Looking for long term partners F for F/M

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Jul 19, 2017
Welcome! I'm new to the site and looking for new partners. I've been rping for quite a while now so I'm not a stranger though I haven't had a new partner in a long time so please bear with me while I get used to the searching part again!


- I'm 26 years old, female and prefer not to rp with anyone under 18. Thanks
- No, my username doesn't have anything to do with 50shades of grey, this is a handle I've been using for ages since before the books/movie. Neither of which I've watched or read
- I'm not a grammar nazi, typos happen, but I ask that you please do your best to send me a post that can be understood
- I'm pretty flexible with post length as long as you don't send me one word replies. 2-3 lines is a good baseline for minimum I would say. Likewise, the later in the night it is the fewer paragraphs I can offer ( just for reference my time zone is EST )
- Feel free to contact me here if you're interested in starting something but please be aware that I do not rp through email or PMs. I use discord exclusively. My user is Reese#2669.
- I'm a college student so I'm usually around late at night for chats. Please be aware that I might disappear for a while when my workload is heavy but I try to do my best to at least come around for chats. Likewise, I won't demand all of your time but I like my partner to be able to be around at least once a week.
- I'd like to be able to be friends with my partner. This doesn't mean you need to spill your life story to me but be prepared to engage in friendly chats. I especially love fandom talk!
- I like a healthy mix of smut and plot. I dislike porn without plot so if something physical is happening please make sure that it's actually relevant to the story. I will not force my partner to engage in anything if they don't want to. If you would prefer to fade explicit scenes I'm fine with that too.


I'm pretty flexible. If there's anything you want to talk about that's not on either of these lists feel free to ask.

- Con / Non-con [ either or. Both are fine with me. ]
- Romance
- rough play
- Dom [ my characters like to play with assertive men ]
- Being sub [ but don't mistake this for always being a pushover. ]
- General BDSM themes
- Kidnapping
- Incest/taboo themes
- possibly will add more . . .


- vore
- scat
- snuff
- excessive blood
- watersports
- Furries
- oviposition [ honestly I didn't even know what this one was until I joined this site! ]


I don't have anything specific right now but I'll post some stuff that inspires me and come back later when I have something concrete.

- No slice of life please
- I'm most comfortable with fantasy settings. Anything that's not normal or every day common.
- I'm open to modern settings, but again they need to have some kind of fantasy twist to them

Wanted Universes

I love creating completely original universes but I'm also open to playing in some of my favorite fictional ones. I'm open to playing with characters from the following universes or OCs with similar personalities

Game of Thrones - OC or Ramsay Bolton
Hellboy - OC, Hellboy, Prince Nuada
Too many anime to name really so if you're interested in something specific, just ask.
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