has no idea who you are.


4- Sexsomnia

(A real life sleep Walking Condition makes great RP)

a medical condition that results in a specific Kind of Sleep Walking. In this Case the person seeks out sex or sexual Acts. Often they seem Fully aware of what they are doing as well. They have open eyes they can Talk and Walk. Drugs Booze stress or Being Horny are natural Causes of Sexsomnia.

My Plan is a 15 year old Girl who has been sleep walking for years. Without warning her Night time Walks take on a very different tone. I was thinking people in her family would begin to use her. Touching her teasing her guiding her to a bed. Her sex starved father in a stale marriage. Her bored mother desperate for something new. Her virgin teen brother. Or maybe just an older Horny Brother. who just wants sex with anyone. Maybe even her Sister looking to explore her own desires.

During the day she remembers nothing. She wakes up in her own bed only naked. But at Night she is the Family play toy. As time passes father and Mother each find out what the other is doing. Brother and sister as well of course. Soon enough they are learning to share the young girl. Finding ways to get her horny during the day as well. So she will have a higher chance of sleep walking that night. Maybe even Drugging her or finding ways to get her Drunk.

Oddly enough it makes the family closer. Mom and dad's stale Marriage is alive and Intense again. Everyone gets along much better. Even the sexsomnia girl is less stressed more relaxed and better off.


5- Daddy made a mistake

(A family vacation leads to a drunken mistake)

In this Fantasy a father Mother and Daughter. (We could add bothers sisters if needed). Go on vacation to visit Family. With so much Family crammed into one House Sleeping conditions are complicated. But when it is settled who will sleep where and with who. The Father and Uncle go out drinking like old time. A fight between 2 Cousins forces a change in sleeping rooms. And the Daughter ends up in the bed her Mother Would have been in. In the confusion no one remembers to call the father/uncle.

This could lead to one of 2 fun situations. When Father and uncle return home drunk off there asses. The Dad goes to the room he believes his Wife is in....and slides into bed naked feeling up his daughter. They have sex in a pitch black room him thinking its his wife. The daughter knows the Truth of course but Always secretly desired her Daddy. In the Moment she gives in not thinking of the Future....After that we deal with the fall out

or the uncle sneaks in planning to continue a long standing affair with his brothers wife. And does not know its really his teenage niece he has slid into bed with.

in both cases there being drunk is a main reason not to notice the differences in wife/daughter. By the end they may work it out but not be willing to Stop by then.


6- wife fucked as daughter

(A simple fantasy is getting out of Hand)

This is a tale of a family of 4. Mom Dad Brother and the star of the RP the sister. The Sister makes a couple of Videos and some Pictures for her Boy friend. Her brother finds out and Rats his sister out. The Parents ground the Girl and Take away her Computer for a week. This after a long Lecture on what the girl did wrong.

What the teen does not know is her Parents have a boring rut of a sex life. Sex has not been any good for years. The Dad at first sugests a small way to spice up there Sex like. He sugests his wife pretend to be there Daughter. A small act at first she still dresses as herself and just calls him Daddy and such. But over time he asks for more and more. Soon enough there Having sex in the daughters bed. She wears her daughters Clothes her makeup. Does her hair exactly like her daughters. And there having the best sex of there lives indulging in the fantasy. But the wife is growing to fear her Husband is more attracted to the fantasy of his daughter...then she herself.

One day her Son and daughter come home early from school. And find there parents having sex in the daughters room. Mom dressed like her screaming OH YES DADDY!. Daddy calling the mom by the Daughters name. Now there fantasy is out in the open. At first the daughter is disgusted and Disturbed. But deep down she cant help but feel flattered. She also soon learns how easy she can sway her daddy with just rubbing against him. Putting her body in his arms. Dressing sexier for his attention.

how long before the daddy breaks and makes a move for his Daughter? Will she let him savour her young full body? How will the brother react I think it would be neat if he was secretly attracted to her as well. Or she was attracted to him. How will the mom accept her husband now not only fantasizing of his daughter. But openly pursuing her.
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