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- Jan 3, 2017
Smut>Plot (70-30)
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No one knew what was happening at first. Odd blips on the satellites. Unidentified drone like machines were being sighted internationally. Strange lights appearing in the night sky. Suddenly, the defense satellites were being systematically destroyed. Humans being what they were, they fell to blaming each other almost immediately. Panic rose when every country in the world was sent a “gift”. In the guise of kindness and caution, the aliens had come to Earth to make first contact. Or, so they said. The deeply unfortunate thing that everyone eventually learned about life outside our pale blue dot was that they were a lot like us. Perhaps worse, if that were even possible. But this knowledge would come later. When the envoy ships landed in various capitals and cities, people were hopeful. In the aftermath of the assassination of Tekartha Mondatta, the riots and increased tensions had left the Earth burnt out on itself. Humanity was at an opportune time to meet their new galactic neighbors with peace. Overwatch and various other organizations working in tandem to suppress potential violence. Weapons were seized and destroyed. After all, humanity couldn’t be trusted not to mess this one colossal first impression up by acting like humans. The effort left most fighting forces outside Overwatch and their newfound sister organizations thoroughly declawed. The safety of the envoy ships was guaranteed. Initial communications with them were rough, but the world governments and Overwatch made sure these celestial guests knew Earth had thrown away most of it’s weapons and welcomed them with open arms. At this assurance, the envoy ships opened.
And this… was the beginning of the end.
There is little need to detail the ensuing massacre. The Earth had handed herself to these invaders on a silver platter. Every part of their plan made infinitely easier by their own victims. Governmental intel was shared freely. Technology and culture exhibited and outlined in careful detail. Humans and Omnics shared the best of themselves. All that they did well. All that was worthwhile and meaningful on that planet.
And in the interest of being “honest” they shared the worst of themselves too. The wars of the past and present. The weapons, tactics, people, and all that ever contributed blood and oilshed upon the soil. Even the very psychological profiles, programs, and tendencies of scant few sentient “species” on the planet. Earth gave everything. All of this Earth had done to itself. Spurred on by it’s own supposed heroes and saviors. Not that the Drav’aq wouldn’t have easily conquered the planet anyway. The technology, ruthlessness, and plain superior biology was lightyears ahead of Earth. But at least they might have fought. Might have died feeling something other than shame and guilt.
Guilt. The realization of what they had done to themselves. It was the ones that pushed so hard for peace and acceptance, the ones whose hearts were so full of optimistic light and hope. They took it so hard. So very hard.
There is no winning now. That war had been lost before it began. Now there was only fleeing. Only frantic last grasps at freedom from an enslaved planet.
Some governors had begun to take interesting humans as pets. While inferior in every other aspect, stories make their way around the planet of humanity's one unique and horrifying gift; they were fun to breed.
Suggest a hero and we can discuss!