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The Saint and the Mage (Potter and Blueberry)


Apr 12, 2017
East Coast
Akira Araragi was sitting at his desk, sipping his coffee with a blissful sigh. It was another wonderful day in the bustling city of London and he sat at his desk, in his office at the Clock Tower, on of the premier schools for magic in the world. Despite his young age, being only in his mid-twenties, Akira was already a professor, teaching in the fields of Astrology and Numerology as well as dabbling in various different other fields. He was a simple and plain man for the most part, he enjoy a good book, good friends and good music.

He took another sip of his coffee as he finished grading a paper on how planetary alignment could effect casting power and effects of spells. The student seemed to grasp the concepts but needed to refine his theories. "A B- for you, Emiya Shirou." Akira stated before moving the pile to the graded stack.

He heard a knock on the door and looked up for a brief moment. "Come in." His voice rang out clearly and firmly to whoever was on the other side of the door. He wasn't sure if it was a student, a fellow professor or his Servant. His so called "Partner in Justice"
Jeanne lightly panted as she ran through the halls of the large Clock Tower. There had been another attack. Another masochistic Master on the loose. She clutched the manila folder close to her body, ready to take on anyone who would try to take it from her. Not that anyone would dare to try to but it was the principle of the matter. She needed to show her Master. Action needed to be taken. There was threat of causalities resulting in the hundreds. The servant, despite being from a time without many luxuries, had taken to the modern age quite well. Technology was still a mystery of course but she had mastered a phone calls and texts at least.

The blonde's navy blue sun dress bellowed around her as she picked up speed. It was simplistic and a little too short for her liking but it was a great comfort from the contraption called pants. Shorts she could handle but trousers? Those were just too awkward for her liking. The girl thought about the screenshots in the folder. The images she had forced herself to print for evidence. These people needed help. They needed to be protected.

Slowing down, blue eyes met the pristine, familiar door of her Master. Lightly the girl knocked and patiently waited for him to welcome her in. Normally she would call and tell him she was coming but today. Today there was no time. Pushing the door open, Jeanne quickly entered the room. She didn't even greet the man before tossing the folder on top of his stack of papers.

"There's trouble," She stated frantically. "People are in danger." Her eyes found his as silently she plead for urgency.
Akira was surprised to see Jeanne so flustered, something must have gotten her feeling anxious and that was rare for the Saint of France. He studied her expression for a moment before picking his mug up and taking a long, dip sip as he looked at the evidence on the table. It was the work of a mage, alright. A twisted one at that. It seemed that he or she drained the life essence out of victims in various different ways. From sex, to torture and dismemberment, it seemed nothing was off the table. Not only that, but the spread of victims made it hard to pin point any clear pattern other than they were young, in their late teens and twenties.

Genders and body types all varied though, even with his honed mind he could find a pattern. He looked at Jeanne and nodded."Is there anything you can tell me? Something they all have in common, maybe? Do you have their names and their last known locations before they died?" Akira stood up, coffee and folder in hand as he paced, speaking to Jeanne as if she were one of his research students. Indeed, he expected her to do at least the barebones research before bringing him something like this.
Jeanne listened carefully as Akira barked questions and orders. Leave it to her master to not hesitate on the case. The servant glanced at the man before casting her eyes back to the folder. "It should all be in the folder." She answered. "Names. Locations of Death. The bastard didn't even try to hide the body." The blonde could feel her blood boiling. Mages that misused their abilities didn't deserve to have them. Theft she could understand. There were plenty of cases of those and generally it was out of desperation. But this asshole. This asshole was killing people like they were just toys waiting to be broken.

"No one even knows who could be as they only kill a handful before moving to the next town." Jeanne mutterred. She'd seen the faces of men who abused power. They were fearless. Death was beneath them. Why fear something you have 'control' of. The servant bit her lip. The world never changes and sometimes it's hard to live in the light side of it. Blue eyes glanced at her master, watching and waiting. They would solve this. She trusted her master to get to the bottom it.
Akira could feel the anger and chaos in Jeanne's mind. She didn't normally get angry easily, but this case appeared to have gotten to her. He slammed his hand on the desk and looked her firmly in the eyes. "Calm yourself, Ruler." He spoke sternly, his voice and expression like that of a proper university lecturer. Not only that, but he only referred to her by her class when he was being stern with her. "I can understand your anger...but you must calm yourself...your actions and words are most unbecoming of a Saint." he reminded her of who she was suppose to be and who she was not suppose to be. She was acting more like her Alter than her normal self right now, but he wrote that up as the heat of the moment.

