FxF - Fantasy worlds: Sci-Fi, Post-Apoc, Tribal, High and Low

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Dumb Jackoff Junkie
Dec 9, 2014
Hi there. Just call me Color for now. I'm interested in doing a fantasy style, FxF role play with at least some smut expected, somewhere. It can be heavily smut dependent, or heavily plot dependent, or a mix. But I would like smut now and again.

I am not interested in futa or male characters, at all. I don't have any problem with anthromorphs or monster/alien girls though. I do actually write male, but I typically don't care to. Here is my f-list. It's a little different than normal. The Fave category consists of my absolute top things I like. A willingness to indulge in them will definitely grab my attention. The Yes category are things I really like, but simply don't hold enough merit to be a fave. Nos are nos, period. So why is Maybe blank? Because honestly I'm pretty damn open. I like a lot of stuff, but not enough to warrant mentioning it. I actually have no problem with vanilla sex and can enjoy it, but is the vanilla sex itself really a draw for me? No. On the other hand, I'm not a huge fan of abusing my partner's character, but could I be convinced to? Maybe, if it fits the plot, but more important is that I like you as a writer. I am usually willing to write smut I don't get off on, just because I know it's pleasing to my parter. But if I don't enjoy my time with you, why would I want to bother?

So, what makes me like you as a writer, you might ask? Well, here you go:
-At least two to three paragraphs a post.
-Attention to detail.
-Describe your character's emotions, and preferably with more content than "Mia became sad." "Mia's heart felt like it had constricted at the wrong time and missed a beat. Her throat locked up and it was all she could do to choke back her tears. In a wavering voice that fought not to sob, she spoke..." Is a millions more interesting to me. Even if it's strictly metaphysical, "She felt like she'd been tossed down in an abyss. Drifting in an empty expanse, cold and alone, with only the pieces of her shattered heart to hold onto as they fell out of the hole in her chest," still sounds better than "Mia got really sad upon being rejected."
-Include the thoughts of your character, even if they're never spoken. Give me a window to their personality beyond the realm of their actions.
-Being friendly and positive OOC and having a willingness to discuss our RP is a huge boon.
-Adding to the RP at least 2-3 times a week, daily is awesome but not expected
-less RP posting can be offset by keeping up OOC communication and letting me know you haven't jumped ship
-If you wanna jump ship, just spit it out, it really is that simple. I do not hound anyone nor do I wish to be hounded

As far as themes go, I deal in fantasy, the more elaborate and original, the better. I like world building. I don't care for straight fandoms, nor do I want to sink time into consuming some other media to create a world when I'm perfectly content to create my own.

I would like a setting that allows for use of magic, hi-tech, or fictional modes of convention that differ from our own. Whether it's airships or spaceships, warp portals or dimension hopping, gene therapy nano-machines or transmogrification potions, etc. the fantasy is where the fun is for me. On the smut side of this, creative sex-toy use and aphrodisiacs (be it a spell, drug, or chemical that is produced by the body and transferred to the partner) are highly welcome.

I want to avoid the narrator/reactionist dialogue. I've been the narrator and "lead thinker," too many times and I'm bored to death of it. I want a co-creator, not someone to react to me or me to just their own world.

So, without further ado: themes and plots! Do keep in mind plot suggestions are not concrete or even planned out. Nor am I demanding I fill a "role." I can play a dominant type or a hard dom, or submissive type or hard sub. Maybe your character is more of the hero, maybe mine is. Talk to me about it. Feel free to share your own ideas with me if you think a world or plot you are working on might peek my interest.

Far flung future where hi-tech rules. Cyborization and gene splicing or augmentation is common, or at least a decent amount of the population can afford it. It could be your typical dystopian setting ala Shadowrun or some such; a major virtual reality environment can be a feature; Space-opera style planetary hopping and globe trotting; hell, even giant mech-suits ala Gundam can be a thing. Perhaps people are getting sucked into a virtual world. If one wants to break the mold even further, we can do a Utopian setting instead of the ever used dystopian style.

Plot Centric
-A new drug for cyborgs has hit the black markets of the seedy LED lit streets of Little Chip, a city founded on businesses profiting in prosthetics. The new drug rides on the nerve connections between prosthetic limbs and the actual body, and gives the user a potent surge of pleasure as if they were experiencing a tactile orgasm along their whole prosthetic, cranked to 11. It's addictive and is causing nerve damage to users, ultimately fucking up their body's connections to their cybernetic prosthetics. It's YC and MC job as a pair undercover investigators to get to the bottom of the source and end it. Is it merely gang related? Is it a company trying to sabotage their customers so they shell out more money for new prosthetic installs? A move implemented by a human purist group to harm the cyborg community? We've been tasked to find out.

-Interstellar space-trade is a booming business, but it's also rife with danger. Space pirates are a very real thing. Rival companies pay mercs to mess with and destroy competitors ships and cargo. One character is the pilot, and the other runs the weapon systems. Together they ship valuable cargo through space and enjoy each other's company in the lull. However, the two have just taken on a huge task for an inordinate sum of money that would have them set for life. But there's a catch. The cargo is sealed, it's not to be looked into. Whatever it is, it's highly political and can effect the outcome of a planet's society. Some very bad people very high up will be trying to pull strings to take us down. Or maybe they're not the bad guys, and we don't realize we're the ones doing dirty work.
Smut Centric
-A woman has finally decided to open herself up to the world of body mods. It's always been a welcome thing in the sexually free utopia of the future, there are even areas of the city where exhibition is allowed and (silently) encouraged. She visits one of the many Erotic Body Shops (specializing in nanobot gene therapy, sex aids, and toys.) After talking to the clerk for awhile, the clerk offers a product demo which results in a sexual escapade. Short term: just the demo. Long term: the girl repeatedly comes back to spend time at the shop, getting hooked. The clerk never ceases turning the girl on to new ideas, taking on the girl as her new plaything. Could evolve to romance, the girl joining a personal harem of the clerk's, the girl joining the company and also becoming a clerk, etc. Exploration of exhibitionist themes can play a bigger role too.

