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Alfheim Schooling (East and Frogger)


Mar 17, 2012

The alarm clock blared, and stirred him from what was otherwise a peaceful rest, he yawned, stretching out. The one good thing about the amusphere was that it kept the body rested in a state of REM sleep while active. Meaning one could log out at 4 am in the morning, and still feel like they were ready to face the day.

The problem with the device however was very simple, the body didn't move like it did in regular REM sleep no tossing or turning, meaning that if you had a rather uncomfortable mattress like he had than be prepared to wake up sore.

Walking into his shower, and stretching himself out he felt like he was going to break something, the hot water only helping to ease the feeling slightly. By the time he had eaten his breakfast, and gotten to his car he was however mostly awake.

The radio chimed in as he pulled out of his driveway. "And it's another sunny day, the heatwave that has struck us hard this September is sure to keep the beach season running at least a few more weeks with highs of upwards of 110 expected, but low humidity makes sure that it's gonna be a high heat."

Yep, and all the windows in his classroom, are going to turn his room into a sweaty, ungodly green house nightmare. Still that was why he was wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

Pulling into the school it was only around 6 o'clock which meant he still had plenty of time to sit in his chair and cook. Leaving the windows down he left his old beaten down car where it was, and walked up to the teachers lounge finding coffee and a news paper.

This was his life, every monday through friday, with the exception of wensday's because his school opened an hour later on the hump day. It was easy, it was predictable, and it was boring as hell.

Compare that to the fantasy world offered by the vrmmo, and it was little wonder why most of his free time was spent logged in.

"Okay what's the lession plan today?" He looked over his schedual, there was one bright side, today was Monday, which meant that class 4E the one he taught had the pool for P.E. "Well that will be refreshing at least. P.E. is our second period, which just leaves... everything else to deal with." He regarded the layout of his classroom.

It was on the second floor, with windows that faced inward, overlooking the schools inside court, which also happened to have a glass roof. "Which means you can cook an egg in this room come noon."
Insistent blaring interrupted the otherwise peaceful silence, shattering it into a bunch of tiny little pieces and grinding it into the carpet. A groan was quick to follow, slivers of bright blue peeking out to glare at the alarm clock in question. Deirdre considered the idea of rolling over, but thought better of it, and instead reached out to turn the damn thing off.

Oh, right. It’s Monday morning. Forcing herself to sit up, Deirdre rubbed at an eye, groaning for an entirely different reason this time. The world blurry, consisting of nothing but indistinct colors and shapes, her other hand went on the search to fix this problem.

Finally finding the solution, Deirdre slipped on her glasses. A yawn nearly broke her jaw in two, but, miraculously enough, didn’t. Damn it. The Amusphere usually puts the body in a state of REM sleep, only thing is, it doesn’t seem to work. Not for her. Nope. Every morning, it’s the same story.

Deirdre glanced at the clock one last time. If only she had the power to turn back time, even if it’s just an hour or two… but of course, she’s not that lucky. A sigh escaping her lips, the girl dragged her feet as she slipped into the shower with the hope of waking up.

“Hot…” Deirdre groaned under her breath, blinking at the sun that’s trying so damn hard to burn her retinas. Lifting a hand to shield her eyes, the ugly ‘yellow chariot’ of high school pulled to a stop before her, though not without protesting about… something or another. Not that it really matters. Every single one needs to be replaced, or repaired, or one of the two.

The door cranked open, just to let out a bunch of hot air. Kids are chatting inside, bits and pieces of their conversations wafting out, laughter following shortly after. Deirdre climbed up the stairs.

How much will it cost to buy herself an old, beat-up car? It doesn’t have to be pretty, all it has to do is run. Oh… wait, she’ll have to pay for car insurance, gas… the whole nine yards. Deirdre wrinkled her nose, plopping down in the closest seat available and crossing a leg over the other.

Luckily it doesn’t take long to get from here to there. Most of the kids have to get up way earlier just to catch the bus, but not her. Nope. Deirdre can literally get up twenty minutes before it’s supposed to arrive, and be right as rain.

Bright blue eyes drifted out through the window, watching as trees flew on by. A hand came up to cup the girl’s chin, a sigh leaving her lips two seconds later.

This world has got nothing on Alfheim. There, everything is… amazing, beautiful, all of the above. Magic exists. Once she puts on the helmet, she has wings… and she feels powerful. A new adventure lurks around every corner. Deirdre cracked open an eye as the bus began to slow down, the school rolling into view. Great… A small scowl pulling at her lips, she went to join the crowd shuffling to get off.

Jumping off the last step, Deirdre lifted her head, a few tendrils of brown falling forward to grace her features. Today is Monday… in other words, she’ll be receiving grades back on tests, tons of homework, and information that ‘will be on your next quiz’. Wonderful!

Deirdre Ann Bloom -
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