Akira moved to sit back down, taking a sip of his coffee as he examined the files, his eyes blazing back and forth was he examined all the information. After a few moments, he appeared to enter a trance, using a form of his magic to draw connections between the victims as well as examining the stars as the time. Much could be learned in such a way, but few mages knew the secrets of his craft. He exited his trace and let out a deep sigh.

"I couldn't figure out who it was...but I did learn they all vanished from the same exclusive club in downtown London...that is most likely are target's stalking ground." Akira muttered slightly as he pondered for a moment, looking to Jeanne after a few. "So, what do you think...should we pay this club a visit? It's certainly...not a place a Saint should visit though." He chuckled slightly as he finished off his coffee. It was a club that had a certain....reputation.
Jeanne's eyes widened as she was demeaned to her class. Akira only did that when she did something irresponsible but this time she couldn't help it. He was right. It was wrong of her to get angry. Upset was one thing. Angry was another. What would she do if in battle? The blonde thought of what she could become. The darkness that would consume her. "My apologizes, Master." She mumbled. It was shameful to lose composure over something like this.The blonde watched Akira curiously. It always amazed her when he was focused on his craft. He was powerful and yet sirene. If anyone could find more information and catch the individual it would be him. Slightly, her head cocked to the side as she watched the man sigh. Good? Bad? Both? She listened as he explained the main connection. A club?

"Like one of those places where people gather to dance?" The saint asked. While some servants explored the world around them in person, Jeanne was content with the books and laptop Akira had gifted her. The girl grinned thinking about visiting a new place. How exciting. This was short lived though. "What do you mean I shouldn't visit? Is there a rule?"
Akira couldn't help but chuckle as Jeanne reverted to the innocent and curious side that he rather adored. He handed his coffee mug to Jeanne as he stood up. "If you could brew me some more coffee, Jeanne, I'll explain while you do so." He walked towards his window, staring down at the cityscape of London below. Truly one of the most beautiful sites man had ever made in his opinion, but it masked the horrors and sins that lurked inside every human soul as well. He continued to peer out as he explained the club to Jeanne.

"It isn't a place just for dancing...this club isn't like one you could find on the internet's a den of carnal desire and pleasure. A place full of sin and, drugs, alcohol, gambling, nearly every vice you could think of is present and then some...." He let out a sigh as he turned to look at Jeanne, his brow curling in stress.

"If you were to come with you, you would have to come as my slave, basically. Every person of power is expected to have one. You would be completely and totally subservient to me...and who knows what you might we exposed to once we are in there. You might end up being made to take drugs or have sex with a stranger and I'm not sure if those are things a pure person like yourself should be exposed to, Jeanne." His voice clearly held concern for the girl. He didn't doubt her bravery, not one bit. However, she was indeed quite pure. He wondered if she could really handle such a place.

"If you don't wish to come, I understand...I can manage on my own for it. If you do come though, I just want you to be fully prepared for what may happen and know that I might not be able to come and stop something happening to you you won't you understand?" His voice was stern, serious...a warning. He was hoping she would stay behind...but he knew her better than that.
Jeanne's eyes widened as she learned about what the club truly was. Sex? Drugs? How could servants let themselves be subjected to such a thing? Akira had been nothing but kind to the saint. A little tough at times but it was in serious situations where she needed to focus. She couldn't even imagine him treating her that way. Those poor people. They didn't even have a choice in the matter. Her eyes got all watery just thinking about it.

The girl stood in thought. Akira was giving her an out. She didn't have to go. She didn't have to do those things. Not everyone had that choice though.

"I'll do it." Jeanne answered. "Whatever it takes to solve this I'll do this." She shook as she thought of her words. She meant them but to engage in those activities. She wouldn't even be able to guard herself. Do as she was told.

The girl looked carefully at her master. Akira would protect her. He wouldn't let those things happen. Would he?
"Jeanne...." Akira looked at the girl, his eyes full of concern. She certainly was brave....he knew she could handle battles and fight villains; but he wondered if she could really handle the world they were about to enter, where people sinned and blasphemed for enjoyment. He reached out and patted her head gently. a sign of affection that had developed between the two.