-Virtual reality is almost as good as reality. Maybe even better. People are playing online virtual games where they get to actually feel and experience their characters, and filter out any undue amounts of pain. A girl meets a hacker of the game she's in, at first put off by the cheater, the hacker shows her a "program," she made to push the upper-floor of sensitivity to pleasure beyond the game's boundary. Beyond what the physical could normally even send the brain. The girl lets the hacker use it on her, she finds it not just ramps up her pleasure, but also alters her sexual perspective. Many more things and ideas become turn ons, and she finds herself caring less about the game, and more how she can (literally) fuck around in it. The hacker takes the reigns through most of this, steering the girl and herself into deviancy.

-Once a month cyborgs need to go in to get their body's maintenanced. A cyborg woman has a very special relation with her mechanic, an enthusiastic engineer who loves tech a little to much. Every time the cyborg comes in, her and the engineer wind up doing it on the maintence table. The engineer is never short on toys, her ample salary allows her to blow it on whatever contraptions she pleases, or buy specialty parts for her favorite customers. Skin with extra-dense nerve endings, tiny microscopic vibrators that can be inserted into the skin and activated with a thought, a simulated, direct and powerful injection of pleasure to the brain straight from the digitized spinal column, etc.

Again in the far future, but most of society has been degraded. Any tech being used is more often salvaged rather than built. Society may have regressed back to villages or even small tribes. Monsters or monster-people may roam the world or even rule it, humankind's civilization haven fallen in the wake of it. Significant re-growth of the planet's nature would have occurred (as opposed to the Mad Max desert world cliche which.) Ruined cities reclaimed by nature, old laboratories or factories ripe for plundering and salvage. Perhaps mankind has undergone some strange mutations.

Plot Centric:
-Our characters are two respected warrior-salvagers within a small society of people that inhabit a large, ancient, blown out city. A rival tribe has set up at the opposite end, and we are competing for resources with them. We unearth a potential weapon that could turn the tide in our favor, possibly even wipe them out. Do we risk making the mistake of our forbearers and destroy a people? Will we use it as a threat for the rival tribe to assimilate? Destroy it, but at the cost of being branded as traitors by our tribe and expelled at best or sentenced to death at worst?

Smut Centric:
A matriarchal society of monster women is collecting female members of the human race as servants and pets to female nobles of their monster race. It simply wouldn't do to have the men near them, so they enslave the females of other species (especially humans.) A new girl is captured and assigned to her new mistress, and must learn to live in her new life. The monster mistress is not especially hard on the poor human, but absolutely wishes to use her for pleasure.
Long-term: the two actually fall for one another, and the monster mistress allows the female human a more elevated status within society, and the human female tries to help the monster female climb the ranks of her society."

If you're really looking for just a cookie cutter D&D or Tolkien world, please find someone else. Wanna come up with our own divinities, magic systems, magi-tech, political boundaries, races and the like? Or cobble one together from numerous mythos? Wanna do some low fantasy with magical realms breaking into the modern world? Fantastic, drop me a line.

Plot suggestions pending.

I suppose this is more of a spin on the high-fantasy concept and could also fit in with a post-apocalyptic setting, but what I'm really trying to denote here is the typical use of magic in the world. A much heavier emphasis on spirits and deities, whether they are summoned forward or channeled and possessed. Heavy nature magic that isn't simply elvish. More grey realms than "divine" or "hell" realms. Neither one nor the other, but perhaps there are realms connected with joy, lust, anger, life, death, nature, elemental, etc. that are accepted as just being part of life, rather than explicitly good or bad.

Plot suggestions pending

Other atypical settings are welcome too, such as planeswalking ala Magic the Gathering or eastern kung-fu magic ala Avatar. Actually, if anyone could pull off a MtG one I'd be pretty damn floored, I would not expect that fandom to be represented here.

As per characters, I've no interest in teens. Or honestly even young 20 somethings. I want the characters to be equipped and capable to explore their world and already have the knowledge and tools needed for the job. If they look young, fine, but I've no interest in pairing up with a brat of a character or an adult in a child's body. If they are a monster or anthromorph, I'd prefer them to be more on the humanoid side, but something like a mostly furry body isn't bad, it's more the shape (and having hands, because paws are stupidly impractical without thumbs and all.) Just ask about this stuff, because I'm open to a lot here but there's probably things I would rather not have. I suppose multiple main characters could be run (I've no problem with side characters that come and go,) but tell me what you have in mind here or I'll assume 1x1, which is my preference for mains.
RE: FxF only. Sci-fi, Fantasy, Post-Apocalypse, Tribal

Bump. Updated the sci-fI category with possible narratives. I realized in the process of doing that, that I seem to really gravitate towards the idea of one character leading another into utter deviancy. My gut tells me there's a definite reason for that.

Anyways, I've decided each time I bump this I'll add to it a bit.
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