Volume 53: Basics of Mers Academy
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The contents of this book explain the basics needed to become a hero in Mers Academy. While the field work of a hero is indeed invaluable, so is one's understanding of what had created the hero occupation. Becoming a hero is a daunting task, as it requires one to sacrifice themselves for the development and survivorship of mankind. To ensure that heroes and hero-students do not fall to despair, they must understand the history of humanity, as well as why the hero occupation was established. These few chapters will briefly highlight important concepts that all heroes must understand.
Chapter 1: Origins of the World
Chapter 2: Humans and Bestia
Chapter 3: Equipment and Sub-occupations
Chapter 4: The City of Mers
Chapter 5: Mers Academy for Heroes
Chapter 6: Other Human Settlements
Chapter 7: Photoperiods
Chapter 8: The Twin Moons
Chapter 9: The Continents
Chapter 1: Origins of the World
Torr, the planet in which we reside, is believed to have formed billions of years ago from debris surrounding the sun. As the proto-planet formed, it pulled two smaller collections of rock into its orbit. These two smaller collections would eventually become known as the twin moons, Xeoria and Yevis. Continued bombardment of Torr would bring oceans to the proto-planet, effectively cooling it down. As the conditions of the planet settled, the first forms of microbial life formed. As life evolved, the first intelligent species was born: the Giants. Or, simply put, Gods. The Gods ruled over Torr using god mana, a magical essence gifted to them from the planet itself. They used their innate abilities to settle disputes among one another.
It is unknown what dispute triggered the end of the Gods' Era. After the battle stopped, there only remained three Gods to watch over Torr - Frostsch, Beelz, and Paradis. After seeing the havoc that they'd brought upon their own kind, the three gods went into a deep sleep and allowed mother Torr to recover from its wounds. As the planet healed, it brought forth another form of intelligent life, known as the humans. Humans were smaller than gods and lived relatively short life spans. They were not gifted the same mana as the gods. Instead, their mana-less characteristics would force them to invent tools.
Fortunately for the humans, they would receive their own taste of magic. A small group of humans unveiled a meteor crash site and were immediately infected by its contents. Mana began to flow through them, creating new vessels unique to mana. With mana in hand, humans dominated Torr and constructed entire cities to fit their needs.
Chapter 2: Humans and Bestia
There has been much debate as to the origins of bestia and what their connection is with humanity. Throughout Mers history, two theories have persisted. The first theory states that humanity and bestia have existed alongside each other throughout time. The second theory states that humans originated on the Earth first, leisurely enjoying millions of years without the threat of bestia. This text provides proof for the latter.
From recent hero exhibitions, we have discovered a destroyed culture littered around all four directions (The North, The South, The West, and The East). This destroyed culture bears a striking resemblance to our own. It is suggested that our Mers culture is actually the surviving remnant from this ancient civilization. While there is no definite proof, some believe that the ancient civilization was destroyed by the bestia. After witnessing the destructive influence of bestia, it would be a valid assumption to say that bestia would've quickly been able to subdue this ancient civilization as soon as the two made contact. If that is the case, then we could cointegrate the destruction of the old culture with the arrival of bestia.
As for the method of "arrival" for bestia, not much is known. Some theories propose that bestia were born from an evolutionary development akin to rapid cladogenesis. However, rapid cladogenesis requires an ancestor species - which has yet to be found. Another set of theories proposes that bestia are extraterrestrial beings. The life history of bestia has already been proven to be very parasitic, and unlikely to develop given the climate history of Torr. It would be much easier to assume that bestia evolved elsewhere, then arrived on Torr. Likewise, this theory has its faults. The suggestion of bestia being extraterrestrial falls short when scientists have failed to explain how they arrived on Torr.
Humans and bestia have been natural adversaries since the invention of written history. Not much is known as to why humans and bestia are engaged in a trans-historical conflict. According to ancient records by Prometheus, the bestia were originally animals who had become "cursed by the stars themselves." Bestia, Prometheus claims, have stark similarities to animals. Upon examination of a bestia corpse, Prometheus discovered that the morphological structure of the bestia greatly resembles that of an animal, however with key distinctions. The individual tissues of bestia contained a violet, crystal-like lattice which exhibited superior tensile strength and faster axon-firing velocity. These unique tissues provided superior locomotion and cognitive processing than the bestia's animal counterparts. While the structural similarities suggest a casual relationship between bestia and animals, no conclusive statement could be drawn.