"I promise you, I'll do everything I can to protect you in there...but if things happen....just don't hate me...." He looked down, unable to look her in the eyes, a blush on his face. The last thing he wanted was her hatred and malice...he wouldn't be able to bare that. He managed to compose himself and cleared his throat.

"I've prepared your outfit then....please put it on and let me know when you are ready to go." He pointed to a rather skimpy and revealing outfit that materialized on his desk. He took a seat in his chair and began to drink his coffee once more, running what was about to happen through his head.
Jeanne blushed as her master patted her head. He wasn't one of obvious affections so moments like these were rare. He must have sensed her animosity. A smile almost formed on her lips until she heard his words. Hate him? But why would she hate him? He would protect her and he hadn't let anything happen to her yet, so why start now.

"I'll do the best to make a to you." Why was it the word servant was completely normal to her but when it was changed to slave it was that much more embarrassing? The girl felt her cheeks heat up as she contemplated the words. She would no doubt have to be more intimate with Akira. I mean what would that even entail?! The saint warily eyed the outfit the desk. Where was the rest of it? Carefully, she grabbed the material. It was soft to the touch but so thin. Was Akira sure this was the right answer? Jeanne scurried to one of the corners to change. She felt a cold chill run up her back. This was underwear not an outfit.

"Mr. Araragi," She whispered, "I've...I've changed." The blonde did a slow turn, her face a burnt red and her eyes glued to the floor.
Akira tried to focus on his coffee and mental exercises as Jeanne changed. He focused on the aroma and flavor of the coffee, the blend that was both acidic and toasty at once. Anything to distract himself from Jeanne changing at the moment. When she finished and got his attention, he mentally prepared himself and looked up.

His face was at once the shade of a tomato, a deep, dark red. His eyes wandered all over her body, taking in her flawless form with some much of her smooth and silky skin exposed to him. This was definitely a first for him...seeing such a beautiful woman in such a state of undress. He cleared his throat as he tried to look Jeanne in the eyes after she spun around for him, his eyes had wandered slightly lower than face level as she spun to reveal her back and rear for him...

"You look amazing in that, Jeanne. Just one more touch to cap it off." He tried to sound poised but was on the verge of being a bumbling and embarrassed mess; he did manage to pull it off though. He pulled out a chain collar with chain leash attached to it. He drew in a deep breath and stepped towards his his "slave".

"Excuse me, Jeanne..." He offered a soft apology as he snapped the collar around her neck, fastening it so it fit snugly but not tightly. He looked her over once more and nodded. He stepped back and then gave the leash a tug which would case her to be tugged toward him, their bodies mere inches apart.

"How is it....?" He asked her, unsure of what he was even referring. He gave another small tug, her chest now pressed up against his own, rather firm and strong chest. He could feel his heart racing in his chest as he reached up and gently cupped her cheek with his free hand, holding onto the leash with the other.
Jeanne felt Akira's eyes on her. Was something wrong? He was analyzing the outfit so slowly. Blue eyes flashed up in curiosity as she noted his expression. He was just as red in the face as she was if not more. Oh my! Was he choking? Did he have a fever? Was he fit to go out in this condition? Her master's words broke her thoughts. Amazing? Was he..was he complimenting her?

Adding the final touch, confused the saint. A collar and chain. Was it a fashion statement? Was it like a nametag perhaps? The glanced down at the leash. A means to keep track of her no doubt. As he approached to snap it in place, the servant blushed again. They normally were not so intimate with one another. Being so close. Close enough to touch. To Smell. The slight tug surprised Jeanne. It not only brought the two close together but it was a surprising gesture.

"I think it's weird." She answered honestly. "But if this is what is necessary to enter the club then so be it."

The saint squeaked as she felt Akira tug her even closer. Was this going to be a regular thing? A small gasp escaped her lips as she felt the man touch her cheek. What on earth was the professor up to? Was this a test? Slowly she closed her eyes and held her breathe. If this was part of the mission, she would not fail.
As Akira saw Jeanne close her eyes, his own emotions finally began to get in line. His hand drifted down her cheek and neck to her arm and side, feeling her smooth skin flow beneath his fingers. "You need to be comfortable with at least this much....all kinds of people will be wanting to touch you and do other things to you." He seemed to muse as his hand reached her leg and thigh. He gave it a squeeze, seeing what kind of reaction that would draw from her.

