Kitten Looking for Long-Term Skills


Apr 20, 2017
In my own little fantasy....
Hi! Thanks for dropping in (I hope the landing didn't hurt ^.^;; ). You can call me Moody, MoodRing, Kitten, or MRK (just don't call me in the middle of the night, you naughty creeper!). Before we get to the specific requests, please allow me a moment to go over a few things. I know, I know, it's annoying, but I promise these things will make for some very good times!

How to Avoid Hisses and Rev Up the Purr Motor

1. One-liners kill the mood; Immersion is my catnip.

I'm not looking for the next War and Peace or even a YA novella. Just give me something - anything - more to work with than just a few breadcrumbs. Now, add in enough details for me to really sink my teeth into, and I'll be hooked like a kitten on catnip. At least one full paragraph (five sentences) will keep me coming back for more.

2. I'm allergic to poor grammar.
I know autocorrect can be your best friend and worst enemy (I'm on my phone at least 99% of the time I'm here) and mistakes happen. But at least make an effort to edit your work, and I promise I will try, too.

3. Everytime someone god-mods, another kitten dies.
You don't want to kill any kittens, do you?

4. Who's down with OOC, yeah you know me!
I'm all for out of character conversation. Met some of my best friends through rp's. All I ask is that we keep it out of the rp itself. Just call it a personal preference.

5. F-list and how no means No.
For those who weren't curious enough to click the links in my signature, My sacrifice to the Erotes happens to be my F-list ^.~ The things I hunger for tends to change daily. After rp'ing for more than half my life, though, I believe I have a firm grasp on things I won't be pursuaded into. This means I'll at least consider anything you don't see there. So please be sure to check it out before contacting me. It could save us both some time.

A Few Useful Odds and Ends

1. Shall I pencil you in?
I aim to post once per rp per day five days a week. Lately I've only been replying every two or three days, but I'm going to do my best to amend this with time. There might be times when I can post more often, but please be kind. I'm ​just trying to keep from getting overwhelmed. If you're willing to be patient with me, I'll do my best to make it worth the wait, promise ^.~

2. It's all a matter of (third person past tense) perspective!
Exactly as it says on the tin. It's just what I do, and I'll be much happier participating in rp's with it.

3. It's all good, from triple X to PG, the RP is the bomb whether spotless or dirty!
All I'm saying is, despite my innuendoes and jokes, I'm good for pretty much any rating. What counts is an interesting plot, three dimensional characters, and you.

4. To fur or not to fur?
I have a plethora of characters (so many voices in my head!), from human to neko to furry to scaly to demonic to angelic to a world of kitsune to elven (I think I even have a halfling and a space fox hiding somewhere ^.^;; ). Just because there's a kitten in my name and avatar (and jokes) doesn't mean I'm restricted to the cute little fuzzballs.

5. And finally, minimalist requests.
Please don't get discouraged if you don't see many specific requests here. I come from a time when one person would randomly describe a setting with their character and other random folks would drop their own characters in to see what happens. So this preplanning thing is still rather awkward to me. Always feel free to shoot me your own ideas though. You never know what might strike that creative spark and start a bonfire, and many times a small sparkler is all I need!

The Requests! The Requests! My Kingdom for the Requests!

1. Genres!
Quite a few people have already asked me about this one. If I had to choose what genre attracts me the most, it would be varying degrees of fantasy, slice of life, or their lovechild! Most any genre can be appealing, though, depending on the plot and how well-written it is.

2. A Stranger in a New World
An earthquake has rocked the coast. Only registering as a 4.2 on the Richter Scale, it would hardly make the news except that its source is seemingly unidentifiable. Meanwhile, a strange woman in a poor state has wandered into town. She doesn't know the language and struggles to comprehend the world as it is. Where did she come from? Does she have anything to do with the earthquake?

To be perfectly honest, I'll be using this idea to help pull a character out of her old life and into a new one. There are some fun twists that can happen, though most of it is going to be flying by the seat of our pants. It can remain purely PG or go into adult territory depending on how the story goes. If you would like to have a better idea of what it's about before committing to it, please feel free to pm me.

3. A Simple Slice of Life
Nothing specific here. Just a setting and two characters interacting (and NPCs, as needed ^.~ ). Think of it much like the type of anime that's more about the characters than the plot. One where we add to the world together.

4. I Showed You Mine, Will You Show Me Yours?
I know my ideas are so few (I didn't even make it to 5 o.o ), but I'm always open to hearing yours. Like I mentioned above, you never know what will lure out the Muse!

Recent Cravings!

1. About That Rating >.>
I should probably note here that I'm not really looking for sex-focused RPs right now (actually, I should probably have mentioned it a lot sooner, but I'm a bad kitten like that ^.~ ). I might be able to be led into an rp involving sex if you're that good at writing and it's not the sole focus of the RP, though, so it's something to keep in mind.

2. A Part of Your World!
I don't feel like I have the energy to take the reigns very much right now, so come to be with your ideas. I'm not here to fill a cookie-cutter role, but I would love to plop one of my characters into your world with your character(s!) and see what happens.

That's pretty much it folks! Have fun!
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