Bestia have been recorded to sleep for a duration equal to, or longer than their animal counterparts. Bestia are seen to hunt animals and humans most commonly, and will occasionally consume plants. Bestia do not share diets with their animal counterparts. Their primary consumption appears to be meat - regardless of the diet of their herbivore animal equivalent. Bestia predation is most likely the result of high energy demands from the bestia's biochemical processes.
Chapter 3: Equipment and Sub-occupations
While much of a hero's equipment can vary, there are particular equipment that every hero must carry with them at all times when exploring the Outside. The list of equipment includes: a portable first aid kit, a combat knife, a lighter, a flare, a compass, and a dog tag. (Reminder to show this to Beelz)
The following are sub-occupations that a hero can take on:
- Swordsman
- Traditional
- Two-handed swordsman
- Berserker
- Buchaneer
- Samurai
- Warrior
- Traditional
- Dancer
- Lancers
- Traditional
- Cavalier
- Mage
- Traditional
- Alchemist
- White Mage
- Rogue
- Traditional
- Ninja
- Assassin
- Archers
- Traditional
- Arbalist
- Tamers
- Traditional
- Mechanics
- Traditional
- Gunslingers
- Magi snipers
Human settlements outside of Mers isn't uncommon. Mers shares an intimate relationship with these smaller communities and will often offer protection and resources for services. Recently, distant communities have been discovered near the borders of the currently explored world. These communities appear to vary immensely in culture, and are often isolated. Bestia have prevented these distant communities from interacting, and have also prevented Mers from discovering them. However, nominal progress has been made in territory exploration and has allowed Mers to rapidly expand their known world map.
Territory outside of Mers is simply referred to as 'The Outside', while inhabitants there are referred to as "Outsiders". Despite not being Mersian, the Mers government openly accepts Outsiders into the city. Outsiders are treated as equals.
Chapter 7: Photoperiod
A day in Torr has been equally divided into twenty-four hours, which is further sub-categorized into ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM). While this division has been sufficient for some, others prefer to sub-categorize time by the six unique appearances of the sky:
- Twilight is characterized by subtle light hugging the horizon against the dark sky.
- Dawn is characterized by the sun appearing over the horizon at a set point on Torr. The sunrise is usually accompanied with a hazy orange and pink hue rising up against the blackness of the sky.
- Daytime has a typically uniform blue color.
- Sunset has a similar hue as dawn. Streaks of orange, red, and violet spread through the sky.
- Second Twilight occurs shortly after a sunset, where any light in the sky has been refracted from the sun beneath the horizon. The sky appears violet and casts a violet hue down on Torr.
- Nighttime has a mix of black and dark blue in the sky, which mixes together like brushes of a paintbrush. On low-illuminated areas outside of Mers, stars, supernovas, and even the center of the galaxy can be easily seen.
There are two moons which orbit around each other, and ultimately around Mers. Xeoria is considered the main moon because it is prevalent during most nights. So, Yevis, the secondary moon, only appears on occasion. Most of the time, Yevis is seen to be either completely or partially eclipsed by Xeoria. In the rare occasions that Yevis appears in front of Xeoria, the reflective properties of Yevis turns the night sky on Torr into a deep violet color. On these occasions, bestia have also been known to exhibit strange behaviors. (Content discussed on Pg. 14 of PM... must continue writing later)
Chapter 9: Continents
Torr is home to six continents: Latos, Onith, Kalum, Vehone, Geadall, and Ilaeus.
Vehone's climate tends to be mostly humid. The continent is known for its jungles, thus possessing a wide range of wildlife. Interestingly enough, there exists bestia with an equal amount of variety within Vehone.
The notes section is a set of blank sheets that can be used for students to add in additional notes.
-Future train mission
-Quinn uses more and more of her powers, slowly causing a "bestia-ification" of herself
-Quinn gets monstrous desires to kill as she overuses her abilities; she also sometimes feels a bit "monstrous" towards Ryo
-Ryo and his master story (+Quinn vs. master)
-Quinn origin story?
-Ryo and Quinn meet a fellow student that's leagues above them. Even when they see his weaknesses, he continually improves. This student looks like a great ally for them, until it turns out he ends up being their enemy (traitor? Bestia-weapon too much for him? He joins an opposing faction?)
-Upperclassmen who graduate rebel against the Mers government, viewing Mers-weapons as evil (if our guys fight their old upperclassmen, it would be a wonderful experience vs. power battle)
-Exploring more of the world
-Olivia origin story?
