.+゚*。:゚+ I'M [ BURNING ] UP .+:。✧ // fandoms

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Jun 16, 2017
(´꒳`∗) Secret


[ Hopefully I caught your attention, or I don't know what else you could be here for! ]

Anyways, call me Kushina and welcome to my female short term search thread/cravings!
That's sort of a mouthful, I know, but here is where I'm mostly going to be posting
the plots I'm seriously craving at the moment
that involves myself writing a female role.

g u i d e l i n e s

It's sort of childish to do this, but please abide by these rules!

➊ BMR's rules, of course, apply. Don't try and be sneaky.....
➋ Don't ask me to write something I'm not comfortable with!
➌ I'm so not going to write a bimbo for you! No thanks, man.
➍ Don't do one sentence responses??? Please??? We're all adults!
➎ Just don't be a dick to me, okay? This is supposed to be fun.
➏ My f-list can be found here, so ask me about it if you want to!
➐ I won't do canonxOC. Don't ask me to. I will immediately refuse!
➑ Listings will go as "my character/your character"! Plain and simple.

Read all of my guidelines? Wonderful! Now let's move onto the meat of things!

fandom cravings

pairings are color coordinated as follows:
craving / major craving / would kill for

- - - - -


Kushina x Minato
Okay, I seriously love this ship, so throw anything at me. They're such a super cute
couple and probably my hands down favorite hetero ship. Kushina is darling? Minato
is darling? They're the power couple to beat. Seriously, throw something at me and
as long as it's this couple, I'll have a hard time saying no.
Honestly, I'd just love to write the kooky adventures they get up to during the Third
Ninja War, or, heck, an AU where they never perish? Or just ANY sort of AU involving
them. Seriously, I'm very easy to pin when it comes to them.

Naruto x oiroke no jutsu/sexy jutsu!Naruto x canon male
I'm willing to write both versions of Naruto, all for the price of one.
I'm all about fairness, hence why if a female version of Naruto is included, the actual
Naruto has to be as well. Can't have one without the other I'm afraid, but I'll be very
accommodating as both!
Plot wise, I figure it'll be pretty basic where the use of a shadow clone takes a devious
Extremely open to whatever canon male you can throw at this plot.

Sakura x canon male
Please let me write my favorite rowdy gal and let her kick butt
while still being absolutely fabulous. Please and thank you!


Zelda x Ganon
Okay, this pairing is admittedly fascinating because it's a boss power struggle? I'm not
here for timid, doe-eyed Zelda who gets caught and remains caught; I'm here for
takes-no-shit Zelda who knows Ganon is up to something and won't let Hyrule fall
under his reign. I'd love to see aggression in this, probably non-con/dub-con, action,
escape attempts, bickering... The whole shebang!


Lunafreya x Noctis
It's dorky, but I think they're so cute? And the ending of the game still feels kinda
bullshitty so I'd love to have them save the day together and have this take place
with their actual wedding. Please and thank you? Or Luna joining up with Noct and
crew after Altissia and (SPOILER?) not dying instead? Maybe she helps cure
Ignis, and she'd make such a grand addition to their party! The idea of her surprising
everyone with how capable she is is what I live for since she had hardly any actual
game appearance time. Let's just have her and Noct survive okay?

Shoot me a PM if interested!
If my cravings aren't close to what you're after, shoot me a PM anyways and let's talk!
I'm sure we can work something out if it involves the fandoms listed above!

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