High Fantasy Smut? MxF

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Jun 4, 2017
I'm in the mood for some high fantasy smut! I just finished re-watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and I'd like to do a quick sexytimes rp in a high fantasy setting. I would be open to making it long term depending how it goes but generally I'm just looking for something short and sweet.

I would also consider sci-fantasy a la Star Wars.

I'm not actually looking to do a fandom piece just set in a middle earth-ish world.

I'm looking to roleplay with a dominant male character, I don't mind my partner's gender.

Discord or PMs

1-3 Paragraphs is probably what I'm looking for. You can do more but that's where I'm gonna go.
Despite the high fantasy setting, I'd like something a little low on the descriptions. We can discuss the setting and context a bit in the beginning so we can just jump right in. I'm not saying no descriptions, just that they aren't absolutely paramount.

Plot(s) and/or Pairing(s):
Noble + Noble - Force marriage!
Two households both alike in dignity have chosen to end their years long war with marrying off their two heirs.

Little Red Riding Hood + Big Bad Wolf!
The forest is forbidden why does Red just not listen?

Werewolf + Huntress!
Werewolves are hunted by the elite Hunter clan but what happens when they manage to capture a young huntress?

Queen + Invading General/King!
The Queen sat helplessly as she watched her beloved city razed to the ground. She was at the mercy of the invaders now.

Dark Wizard + Light Witch!
The Dark Wizard needs a new apprentice and decides to corrupt the local witch healer.

Right of the First Night!
It's the right of the lord to take any maidens who marry.

If you have other ideas you think I might like - hit me up in the PMs.

Risk of/forced impregnation
Werewolves/Humanoid Beasts

Excessive Gore
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