He withdrew his hand and then nodded. "If you think you are ready and you can handle it, we can go now." He asked the Saint if she was ready to face what might be her greatest challenge so far. Akira flicked his wrist and his clothes changed to a polo shirt and black dress pants. He seemed ready to go as well.

"So, what's it going to be, Jeanne? Think you can handle it?" He asked her with a small smile, giving the leash a small tug to let her get used to the feeling of being controlled and pulled around slightly. It was something that would indeed be happening quite a bit once they entered the club, no doubt.
Jeanne gave a curt nod as she felt Akira's hand travel down her body. He was right. She needed to be prepared and she supposed if there were people that were interested in doing the do then touching would be natural. The blonde squeaked as she felt his hand squeeze her leg. This interaction really was out of her element. Not to mention it was so different from their usual dynamic. A gentle pat on the head or back was the norm. Minimal contact. It was the norm with Mr. Araragi and people. He was always so professional. It was admirable about him.

She watched with great precision as the man changed clothes. It was so easy for him. Magic really was a wonderful thing to witness first hand. She was lucky to be paired with such a man. "I'm ready when you are." The saint answered simply. And she really was. Even with the slight tug, Jeanne wasn't thrown off balance by the collar. Three times the charm she supposed. And if this was something her master was going to do often, then it only made sense that she get comfortable with it. Act or not. It's not like she had a choice.

"Shall we be on our way?" Jeanne asked pleasantly. She smiled politely and her eyes held the patience and determination for whatever may come. She clasped her hand behind her back and found herself bouncing on her toes. Things would be okay. She was certain.
Akira nodded his head as Jeanne seemed to find her resolve. Indeed, she seemed to have already gotten used to the leash and collar by which she would be led around. She was calm and he could sense her determination; that helped him feel more determined as well as he nodded his head. "Alright then, lets be on our way then. Make sure you only refer to me as Master from here on out, alright?" He gave Jeanne a soft smile as he tugged on her leash, leading her down a flight of stairs in the back of his office to an underground garage.

Once they were both in his car, it was a quick drive through downtown London to their destination. As they drove, Jeanne was able to take in the sights of the city at night, the lights shimmering and the bustle of a town that never slept. They arrived at their destination, just on the outskirts of London proper. It was a mansion that rivaled that of Versailles in France, but it was hidden by a Bounded Field, making it impossible for regular people to see. It was the very definition of opulence, the lights seemed to glimmer like gold against the dark back drop of the night.

Akira pulled up to the entrance and two servants opened the door of them at once. Akira handed his car keys to the servant and walked to Jeanne's door. He gripped her leash and tugged slightly harder than before on it as they were now being watched. "Lets do this..." He stated, his voice firm as he gave her a soft, reassuring smile as they made their way to the entrance.

Outside stood a behemoth of a man, if he could even indeed be called a man. He had no shirt, showing off just how much of his upper torso was indeed muscle. "Got a pass?" He questioned Akira with a growl before his yellow eyes turned to Jeanne as he let out a whistle, licking his lips as he was clearly thinking impure thoughts about the Saint.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" Akira scoffed. Though normally a polite and humble man, Akira had a gift for acting like an uppity ass when needed. He flashed the guard a golden badge and a sign of his mana crest. The guard cleared his throat at once.

"Ah, my apologizes, Lord Anselm the 3rd...though I do suppose you go by a different name now. We never thought you the kind to attend these parties.”

Akira scoffed as he tugged at Jeanne's leash. "Come along." With that, the door opened as the guard wished them a pleasant night. They walked down the entrance hall, just as opulent and grand as the exterior. Paintings and statues of high art adorned the walls. As they neared the main room however, the deep beat of a bass machine could be heard. It rung in their ears quite loudly. Cheers and hoots could be heard too...but another sound would without a doubt catch both their ears. It was the carnal sound of men and women indulging in sex and other activities of the flesh. The moans and groans could be heard just as well as everything else it seemed. Akira steeled himself as he gripped Jeanne's leash and looked towards her, his eyes now somewhat lacking that confidence from before. "Last chance to back out..." He was giving her one finally, possible out if the encounter at the entrance and the sound of what was beyond the door had unerved her.
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