The Roleplay Desires of Arreis

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Jul 15, 2017
So, this is for all the plots where I wish to play a female character. All of them will be largely equal. So if you see something you like, hit me up with a PM and we can hash something out! Also, don't be discouraged by how few plots there are right now. I promise there will be more to come as I think of them!

Let's get this out of the way so that we can move on the real fun stuff. I'm very flexible in what I do enjoy, and quite honestly the list of my hard no's is much shorter than the things I'll say yes to.

Those hard no's are:
- Snuff
- Vore
- Abuse (Will clarify upon request)
- Watersports/Scat
- Gore during sex

If it's not listed there, then ask. It could be it's something I haven't encountered before and thus didn't think to add it, or is situational based on the setting or simply the plot of the story taking place. Now for the things I love. These are by no means required So if there's something there that just isn't your thing,
don't worry. We can still work something out together ^^

And so my favorite things that apply here:
- Double Penetration
- Anal
- Competition
- Teasing/ Slow Build
- Biting
- Breast/Nipple Play
- Exotic Cocks

With all that out of the way, let's move on to the plots!

It's been xxx amount of years since she was put in cryo sleep. Life on earth is gone. The cryo chambers have stopped running without maintenance, and only hers remains. On an archaeological trip to the now extinct planet, an alien discovers her working cryo chamber and takes it back with him to revive her. Being the last of her kind she provides a chance for insight as to how her people used to live, and how they ultimately came to their end...That is, if she can ever recover from the amnesia caused by extended cryo sleep.

Now, I do see her and the researcher having a relationship. Whether it's taboo or not is open to discussion, but I feel like things might start out with her depending on him a little and then as she becomes more confident and more certain of how this strange new world works things become more equal. I would also be open to doing this where she instead simply wakes up at some point in the far future.

We can make this futuristic as we like, or place it a little closer to modern day. The basic premise is that Earth seeks to either make, or strengthen, an alliance with a planet that they have been in contact with. So far gifts and talks have been enough, but the alien government is saying they want a stronger sign of Earth's good will. They want a true union. The solution is a marriage between their general (or their leader) and whatever woman he chooses from their planet. It doesn't matter what walk of life she comes from, so long as the leader likes her. The deal seems very one sided when presented, but it would lead to their ultimate goal. Thus the ambassadors accept and one human woman is married to an alien.

I don't expect them to fall in love right away. I actually expect there to be a little bit of a one-sided attraction on the alien's part (and possibly some annoyance that she isn't how he imagined she would be), and some anger on the human's part. That means that there will be non-con in the start that will likely progress to dub-con before full on consent. Also, I would like to fully explore how their relationship develops as well as potentially weave in a conspiracy that seeks to destroy the alliance and begin all out war between the two sides, leaving our heroes to get to the bottom of it and save both their worlds

Two kingdoms have been at war for many, many years and only now have called the truce. Each side is slowly dying and nobody is winning, thus forcing the hands of the two rulers. However, not everyone is willing to allow such a thing to happen, and as the two newlyweds are forced together, plans are in the works to force the war to a true conclusion.

I would like to play this with a human/non-human sort of pairing, and I do not expect them to fall in love right away. I expect that in the beginning there will be non-consensual sex taking place, and I'd like to see them gradually brought together and even tested in their bonds of duty, loyalty, and eventually love as conspirators working to break the treaty pit them against each other, and make them look bad in the eyes of their people and each other.

They've been destined to love each other since the day their souls were placed on the Earth. The first time they came together their love burned brighter than any other. But the ever jealous Goddess of love regretted linking those two as no love of hers had been so deep, so intense, and so pure. So she cursed them. They would always find each other, but they would never get a full lifetime together. They would always be separated by death, forced to endure hardship and heartache just to see each other...But can they break this curse and find happiness together finally?

I would like to see this played as a modern fantasy where one of them has become immortal by some means, and begins to see the pattern. They try to end it by avoiding the other, but they never can and they keep seeing them die over and over again. Tired of it, and tired of always suffering because of it, they set out to find a way to break the curse. Before they can they meet their beloved once again, and now must strive to not only keep them alive, but to avoid the wrath of a being the world has forgotten, and seek out a way to end the miserable cycle hidden somewhere in an age where magic is tucked away in hidden places.

I have an idea I'd like to play out where, through magic of some kind or perhaps because of being a half-dragon raised by a human, a dragon grows up trapped in a human form and never knowing who they really are. The only indication they may not be human is the scales that run down their left arm and cover their hand, sharp claws on that same hand, and the simple fact that their eyes are a bright gold. At some point, there's a lot of possibilities for when so I'm open to suggestion, a dragon moves into the forest cave not too far from the small town and catches sight of the odd human. Only, said human smells like a dragon. Determined to free the other dragon from the prison it's been forced into, they kidnap them and hold them hostage to allow their presence to wake the beasts that's slumbering inside the human.

I see not only a chance to explore their relationship, but also her gradual transformation into what she really is and learning the story of why she had been trapped like she was. We can, of course, discuss the finer details together and potentially weave a fine tale for our characters to discover and learn together.
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