-Since the bestia attacks, humankind has become fragmented across the world. There is some communication between nearby settlements, but dangerous bestia roaming the area prevents most people from venturing out too far
-On the map, the Eastern-most continents will probably be the last to be found. These two continents were originally connected by a land bridge. However, the meteor that spread the bestia microbe had destroyed the land bridge, thus separating the two continents.
-Transfer students to Mers
-Need to make separate section for Volume 57: Mers Revelations (includes Ixions, new regions, character logs)
-Dictator will eventually send Beaststalkers to a mission in the Research Sector. The research sector is walled off from the rest of the city. Although the peripheral focuses on more public works, the deeper portion of the sector contains captured bestia which are being experimented with. Some are being used to mold into Ixions, while others are being used to create mind-controlled bestia (idea for cybernetic monkey). Beaststalkers sent on this mission to fight against bestia that have been set free
-In Onith, two civilizations are fighting against one another. One side possesses a valkyrie with no name (no one knows her name - the valkyrie even discarded her own name to rid herself of her humanity). She had been trained as a super-soldier as well, however by accident. The girl has fought against entire armies almost by herself, meaning that she needed to have relentless stamina and fight abilities that puts her foes on defense - though not for long after she kills them. The girl is easily able to outclass Ryo and Quinn, and that's without a ixion. If Ryo and Quinn are on the same side as the Valkyrie, then they'll have to 2 vs. 1 the Valkyrie. If they can prove themselves to the Valkyrie, then she'll help their cause
-Idea (not yet shared with Beelz): General Ny - He's known as the artillery master - capable of commanding strategic artillery shots to decimate enemies on the battlefield. Using a "complete defense" method of fighting, he trains the front guards of his army to tank damage, as well as magic-nullifying mages in the rear.
-Idea (not yet shared with Beelz): A plot involving awakening a bestia that was, according to legends, thrown into lava. Eventually, the bestia, which was formerly a dragon, emerges from the ground and appears black in color along with some fresh orange lava outlining its shape. The dragon has lost everything but its serpentine body and dragon head, resembling a dragon-snake more than anything else.
-Idea (not yet shared with Beelz): A sacred lantern and scepter were stored away for ages and believed to have been blessed by the gods. The antagonist of this arc wants to raise a continent long sunken beneath the sea - even if it means sinking the entire continent of Vehone as a consequence.
-Idea (not yet shared with Beelz): Large island South of Geadall and Ilaeus are the theoretical home of the gods. On the peninsula of Geadall, there lies a giant stone balance beam meant to keep the two continents (Geadall and Islaeus) in order. Need to expand more on this idea.
-Underground labyrinth (beneath the world map itself)
-Jet stream that carries airships from Kalum to Geadall to Latos
-Grand canyon-esque landscape: specifically climbing on the sides through (large) ledges sounds cool. Shadows cover almost every part of the canyon, but it's a light shadow so everything is still visible
-Smokey mountain + snow + frozen river + stone pillars lit with fire, inspired by this image
-Mayan-like civilization, filled with stone pyramids, bridges forming over a river that eventually becomes a waterfall
-Magical civilization - city built on crater with chunks of levitating land and bridges connecting the floating land pieces; land elevated by some form of floating magic?
-Another cool pic for possible inspiration
-Idea: old pharaoh rises from the dead (haven't decided how yet) and hopes to reclaim old lands? Werewolf monster from Egyptian past? IDEA: Incorporate god mana in either the pharaoh or the werewolf.
-The Savage Six: Confident and quirky group of six fighters fighting for the Rebellion group (Inspired by Archie - Back Again)
-"Plague doctors" ruling unfairly over town infested by a virus from an undead dragon corpse
-Slime bestia?
-Mage who is an empath?
-Idea for scenic image: bubbles
-Thalia, who called Ryo a monster, had previously rejected his original role. After Caeligo and Ryo left Thalia, the unsightly world began to unravel before her. It was only when Caeligo returned by himself and picked Thalia up that she began to accept the more violent lifestyle. While she no longer considers Ryo a monster, she understands that her last interaction with Ryo ended badly.
-Ryo shows signs of transformation after his fight with Quinn.
-Blocking of mana capillaries coming from a survival technique by resistance
-Human mana is actually parasitic - but presents itself in another way (microorganism?) - have never discussed what happens if you use too much mana
-airplane hangar bestia fight scene "what the hell is that?"
-using ruins as camping grounds
-concept of needing complete destruction to move forward (the wall, ruins, relationships)
-Ryo and Quinn fighting a trained assassin that will mercilessly hunt them down
-Using an amplifier in fights (i.e. a church Bell for an auditory attack)
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