Curse of the Monster Women [F x F]

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Jul 9, 2017
Lately I have found my self craving monsters of all sorts. Or I should say, Demi-Humans. Corrupted humans of all kinds who take on the forms of beasts or monsters alike. Harpies, Taurs, Driders, Lamia's, Naga's, Merwomen, and other creatures befitting of the term Demon. I am obsessed with the romanticization of monsters. The idea of creatures who lost their humanity or never had it may still seek and discover love, sex or affection of some kind. I have thought of various plots and concepts regarding this theme and would like to find a partner to explore them with.

I am a gay woman seeking another woman interested in descriptive paragraph based role-play. I prefer to Rp strictly on skype. If you're interested please explain what interests you the most, your must-have kinks and the plots you may want to explore, or if you have any ideas along the same theme. If you PM me with a one line message or something not regarding this post at all, then I will ignore you. I enjoy smut mixed with heavy plot and character building. Not all of the plots I am going to list here have to be explicitly long term, but do offer the chance to be explored with more than two characters or to expand into a bigger world.

As for my kinks, I enjoy Non-con. Rape and forced transformation. The idea of a monster spreading her curse to another human woman, changing her against her will only for her to succumb to the bond between them and be tricked into believing she's falling in love when it is merely a side effect of the curse/bond. I have other kinks but my main one and the one this theme explores is that. I am a sub primarily but I can be convinced to play the dom role of the story if you absolutely can only play the sub. That said if you also prefer to sub I do enjoy finding a half way point where we both can get our cake and eat it too. This theme offers a lot of breathing room too so that we can switch roles after a certain point, say if one character was turned and succumbed to the curse. years pass and then she continues the circle by turning another, etc. Now below I will list a bunch of plot ideas I have. Some will have very specific monsters for the setting, others will be more open, and again if you have any ideas fitting along the same theme, I'm open to hear them.

Note: Some images within the tags below are NSFW

The River Sirens

The Crescent River is a grand river, wide, and vast that connects all the kingdoms in the land. Many use the river as the quickest and easiest way to travel between kingdoms or to trade and barter. However there is one spit of land the river passes through a forest where the grand river splits into many maze like rivers within the deep, dark, forest grove. Larger ships can not pass through this point. Settlements have been built on either side where merchants are forced to travel via horse and carriage around the forest. Smaller ships and boats can travel these rivers, however even then it is not advised as that is where the river sirens dwell, or so they say. Beautiful creatures with floral colored hair and the likeness of a human woman, yet hidden below the surface, not legs, but a snake like tail, or the fins of a fish! They trick men into diving into the waters only to feast on their flesh with their razor sharp teeth. But what of women? Women do not sail the rivers, nor do they travel like knights, but what would happen if one did. Would the river sirens eat them too? Where do the river sirens come from? Perhaps they are enamoured by human women, and when one treks through their rivers they too trick them into their waters, but not to feast upon, but to change, and love.

This plays on the stories of sirens luring men to their deaths either to eat or drown. The twist being, that men spin tales of these creatures being flesh eating monsters who are not to be trusted, but women travellers are few and far between so any stories of their fates to such creatures remain untold. We would follow a woman, a sailor (or knight like in the image) who traverses the forest believing she would be immune to the sirens allure because she is a woman, when in fact it is women they desire most.


The Princess and the Fountain
There is a kingdom ruled by a benovolent King which is at war with oppressive foes, kingdoms and empires far greater and more powerful than it. The kingdom has managed to remain safe by staying neutral as long as possible but it is only a matter of time before the peaceful kingdom is swallowed by the armies of opposition.

There is a legend of a hidden land, home of a long forgotten kingdom that fell to ruin as a result of a cursed fountain. Anyone who bathed in the waters were changed into horrific monsters and eventually the curse spread everywhere until the land was lost to madness.
Only the King and a select few of his advisors and royal guard know that their kingdom is what was built by the survivors of the curse, and the lost kingdom lies deep below the castle through a ravine into a hidden cavernous labyrinthian ruin.

In a secret chamber, there is a pit where the fountain continues to spout its cursed waters. This is where they discard their most vile criminals. They toss them down below into the fountain where they are turned into monstrous demi humans, before a lever is pulled which empties the chamber of water into the ravine and the cavernous ruins miles below the castle.

On his daughters 18th birthday, the King brings her to the fountain chamber to reveal the secret of the kingdoms history, the true legacy of their family and her duty to keep the fountain safe from discovery and to only use it to discard the most vile criminals. To demonstrate he has his most trusted royal knights bring in a criminal to discard into the fountain below, a crazed woman charged with killing several infant children. The princess watches in awe as the woman painfully transforms into a monstrous and gigantic spider hybrid before being flushed into the cavernous ruins below. The king had expected his innocent and pure daughter to be horrified by such things but instead was unnerved by her delight.

The princess had always hid her more sadistic nature from her father, but never could she ever imagine witnessing something so beautiful to make her loins burn so. Watching another painfully changed into a monster against their will was like something out of her deepest fantasies, but she was forbidden from ever seeing the fountain again and was told it was a burden to protect it when she was Queen.

In order to maintain her innocent act she pretended to be frightened of it, but eventually suggested to her father that he use the fountain to build an army of unstoppable monsters, so that they don't get crushed by the more fearsome kingdoms. Instead her father proved to be weak and refused to do something so horrible. Fearing her father was beginning to suspect her darker nature she convinced him that the fountain needed to be destroyed and that he bring her there once more so they could figure out a way to destroy the chamber. he foolishly obliged and she pushed him over the edge, turning him into a beast before, pulling the lever to flush him into the ruins below.

Now she seeks to build an army.

Okay so this is actually based on an idea I had for a short story, hence the depth and detail of the plot hook, but I wouldn't mind playing out this story as there's a lot of room for it becoming a long term roleplay and many directions to take. My thoughts are the RP could take place right after she disposes of her father. She wants to experiment so she searches to find a handmaiden or female knight to change.

Heres some inspiration images as the types of monsters are less important here. could be random or pre determined. the monster they change into could also be based on personality.




The Gentle Demon
A demon of monstrous size, with horns and hooves and demonic like claws, plagues many small villages as it hunts, kills and feeds upon the flesh of those it captures. For decades it has continued this cycle until one day it captures a woman but something flips inside her dormant mind which has relied on instinct for so very long. It feeds the woman its blood by force, developing a bond between them, which over the course of days would also corrupt the woman and turn her into a demon as well. Over time, the bond awakens the demon, she becomes lucid and begins to redevelop her old identity one she lost to instinct when her sire, the one who changed her was killed by hunters.

This is one where I'd prefer to play the demon. Which begins as a dom role capturing, force feeding the toher, and more. As her personality awakens she becomes lucid. a docile personality emerges. but depending on how the story goes it doesnt mean she'd become the sub. could be a fun story to explore.


Other more simpler plots involving a woman, whether she be a warrior, traveler, maiden, princess etc. And a monster of our choice, can also be discussed. The hooks mentioned above are things i'd love to explore but I'm entirely open to coming up with our own scenario regarding a woman being captured or changed by a monster. Below are some other inspiration images.








More plot hooks to be added later.
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