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Mar 5, 2013


Hello. My name is Slimpies and I love to write and write about writing. Welcome to the show.

Tonight's trick ladies and gentlemen, is to convince you to write with me. Yes you, the cute redhead in the blue dress, and you in the back with the rosy cheeks; Wait did you just have sex? You, hiding behind your phone in the front row and you, playing with your earring trying not to look directly at me. I'm here to convince all of you, all of you to write with me. But first, something about Slimpies.

About me:

I'm male and I've been on this planet for over thirty years. I'm literate and consider myself a more of a storyteller more than writer. I thoroughly enjoy coming up with interesting stories and new angles for existing ones. What we do here is co-writing just as much as it is called role play or at least I'm looking for people who see it the way I am. I'm looking for partners that will work with me, not just mirror what I write. Challenge my ideas and bring your own, twist them and turn them and craft them into a compelling story. If you have no imagination whatsoever we aren't going to get along.

I'm looking for good character and story development with a fair amount of well written smut. A good story is key, characters with both short and long-term goals, reasons and motivations for what they do. Regardless, I like a constant sexual tension to be prevalent in my stories. I like descriptions, but I prefer to know what's going on in your characters mind over the color of her panties. Tell me what she thinks, what she loves and what she fears. I love that, especially if she is conflicted. Using pictures for characters — and I'll play multiple characters if the story requires it — has grown on me, to the point that I now prefer it. I will post a few examples further down in this thread.

What to expect:

  • Every message answered, if you send me a message I will answer. Even if it's a no. I expect the same.
  • Respect. I respect you, you respect me. That's how it is.
  • Ooc chat. I am communicative. I love to plot.
  • Three to six paragraphs in every post.
  • Interesting settings and compelling characters.
  • Creativity. I don't usually take the beaten path.
  • A broad range of interesting kinks.

There it is, plain and simple. Highlighted in case you missed it. I do not expect anyone to go through my f-list so I'll list the most important concepts below:

What makes my heart skip:

  • Spanking. I'm a spanko. It's more than likely to be featured in our story. From playful to painful.
  • Multiple characters. I have no qualms about playing multiple characters against your sole protagonist.
  • Unwillingness. Non-consent. Pseudo consent. All preferably growing into consent, but not necessarily.
  • Tension, constant sexual tension. Sex isn't a requirement with me, but maintaining sexual tension is.

So, there's that. Like I said before everything can be found in my f-list. Now, what's left before we get to the actual stories? Oh...

What not to expect:

  • Text-talk. Not even out of character, please. Makes you look like an idiot.
  • Urine, scat, vomit. Keep it in the bathroom.
  • Realistic gore, mutilation & lots of blood. Not sexy.
  • Nothing remotely sexual involving animals, children or anything that is not within the site's rules.
  • Oversized, undersized, underaged. Under no circumstances.
  • Furries. I don't get it.
  • Footplay. I don't get it either.
  • Sexual cannibalism. I don't even want to get it.

Writing samples can be found here (The Summoning) and here (Fallen Angel)

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